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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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"Trump seems to have a middle school civics class idea of how we elect a president -- that it's a glorified popularity contest."

Whinin' Don


Too bad the GOP Senate Majority leader isn't on the TV board here, but clearly he is not with you Trumpers, looks forward to s a second ballot where they will nominate someone OTHER THAN TRUMP.


But of course the right whingers here will come up with excuses like CNN is lefty rag, and/or McConnell should be in jail or some other rot........whistling.gif

It is a popularity contest, to think otherwise is foolish and naive.

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-Trump's signature clothing line is made in China

-"flooding of immigrants" is classic fear factor, you are aware that the only Americans not from immigrants are Native American Indians?

-Educational system agreed but it's not like Bush's "no Child Left behind" was successful, it wasn't.

-Support veterans, uh, Walter reed fiasco, hello? Trump's POW comments?

-Debt sure, agreed but starting wars does not improve that situation (although lining your pockets with no bid Haliburton contracts is nice. Hilary is a crook? Right....).

I'll stop there, calling cracker-trolls cheesy.gif GOP sucks mightily.

Your "flooding of immigrants" is beyond "censorship"... by your twisted and bizarre logic everyone is an african.

Oh and yeah, any other racist comments about white people?

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"Exclusive Data Analysis: Democrat Turnout Collapses Down More Than 4.5 Million, Nearly 20 Percent In 2016 Versus 2008" LINK

So here's a huge issue for Hillary. While her Democrats are yawning and staying away from the polls en masse, Trump is pulling record numbers of voters and some are Democrats. There's no excitement for Hillary but Trump supporters are jazzed.

Hillary holds a rally in a school auditorium while Trump has to rent football fields and large stadiums to hold the tens of thousands of people who come to see him. Many can't get in and wait outside.

It's this record number of voters including cross-over voters and independent voters who will win it for Trump. Remember, Obama beat Romney by a very slim margin 4 years ago. Romney is no Trump, and Hillary is no Obama.

Hillary is toast.


R****** don't usually have a lot of arguments for them, you have proved that many times in this thread :)

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Asheron post 1291 regarding the President of the U.S.

"It is a popularity contest, to think otherwise is foolish and naive."

No, foolish and naive is thinking it IS a popularity contest, sorry guy don't know what planet you just sailed in on but being a Governor, or Secretary of state or some other government qualifications are needed on the resume.

Post 1292 (needs to go one-by-one with his responses.......blink.png )

"Your "flooding of immigrants" is beyond "censorship"... by your twisted and bizarre logic everyone is an african.

Oh and yeah, any other racist comments about white people?"

Everyone is an African, huh? No, 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue, remember your history classes or????? The U.S. is made up of immigrants "“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” this is what America is all about guy, maybe you are not American.

Racist comments about white people I don't know what you are on about but you might take your trolling elsewhere.

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Quite amazing the amount of posters here that think this WON'T be the case. At this point I'm calling troll on a number of them.

Who in their right mind would vote Republican? -snip-

Not vote Republican, vote to:

2. Stop the flooding of the country with illegal and unvetted immigrants. We can see Europe from our house, live and on color TV.

Trump needs to reenact Operation Wetback:


Not too late to stem the ever-increasing tide of illegals killing Americans on the roads and in the shopping malls. smile.png

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Too late and glad of it. The next president of The United States Of America... Hillary Clinton!

Quite amazing the amount of posters here that think this WON'T be the case. At this point I'm calling troll on a number of them.

Who in their right mind would vote Republican? This whole process on their side clearly presents them as the disaster party. On top of that their history in the last 30 years is quite bleak, the country does not run well under conservative, trickle down nonsense. Gone Old Party, stale as old Ritz crackers, ha,ha crackers those are about the only types that still vote Republican, old crackers.

When you look at the country's demographics, there are just not enough old lunk headed crackers to carry the GOP any longer. Younger generation (in majority) doesn't want old Bob Dole, McCain, dumb Palins, jerkweed Trump's. No, first African American President, followed by the first female President.

Progress, forward, we're not going backwards to the GW Bush downfall of the nation party.

Obama isn't an African American, he's a HALF African American raised as a WHITE boy by a WHITE mother ( father no where to be seen ) OUTSIDE mainland America.

You say that the GOP is a disaster, perhaps so, but 7 years of Obama haven't exactly been peachy for the USA. It's time to ditch the corrupt professional politicians and try someone not tainted by US politics.

Why elect HRC just because she's a woman? If she was a man, she wouldn't have even been considered with her record.

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Asheron post 1291 regarding the President of the U.S.

"It is a popularity contest, to think otherwise is foolish and naive."

No, foolish and naive is thinking it IS a popularity contest, sorry guy don't know what planet you just sailed in on but being a Governor, or Secretary of state or some other government qualifications are needed on the resume.

Post 1292 (needs to go one-by-one with his responses.......blink.png )

"Your "flooding of immigrants" is beyond "censorship"... by your twisted and bizarre logic everyone is an african.

Oh and yeah, any other racist comments about white people?"

Everyone is an African, huh? No, 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue, remember your history classes or????? The U.S. is made up of immigrants "“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” this is what America is all about guy, maybe you are not American.

Racist comments about white people I don't know what you are on about but you might take your trolling elsewhere.

LOL, everyone IS an African. It's been genetically proven that everyone in the world is descended from a tribe in Africa.

Have to disagree that it is necessary to be a governor etc. That just means they are all bought people, owned by the money men. Only Trump is a true independent- not owned by anyone. In fact he bought a lot of politicians himself, including HRC, 55555555555555555555.

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Love it !!! and Donald Trump probably has not great love for them, either. Our nomination/election process is outdated..and a bit twisted (corrupt). Too many power players screwing it up and playing with the bylaws (delegates).

A great issue...and another reason to go with Trump..... darn it...lets fix it.

lol! a lotta good that will do you guys with a dem house and senate for the next 60 years!!

dems are quacks....a little strong arm and they run like hell. Obama has ruined it for democrats anyways... Fix the Republican Party and all the intelligent (few) democrats would defect.

Both parties need to be shook up and put up on the laundry line. Dirty Politics, time for new innovations.

Obama has ruined it for democrats anyways

Barack Obama is several months away from his seven-year stealth destruction of the Republican party. Congratulations to him.

The whackjobs currently supporting Trump or Cruz are the nutcakes who are the birthers, the tea party, the evangelical Bible thumpers, the racial assailants against immigration, the warmongers who want to hit Iran, the ones who shut down the government because of Obamacare, those who want to ban a religion from the USA and so on and on and on...and on.

Barack has quietly let them go on daily in their lunatic rants and ragings while he's gone about the business of being Potus, elected twice by the vast political center middle of voters. Agree with President Obama's policies, style, approaches, priorities, he's kept his cool while the Republicans led by the whingenut radical rightwhingers have exposed themselves for mainstream America to reject.


Died of suicide 2016 after a long and debilitating illness.

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I listened to both victory speeches this morning. Very different.

Hillary was talking on many topics, sounding compassionate and presidential. Inclusive. Inspirational.

Trump was almost mumbling - completely uninspiring. Talking about numbers. Exclusive, in the sense of marginalizing groups of people.

I already knew HRC would win the general election. Now it's looking like it will be a landslide.

By August 1st when each party national convention will have concluded, the evidence will begin to reveal a Democratic party national wave election year. The elements and the components of it are already in place. Now all that's needed is for Republicans to feed and water them, just as they have begun doing.

As in 1964, when Republicans were blown out of office across and throughout the country by Sen Goldwatere's smashing defeat, Donald Trump will in fact lead the Republican party to oblivion, probably its disintegration.

Turn Washington Blue right through to the Supreme Court. And for some time to come.

The primaries do catch voters' attention at about this time. We see the polling and it is the worst news imaginable for the Republican party. The next time voters will take a close look at the Potus election campaign is during and immediately after the national conventions, which are held in July.

By August Republicans will be deeper into the hole than ever. Voters will do their final take after the three debates between the two nominees, i.e., late in October. The weekend before the Tuesday November (8th) election, voters tie a ribbon on their decision. It's the ritual.


The Democratic party now is trying to do last minute recruiting of its best candidates in numerous US House districts that had previously been regarded as safe Republican but are now on the chopping block. The D party is presently running against the clock in this respect only because it now appears a number of their not the best candidate will win anyway in a number of districts.

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What women voters think of Donald Trump

"Overall, 73% of female voters in a mid-March CNN/ORC poll said they had a negative view of Trump, just 26% view him positively."
"That unfavorable number is up 14 points in the last few months: from 59% in December and 67% in late February."
"Even Republican women, who mostly have favorable views of Trump, are more likely to report unfavorable opinions now than they were a few months ago,
39% unfavorable in March vs. 29% in December."
"Among men, however, there has been no such shift, with 54% holding an unfavorable view in December, 52% in February and 57% now."
laugh.png Yes sir, it's going great. The Bloviator is dragging the GOP ship straight down the tubes. Lovin' it! clap2.gif


Edited by iReason
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Young Voters Overwhelmingly Prefer Clinton Over Trump — Poll Harvard survey shows Republicans’ disadvantage among young voters is growing

"Young voters favor Hillary Clinton for president over Donald Trump by a landslide margin, a new poll of 18- to 29-year-olds finds,

and their interest in any Republican for president has dropped significantly over the last year of campaigning."

"The new youth poll by Harvard’s Institute of Politics found that when likely voters under 30 were asked about a general election match-up between the two parties’ front-runners,

61% said they would vote for Mrs. Clinton, 25% said Mr. Trump, and 14% were not sure."

"Republicans’ disadvantage among young voters is growing.The poll found that 61% of 18- to 29-year-olds,

said they preferred a Democrat win the 2016 presidential election, 33% preferred a Republican."


It's going to be glorious. thumbsup.gif Keep being yourself Donnie.


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young people talk about voting...but how many do you see standing in line, on voting day?

Garbage poll...means absolutely squat. They polled youngsters...not the mainstream, middle aged, working class. You know what I mean. Youngsters know everything about everything....right? Wrong. It's the people who have been in the work force for years and years...that cannot make ends meet, and have lost their optimism....that will be backing trump. These younger voters will be waking up with hangovers after going out on the town. The majority of these young peoples have never voted..and probably will not show up.

an example of a stooopid poll geared up to make Trump look non supportable.

just utter krap.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Bombshell Poll: Nearly 20% Of Republicans Will Vote For Hillary Clinton If Trump Wins

"The poll contained some numbers that should terrify Republicans. 40% of Republicans polled said that they would not support the party’s nominee if Donald Trump wins.

25% of the anti-Trump Republican vote would consider voting for a third party candidate."

"19% of the never Trump Republicans would vote for Hillary Clinton, and 18% would stay home and not vote at all. laugh.png

By gender, 10% of men, and 9% of Republican women would vote for Clinton over Trump."

"18% of very likely Republican general election voters would support Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump."

"The Republican Party is deeply fractured, and Donald Trump is not the candidate that will bring them together.

Trump’s unpopularity will cause many Republicans to stay home, which will result in the GOP losing seats in both the House and the Senate.

Trump could cost Republicans state legislatures and governor’s races across the country."

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The Bloviator just needs to realize that and "evolve" his ego and step aside.

But, perhaps he is surrounded by too many "yes men"...

By "yes men" I suppose you mean the nearly ten million people who have voted for him so far? It's not his ego or his imagination that won him every district, every country in Pennsylvania yesterday, or nearly all of the delegates in all five states. It was a massive rout by the voters.

He has won the women's vote in every race so far, also. Women like jobs and a secure country too.


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TRUMP Tells Breitbart: Germany ‘Will Never Be The Same Again… Migrants Could Be ISIS’

"U.S. Presidential candidate and Republican front runner Donald Trump said Wednesday on Breitbart News Daily on Sirius XM that Germany “will never be the same” after the pro open borders migrant policy enacted by German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Speaking to show host Stephen K. Bannon, Mr. Trump said: “I think [the migrant crisis] is horrible. I think what’s happened is horrible, and they should have built a safe zone [in Syria]. I think for Merkel to have allowed millions of people into Germany… and Germany is totally destabilised now… I don’t believe it’ll ever be the same, maybe in 200 years but it’ll never be the same and Germany of all countries, I cannot believe they allowed this to happen.”

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Bombshell Poll: Nearly 20% Of Republicans Will Vote For Hillary Clinton If Trump Wins

The shamestream media never tires of saying stupid things. No one ever gets 100% of the vote.

If they weren't biased, they'd say more than 80% would support Trump. That's huge.


Edited by NeverSure
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Quite amazing the amount of posters here that think this WON'T be the case. At this point I'm calling troll on a number of them.

Who in their right mind would vote Republican? -snip-

Not vote Republican, vote to:


5. Get some control of the crazy debt and deficits. There's massive waste and fraud.

All over America there are empty and deteriorating factories and the neighborhoods they supported are deteriorating. They used to provide good jobs and can do it again. Even truck drivers and cab drivers who used to shuttle to those places understand what's happened.

Democrats understand what's happened. Women and minorities understand it.

Hillary is toast. She a huge part of the problem - a woman who's lived of the government and Wall Street all her life. Wait until she gets the wrath of Trump.


Do you even know that Trump has proposed a massive tax cut that hugely favors the wealthy?

"Donald Trump’s tax plan would cut federal revenue by $9.5 trillion over a decade and boost the after-tax incomes of the wealthiest households by an average of more than $1.3 million a year, according to an analysis released Tuesday."

"The gains are highly concentrated among the highest-income households, which would get a bigger percentage of the tax cuts than the share of taxes they pay now."


Definitely a champion of the working wan.

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Trump passes Romney’s popular vote total, likely to break GOP record

With his five blowout wins Tuesday night, Donald Trump has passed Mitt Romney’s popular vote total from four years ago and is on a trajectory that could land him more Republican votes than any presidential candidate in modern history – by a lot... Trump surged to 9.9 million votes


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The Bloviator just needs to realize that and "evolve" his ego and step aside.

But, perhaps he is surrounded by too many "yes men"...

By "yes men" I suppose you mean the nearly ten million people who have voted for him so far? It's not his ego or his imagination that won him every district, every country in Pennsylvania yesterday, or nearly all of the delegates in all five states. It was a massive rout by the voters.

He has won the women's vote in every race so far, also. Women like jobs and a secure country too.


With few exception, voters for Trump (and Cruz and Kasich and the other Reps) have been Republican. So, if you wrote "Republican women's vote" you'd be closer to being on the mark.

When Nov. 8 rolls around, it will be a whole different ball of wax. There are a whole heck of a lot of women voters in the US who aren't registered Republicans.

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Bombshell Poll: Nearly 20% Of Republicans Will Vote For Hillary Clinton If Trump Wins

The shamestream media never tires of saying stupid things. No one ever gets 100% of the vote.

If they weren't biased, they'd say more than 80% would support Trump. That's huge.


Actually, it was a really big deal in 1980 when polls showed Reagan winning a yuuuge 18 percent of the democratic vote. How do you reconcile that with roughly the same percentage of Republicans crossing over to vote Democratic? I guess the lame stream media never said Jimmy Carter getting more than 80 percent of the democratic vote was huge. And he went on to win the 1980 Presidential election?. Is that how you remember it?


In addition, in 2012 only 6 percent of Republicans crossed over to vote for Obama. 7 percent of Democrats crossed over to vote for Reagan


Edited by stillbornagain
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Trump passes Romney’s popular vote total, likely to break GOP record

With his five blowout wins Tuesday night, Donald Trump has passed Mitt Romney’s popular vote total from four years ago and is on a trajectory that could land him more Republican votes than any presidential candidate in modern history – by a lot... Trump surged to 9.9 million votes


Before you get too excited about these numbers, do try to keep in mind that the population of the united states has grown considerably. It's about 40 percent bigger than it was in 1980. On the other hand there has been some decline in registered republicans and democrats. But not enough to fully counterbalance the growth in population.

Also, I'm not sure when the 2012 Republican primary race stopped being a competition, but it was already long over at this stage of the primaries. So if the conclusion is foregone, you're going to have a lot smaller turnout. In a way, a large turnout is proof that Trump is actually less popular, since it's taking him so long to secure his victory.

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Bombshell Poll: Nearly 20% Of Republicans Will Vote For Hillary Clinton If Trump Wins

The shamestream media never tires of saying stupid things. No one ever gets 100% of the vote.

If they weren't biased, they'd say more than 80% would support Trump. That's huge.


Since the mainstream (Shamestream -- well put BTW) media is owned and controlled by the elite who desperately want the status quo to remain as it has for ages, it's nothing stupid they're saying if Donald Trumps really means what he says about making changes. The elite micro-percent controlling mainstream media don't want anybody to rock their boat, and since Hillary Clinton has shown that she'll do anything to appease those truly in power, she's the chosen one to sit in the Oval Office taking orders from the ultra-rich and powerful.

Why else would there be so much "Republican" opposition to Trump unless it's a fear of ivory castles being shaken? Do they really think he's so non-PC that he'll actually take America into a real war or cause economic collapse by speaking off the cuff ? No way! I've said a few times on this topic that DT will not win the Presidency or even the nomination because the system won't allow it. The nomination will go to a brokered convention where Trump will lose and the 2-party farce will once again be exposed.

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Also, I'm not sure when the 2012 Republican primary race stopped being a competition, but it was already long over at this stage of the primaries. So if the conclusion is foregone, you're going to have a lot smaller turnout. In a way, a large turnout is proof that Trump is actually less popular, since it's taking him so long to secure his victory.

Trump started with 17 people in the race. He still has two other contenders. In 2012 Romney had no such obstruction and at this point he was already all alone.

Trump still has two losers hanging on and together pulling about 40% of the vote even though they are mathematically eliminated. They are there because the Elites are backing them in a desperate ploy to try to stop Trump. They know that with Trump, their power and gravy train are over.

The people want Trump. The power brokers are panicked. We're seeing history made.


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