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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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It's simple. Mrs. Clinton is not likeable. She just isn't. It's all a big farce. The media is propagandising her as inevitable and she can't even deal with a loud, obnoxious 1960s retread commie from Brooklyn.

Trump and his movement are a force of nature and now that he's cleared the Republican field, he's going to descend on Mrs. Clinton like a ton of bricks.

You watch. It's going to be beautiful.

If I were an American citizen, I would just say: T-16

youre 100% wrong

No, I'm not. I'm 100% not an American citizen!

But otherwise you are 100% spot on - Your answer is so 100% disarming, damn! wink.png


and youre still mistaken

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Trump: "Toxic stew of hatred ..."

You said it Ms. Warren! clap2.gif


“There’s more enthusiasm for [Trump] among leaders of the KKK than leaders of the political party he now controls,” Warren tweeted.
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It's simple. Mrs. Clinton is not likeable. She just isn't. It's all a big farce. The media is propagandising her as inevitable and she can't even deal with a loud, obnoxious 1960s retread commie from Brooklyn.

Trump and his movement are a force of nature and now that he's cleared the Republican field, he's going to descend on Mrs. Clinton like a ton of bricks.

You watch. It's going to be beautiful.

If I were an American citizen, I would just say: T-16

youre 100% wrong

No, I'm not. I'm 100% not an American citizen!

But otherwise you are 100% spot on - Your answer is so 100% disarming, damn! wink.png


and youre still mistaken

Okay, you win - Now I finally see, you made your point quite eloquently. My impression is so 100% wrong... I don't insist on it.

I'll just watch an enjoy - Even without your approval, okay?

Peace, T-16

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So the overlords of the GOP have spoken and have decided they will back Trump. Kasich remaining in the race was quite an exercise in futility anyway. When will Sanders drop out? He is now a hinderance to HRC.

That's exactly why Sanders should not drop out. He has demonstrated that Clinton is not the juggernaut the media has been advertising for 8 years now. After that aura is drained out of her, she can proceed to her first general election campaign against an unpredictable opponent who likely doesn't covet an election victory anywhere near the obsession level she has

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So the overlords of the GOP have spoken and have decided they will back Trump. Kasich remaining in the race was quite an exercise in futility anyway. When will Sanders drop out? He is now a hinderance to HRC.

That's exactly why Sanders should not drop out. He has demonstrated that Clinton is not the juggernaut the media has been advertising for 8 years now. After that aura is drained out of her, she can proceed to her first general election campaign against an unpredictable opponent who likely doesn't covet an election victory anywhere near the obsession level she has

I guess that's one line of thinking of you do not want HRC to win. I personally dislike her just amused the Democrats haven't told Bernie to shut up yet.

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News flash: Kasich exiting race.

He stood for too long in front of the Trump Train. He and so many other professional and high level #NeverTrumps are piled up and bleeding in the ditch.

Hillary has 30 years of scandals and no real accomplishments (that she'd want to admit to.) Trump is going to unleash on her like she's never seen before.

Hillary just last night lost badly to a decrepit old socialist who's bitten into her leg like a junkyard dog and won't let go. Trump ran the table. His last of 17 competitors dropped out despite the backing of the elites. It's Trump and it's All Trump.

Hillary is a loser with the personality of a bale of hay and a legacy of scandals and corruption. Despite the superdelegates Bernie is still dogging her.

The fact that Hillary can't put Bernie away but instead is still losing shows just how deep her support runs even within her own party.

Why oh Why would the Democrats choose that 90 year old hag as their Hope For The Future? I can't wait to see Trump unleash on Hillary now that he's locked up the R nomination. It's going to be epic.



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News flash: Kasich exiting race.

He stood for too long in front of the Trump Train. He and so many other professional and high level #NeverTrumps are piled up and bleeding in the ditch.

Hillary has 30 years of scandals and no real accomplishments (that she'd want to admit to.) Trump is going to unleash on her like she's never seen before.

Hillary just last night lost badly to a decrepit old socialist who's bitten into her leg like a junkyard dog and won't let go. Trump ran the table. His last of 17 competitors dropped out despite the backing of the elites. It's Trump and it's All Trump.

Hillary is a loser with the personality of a bale of hay and a legacy of scandals and corruption. Despite the superdelegates Bernie is still dogging her.

The fact that Hillary can't put Bernie away but instead is still losing shows just how deep her support runs even within her own party.

Why oh Why would the Democrats choose that 90 year old hag as their Hope For The Future? I can't wait to see Trump unleash on Hillary now that he's locked up the R nomination. It's going to be epic.



she'll slaughter him

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So it's Trump vs. Clinton.

Kind of an anti-climax, don't you think!?!

Is Trump gonna get BORING now to put on his "presidential" act?

We all know it's a big con job ACT from him.

We don't know anything about his presidential act as we haven't really seen it so far. Let him keep doing what he is doing and win in spite of himself.

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So it's Trump vs. Clinton.

Kind of an anti-climax, don't you think!?!

Is Trump gonna get BORING now to put on his "presidential" act?

We all know it's a big con job ACT from him.

Some of his bluster is probably an "act" but he believes what he's saying. I believe he entered the race to stop unvetted migrants from entering the country. Can no one else see what is happening in Europe? Obama is putting on a push to hurry up and let a bunch of them in. Hillary is no different.

Trump is pissed that we make such bad deals with other countries and the list is long. He's a dealer - a negotiator at the highest level and things will change.

Everyone wants jobs and prosperity. The Dems have shipped them away while allowing illegals to come in and compete with lower and sometimes illegal wages. Even blacks and union workers and millennials can see that. Bernie is opposed to exporting jobs and that's a big part of his following, especially with minorities. Trump will attract some of Bernie's followers for that reason. They all know Hillary is an open borders globalist.

Americans are also watching Europe and it's a disaster. The EU just proclaimed that every invader a country refuses will result in a charge of $280k to that country!!! The nerve! What ever happened to national borders.? EU: EUROPEANS MUST PAY $280K FOR EACH MUSLIM MIGRANT THEY REFUSE . Damn!!! European countries have lost their sovereignty

The EU is proposing admitting Turkey. IF THEY DO, THE UK'S BORDER WILL RUN ALL THE WAY TO IRAQ AND SYRIA!!! Americans are appalled and DON'T want that happening to them. It ain't gonna, either. Trump.

The world is a mess and the only candidate anywhere in the world who calls it a disaster and promises to stop it in America is Trump. End of.


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So the overlords of the GOP have spoken and have decided they will back Trump. Kasich remaining in the race was quite an exercise in futility anyway. When will Sanders drop out? He is now a hinderance to HRC.

That's exactly why Sanders should not drop out. He has demonstrated that Clinton is not the juggernaut the media has been advertising for 8 years now. After that aura is drained out of her, she can proceed to her first general election campaign against an unpredictable opponent who likely doesn't covet an election victory anywhere near the obsession level she has

I guess that's one line of thinking of you do not want HRC to win. I personally dislike her just amused the Democrats haven't told Bernie to shut up yet.

The DNC and the media have pretty much dismissed Bernie from day 1 as this has been an 8 year long crusade for them to crown Bubba's wife. They are painfully aware that she is a weak candidate on her own and now have to stroke Bernie hoping that he will fall in line like a good party lapdog and give her a glowing endorsement and then hope his supporters actually go to the polls for her.

I would be disappointed in him if he did that as, up to now, he has projected a persona of a politician that actually has real principles and ethics

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Why oh Why would the Democrats choose that 90 year old hag as their Hope For The Future?

I'm constantly amazed by the ignorance of some people.

Not only is she younger than Trump, but she doesn't spray herself orange and she still has most of her hair.

Oh and intellectually, comparing Clinton to Trump is like comparing Einstein to a protozoan.

The first debate will be a hoot. I wouldn't be surprised if he pulls out of the rest unless he can pick his sons as the moderators and make them promise not to ask difficult questions.

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So it's Trump vs. Clinton.

Kind of an anti-climax, don't you think!?!

Is Trump gonna get BORING now to put on his "presidential" act?

We all know it's a big con job ACT from him.

Some of his bluster is probably an "act" but he believes what he's saying. I believe he entered the race to stop unvetted migrants from entering the country. Can no one else see what is happening in Europe? Obama is putting on a push to hurry up and let a bunch of them in. Hillary is no different.

Trump is pissed that we make such bad deals with other countries and the list is long. He's a dealer - a negotiator at the highest level and things will change.

Everyone wants jobs and prosperity. The Dems have shipped them away while allowing illegals to come in and compete with lower and sometimes illegal wages. Even blacks and union workers and millennials can see that. Bernie is opposed to exporting jobs and that's a big part of his following, especially with minorities. Trump will attract some of Bernie's followers for that reason. They all know Hillary is an open borders globalist.

Americans are also watching Europe and it's a disaster. The EU just proclaimed that every invader a country refuses will result in a charge of $280k to that country!!! The nerve! What ever happened to national borders.? EU: EUROPEANS MUST PAY $280K FOR EACH MUSLIM MIGRANT THEY REFUSE . Damn!!! European countries have lost their sovereignty

The EU is proposing admitting Turkey. IF THEY DO, THE UK'S BORDER WILL RUN ALL THE WAY TO IRAQ AND SYRIA!!! Americans are appalled and DON'T want that happening to them. It ain't gonna, either. Trump.

The world is a mess and the only candidate anywhere in the world who calls it a disaster and promises to stop it in America is Trump. End of.


rumps gonna make sure america doesn have a border with syria? well done trump

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JT and Chicog - i am pleased to confirm that Hillary has finally vacated the toilet after a straight twelve hour stint. Personally, I think she should have stayed where she was.

The Donald is gonna murder HRC live on TV. I'm kind of feeling sorry for her already but looking forward to the spectacle.

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JT and Chicog - i am pleased to confirm that Hillary has finally vacated the toilet after a straight twelve hour stint. Personally, I think she should have stayed where she was.

The Donald is gonna murder HRC live on TV. I'm kind of feeling sorry for her already but looking forward to the spectacle.

not as much as we are gonna enjoy watchin you look for a place to hide on nov 8

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I think the Trump campaign chose the perfect slogan for their supporters - with a slight name change


  1. a foolish or easily deceived person.

All aboard the "Chump Train!"

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The funniest thing is going to be seeing the hubris and premature gloating of Clinton supporters wiped off their faces. I have thoroughly enjoyed the U.S election spectacle thus far, but expect it to get even better.

How do Hillary supporters explain EVERY poll showing her losing to Kasich, a likable enough guy but he can't even convince people in his own party to vote for him?

Kasich is John Boehner with a conscience. Each of 'em has a national profile to some extent and it ain't ever been good for either one.

Each of 'em were in the US House a long time and now both of 'em are back home in Ohio. The only actual difference between these two teary-eyed Republicans is that Kasich is not a loudmouth.

Kasich's problem is that most people who know of him and his long career still connect him to Washington Republicans such as, well, Kasich and Boehner.

Kasich just can't ever get out of the two peas in a bad pod casting, i.e., two brothers in political arms who grovel around in bad governance too much.

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Where's a Hillary Thread?

Seems only fair?

Short of a 100th thread on Hillary Clinton let's have instead a post that has her front and center and all over Donald Trump.

Lots of people don't like the HR Clinton policies or views but they are the minority of the electorate.

The fringe right is especially worked up against HRC because it's virtually guaranteed HRC will beat 'em in an election of Potus. Another Clinton win over the Gone Old Party. A second Clinton besides. Two of 'em, both of 'em. (Two Bushes get negated.)

And in effect, an HRC win means we have a third Obama!!! That's 8 years of Bill, 8 years of Barack and 4 years of Hillary-Barack -- all wrapped up into one term in the WH, i.e., the next one beginning next year.

My God the whingers over and out there hate her biggrin.png

The extreme whingenuts out on the lunar right rocket right out of their orbit staring straight on at what's happening to 'em.

Edited by Publicus
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It's simple. Mrs. Clinton is not likeable. She just isn't. It's all a big farce. The media is propagandising her as inevitable and she can't even deal with a loud, obnoxious 1960s retread commie from Brooklyn.

Trump and his movement are a force of nature and now that he's cleared the Republican field, he's going to descend on Mrs. Clinton like a ton of bricks. You watch. It's going to be beautiful.

If I were an American citizen, I would just say: T-16

Have you seen a ton of bricks descend? It falls on the ground like a big dusty thwump, which rhymes with Trump.

HRC, can just step aside, and maybe put a dustmask to her face. She's faced tougher than Trump's ton of bricks, and come out looking good.

Trump fans won't look or listen to anything HRC says on the campaign trail. That's different than me. Though I'm no Trump fan, I do listen to his speeches in their entirety. It's actually good entertainment, particularly how he contradicts himself every minute or so. Trump fans, in contrast, try desperately to hang on to the worst things they can conjure about Hillary. It works for Trumpsters, but it doesn't (and won't) work for the vast majority of the general public, much to anger of Trumpsters.

It's as though Trump fans are yelling, "Why doesn't everyone see Hillary as horrible?! It makes me so angry!"

BTW, I held off researching Benghazi until recently. Last night I read a detailed report put out by a British newspaper (The Guardian). They actually had reporters who got to Benghazi crime scene days before the FBI got there. The article detailed what their reporters found, and compared it to the official US report. What surprised me was how little HRC was involved. Her name was barely mentioned, and the Brit newspaper was not trying to shield her. Instead, they were reporting what happened, in the prior weeks, and mostly the minute-by-minute details of the attack.

Republican Attack Machine is trying so hard to implicate HRC in the four deaths. It would be like implicating Obama in the recent deaths in Bangladesh (Reps are probably working on tying that together also). Come on Republican Attack Machine, if you're going to try so hard to dig dirt, at least do a better job of it. All you've dug up on HRC is near zero, and the proof is how Hillary is consistently popular among the general public.

Can Trump do better than that? Well, he's true to his vindictive style, calling HRC childish names. That's about all the ammo he's got: name-calling, blame, histrionics.

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.....and 4 years of Hillary

Only 4? More likely 8.

Later, there's Chelsea, and then Malia and Sasha, ....that's assuming Michelle doesn't get back to the WH prior.

Ouch for Republicans. Any one of those strong, wise and beautiful women would be nightmares for them.

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JT and Chicog - i am pleased to confirm that Hillary has finally vacated the toilet after a straight twelve hour stint. Personally, I think she should have stayed where she was.

The Donald is gonna murder HRC live on TV. I'm kind of feeling sorry for her already but looking forward to the spectacle.


She has taken her demo"crap". Time to wipe and go home.

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The EU just proclaimed that every invader a country refuses will result in a charge of $280k to that country!!! The nerve! What ever happened to national borders.? EU: EUROPEANS MUST PAY $280K FOR EACH MUSLIM MIGRANT THEY REFUSE . Damn!!! European countries have lost their sovereignty

The EU is proposing admitting Turkey. IF THEY DO, THE UK'S BORDER WILL RUN ALL THE WAY TO IRAQ AND SYRIA!!! Americans are appalled and DON'T want that happening to them. It ain't gonna, either. Trump.

Incorrect, it is a proposal for EU countries which refuse their allocated quota. Even if the proposal was enacted I very much doubt the fine can actually be enforced on non compliant countries.

BTW just to clarify some of your nonsense, UK is not a party to the EU quotas for asylum seekers, nor a signatory to the Schengen agreement.

EDIT: In addition your Frontpage link articulates a fundamental lie, Merkel did not invite all Muslims.

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