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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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I've got a favor to ask of Trump supporters: When Trump loses in November (estimate by between 12 and 34%) can I remind you guys of how wrong you were?

In case you haven't noticed, votes for Republican candidates come from registered Republicans. He's been getting halleluyahs from some of the choir. It will be a whole different kettle of fish when he tries getting votes outside of his relatively small corner of voters, some of whom are already bolting the corral.

Trump supporters say they want an outsider and someone different than beltway-insiders. Well, Osama Bin Laden was different and certainly no beltway insider. Be careful what you wish for, it just might be the Trump who is blustering, ill-informed, a legislative novice, hot-headed, easily-offended, always offensive, vindictive, name-calling cardboard cut-out of a man. Carson or Trump's kids would tell you you'll get the non-hot-head Trump, but how can you really know? He can change minute to minute like a deranged wino.

HRC isn't clean as the driven snow, but she's smart, well-versed on issues, compassionate, well-liked by domestic and foreign leaders, and can put together complete sentences that make sense (sentences that don't sound like a small town mafia wannabe). If Trump was a 4th grader, he would get sent back to 3rd grade for being rude and needing to learn grammar.

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Pretty hard to stop the Donald Trump Machine when the facts are:

Yea, that assertion always gets me to gag: "The silent majority is on my side." How many Republicans have stated that? Nixon and Agnew, and ....?

That's like a bratty little boy saying to his mom, when she tells him there are no martians on the Moon, "Yea mom, but everyone else in the world knows it's true. So it's true."

The Silent Majority. Ahhh yes. All those people who don't speak out and don't vote. They must all be behind the arch-right wingers, mustn't they? They wouldn't back a reasonable candidate. Because they're silent and don't vote, they must be for the candidate who's going to lessen taxes for the very rich, while shooting spending up for the military, .....even more than the military are asking for. Through their silence, they're showing they're for the candidate who denigrates women and offends foreign leaders. Yea, sure.

Unfortunately, there were and are no "reasonable" candidates in this race. Either bought and sold losers ( that have dropped out already except for Kasich and HRC ), or "unreasonable" candidates- Bernie, Cruz and Trump. The public lose whoever wins.

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Pretty hard to stop the Donald Trump Machine when the facts are:

Yea, that assertion always gets me to gag: "The silent majority is on my side." How many Republicans have stated that? Nixon and Agnew, and ....?

That's like a bratty little boy saying to his mom, when she tells him there are no martians on the Moon, "Yea mom, but everyone else in the world knows it's true. So it's true."

The Silent Majority. Ahhh yes. All those people who don't speak out and don't vote. They must all be behind the arch-right wingers, mustn't they? They wouldn't back a reasonable candidate. Because they're silent and don't vote, they must be for the candidate who's going to lessen taxes for the very rich, while shooting spending up for the military, .....even more than the military are asking for. Through their silence, they're showing they're for the candidate who denigrates women and offends foreign leaders. Yea, sure.

Unfortunately, there were and are no "reasonable" candidates in this race. Either bought and sold losers ( that have dropped out already except for Kasich and HRC ), or "unreasonable" candidates- Bernie, Cruz and Trump. The public lose whoever wins.

no they don't. americans have shown that they dont mind living in a military corporatocracy over and over again.

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I've got a favor to ask of Trump supporters: When Trump loses in November (estimate by between 12 and 34%) can I remind you guys of how wrong you were?

In case you haven't noticed, votes for Republican candidates come from registered Republicans. He's been getting halleluyahs from some of the choir. It will be a whole different kettle of fish when he tries getting votes outside of his relatively small corner of voters, some of whom are already bolting the corral.

Trump supporters say they want an outsider and someone different than beltway-insiders. Well, Osama Bin Laden was different and certainly no beltway insider. Be careful what you wish for, it just might be the Trump who is blustering, ill-informed, a legislative novice, hot-headed, easily-offended, always offensive, vindictive, name-calling cardboard cut-out of a man. Carson or Trump's kids would tell you you'll get the non-hot-head Trump, but how can you really know? He can change minute to minute like a deranged wino.

HRC isn't clean as the driven snow, but she's smart, well-versed on issues, compassionate, well-liked by domestic and foreign leaders, and can put together complete sentences that make sense (sentences that don't sound like a small town mafia wannabe). If Trump was a 4th grader, he would get sent back to 3rd grade for being rude and needing to learn grammar.

You can support whomever you wish, obviously, but you seem to be overlooking HRC's true character ie a proven liar, a very dark and dubious history, an obsession with money and she has to be doing "favours" for the people that give her lots of money. Just because some people find her affable and she can speak well ( though how does anyone know when she's not lying? ) it does not mean that she is good presidential material. After all, she had an ambassador murdered on her watch and lied about the cause. Also, her security people apparently hate looking after her- that says a lot about her real character behind the façade. http://www.nationalreview.com/article/424927/hillary-clinton-secret-service-treatment-abuse

However, if one doesn't like Trump, there's really no other choice than HRC unless one doesn't want to vote at all.

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Trump's National Campaign Spokesperson makes for an interesting study:


Being convicted of shoplifting in her 20's shouldn't and didn't hamper her from gaining such a high profile position. But it is somewhat surprising that she went from voting for Obama in 2008 to then doing a complete 180 by becoming a Tea Party activist and then supporting Ted Cruz in 2012.

More recently:

2014 Texas Congressional race[edit]

In the 2014 Texas Congressional elections, Pierson challenged incumbent Congressman Pete Sessions in the Republican primary to represent Texas' 32nd district.[7][8] Her candidacy was endorsed by Rafael Cruz and Sarah Palin, who called her "a feisty fighter for freedom."[7] While U.S. Senator Ted Cruz offered praise, calling her an "utterly fearless principled conservative,"[8] he stopped short of an endorsement.[8] In the election, she received 36 percent of the vote, losing to Sessions, who received 63 percent.[9]Pierson went on to become spokesperson for the Tea Party Leadership Fund.[when?][4]

Association with Trump 2016[edit]

In January 2015, Pierson attended a meeting for Tea Party activists in Myrtle Beach with Ted Cruz;[4] while in Myrtle Beach, she also met with Donald Trump.[4] After meeting with Trump or his aides a few more times in the spring,[4] Pierson introduced Trump at a campaign rally held in Dallas in September.[4] In November 2015, she was hired as the national spokesperson for Trump's campaign,[4] subsequently appearing frequently on television in this capacity.[10]

Pierson has sometimes drawn attention to herself in her appearances.[10] In an interview on CNN in December 2015, she wore a necklace made of bullets, a choice that engendered debate on Twitter and led to several media mentions.[11]

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In living color. More than 18,000 people in Fort Wayne, Indiana, May 1, 2016 - today. Hillary may have had 200 people standing in a school gymnasium.

It's over.

Should have used Eye of the Tiger and do some WWE moves for better effect. Disco balls and lasers, too. Maybe some kungfu fighting after dropping the mic.

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The President of the United States shreds the Bloviator, the laughing stock of Washington (and the nation): cheesy.gif Hell, the world for that matter...


You're referring to the annual Press Dinner (or whatever they call it). Yea, I watch them each year. It shows the more human side of politicians and others inside the beltway. I used to reside inside the beltway, about 12 years up until 1972. D.C. is a pretty cool city. No manufacturing, lots of history, cool parks and great museums.

I like watching Obama do his presentation. He's deceptively low key, smart, gracious, ......all things that Trump isn't. Last year, Trump was in the audience (he was invited for this year, but didn't show). The camera was on him while the guest satirist was poking fun at Trump (it was 2 months before he announced his run for Prez). Trump sat bolt upright like a cigar store indian. He didn't move a muscle the whole time, a frown and scowl carved onto his face. Later, he was asked about it and said nonchalantly, "yea, we all hadda lotta fun. No, it didn't bother me at all." He was lying, of course.

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Correspondents is completely scripted: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/04/30/politics/white-house-correspondents-dinner-2016-obama-donald-trump/

By now, the administration's speechwriting process is tried and tested. Former Obama aides and speechwriters like Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett, Dan Pfeiffer, Tommy Vietor and David Axelrod -- as well as A-list comedy giants who the White House will not identify -- have all contributed jokes.

Litt said he typically started with over 500 gags -- only about 5% of which make it past the President's exacting gauge of what is appropriate and sufficiently funny make it into the final speech.

Funny, though.

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Trump leading in Indiana..

Pretty certain he will get the delegates needed to get the nomination

Cruz has pretty much stopped campaigning FOR Cruz... His only message seems to be ... Vote for me cause I'm not Trump

That type of message will never win

People like to vote FOR something...

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^^^ You might want to stop quoting the "experts" who've been dead wrong so far. All along the way they've been wrong even with their polls.

Just keep watching the voting which is the only poll that matters. It's always far better for Trump than predicted. Trump keeps winning the women vote which helps him finish much higher than predicted.

Trump will be the next President of The United States.


PS Crooked Hillary's unfavorable ratings are sky high if you care about ratings.

lol! republican females arent women!!

Nice track record you got going, not just a racist and a bigot but also a sexist :)

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I've got a favor to ask of Trump supporters: When Trump loses in November (estimate by between 12 and 34%) can I remind you guys of how wrong you were?

In case you haven't noticed, votes for Republican candidates come from registered Republicans. He's been getting halleluyahs from some of the choir. It will be a whole different kettle of fish when he tries getting votes outside of his relatively small corner of voters, some of whom are already bolting the corral.

Trump supporters say they want an outsider and someone different than beltway-insiders. Well, Osama Bin Laden was different and certainly no beltway insider. Be careful what you wish for, it just might be the Trump who is blustering, ill-informed, a legislative novice, hot-headed, easily-offended, always offensive, vindictive, name-calling cardboard cut-out of a man. Carson or Trump's kids would tell you you'll get the non-hot-head Trump, but how can you really know? He can change minute to minute like a deranged wino.

HRC isn't clean as the driven snow, but she's smart, well-versed on issues, compassionate, well-liked by domestic and foreign leaders, and can put together complete sentences that make sense (sentences that don't sound like a small town mafia wannabe). If Trump was a 4th grader, he would get sent back to 3rd grade for being rude and needing to learn grammar.

This is your opinion of the candidates. Everyone has an opinion. It doesn't get anyone into the WH.

The topic is about stopping the Trump Machine, not about who we prefer for office. You'll notice that I haven't been trying to sell Trump vs Hillary, but rather to show what is actually happening.

Trump has started a Movement. He is drawing huge crowds while Hillary could have a campaign rally in a Subway sandwich shop. There's no excitement for Hillary. Trump is drawing record crowds. Hillary's numbers are way down from 2008.

Trump is going to clean up in Indiana tomorrow, clean up the West Coast including Oregon, Washington and California, get the nomination and then beat Hillary in the general election by a good margin.


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The President of the United States shreds the Bloviator, the laughing stock of Washington (and the nation): cheesy.gif Hell, the world for that matter...


And this has what to do with stopping Trump? Did his poll numbers go down or did his crowds contract? Did he lose a primary over it? No, Trump just keeps getting stronger every week and leaving the pundits and prognosticators in the dust.


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Trump is winning about 50% of Republican primary voters. Primary voters are, shall we say, an excitable bunch. They are certainly not representative of the party or the general electorate. At the very best, Trump is getting 50% of 45% of the total electorate during these primaries. In a general election he wouldn't win over any Democrats. He wouldn't win very many independents. And he wouldn't even win all of the supports of Senator Cruz or Governor Kasich. Just look at the polling coming out of Utah. The reddest of red states, and it's going to be very close if it's Trump vs Secretary Clinton.

If Trump is the nominee, we are going to witness the largest popular vote landslide in generations.

And when that happens, I know that we can count of the Trump fanboys to start crying that the election was "stolen". No, it wasn't. What was stolen was a legitimate chance to take back the White House and retain the Senate. But Trump ruined all that just to stroke his own ego.

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Trump is winning about 50% of Republican primary voters. Primary voters are, shall we say, an excitable bunch. They are certainly not representative of the party or the general electorate. At the very best, Trump is getting 50% of 45% of the total electorate during these primaries. In a general election he wouldn't win over any Democrats. He wouldn't win very many independents. And he wouldn't even win all of the supports of Senator Cruz or Governor Kasich. Just look at the polling coming out of Utah. The reddest of red states, and it's going to be very close if it's Trump vs Secretary Clinton.

If Trump is the nominee, we are going to witness the largest popular vote landslide in generations.

And when that happens, I know that we can count of the Trump fanboys to start crying that the election was "stolen". No, it wasn't. What was stolen was a legitimate chance to take back the White House and retain the Senate. But Trump ruined all that just to stroke his own ego.

Yup, those are the likely immutable facts. In spite of this mountain of evidence, the Trump supporters for some strange reason persist in believing every reasonable voter in America will miraculously have a "come to Jesus" or "aha" moment where the light will suddenly come on and they will accept Trump as their savior.

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When Trump gets some of Bill's sexual harassment/rape victims up on stage with him and points out how Hillary enabled Bill, you will see more women supporting Trump. When he points out Crooked Hillary has taken bribes from the Saudi government to the tune of tens of millions of dollars, you will see more people supporting Trump. And so on. Many Sanders supporters will vote for Trump. Expect a landslide victory for Trump.

Edit: The only way they will stop Trump is to assassinate him, which they just might do.

Edited by mesquite
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Yup. The Bloviator is cleaning up... cheesy.gif clap2.gifcheesy.gif

Clinton: 12,437,734 votes.

Trump: 10,056,690 votes.

A bit shy by close to 2,500,000 million votes there Donnie. laugh.png

Fears of Trump drive immigrants to become citizens:

"Trump is dividing us as a country," said Ospina, owner of a small flooring and kitchen remodeling company. "He's so negative about immigrants. We've got to speak up."

"Rep. Luis Gutiérrez, D-Ill., was featured in a public service announcement encouraging immigrants to become citizens so they can vote in November.

He mocked Trump's slogan, suggesting it was really: "Make America Hate Again."

"'You know why,' they say, 'I want to vote against racism and hate,' " said Parro. He says immigrants this year are "desperate to be part of the political process."

"I don't know if it's because he's such a brute in his speeches or that he isn't careful in what he's saying, but he's very nasty toward Hispanics."


Get out there and vote folks!

Here comes some of that 77% who see through, and won't stand for the Bloviator's vitriol and bigotry. thumbsup.gif

Trumps Harsh Words on Immigration Is Motivating Immigrants:

Tens of thousands of immigrants seeking citizenship as immigration is key campaign issue.

"Many immigration advocates say fear of Donald Trump becoming president is motivating many longtime immigrants to apply for citizenship, so they can vote."


The Associated Press does an excellent job of appearing in news stories. All over the nation. thumbsup.gif


Edited by iReason
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When Trump gets some of Bill's sexual harassment victims up on stage with him and points out how Hillary enabled Bill, you will see women supporting Trump. When he points out Crooked Hillary has taken bribes from the Saudi government to the tune of tens of millions of dollars, you will see more people supporting Trump. And so on. Many Sanders supporters will vote for Trump. Expect a landslide victory for Trump.

OK, on that we can agree.

More people would support Trump if proven sexual harassment victims got up on stage and pointed out how Secretary Clinton enabled the former president and if Trump could prove that Secretary Clinton had taken bribes worth tens of millions of dollars from the Saudis.

The only problem with your plan is that neither of these things is going to happen.

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The President of the United States shreds the Bloviator, the laughing stock of Washington (and the nation): cheesy.gif Hell, the world for that matter...


And this has what to do with stopping Trump? Did his poll numbers go down or did his crowds contract? Did he lose a primary over it? No, Trump just keeps getting stronger every week and leaving the pundits and prognosticators in the dust. Cheers.

Trump is losing women voters, hispanics, and who knows what other blocs, week by week. If that's a path to winning, keep it up Trump. You're doing great!

When Trump gets some of Bill's sexual harassment/rape victims up on stage with him and points out how Hillary enabled Bill, you will see more women supporting Trump. When he points out Crooked Hillary has taken bribes from the Saudi government to the tune of tens of millions of dollars, you will see more people supporting Trump. And so on. Many Sanders supporters will vote for Trump. Expect a landslide victory for Trump.

Is that a preview / spoiler of the dirty tricks Trump is planning? It wouldn't surprise me if one of Trump's paid thugs did a Tanya Harding (the ice skating dancer) and snuck up behind Hillary and smacked her leg with a 2x4. Then Trump would say, "See, she's a cripple. Who's gonna vote for a woman who's a cripple? You? No. Of course not. You want a man with strong legs to make America great again."

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And the "landslide victory" is just wishful thinking. If not deluded.

"Wishful thinking is the formation of beliefs and making decisions according to what might be pleasing to imagine instead of by appealing to evidence, rationality, or reality."

Just like this one:


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Still missing it. There's no excitement for Hillary to bring people to the polls. Trump's people are animated and adamant. There are a lot of crossover Dems for Trump too.

Once again, these are actually pictures of Hillary's rally in Fort Wayne, Indiana yesterday. It's a small crowd in a small building and they are standing!!! At the end of the pics is an actual pic of the Trump rally in the same town on the same day!! thumbsup.gif

All of the professional prognosticators have been dead wrong so far. Apparently they don't see this:






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