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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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The establishment finally seems to have found its footing, and a concerted effort is underway to stop the Trump abomination from going forward.

The trick now will be to neuter him at the convention so he doesn't turn it into Chicago in 1968. After that we need a ticket of Governor Kasich and Governor Haley to have a good chance of winning in November.

Soooooooo, you'd like Kasich to be president, the loser that only got 10% of the vote a couple weeks or so ago, and Haley who? to be VP. If the boyz do indeed foist the loser on the ticket, the problems they then have are all of their own making. In fact, IMO the chances are that the GOP will self destruct.

I find it somewhat mind boggling that so many people seem only to like "democracy" when it produces a result they like. Mind you, I haven't thought "democracy" exists since I became old enough to vote. It's all a big con.

Those that want HRC to win, should be careful of what they wish for. Pity that there is no decent candidate of either party standing, which only goes to show how degraded western politics have become. Simply, no decent person would have anything to do with the corruption involved in modern politics, and we are all the worse off for it.

It's only been a couple of weeks since I last had the chance to post, and there are 20 more pages on this thread since then. Amazing, considering that almost none of us posting on it are able to vote in the US.

Re the horse head in the bed scenario; if any delegate that renegs on a valid Trump win in their state only finds a head in their bed, they should consider themselves fortunate.

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LOL. during her "grilling" she admitted to telling world leaders and her family hours after the Benghazi attack that it was a planned attack and not some spontaneous protest in reaction to a very low quality home-made movie.

She lied to the American people 2 months before an election to protect the candidate from her party (against the candidate from the party which only 28% of registered voters belong to).

But the Dem-controlled media skipped right over that tidbit to portray Clinton as "cool & collected" because they know people - which appears to include you - won't bother to check further.

Funny that because all but one of the investigations - including the Republican-led ones - decided that her statement about the attack being related to the video was correct based on the intelligence she was given at the time.

You always seem to forget that bit when you scream "Liar!".

Maybe it's time you got over the fact that America didn't want a chump like Romney in charge, and he would have lost anyway,


I don't call her a liar based on that. I call her a liar based on all the verifiable lies she tells eg that she landed in Bosnia under "fire" when she didn't.

And yet politifact rated her as being a lot more honest than Cruz or Trump and roughly even with Sanders. And on the Benghazi (should I write that as BENGHAZI!!!) they rated her statements as mostly true.

That's strange, given that I believe she said it was caused by a VDO, when it clearly wasn't, and then refused to answer the question in the Congressional inquiry, spitting the dummy instead.

I don't care whether she lied about it or not, as I expect a politician to be lying every time their lips move, but she was responsible, as Sec. State for the ambassador's safety and she obviously failed to ensure it. The buck stopped with her, and she didn't do her job. How then, can she be expected to be any better as president, when all the problems would be far, far greater. She has been tried and found wanting. Pity then that there is no one better standing against her, as she might simply win by default- a sorry best of a really bad bunch of candidates.

Are the present candidates REALLY the best that the USA, the richest and most powerful country in the world can come up with? How the mighty has fallen!

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The establishment finally seems to have found its footing, and a concerted effort is underway to stop the Trump abomination from going forward.

The trick now will be to neuter him at the convention so he doesn't turn it into Chicago in 1968. After that we need a ticket of Governor Kasich and Governor Haley to have a good chance of winning in November.

It's fun to watch the conservatives turn their hate machine against Trump. Now he's connected to the mob...

Pretty soon they will even be blaming HIM for Benghazzi.cheesy.gif

Wouldn't surprise me, a third of them blamed Obama for the poor response to Hurricane Katrina.



What makes those poll resultseven better is that while 29% of Louisiana Republicans blamed Obama, only 28% blamed Bush.

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21 Questions For Donald Trump

"I have covered Donald Trump off and on for 27 years — including breaking the story that in 1990,

when he claimed to be worth $3 billion but could not pay interest on loans coming due, his bankers put his net worth at minus $295 million."

"And so I have closely watched what Trump does and what government documents reveal about his conduct."

"Reporters, competing Republican candidates, and voters would learn a lot about Trump if they asked for complete answers to these 21 questions."


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For those asleep at the wheel... since 2008 Republicans have gradually taken control of the greater majority of State Legislatures and Governorships ... Plus regained control of the U.S. House and Senate. But of course the nearsighted lefties here blow that off as meaningless or are not even aware of the fact that there has been a sea change in political sentiment among voters. Nor do theses socialist wananabes have any understanding that this huge wave of change is what is behind the Trump Populist Uprising ... Instead Lefty Loons are pinning their hopes on two lackluster retreads ... A old socialist nutcase and tired old career criminal...

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This is a Trump thread or did I get lost.

Benghazi. Please, enough of that Fox news broken record.

Nobody cares except right wing fanatics who think they will beat HRC with that and basically they've got NOTHING.

Then tell the idiots that keep bringing up untruthful information about Benghazi.

Every thread is about Trump. He's the attack victim du jour for the liberals.

Yes, there are dozens of threads on Trump. He is being attacked verbally because he makes himself such a large target. If I went around the neighborhood shouting about how very rich I was, how my memory is so great, how everybody loves me, ....I think it would incite some attacks, and rightfully so. If I also ridiculed the handicapped, women, ethnic minorities, and called everyone who didn't praise me me "stupid" or "losers" it would exacerbate my unpopularity.

You'll notice that, for those and other reasons (proving how unfit he is to be in charge of anything important), many liberals are rooting for Trump to get the Republican nomination. Go Trump!

For those asleep at the wheel... since 2008 Republicans have gradually taken control of the greater majority of State Legislatures and Governorships ... Plus regained control of the U.S. House and Senate. But of course the nearsighted lefties here blow that off as meaningless or are not even aware of the fact that there has been a sea change in political sentiment among voters. Nor do theses socialist wananabes have any understanding that this huge wave of change is what is behind the Trump Populist Uprising ... Instead Lefty Loons are pinning their hopes on two lackluster retreads ... A old socialist nutcase and tired old career criminal...

A large but not the only reason, that Republicans score well at elections is; Republicans are generally good at getting out and voting. They particularly get out and vote (comparatively) during off-year or non-presidential election years. Liberals are generally lazier about voting, particularly in non-presidential years.

This year is a presidential year and the buzz is loud, so a significant # of liberals will get off their butts and vote.

JDGRUEN opines; "A old socialist nutcase and tired old career criminal..."

That's almost funny. Get ready to be twice as angry on November 9th.

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My fingers are crossed that he wins. Today's news:


The Donald should make a website showing where all Thai's are at all times in the U.S. They should be visited by U.S. Immigration, photographed in their apartment, forced to fetch random papers, and submit a application consisting of various copies of at least 70 pages every 11 months.

not hate - just asking for the same. Donald gets it, Europe is starting to get it.

Donald needs to ask what does Thailand bring to the table?

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Then tell the idiots that keep bringing up untruthful information about Benghazi.

Every thread is about Trump. He's the attack victim du jour for the liberals.

He's fun for one and all all over the world now.

You just have to look.

Like a train wreck.

Anyway, I'm one liberal who's now ALL IN for Trump to win the nomination.

The nomination.

Let him crash and burn the republican party. Can't wait!

Then You are in disagreement with your ruler barrack Hussein o. He's gotten on the stop trump bandwagon

He knows trump will win the general if nominated.

Your childish disrespectful misspelling of the name of the President of the United States noted. Did you see where his popularity is growing?

The President has a right (and a duty) to point out just how ridiculous Trump is. He has harmed world relationships.

More Democrats are jumping on the elect Trump bandwagon. I know I am. He's the best thing that's ever happened to Democrats. Dems should sweep the Presidency, the Senate and maybe even the House this fall.

Go Trump!

I agree, Obama SHOULD disrespect Trump publicly. The loonies haven't yet worked out that every time a loser like Obama and Bush disparage the Donald he only becomes more popular.

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This is a Trump thread or did I get lost.

Benghazi. Please, enough of that Fox news broken record.

Nobody cares except right wing fanatics who think they will beat HRC with that and basically they've got NOTHING.

Then tell the idiots that keep bringing up untruthful information about Benghazi.

Every thread is about Trump. He's the attack victim du jour for the liberals.

Yes, there are dozens of threads on Trump. He is being attacked verbally because he makes himself such a large target. If I went around the neighborhood shouting about how very rich I was, how my memory is so great, how everybody loves me, ....I think it would incite some attacks, and rightfully so. If I also ridiculed the handicapped, women, ethnic minorities, and called everyone who didn't praise me me "stupid" or "losers" it would exacerbate my unpopularity.

You'll notice that, for those and other reasons (proving how unfit he is to be in charge of anything important), many liberals are rooting for Trump to get the Republican nomination. Go Trump!

For those asleep at the wheel... since 2008 Republicans have gradually taken control of the greater majority of State Legislatures and Governorships ... Plus regained control of the U.S. House and Senate. But of course the nearsighted lefties here blow that off as meaningless or are not even aware of the fact that there has been a sea change in political sentiment among voters. Nor do theses socialist wananabes have any understanding that this huge wave of change is what is behind the Trump Populist Uprising ... Instead Lefty Loons are pinning their hopes on two lackluster retreads ... A old socialist nutcase and tired old career criminal...

A large but not the only reason, that Republicans score well at elections is; Republicans are generally good at getting out and voting. They particularly get out and vote (comparatively) during off-year or non-presidential election years. Liberals are generally lazier about voting, particularly in non-presidential years.

This year is a presidential year and the buzz is loud, so a significant # of liberals will get off their butts and vote.

JDGRUEN opines; "A old socialist nutcase and tired old career criminal..."

That's almost funny. Get ready to be twice as angry on November 9th.

Joke as much as you want- nothing can change the facts about Bernie and HRC ( except Bernie isn't a real socialist, but he is a nut case, though a nutcase I like ). I'd actually like Bernie to win and hear the elites like HRC scream in horror.

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This is a Trump thread or did I get lost.

Benghazi. Please, enough of that Fox news broken record.

Nobody cares except right wing fanatics who think they will beat HRC with that and basically they've got NOTHING.

Then tell the idiots that keep bringing up untruthful information about Benghazi.

Every thread is about Trump. He's the attack victim du jour for the liberals.

Yes, there are dozens of threads on Trump. He is being attacked verbally because he makes himself such a large target. If I went around the neighborhood shouting about how very rich I was, how my memory is so great, how everybody loves me, ....I think it would incite some attacks, and rightfully so. If I also ridiculed the handicapped, women, ethnic minorities, and called everyone who didn't praise me me "stupid" or "losers" it would exacerbate my unpopularity.

You'll notice that, for those and other reasons (proving how unfit he is to be in charge of anything important), many liberals are rooting for Trump to get the Republican nomination. Go Trump!

For those asleep at the wheel... since 2008 Republicans have gradually taken control of the greater majority of State Legislatures and Governorships ... Plus regained control of the U.S. House and Senate. But of course the nearsighted lefties here blow that off as meaningless or are not even aware of the fact that there has been a sea change in political sentiment among voters. Nor do theses socialist wananabes have any understanding that this huge wave of change is what is behind the Trump Populist Uprising ... Instead Lefty Loons are pinning their hopes on two lackluster retreads ... A old socialist nutcase and tired old career criminal...

A large but not the only reason, that Republicans score well at elections is; Republicans are generally good at getting out and voting. They particularly get out and vote (comparatively) during off-year or non-presidential election years. Liberals are generally lazier about voting, particularly in non-presidential years.

This year is a presidential year and the buzz is loud, so a significant # of liberals will get off their butts and vote.

JDGRUEN opines; "A old socialist nutcase and tired old career criminal..."

That's almost funny. Get ready to be twice as angry on November 9th.

What else would you call a silly old man who talks to birds?

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The "#No Trumper" lemmings aren't very tactical in their approach.

They call Trump and the people who support him "Stupid". That indeed makes

trumpers even more resolved. In fact, the only thing I hear now from the "#No Trumpers" is that they have pre-decided....for us...that Trump must not be nominated. The whole system is laughable. You can win so many states, and delegates...and come that close....but still have not a chance in the world. Now that is stupidity.

The "stupid" ones are tweaking the system...so much so, that people are starting to realize that the Nomination process is not including them. Lemmings, jumping off a cliff...in a hurry to call pro Trumpers stupid. How is that going to work? Wake up and realize that one cannot run for "President" without brown nosing the right people in their party. Trump's nose is clean. He has billions..but has not gone that route...much to his credit.

This is all going to go badly....watch out for the backlash....

So all you highly intelligent, manipulating, sons of beaches .....watch your backs.

Edited by slipperylobster
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JDGRUEN opines; "A old socialist nutcase and tired old career criminal..."

That's almost funny. Get ready to be twice as angry on November 9th.

What else would you call a silly old man who talks to birds?

People who can't discuss the real issues devolve to put-downs like that.

There's a large wild bird who frequents my backyard. Up until a few yards away, it doesn't flit away when I go near it.

I also talk to plants, so I must be a silly old man also.

Trump talks to women and denigrates them. He talks to disabled people also, and ridicules their disabilities.

I admit, it is strange: no matter how he trips up ("women who seek abortions should be punished", etc), he remains popular with his fixed (not growing) numbers of supporters - estimate about 17% of all voters. It's rather like a mother who, when told her 30-year-old ex-army son robbed a bank, immediately claims, "oh no, that can't be true. If you knew my Johnny, you'd know he is a kind loving person. He hand-colors a mother's day card for me each year."

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The "#No Trumper" lemmings aren't very tactical in their approach.

They call Trump and the people who support him "Stupid". That indeed makes

trumpers even more resolved.

Yes, but that doesn't make them any less stupid.

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The "#No Trumper" lemmings aren't very tactical in their approach.

They call Trump and the people who support him "Stupid". That indeed makes

trumpers even more resolved.


"Yes, but that doesn't make them any less stupid."


Thanks for the validation. I will be sure to have it framed and mounted, right next to my krapper.

Case in point...."#No Trumpers" haven't a clue why they don't want trump to get the nomination. A stupid billionaire? haha.... well...that makes cents. (no pun intended).

If I listened to them, I would probably believe Walmart is the height of fashion and drinking beer on food stamps is "happy hour".


Here is a #NoTrumper getting ready for the Convention bashing ..


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The "#No Trumper" lemmings aren't very tactical in their approach.

They call Trump and the people who support him "Stupid". That indeed makes

trumpers even more resolved.

Yes, but that doesn't make them any less stupid.

That may or may not be true. Not having met any I can't say for sure, but it would be equally true to say that it would appear that people that want HRC to be president are also stupid.

So, was anything changed by calling a lot of people stupid- no. So perhaps we can stop with the insults and start using some actual facts in the debate.

So far, the only thing I can surmise with any certainty is that ALL the candidates would not be even considered in a political system that wasn't broken.

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You just have to look.

Like a train wreck.

Anyway, I'm one liberal who's now ALL IN for Trump to win the nomination.

The nomination.

Let him crash and burn the republican party. Can't wait!

Then You are in disagreement with your ruler barrack Hussein o. He's gotten on the stop trump bandwagon

He knows trump will win the general if nominated.

Your childish disrespectful misspelling of the name of the President of the United States noted. Did you see where his popularity is growing?

The President has a right (and a duty) to point out just how ridiculous Trump is. He has harmed world relationships.

More Democrats are jumping on the elect Trump bandwagon. I know I am. He's the best thing that's ever happened to Democrats. Dems should sweep the Presidency, the Senate and maybe even the House this fall.

Go Trump!

I agree, Obama SHOULD disrespect Trump publicly. The loonies haven't yet worked out that every time a loser like Obama and Bush disparage the Donald he only becomes more popular.

And all the polls that show otherwise are lies. Just like they lied about the 2012 presidential election. I used to call people like you inhabitants of Fox World. I guess you've emigrated to Breitbart.com World.

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Donald Trump lambasts 'rigged' delegate system

"Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has described as "rigged" the way the US state of Colorado picks its presidential nominee."

"They weren't given a vote. It's a crooked deal. The system is rigged, crooked. That's not the way democracy is supposed to work." clap2.gif
"But Colorado decided to select its delegates in a different way, at its own state convention." laugh.png
Boo Hoo. Welcome to the Machine. Should have read your history. (When they did it to one of their own, Ron Paul in 2012.)
Hey Donnie, maybe you can get some of your mob friends to go and make them an offer they can't refuse. cheesy.gif
The Bloviator will never become President of the United States. Ain't gonna happen.
You're not part of the club. And they detest you. Got it?
Your history of shady business tactics and despicable associations are no match for the Big Leagues. thumbsup.gif
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"The minute an outsider starts talking about and working with and setting up offices to get delegates,

then the outsider’s supporters, “Uh-oh, is he selling us out or is he being suckered in by the establishment?” They start being distrustful. It’s from the beginning of time..."

"They’re on the map because they’re not part of that whole system." whistling.gif

"Even if they don’t get to 1,237, they’re gonna really need to have to master that system, because the other guys set that system up and the other guys write the rules." laugh.png



Edited by iReason
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Then You are in disagreement with your ruler barrack Hussein o. He's gotten on the stop trump bandwagon

He knows trump will win the general if nominated.

Your childish disrespectful misspelling of the name of the President of the United States noted. Did you see where his popularity is growing?

The President has a right (and a duty) to point out just how ridiculous Trump is. He has harmed world relationships.

More Democrats are jumping on the elect Trump bandwagon. I know I am. He's the best thing that's ever happened to Democrats. Dems should sweep the Presidency, the Senate and maybe even the House this fall.

Go Trump!

"Your childish disrespectful misspelling of the name of the President of the United States noted."

Always the spelling police. I suppose when that's all you have....

"The President has a right (and a duty) to point out just how ridiculous Trump is."

​The President has the right to be as big a fool as he wishes but he has no such "duty". The President has the duty to "...take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed..." among his other Constitutional duties.

Nowhere does the Constitution claim he has the "duty" to enter into another party's primary election process.

Most of you liberals are not the brightest bulbs in the chandelier.

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Then You are in disagreement with your ruler barrack Hussein o. He's gotten on the stop trump bandwagon

He knows trump will win the general if nominated.

Your childish disrespectful misspelling of the name of the President of the United States noted. Did you see where his popularity is growing?

The President has a right (and a duty) to point out just how ridiculous Trump is. He has harmed world relationships.

More Democrats are jumping on the elect Trump bandwagon. I know I am. He's the best thing that's ever happened to Democrats. Dems should sweep the Presidency, the Senate and maybe even the House this fall.

Go Trump!

"Your childish disrespectful misspelling of the name of the President of the United States noted."

Always the spelling police. I suppose when that's all you have....

"The President has a right (and a duty) to point out just how ridiculous Trump is."

​The President has the right to be as big a fool as he wishes but he has no such "duty". The President has the duty to "...take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed..." among his other Constitutional duties.

Nowhere does the Constitution claim he has the "duty" to enter into another party's primary election process.

Most of you liberals are not the brightest bulbs in the chandelier.

"Most of you liberals are not the brightest bulbs in the chandelier."

Speaking of intellectual brightness, you seem to have forgotten a few striking facts



In case you have forgotten how to use a link, allow me to summarize. In Silicon Valley, which conservatives repeatedly love to point out as proof of the superiority of the American economic system where the best and brightest are allowed to compete, the vast majority of employees are Democrats.

Among scientists a whopping total of 6% are Republicans. To be fair, another 6% lean Republican. Whereas a mere total of 81% are Democratic or Lean Democratic.

Edited by stillbornagain
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"Most of you liberals are not the brightest bulbs in the chandelier."

Speaking of intellectual brightness, you seem to have forgotten a few striking facts



In case you have forgotten how to use a link, allow me to summarize. In Silicon Valley, which conservatives repeatedly love to point out as proof of the superiority of the American economic system where the best and brightest are allowed to compete, the vast majority of employees are Democrats.

Among scientists a whopping total of 6% are Republicans. To be fair, another 6% lean Republican. Whereas a mere total of 81% are Democratic or Lean Democratic.

Watching the fake conservative news, they often mock scientists,

The 200 Nobel Science Prize winners that advise the president on climate change are "soooo stupid...."

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Two Trump kids miss one big deadline, now can't vote in New York primary

"Two of Donald Trump’s children won’t be able to vote for their father in the New York primary next week,

after failing to change their party affiliation in time for the state’s 19 April primary." clap2.gif

"The deadline for the two to change their party affiliation under the state’s stringent voter registration laws was 9 October, 2015."


Perhaps they realized there's no point...laugh.png


Edited by iReason
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Billionaires fund anti-Trump delegate push

"Super PAC mounts state-by-state effort to elect convention delegates who oppose Trump."

"First they spent tens of millions trying to boost their favorite presidential candidates, then they poured cash into ads attacking Donald Trump,

and now some of the biggest donors on the right are turning their attention to the delegate fight."

"Anti-Trump billionaires are funding ground operations in an increasing number of states to try to ensure the selection of national convention delegates who oppose Trump."


The game is afoot... thumbsup.gif

It's gonna be splendid watching the Great Bloviator go down.

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Hmmm... Paul Ryan decides to release a video of his political views? whistling.gif

Hmmm... While not running for re-election? Oh, and no other Speaker of the House has ever produced a video before. Re-election or not.

Just warming up...

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