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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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The reason the establishment is trying so hard to beat Trump is that he's an outsider and he'll be the end of their gravy train not to mention their power. The old man's club in DC is about to get a butt kicking named Trump from the voters.

Everyone so far who has counted Trump out has egg on his face. Go ahead and be part of that group. It's Trump in a landslide, Hillary for Prison.


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The reason the establishment is trying so hard to beat Trump is that he's an outsider and he'll be the end of their gravy train not to mention their power. The old man's club in DC is about to get a butt kicking named Trump from the voters.

Everyone so far who has counted Trump out has egg on his face. Go ahead and be part of that group. It's Trump in a landslide, Hillary for Prison.



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60,000+ Democrats have switched to a Republican Party registration just so they can vote for Trump in Pennsylvania tomorrow. Those would normally be Hillary voters. LINK

There's never been anything like this - ever.

keep tellin yourself its gonna be alright. I promise not to laugh too hard next november

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In some states there are as many as 60% more Republican voters coming out for these primaries than did 4 years ago for Romney. This is about Trump.

No pollster can predict how many people will vote in the general election. Trump is about even with Hillary in the latest poll as a percentage of those polled, but he's going to pull a lot more excited voters than Hillary will and she will lose.

No one gets excited about that bale of hay, Hillary.

Just a couple of months ago Trump was trailing Hillary by at least 10%. He's not only gaining on her to be about even as a percentage of those polled, but he's pulling a lot more voters in every state.

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In some states there are as many as 60% more Republican voters coming out for these primaries than did 4 years ago for Romney. This is about Trump.

No pollster can predict how many people will vote in the general election. Trump is about even with Hillary in the latest poll as a percentage of those polled, but he's going to pull a lot more excited voters than Hillary will and she will lose.

No one gets excited about that bale of hay, Hillary.

Just a couple of months ago Trump was trailing Hillary by at least 10%. He's not only gaining on her to be about even as a percentage of those polled, but he's pulling a lot more voters in every state.


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WHY and HOW do people keep underestimating Trump? They were planning his funeral last year when he announced he was running, and he just kept and keeps getting stronger. He started out with 17 R candidates in the race which makes it almost impossible to get more than 50% of the total votes. But he has been drawing record crowds and record numbers of voters and crossover voters from Democrats and he's on the verge of getting the 1237 delegates he needs. That's despite the clear fact that the establishment has made up rules to try to stop him.

Why why why underestimate this guy any longer???

Which Trump are you talking about? Is it the Trump who says foreigner-bashing things at redneck rallies, or the Trump who is stumped by simple questions about abortion.

Is it the Trump who cusses and has denigrating names for everyone who isn't a big fan of his? Or is it the the Trump who says, while his daughter is sitting on his lap, that he would love to date her?

There are at least two Trumps, if you ask anyone close to him or knows him, including Ben Carson.

I admit, I underestimated Trump. I predicted in January that he would crash and burn by the ides of March. I was wrong. He's still going. It's a testament to how many rednecks there are in the US, and how easily they're swayed by a great salesman - who fans their crude biases.

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Too late to stop Trump?

lol...read the news and weep. Cruz is wiping the snot off his sniveling nose...as we speak (write).

Run back to the midwest, tiny ted.

Old hillary has her uppity nosed girlfriends gathering up their votes...and getting ready for the Presidency. Only problem with that is...her past is full of cobwebs, dirty panties in the closet, and payoffs. She will be fortunate if the FBI drops their investigation....but I think, it's too late for her.

HRC>>>>>>>>Your Past has just caught up with you, at the very worst time. Watch news on this to come.

You're forgetting one simple thing:

All the dirt they have on Hillary has been thrown at her, and doesn't seem to be working.

The DNC haven't even started on Trump yet.

We'll find out how well he "hits back" when there are boatloads of faecal matter dropping on him from a great height about his use of Chinese manufacturers, cheap - legal and illegal - foreign labour, and mafioso types.

As well as how much he personally benefited from the four companies he bankrupted, etc.

The real fun hasn't even started yet.

Not really. She will have to release the transcripts of her speeches to Wall Street. She will still win but only because of the sexist vote.

So you think sexists will vote for her do you?


Of course. Do you think only men are sexist? 5555555555555555555

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WHY and HOW do people keep underestimating Trump? They were planning his funeral last year when he announced he was running, and he just kept and keeps getting stronger. He started out with 17 R candidates in the race which makes it almost impossible to get more than 50% of the total votes. But he has been drawing record crowds and record numbers of voters and crossover voters from Democrats and he's on the verge of getting the 1237 delegates he needs. That's despite the clear fact that the establishment has made up rules to try to stop him.

Why why why underestimate this guy any longer???

Which Trump are you talking about? Is it the Trump who says foreigner-bashing things at redneck rallies, or the Trump who is stumped by simple questions about abortion.

Is it the Trump who cusses and has denigrating names for everyone who isn't a big fan of his? Or is it the the Trump who says, while his daughter is sitting on his lap, that he would love to date her?

There are at least two Trumps, if you ask anyone close to him or knows him, including Ben Carson.

I admit, I underestimated Trump. I predicted in January that he would crash and burn by the ides of March. I was wrong. He's still going. It's a testament to how many rednecks there are in the US, and how easily they're swayed by a great salesman - who fans their crude biases.

It's a testament to how many rednecks there are in the US

Do you not see that you are speaking as offensively as you claim he is? Pots and kettles etc.

You are also not shy of speaking with forked tongue. His daughter was not sitting on his lap when he said he'd like to date her.

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WHY and HOW do people keep underestimating Trump? They were planning his funeral last year when he announced he was running, and he just kept and keeps getting stronger. He started out with 17 R candidates in the race which makes it almost impossible to get more than 50% of the total votes. But he has been drawing record crowds and record numbers of voters and crossover voters from Democrats and he's on the verge of getting the 1237 delegates he needs. That's despite the clear fact that the establishment has made up rules to try to stop him.

Why why why underestimate this guy any longer???

you dont have to underestimate him to know he is going to hand the election to the democrats if he gets the nomination

That's not a given if HRC is the Dem. candidate. So much of the brown stuff is going to shower down on her from the GOP that many Dem. voters may stay home.

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WHY and HOW do people keep underestimating Trump? They were planning his funeral last year when he announced he was running, and he just kept and keeps getting stronger. He started out with 17 R candidates in the race which makes it almost impossible to get more than 50% of the total votes. But he has been drawing record crowds and record numbers of voters and crossover voters from Democrats and he's on the verge of getting the 1237 delegates he needs. That's despite the clear fact that the establishment has made up rules to try to stop him.

Why why why underestimate this guy any longer???

you dont have to underestimate him to know he is going to hand the election to the democrats if he gets the nomination

That's not a given if HRC is the Dem. candidate. So much of the brown stuff is going to shower down on her from the GOP that many Dem. voters may stay home.

its a lock

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Trump keep chugging along ... and all the derisive comments from the lefties on this discussion thread have had NO Effect whatsoever on Trump's progress. So go ahead Lefties -- snipe, snarl, bloviate and obfuscate all you want -- it really does not matter.

Sorry, I beg to differ. All of the derisive, non factual, belittling and name calling that passes for discussion by the anti Trump camp serves to solidify and increase his support. I for one didn't much care for the man until I started reading how much the rest of the world that sponges off of the USA don't like the guy - he can't be all bad. Bout time they put on their big boy pants and started paying their own way and not expect America to foot the bills. I figure the more they complain by juvenile name calling tactics the more the Trump machine picks up steam.

I find it quite hilarious (slightly hypocritical) that these Trump supporters, go off on Liberals spoofing Trump with nicknames when Trump himself blathers out stuff like "Lyin Ted" "Crooked Hilary", I mean c'mon, your man is as guilty as the rest of us there.

And that everyone making fun of him makes his cause stronger?cheesy.gif Keep telling yourselves that see, you in November.

For you right whingers !

Here are the top ten new nicknames for Donald Trump after he ran home sobbing from the debate, afraid to answer tough questions by Megyn Kelly:

Prima Donald

The Vet Evictor (for staging a benefit for veterans after trying to sweep disabled vets from New York City streets for more than a decade)

Timid Trumpster and The Dainty Donald

Crybaby Prima Donald

Kelly's Zero (pun on Kelly's Heroes)

Donald deGonad

Master Debater

The Debate Hater

Little Donnie Sissypants

Vanilla Isis and The Tufted Taliban

Dishonorable Mention: Baldfaced Crier, Tepid Trumpeter, Trumpling Dildogiggle.gif

In China, here are his nicknames:

China’s internet users, most of the time, view Trump as a joke. He is nicknamed “Chuanpu,” an abbreviation of “Sichuan Putonghua,” which means “Mandarin with a Sichuan accent.” This is simply because “Trump” and “Chuanpu” sound somewhat similar (the secondpronunciation here). The localization has become a reason to support Trump, Weibo users joke.

“Doubi,” is online slang that literally means “funny (female genitalia),” but is closer in meaning to “funny douchebag.”

In Mexico, they burn effigies of Trump, and five of the top comedians have formed a troupe called "Los Hijos de Trump."

No matter the scene, they manage to make Trump look absolutely ridiculous.


Not that it’s hard to do!

So of course, tickets are selling like churros.


Using Chinese and Mexican anti Trump feeling to say that Trump is bad is HILARIOUS. Those two countries have been ripping off the US for years and no one has dared to say nay. When someone comes along that MIGHT do something to stop the joy ride what else do you think they are going to do- welcome him?

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Using Chinese and Mexican anti Trump feeling to say that Trump is bad is HILARIOUS. Those two countries have been ripping off the US for years and no one has dared to say nay. When someone comes along that MIGHT do something to stop the joy ride what else do you think they are going to do- welcome him?

ripping off one of the worlds great economic bullies?? lol

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Using Chinese and Mexican anti Trump feeling to say that Trump is bad is HILARIOUS. Those two countries have been ripping off the US for years and no one has dared to say nay. When someone comes along that MIGHT do something to stop the joy ride what else do you think they are going to do- welcome him?

ripping off one of the worlds great economic bullies?? lol

Your point is?

This election is about the UNITED STATES president, not a referendum on American international economic history.

If you want to discuss that, start another thread.

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Using Chinese and Mexican anti Trump feeling to say that Trump is bad is HILARIOUS. Those two countries have been ripping off the US for years and no one has dared to say nay. When someone comes along that MIGHT do something to stop the joy ride what else do you think they are going to do- welcome him?

ripping off one of the worlds great economic bullies?? lol

Your point is?

This election is about the UNITED STATES president, not a referendum on American international economic history.

If you want to discuss that, start another thread.

youre the one who brought up rip offs

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In some states there are as many as 60% more Republican voters coming out for these primaries than did 4 years ago for Romney. This is about Trump.

No pollster can predict how many people will vote in the general election. Trump is about even with Hillary in the latest poll as a percentage of those polled, but he's going to pull a lot more excited voters than Hillary will and she will lose.

No one gets excited about that bale of hay, Hillary.

Just a couple of months ago Trump was trailing Hillary by at least 10%. He's not only gaining on her to be about even as a percentage of those polled, but he's pulling a lot more voters in every state.


For the information of our liberal friends:

The question is do they like Trump that much or do they dislike Hillary that much.


Exclusive Data Analysis: GOP Primary Turnout Up 8.7 Million Votes, More Than 60 Percent in 2016 Versus 2012
25 Apr 2016
Newly compiled data after the New York Republican primary shows that among the states that have voted so far in 2016, GOP primary and caucus turnout is up well more than 8 million votes and well more than 60 percent over 2012’s process.
Top GOP officials say that the intense interest in the GOP primary throughout the year so far only serves to benefit the Republican nominee in November, whoever it ends up being.
In total, so far, nationwide the GOP has seen an increase of 8,719,041 votes in 2016’s primaries, caucuses and conventions over 2012’s primaries, caucuses and conventions. In 2012, 14,452,500 people voted in each of the states and territories that have held contests so far in 2016. In 2016, 23,171,541 people have voted in the GOP contests so far. That is a 60.33 percent increase in GOP contest turnout in just four years.
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In some states there are as many as 60% more Republican voters coming out for these primaries than did 4 years ago for Romney. This is about Trump.

No pollster can predict how many people will vote in the general election. Trump is about even with Hillary in the latest poll as a percentage of those polled, but he's going to pull a lot more excited voters than Hillary will and she will lose.

No one gets excited about that bale of hay, Hillary.

Just a couple of months ago Trump was trailing Hillary by at least 10%. He's not only gaining on her to be about even as a percentage of those polled, but he's pulling a lot more voters in every state.

One-third to 40% of Republican voters say they cannot vote for Trump for Potus.

One-third to 40% of Republican voters say they cannot vote for Cruz for Potus.

One-third to 40% of Republican voters say they cannot vote for the Rino Kasich for Potus.

The one-third plus vary as to which one of 'em they can't vote for as the R party's nominee. But one-third of 'em it remains, irrespective of the particular composition.

The real world polling also says Trump has lost majority support across every demographic of the body politic except evangelicals and tea party poopers.

When HRC announed last year all she needed to win was the Obama coalition of 2012 (preferably of 2008, but not required). The R party nominee will not equal much less surpass the loser Romney's total popular vote in 2012 when Barack Obama won comfortably.

The R party nominee this year won't get the popular vote percentage John McCain got in 2008 (46%). The R party nominee this election will get just more than 40% at best of the total popular vote, most likely however below the 40% mark of the total popular vote.

Check back also after the Republican National Convention and Riot in mid-July when the R party and its nominee will mark new lows in the public polling as they set out to fly kamikaze into the general election and its campaign.

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Here is a little reality for you Trump haters. Tomorrow, Trump will win five primaries. In case you forgot, those are actual elections where people vote, not a group of insider party bigwigs who select candidates, but real elections. Trump will likely go over 50% in EVERY ONE. That would give him 5-6 consecutive wins over 50%---that is something St. Ted of Calgary has yet to do in ONE SINGLE ACTUAL primary. He didn't even get 50% in his home state, a truly lame performance.

Here is another prediction: Trump will have 1000 delegates by the end of voting tomorrow. Given that WV and NJ and NM are still out there---and he leads big in all three---and that he will get a minimum of 140 delegates in CA, where he leads big, that's the ball game.

Oh, I didn't forget that there are still elections in IN, OR, WA, MT, or NE, only that if my math is right, Trump wouldn't need one delegate from any of them to reach 1237. He will already be close to 1300. However, now that Bobby Knight is campaigning with him, I would guess he takes IN too.

That's your math and figures don't lie.

You'd need also to look at the math the Republican National Committee does.

For instance, your math adds up delegate votes while the RNC substracts delegate votes.

Bottom line is that whoever gets there first wins.

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The reason the establishment is trying so hard to beat Trump is that he's an outsider and he'll be the end of their gravy train not to mention their power. The old man's club in DC is about to get a butt kicking named Trump from the voters.

Everyone so far who has counted Trump out has egg on his face. Go ahead and be part of that group. It's Trump in a landslide, Hillary for Prison.



You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one

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The Donald Trump Pygmalion Project

"Mr. Manafort rolled out his Pygmalion project with a PowerPoint presentation behind closed doors at the Republican National Committee retreat in Florida last week.

The part he’s been playing is evolving,” Mr. Manafort assured the Republicans."

"Mr. Trump doesn’t really mean it when he says things like he’ll deport 11 million immigrants,

or block Muslims from entering the country, or kill terrorists’ children, or when he maligns women.

He’s doing all that, Mr. Manafort suggested, to win the primaries " blink.pngSay what? Could you please repeat that?

"Starting small, the Trump-improvement strategists have already persuaded Mr. Trump to deliver a New York victory speech devoid of epithets,

and to stop calling the Sunday morning TV shows to bloviate on this or that." laugh.png



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Hillary has her nomination thanks to the hard work of the media over the last 8 years. The only mystery remaining is how the GOP establishment will play their hand with Trump coming to the convention with the 1237 already in place.

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Hillary has her nomination thanks to the hard work of the media over the last 8 years. The only mystery remaining is how the GOP establishment will play their hand with Trump coming to the convention with the 1237 already in place.

the GOP won't have a hand. theyve gone bust!

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60,000+ Democrats have switched to a Republican Party registration just so they can vote for Trump in Pennsylvania tomorrow. Those would normally be Hillary voters. LINK

There's never been anything like this - ever.

Each day since around the middle of last summer I become more convinced that God has finally decided to take the plunge and join the Democratic Party. How else could one account for this GodSend....

GOP insiders: Trump could hobble party for years

“The Republican Party could be maimed for years following the 2016 presidential election,” party insiders tell the Washington Examiner.

“They worry not just that front-runner Donald Trump will lose the general election to Hillary Clinton, but that the disruption he’s proudly caused will mean lost elections and diminished influence for years to come.”

“The outlook is so bad that a contested convention to stop the New York businessman is not their biggest worry, they say, even as he gets close to the 1,237 delegates he needs to secure the nomination… The deeper concern is that Trump will remake the party in his own image, breaking it to pieces and ending its existence as America’s recognizable and electable conservative party.

Why would God do this? He's feed up to here with the rightwhinge and the Republican Bible toters such as Ted Cruz to name but one abusing his Good Name and the Good Book.

I believe!

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They should fear. After Trump is elected, there will be a top-down restructuring of the Republican party. Those who have had a cushy deal for years will see their gravy train come to an end, as another poster pointed out.

If I were a government bureaucrat, I'd be looking for a new career.

I I were an illegal alien, I would get my butt out of the US and back to my home country, pronto!

If I were on welfare, I'd get a job.

and so on.

In answer to the topic question, it is obviously too late to stop Trump. The time to have stopped him was years ago, before illegal immigration got out of control. Had the politicians done the right thing back then, we would not have Trump in place to become the next president.

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They should fear. After Trump is elected, there will be a top-down restructuring of the Republican party. Those who have had a cushy deal for years will see their gravy train come to an end, as another poster pointed out.

If I were a government bureaucrat, I'd be looking for a new career.

I I were an illegal alien, I would get my butt out of the US and back to my home country, pronto!

If I were on welfare, I'd get a job.

and so on.

In answer to the topic question, it is obviously too late to stop Trump. The time to have stopped him was years ago, before illegal immigration got out of control. Had the politicians done the right thing back then, we would not have Trump in place to become the next president.

he wont be the next president

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Here is a little reality for you Trump haters. Tomorrow, Trump will win five primaries. In case you forgot, those are actual elections where people vote, not a group of insider party bigwigs who select candidates, but real elections. Trump will likely go over 50% in EVERY ONE. That would give him 5-6 consecutive wins over 50%---that is something St. Ted of Calgary has yet to do in ONE SINGLE ACTUAL primary. He didn't even get 50% in his home state, a truly lame performance.

Here is another prediction: Trump will have 1000 delegates by the end of voting tomorrow. Given that WV and NJ and NM are still out there---and he leads big in all three---and that he will get a minimum of 140 delegates in CA, where he leads big, that's the ball game.

Oh, I didn't forget that there are still elections in IN, OR, WA, MT, or NE, only that if my math is right, Trump wouldn't need one delegate from any of them to reach 1237. He will already be close to 1300. However, now that Bobby Knight is campaigning with him, I would guess he takes IN too.

Prediction one: Check.

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However hobbled the Republican Party becomes, it brought it upon itself. It's congressional members have dragged their feet for years. They're still trying to block the president's Constitutional duty to nominate a S.C.Justice. They're anti-science with their eyes clamped shut about a warming planet, and wanting to teach schoolkids that evolution doesn't exist. They claim to be be anti-government interference, yet they clamor for government interference in individual women's choices about how to deal with tough situations. They claim to be pro-life, yet they contribute to the slaughter of millions of animals per day. They continue to prop up Big Pharma resulting in the highest pharma costs in the world. They continue to insist there can be only one legal recreational drug (which happens to be the most harmful rec. drug), while trying to keep pot and hemp illegal. Pot is medicinal and hemp can't get a person stoned. I subscribe to an online hemp newsletter, and just found out that over half of US states are allowing farmers to grow hemp. That, despite concerted efforts of Republican congress people to deprive farmers from growing a utilitarian crop which also has highly nutritious seeds and oil. Some of the transgressions mentioned in this paragraph are also advocated by Dems, but it's Republicans who are the standard bearers for idiocy.

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However hobbled the Republican Party becomes, it brought it upon itself. It's congressional members have dragged their feet for years. They're still trying to block the president's Constitutional duty to nominate a S.C.Justice. They're anti-science with their eyes clamped shut about a warming planet, and wanting to teach schoolkids that evolution doesn't exist. They claim to be be anti-government interference, yet they clamor for government interference in individual women's choices about how to deal with tough situations. They claim to be pro-life, yet they contribute to the slaughter of millions of animals per day. They continue to prop up Big Pharma resulting in the highest pharma costs in the world. They continue to insist there can be only one legal recreational drug (which happens to be the most harmful rec. drug), while trying to keep pot and hemp illegal. Pot is medicinal and hemp can't get a person stoned. I subscribe to an online hemp newsletter, and just found out that over half of US states are allowing farmers to grow hemp. That, despite concerted efforts of Republican congress people to deprive farmers from growing a utilitarian crop which also has highly nutritious seeds and oil. Some of the transgressions mentioned in this paragraph are also advocated by Dems, but it's Republicans who are the standard bearers for idiocy.

Now THAT I believe!

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Trump has won all five primaries tonight in a huge way. Those who read only the shamestream media and don't pay attention to what is really happening, don't have a clue.

Trump is going to win the nomination and then mop the floor with Hillary.

The Republican party may not survive this and if it doesn't there will be a new party of, by, and for the people. The party leaders are losing their places at the table. If the Republican Party has to go away because it's rotten, so much the better.


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