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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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My impression of the Trump movement is that it is indeed an insanely hyper nationalistic movement with some classic fascist characteristics. On top of that Trump is clearly channeling Mussolini in his cult of personality. Scary if he wins. Cannot allow that to happen.

Now that Cruz has pulled out, it's almost certain to be Trump vs HRC. Given that he hasn't actually attacked her much yet, the fun is yet to come.

HRC and Trump, start your engines, the real race is about to commence.

It's interesting to note that the anti Trumpers seem to rely entirely on attacking Trump to try and dissuade the pro Trumpers, as if that is going to make a difference. Get this, we don't care about whatever brown stuff is thrown at the Donald, we'll support Trump anyway. Then there are those that just can't stand HRC, so any alternative is better. It's a sad fact that Bernie would probably have done better in the real contest than HRC, but the fix was in long ago.

Could it be that they know in their hearts that HRC is a rotten choice, with nothing much to attract the non fanatical Dem voter?

Could it be that they think HRC hasn't got what it takes to win?

It's actually pretty simple, If Clinton is a better candidate, she'll win, but if not.............................

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How do Hillary supporters explain EVERY poll showing her losing to Kasich, a likable enough guy but he can't even convince people in his own party to vote for him?

Not really true, as HRC beats Kasich in a general election. But you're close, Kasich is the strongest of the pack of 3. He can't get the Rep nomination because he's the most reasonable and intelligent of the trio. Reps don't want that. They want the sizzle, not the steak. They want the guy with the golden toilet on his large jet with his name emblazoned in gold. They want the guy who can potty-mouth Rosie O'Donnel. They want the guy who will say "everybody will love me, you'll see. I'll make America so great again, you won't know what hit you!" Even Mussolini would be in awe of The Donald's publicity machine.

Hillary is just not right for the job.

just a repeat of the obama years.

she will lose.

If Obama could run for a 3rd term he would win. Even Republican insiders would grudgingly agree on that. If HRC is a repeat of Obama (tho I wouldn't say that), then that's not so bad. as Obama has done a rather good job, particularly in lieu of Republican insiders always dragging their feet at every initiative the forward-looking Dems propose. Even now, Reps are dragging their feet re; the president's Constitutional duty to appoint a nominee for the S.Court.

If nothing else, Obama is well-liked and respected by world leaders. Trump isn't even liked by staff at his hotels (treats them like underlings and won't allow them to unionize).

Well, thank the deity that Obama can't run again, as sadly you are probably right. If he did get to do another term I'd be volunteering for the Mars mission to get away from a planet with that guy in charge again.

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Where's a Hillary Thread?

Seems only fair?

Not one Trump fan on this thread listened to Hillary's entire victory speech, after her 4 out of 5 wins last week. They don't want to hear it. They've got their Hate-Hillary glasses on, and that's all they need - to know she's the ogre living in a rat's nest under the house.

Why should they?

After all, the name Donald Trump has given Piano Legs lately - Crooked Hillary, is all anyone needs to know about her, eh?

Hillary ... Her Thighness.... :)

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"If Reagan in 1980 had been more like Trump the Iranians would never have released our hostages while he was being sworn in."

Trump will handle those people just fine. He's handling everything just fine despite his detractors. He's winning. He's winning against the powerful US elite. He's winning with the people. He's not going to take any shit from or bow to any foreign leaders.

Last month Castro snubbed Obama by not greeting him at the airport when Obama arrived. Trump was flabbergasted and said that if that happened to him he'd leave. I like it.

Oh noooesss he did not meet me at the airport!!!........how catastrophic!

If Trump is going to get offended by things like that he is going to have a very lonely and stressful term.

I dare say Trump said what he said becuase reactionaries enjoy it, i would expect should it have been Trump as POTUS he would have done exactly the same as Obama.

And depending on what news you want to believe, it is quite normal for heads of countries to not meet at the airport, but its okay because Trump says it was a snub, so it was a snub.......

He will be laughing all the way to the polls in disbelief that their are actually people who lap up that nonsense.

Trump does business with some of the most powerful people in the world, all over the world. Look at NYC. People love him. He cleaned up in the election there. He has to get along with, and have relationships with, the mayor and city council and planning commission and all of the other power brokers. He does FINE.

Trump has been doing this for years and one of the salient points he made in his book "The Art of The Deal" is that you always have to be willing to walk away. People have to know that, too. He would have walked away because if he didn't he'd appear to be weak. Obama looks weak. China runs amok in the SCS while Russia flies too close to a US Navy ship and then barrel rolls a fighter over the top of a US military airplane - all recently. OBAMA is weak.

Look at the trail behind Trump. He doesn't leave enemies in his wake nor does he leave people laughing at him. He's a genius at knowing how to deal with people and being successful at what he does is all about people skills. He has great people skills.

You can't win everyone and you can't win all of the time but Trump has his legacy of winning. Now you just watch him and you'll get surprised. He's going to show you how to "make offers people can't refuse".


Running private businesses with mixed success is a far cry from International diplomacy and relations. In private business you can screw people, make enemies if you want and you alone will live with the consuequences. When you are running a country with 100's of millions of people, where reactions to your actions can be far more servere and affect many millions of people, it is far removed.

Pity then that Clinton wasn't up to the job when she was Sec. State. She has basically proven by your standards that she isn't up to being president.

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Did anyone listen to Trump's speech after Indiana? I did. I admit I look for foibles, and there were many. He continues to contradict himself.

He's like the guy proposing marriage to his girlfriend.......

She (the voting public who are about to get forked) hesitates and says, "but will you always like me?"

Trump: "like you? Honey, I love you. I will love you forever and you will love me forever also! I promise you."

She: "But will you be a nice guy?"

Trump: "I'll be the nicest guy you've ever met. Nicer than anyone else. I wouldn't hurt a flea."

She: "But what if we were driving along a dark rainy road. What would you do if the car got a flat tire, and a group of bullies came and tried to get into the car?"

Trump: "Are you kidding. I would change the tire by myself while at the same time fight off all the bullies. I wouldn't need to fight. They'd see how tough I am, and they would all run into the woods. I would be the toughest guy you've ever known."

Less conjectural: Trump, in his speech said he would be so very tough with foreign leaders. In the next breath he said they would all like him and respect America. He said he would make great business deals for America, and in the next sentence he says everyone loves him, and they will all respect him.

Just a little note to Trump: Respect isn't dictated. It has to be earned. Same for affection. You can't order someone to like you. Trump hasn't figured that out yet.

Sadly then, few respect HRC. That reset button thing was just embarrassing. I don't remember a thing she did other than getting an ambassador murdered.

The secret service bodyguards certainly don't respect her.

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Cruz drops out of the race! It's over!

A great day for hillbilly paranoia

Now we can go to the next step of the election process...visibly humiliating the MURRICA faction and burying it forever. Donald Trump is just the man for that task.

Whatever he’s doing to bring it all down, it’s working. And I hope he doesn’t stop.


.....I sure do not want to kick a man when he is down.

Make sure you are aware that there are very few "hillbillies" in Indiana. Probably zero.

Yet they love Trump and hate Cruz


Republicans, and this wuz the Republican party primary.

It was an open primary to other voters....to vote in the Republican party primary.

A quarter of the Republicans said in exit polls they cannot vote for Trump for Potus. Those are the Cruz and Kasich Republicans and there will be no rapprochement to 'em.

Whatever crossover votes there are between the two parties will not change the ultimate outcome of the general election.

A new Rand survey finds 53% of voters surveyed say they will vote for a Democrat for president this fall while 37.9% will vote for a Republican.

Just four months ago, a similar survey found 46.7% were planning to vote for a Democrat while 43.1% would vote for a Republican.

It is both a landslide year and a Blue Wave Democratic party year across the board. Like in 1964 and deja vu all over again as Yogi Berra liked to say. Senate, House, White House and executive branch, Supreme Court.

A 7 percent swing in votes nationally puts Democrats into the House by overcoming Republican structural redistricting. The scientific polling data indicates a greater than 7% difference from 2010 which is when R's took majority control of the House. As many as 8 R senators up for reelection are goners, maybe 10 and at least 6, when the D's needed a net gain of 5 to get majority control again away from the Republicans.

Much obliged to youse guyz over there thx.

Barack's revenge.

Well, no more Cruz and Kasich has too few supporters to make a difference. Given that most Republicans would probably rather cut their hands off than vote for HRC, what they gonna do now?

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Running private businesses with mixed success is a far cry from International diplomacy and relations. In private business you can screw people, make enemies if you want and you alone will live with the consuequences. When you are running a country with 100's of millions of people, where reactions to your actions can be far more servere and affect many millions of people, it is far removed.

Pity then that Clinton wasn't up to the job when she was Sec. State. She has basically proven by your standards that she isn't up to being president.

I would think you would ask her boss how she did if you wanted to assess someone's work performance. You certainly wouldn't ask a Republican as they're all conditioned like Pavlov's Dog to react one way and one way only.

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Hillary ... Her Thighness.... smile.png

Keep it up. That kind of perverted misogyny from the Trump movement (basically a white male supremacist American fascist movement) is sure to win over the women's vote. Landslide coming your way.


A huckster and demagogue all but locked up the Republican nomination.

The Republican Party is now a white nationalist party, or at least a party with a white nationalist as its figurehead.

Edited by Jingthing
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Running private businesses with mixed success is a far cry from International diplomacy and relations. In private business you can screw people, make enemies if you want and you alone will live with the consuequences. When you are running a country with 100's of millions of people, where reactions to your actions can be far more servere and affect many millions of people, it is far removed.

Pity then that Clinton wasn't up to the job when she was Sec. State. She has basically proven by your standards that she isn't up to being president.

I would think you would ask her boss how she did if you wanted to assess someone's work performance. You certainly wouldn't ask a Republican as they're all conditioned like Pavlov's Dog to react one way and one way only.


The public were her boss, and how she did was evident through the media.

Can anyone tell us one thing she achieved that was beneficial for the US? I don't know of anything.

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Watch the bitter and resigned conservative Charles Krauthammer today (who some on this forum have elevated to near sainthood - and yet those same posters support Trump blink.png ) debate with O'Reilly how wrong Trump is for the country:


Krauthammer (another of the people at work at the late Bill Buckley's vanity press, NRO), represents everything this primary season has repudiated: endless wars overseas, open borders, free trade agreements that benefit everyone accept the US, and the status quo writ in stone. He is just about the last person to listen to, unless your idea of a perfect president is G.W. Bush.

I won't name names, but several conservatives and Trump supporters on this forum have said he's the greatest and most brilliant conservative voice since Bill Buckley. wink.png Some need to get their story straight.

Yes...Krauthammer is pizzed & frustrated because Clinton is the only conservative in the race

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Hillary ... Her Thighness.... smile.png

Keep it up. That kind of perverted misogyny from the Trump movement (basically a white male supremacist American fascist movement) is sure to win over the women's vote. Landslide coming your way.

Doesn't seem to work with the millenials. Looks like they don't find the old school hard-core feminism appealing, probably because they've grown a thicker skin. When Sanders drops, which way they sway is anyone's bet.

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Running private businesses with mixed success is a far cry from International diplomacy and relations. In private business you can screw people, make enemies if you want and you alone will live with the consuequences. When you are running a country with 100's of millions of people, where reactions to your actions can be far more servere and affect many millions of people, it is far removed.

Pity then that Clinton wasn't up to the job when she was Sec. State. She has basically proven by your standards that she isn't up to being president.

I would think you would ask her boss how she did if you wanted to assess someone's work performance. You certainly wouldn't ask a Republican as they're all conditioned like Pavlov's Dog to react one way and one way only.


The public were her boss, and how she did was evident through the media.

Can anyone tell us one thing she achieved that was beneficial for the US? I don't know of anything.

Can anyone think of anywhere she touched as SoS that isn't worst off today? Granted, there are likely quite a few foreign despots who gained favors in return for their donations to the Clinton money laundering Foundation

Edited by NovaBlue05
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Hillary ... Her Thighness.... smile.png

Keep it up. That kind of perverted misogyny from the Trump movement (basically a white male supremacist American fascist movement) is sure to win over the women's vote. Landslide coming your way.


A huckster and demagogue all but locked up the Republican nomination.

The Republican Party is now a white nationalist party, or at least a party with a white nationalist as its figurehead.

Why do you assume mocking one particular woman is misogyny? Misogyny is hatred of ALL women.

I like women in general ( I even married one ), but I don't like HRC for what she has done, not because she was born without a penis.

When men attack a particularly unpleasant woman, the response is always that it's because we don't like strong women, when in fact it's just that we don't like that particular woman.

I have known real strong women and they aren't shrill politicians using the gender card.

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Hillary ... Her Thighness.... smile.png

Keep it up. That kind of perverted misogyny from the Trump movement (basically a white male supremacist American fascist movement) is sure to win over the women's vote. Landslide coming your way.


A huckster and demagogue all but locked up the Republican nomination.

The Republican Party is now a white nationalist party, or at least a party with a white nationalist as its figurehead.

Why do you assume mocking one particular woman is misogyny? Misogyny is hatred of ALL women.

I like women in general ( I even married one ), but I don't like HRC for what she has done, not because she was born without a penis.

When men attack a particularly unpleasant woman, the response is always that it's because we don't like strong women, when in fact it's just that we don't like that particular woman.

I have known real strong women and they aren't shrill politicians using the gender card.

It's the "Progressive" defense mechanism. Same reason you can't criticize Obama's job performance without being a racist

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Time to CLOSE THIS TOPIC!!! The race for the nomination is over. Cruz quit. Trump wins (like many of us have been saying all along). This is a dead issue. Moderators! Please close this topic!!!

This topic isn't over until the election reaches it's conclusion.

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Well, thank the deity that Obama can't run again, as sadly you are probably right. If he did get to do another term I'd be volunteering for the Mars mission to get away from a planet with that guy in charge again.

There are beaches on Mars, but not any surf. Still, if you love sandy beaches, there's an endless amount there. Pack a lunch.

Sadly then, few respect HRC. That reset button thing was just embarrassing. I don't remember a thing she did other than getting an ambassador murdered.

The secret service bodyguards certainly don't respect her.

Benghazi: 4 Americans killed. Obama President, HRC, Sec. of State

Beirut: 241 Americans killed. Reagan President, Schultz, Sec. of State

According to Republicans' logic, Reagan/Schultz are responsible for the deaths of 237 more Americans in terrorist attacks, than Obama/Clinton.

The Beirut attack was sixty times more deadly than the Benghazi attack.

The bottom line is: Shit Happens. 9-11 happened, and many other unfortunate deaths. If you want to blame the person in charge, when bad things happen, that's your choice. I look at it differently. I don't blame Reagan for the 241 Marines killed (even though he sent them there in poorly-protected barracks). I'm not into blame generally. Republicans are non-stop blaming people for things. Listen to a Trump's stump speech, and nearly every sentence is blame-laden.

I've been a step-dad for about 20 kids at various times. One thing I try to teach kids is: don't be so quick to blame. Sometimes bad things happen, and there's not necessarily a person/company/country or group of people that needs blaming. The opposite of that sort of thinking are people like Trump and Thaksin, who are always ready to slap big money lawsuits on others. I teach responsibility - trying to find solutions, rather than squandering in the mud, looking for scapegoats.

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Well, thank the deity that Obama can't run again, as sadly you are probably right. If he did get to do another term I'd be volunteering for the Mars mission to get away from a planet with that guy in charge again.

There are beaches on Mars, but not any surf. Still, if you love sandy beaches, there's an endless amount there. Pack a lunch.

Sadly then, few respect HRC. That reset button thing was just embarrassing. I don't remember a thing she did other than getting an ambassador murdered.

The secret service bodyguards certainly don't respect her.

Benghazi: 4 Americans killed. Obama President, HRC, Sec. of State

Beirut: 241 Americans killed. Reagan President, Schultz, Sec. of State

According to Republicans' logic, Reagan/Schultz are responsible for the deaths of 237 more Americans in terrorist attacks, than Obama/Clinton.

The Beirut attack was sixty times more deadly than the Benghazi attack.

The bottom line is: Shit Happens. 9-11 happened, and many other unfortunate deaths. If you want to blame the person in charge, when bad things happen, that's your choice. I look at it differently. I don't blame Reagan for the 241 Marines killed (even though he sent them there in poorly-protected barracks). I'm not into blame generally. Republicans are non-stop blaming people for things. Listen to a Trump's stump speech, and nearly every sentence is blame-laden.

I've been a step-dad for about 20 kids at various times. One thing I try to teach kids is: don't be so quick to blame. Sometimes bad things happen, and there's not necessarily a person/company/country or group of people that needs blaming. The opposite of that sort of thinking are people like Trump and Thaksin, who are always ready to slap big money lawsuits on others. I teach responsibility - trying to find solutions, rather than squandering in the mud, looking for scapegoats.

Thanks for taking the time to teach us, Dad. We'll get back to you on all that.

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Well, thank the deity that Obama can't run again, as sadly you are probably right. If he did get to do another term I'd be volunteering for the Mars mission to get away from a planet with that guy in charge again.

There are beaches on Mars, but not any surf. Still, if you love sandy beaches, there's an endless amount there. Pack a lunch.

Sadly then, few respect HRC. That reset button thing was just embarrassing. I don't remember a thing she did other than getting an ambassador murdered.

The secret service bodyguards certainly don't respect her.

Benghazi: 4 Americans killed. Obama President, HRC, Sec. of State

Beirut: 241 Americans killed. Reagan President, Schultz, Sec. of State

According to Republicans' logic, Reagan/Schultz are responsible for the deaths of 237 more Americans in terrorist attacks, than Obama/Clinton.

The Beirut attack was sixty times more deadly than the Benghazi attack.

The bottom line is: Shit Happens. 9-11 happened, and many other unfortunate deaths. If you want to blame the person in charge, when bad things happen, that's your choice. I look at it differently. I don't blame Reagan for the 241 Marines killed (even though he sent them there in poorly-protected barracks). I'm not into blame generally. Republicans are non-stop blaming people for things. Listen to a Trump's stump speech, and nearly every sentence is blame-laden.

I've been a step-dad for about 20 kids at various times. One thing I try to teach kids is: don't be so quick to blame. Sometimes bad things happen, and there's not necessarily a person/company/country or group of people that needs blaming. The opposite of that sort of thinking are people like Trump and Thaksin, who are always ready to slap big money lawsuits on others. I teach responsibility - trying to find solutions, rather than squandering in the mud, looking for scapegoats.

Thanks for taking the time to teach us, Dad. We'll get back to you on all that.

Yes, please come back to that!!!

The reason you don't answer now is because you don't have a answer!!!

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How do Hillary supporters explain EVERY poll showing her losing to Kasich, a likable enough guy but he can't even convince people in his own party to vote for him?

Not really true, as HRC beats Kasich in a general election. But you're close, Kasich is the strongest of the pack of 3. He can't get the Rep nomination because he's the most reasonable and intelligent of the trio. Reps don't want that. They want the sizzle, not the steak. They want the guy with the golden toilet on his large jet with his name emblazoned in gold. They want the guy who can potty-mouth Rosie O'Donnel. They want the guy who will say "everybody will love me, you'll see. I'll make America so great again, you won't know what hit you!" Even Mussolini would be in awe of The Donald's publicity machine.

Hillary is just not right for the job.

just a repeat of the obama years.

she will lose.

If Obama could run for a 3rd term he would win. Even Republican insiders would grudgingly agree on that. If HRC is a repeat of Obama (tho I wouldn't say that), then that's not so bad. as Obama has done a rather good job, particularly in lieu of Republican insiders always dragging their feet at every initiative the forward-looking Dems propose. Even now, Reps are dragging their feet re; the president's Constitutional duty to appoint a nominee for the S.Court.

If nothing else, Obama is well-liked and respected by world leaders. Trump isn't even liked by staff at his hotels (treats them like underlings and won't allow them to unionize).

Sounds like you are just as bad....

comparing world leaders with doormen at a hotel.

Well, if all the world leaders love Obama so much, they would be holding the doors open for him and tipping their caps.....as the hotel staff do.

I don't get it...either.

Edited by slipperylobster
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OK, how about if we get back to this Trump abomination.

People should realize that his was just the first act of this drama. There's still at least two more acts coming.

How long do you think it will be before a conservative third party candidacy is announced? I'd say it will happen in late June or perhaps July 4th would be appropriate.

They're going to draft a very strong conservative ticket that will have a libertarian leaning fiscal conservative at the top of the ticket and an Evangelical social conservative as VP. And they are going to run hard against Trump. Not Secretary Clinton. Trump.

It won't be the milquetoast campaigns we witnessed over the last few months, but instead it will be a bare knuckled attack on Trump's weaknesses with genuine conservative voters. Every school yard taunt by Trump is going to be met with the same +1.

The Republican establishment now realizes they have no chance at taking the White House, but it is not just going to sit idly by and let him ruin any chances of retaining the senate and preserving the house majority. You can be sure that the Democrats are already creating ads that tie Trump to every vulnerable Republican Senate candidate. The Republican establishment knows they're not going to win the presidency, so they don't have to appeal to the majority of voters. All they have to do is create a protest candidate that provides cover to down ballot candidates.

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OK, how about if we get back to this Trump abomination.

People should realize that his was just the first act of this drama. There's still at least two more acts coming.

How long do you think it will be before a conservative third party candidacy is announced? I'd say it will happen in late June or perhaps July 4th would be appropriate.

They're going to draft a very strong conservative ticket that will have a libertarian leaning fiscal conservative at the top of the ticket and an Evangelical social conservative as VP. And they are going to run hard against Trump. Not Secretary Clinton. Trump.

It won't be the milquetoast campaigns we witnessed over the last few months, but instead it will be a bare knuckled attack on Trump's weaknesses with genuine conservative voters. Every school yard taunt by Trump is going to be met with the same +1.

The Republican establishment now realizes they have no chance at taking the White House, but it is not just going to sit idly by and let him ruin any chances of retaining the senate and preserving the house majority. You can be sure that the Democrats are already creating ads that tie Trump to every vulnerable Republican Senate candidate. The Republican establishment knows they're not going to win the presidency, so they don't have to appeal to the majority of voters. All they have to do is create a protest candidate that provides cover to down ballot candidates.

Wishful thinking. Not gonna happen. The Republicans will support Trump. There may be a lunatic fringe party, in fact I'm sure there are several right now. One more will make no difference.

Trump is going to be the next president of the United States.

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Donald Trump stood by his call to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. Wednesday, saying he doesn’t care if it hurts him in the general election.

“I don’t care if it hurts me,” the presumptive GOP nominee said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” Wednesday. “I’m doing the right thing when I do this. And whether it’s Muslim or whether it’s something else, I mean, I have to do the right thing and that’s the way I’ve been guided.”


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Donald Trump stood by his call to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. Wednesday, saying he doesn’t care if it hurts him in the general election.

“I don’t care if it hurts me,” the presumptive GOP nominee said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” Wednesday. “I’m doing the right thing when I do this. And whether it’s Muslim or whether it’s something else, I mean, I have to do the right thing and that’s the way I’ve been guided.”


It would seem Mr Trump knows more than some of his critics !

"The selective immigration ban is already law and has been applied on several occasions. Known as the McCarran-Walter Act, the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 allows for the "Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by the president. Whenever the president finds that the entry of aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, the president may, by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate"

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All this talk about the end of the Republican Party. I don't see that. I mean Klu Klux Klan has had problems, and they're still a club. I would like to see the US have a multi-party system, with Greens and others. Unfortunately, it won't be viable for the near future, because the two major parties are awash with money. Just two men, for example, the Koch Brothers, pour more money into the Republican Party than exists in Thailand's entire economy. And the Kochs are just two of thousands of mega-donors. Bush Jr. spent $2,800 per vote in Iowa, and $32.5 million for each delegate he got. That's how Republicans spend their money. Dems aren't much better.

When the hard-hard-hard-right wingers in the Supreme Court designated Corporations as 'people' the opened the floodgates for such insane vote buying. Thank Bob, Rheinqist and Scalia are gone. They were for America what infected pustules are for lips.

Do you mean the same KKK that was and is? democrat?

And what if i told you that "right wing" really means "minimal state" and not what you think it means?

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It's simple. Mrs. Clinton is not likeable. She just isn't. It's all a big farce. The media is propagandising her as inevitable and she can't even deal with a loud, obnoxious 1960s retread commie from Brooklyn.

Trump and his movement are a force of nature and now that he's cleared the Republican field, he's going to descend on Mrs. Clinton like a ton of bricks.

You watch. It's going to be beautiful.

If I were an American citizen, I would just say: T-16

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It's simple. Mrs. Clinton is not likeable. She just isn't. It's all a big farce. The media is propagandising her as inevitable and she can't even deal with a loud, obnoxious 1960s retread commie from Brooklyn.

Trump and his movement are a force of nature and now that he's cleared the Republican field, he's going to descend on Mrs. Clinton like a ton of bricks.

You watch. It's going to be beautiful.

If I were an American citizen, I would just say: T-16

youre 100% wrong

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Check this out, boys...

Anti-Trump groups and campaigns spent $75.7 million on 64,000 negative ads against Donald Trump this election cycle. And that’s just broadcast television. Millions more were spent on cable and satellite television ads.

CNN reported

http://edition.cnn.com/2016/05/03/politics/indiana-primary-results-live-updates/index.html#lf-content=163742678:[email protected]

"The television ad campaign to defeat Donald Trump was at least a $75.7 million effort, according to the ad tracking firm Kantar Media/CMAG. (Their full estimate: $75,723,580"

Does anyone really believe that Crooked Hillary stands a chance?

In Bizzaro Wingnuttia, the lemmings actually believe that Hillary doesn't stand a chance. I know! It's so weird.

This is what a a steady diet of Fox News and Drudge does to the normal human thinking process.

Hillary Clinton is going to win by the biggest majority in history yet, ...

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It's simple. Mrs. Clinton is not likeable. She just isn't. It's all a big farce. The media is propagandising her as inevitable and she can't even deal with a loud, obnoxious 1960s retread commie from Brooklyn.

Trump and his movement are a force of nature and now that he's cleared the Republican field, he's going to descend on Mrs. Clinton like a ton of bricks.

You watch. It's going to be beautiful.

If I were an American citizen, I would just say: T-16

youre 100% wrong

No, I'm not. I'm 100% not an American citizen!

But otherwise you are 100% spot on - Your answer is so 100% disarming, damn! wink.png


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