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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Now The Donald is chummy with NRA. All smiles and friendly slaps on the back. The folks who want armed guards in every school and at every meeting. As if grown men with loaded weapons are always going to do the right thing. Oh, of course they will, if they have a uniform and a 50 cent badge. And putting grown men with loaded weapons in schools with pretty little girls prancing around - nothing could go wrong there, could it?

The NRA is to intelligence what a paper plane is to an F-16. They love The Donald now, but do they also know Donald can change his ideas as easily a rubber ducky changes orientation on a roiling sea.

sorry...but did you say "pretty little girls" ???


it sounds perverted...

you may want to change that to "children"

Yes, I wrote 'pretty little girls' and did so for a reason. Imagine you had a couple of daughters. Let's say they were ages 9 and 11. Then imagine they went to a school where there were grown men carrying loaded weapons. Those are the men who the NRA recommend being stationed at every school in the USA. School is 5 days a week, week after week. Those grown men are standing the hallways with their loaded weapons. Pretty little girls are prancing to and fro. Men get thoughts. Girls get crushes on big men. Conversations happen. Girls get girlish, singing, dancing, prancing, flirty and doing all the silly cute things that silly cute girls do. Men get more thoughts. Bad things can happen.

A bit different, but I know a guy who, when he was just a kid, a janitor at his school grabbed him and took him into the broom closet. Some sexual things happened. Ok, that was man on boy, but you get the picture?

One of my points here is in response to the NRA recommending armed guards be placed in all US schools. NRA assumes all those guards will be mature self-controlled men. For anyone who knows anything about human nature, that's a very naive assumption.

Here's another angle. Let's say there's an armed guard who is taunted by school boys. Day after day. One day, the guard snaps and shoots. POW! Completely plausible scenario. People go postal every day.

I know men who have a very low level of self-control and are liable to explode with retribution when offended (sounds like Trump, doesn't it?). Some of those men have been in the military. Some are Harvard graduates. Some are cops. I know something about human nature. Do you?

Fantasy. Should be in Playboy Mag.

I can think of something even worst and that's Obama demanding that grown men be allowed to use the same bathroom as the "couple of daughters" referenced above.

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I'm sorry to post so often this morning. But this NRA / Trump lovefest is bugging me.

Part of the reason I moved away from the US (in 1998) is American's love fixation with guns. No Trump supporter is going to agree with me on this, but I don't like guns unless they're necessary for stopping something bad from happening. I don't even like game-hunting with guns, I think it's cowardly (I think Ted Nugent agrees with me on that, ha ha). I prefer to let animals live.

Now some states in the US are allowing guns to get carried around in public, into shops, schools, government offices, .....whatever. Mayor Moscone and a supervisor were shot and killed in their San Francisco offices - by a cop who was also a country supervisor. Was any security guard going to stop the killer from entering the mayor's office with a gun? No. They were all NRA lifetime members. They love everything about guns. Moscone's and Milk's murders were just two of thousands of unnecessary gun deaths each year in the US.

Gun lovers will boycott a store which doesn't allow open-carry. I will boycott a store which does allow it. Indeed, if I walk in a store and I see anyone other than a guard or cop carrying a gun, I will walk out. And yes, I do return to the US once in awhile, and I don't like some of the trends I see there.

Did you ever sit down, take a deep breath and ask yourself...

"I wonder what one person with a gun could have done to ease the pain caused by Adam Lanza in Sandy Hook?"

There are a lot of "what if's....." in life and in history. Also known as Monday morning quarterbacks. I can think of a lot of scenarios where, if I had a gun at the right place at the right time, I could have changed history. .....like when Hitler was giving one of his big speeches in 1937. .....or when Princess Di was about to get in the chauffeur driven car in Paris, I could have taken a gun and forced the drunk driver to abandon his seat to me, and I would have insisted that everyone wear a seatbelt.

Each time a person gets mugged, they could say, "If I only had a gun......."

Note: the very recent Egypt Air plane which went down. It's nearly certain it was an attempted hijacking or suicide bomber situation. Yet, THERE WERE THREE ARMED SECURITY GUARDS ON BOARD. Sadly, they didn't save the plane from crashing.

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I'm sorry to post so often this morning. But this NRA / Trump lovefest is bugging me.

Part of the reason I moved away from the US (in 1998) is American's love fixation with guns. No Trump supporter is going to agree with me on this, but I don't like guns unless they're necessary for stopping something bad from happening. I don't even like game-hunting with guns, I think it's cowardly (I think Ted Nugent agrees with me on that, ha ha). I prefer to let animals live.

Now some states in the US are allowing guns to get carried around in public, into shops, schools, government offices, .....whatever. Mayor Moscone and a supervisor were shot and killed in their San Francisco offices - by a cop who was also a country supervisor. Was any security guard going to stop the killer from entering the mayor's office with a gun? No. They were all NRA lifetime members. They love everything about guns. Moscone's and Milk's murders were just two of thousands of unnecessary gun deaths each year in the US.

Gun lovers will boycott a store which doesn't allow open-carry. I will boycott a store which does allow it. Indeed, if I walk in a store and I see anyone other than a guard or cop carrying a gun, I will walk out. And yes, I do return to the US once in awhile, and I don't like some of the trends I see there.

Did you ever sit down, take a deep breath and ask yourself...

"I wonder what one person with a gun could have done to ease the pain caused by Adam Lanza in Sandy Hook?"

There are a lot of "what if's....." in life and in history. Also known as Monday morning quarterbacks. I can think of a lot of scenarios where, if I had a gun at the right place at the right time, I could have changed history. .....like when Hitler was giving one of his big speeches in 1937. .....or when Princess Di was about to get in the chauffeur driven car in Paris, I could have taken a gun and forced the drunk driver to abandon his seat to me, and I would have insisted that everyone wear a seatbelt.

Each time a person gets mugged, they could say, "If I only had a gun......."

Note: the very recent Egypt Air plane which went down. It's nearly certain it was an attempted hijacking or suicide bomber situation. Yet, THERE WERE THREE ARMED SECURITY GUARDS ON BOARD. Sadly, they didn't save the plane from crashing.

When it comes to bombs vs. guns, bombs usually win.
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The Self-Funded cheesy.gifcheesy.gif cheesy.gifBloviator licks the boots of Casino Magnate for a 100 million:

Sheldon Adelson Is Poised to Give Donald Trump a Donation Boost

"The casino magnate Sheldon G. Adelson told Donald J. Trump in a private meeting last week that he was willing to contribute more to help elect him than he has to any previous campaign,

a sum that could exceed $100 million, according to two Republicans with direct knowledge of Mr. Adelson’s commitment."

"What remains unclear is how Mr. Adelson plans to contribute his money to Mr. Trump. He will give the maximum allowed to Mr. Trump’s campaign and the Republican National Committee,
but to spend the amount he contemplates would require donating through a “super PAC,” able to accept unlimited donations." whistling.gif
*Slick Shel had this to say in 2012:
"Adelson told Forbes magazine that he is "against very wealthy people attempting to or influencing elections. But as long as it's doable I'm going to do it." clap2.gif
Damn, the Lemmings are dumb...



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New daddy to the Self Funded Bloviator calls on President Obama to Nuke Iran:

Adelson: Nuke Iran to Get it to Talk Business

"Sheldon Adelson, a top backer of Republican and right-wing pro-Israel causes, advocated bombing Iran with a nuclear device,

as a means of negotiation."

“You pick up your cell phone and you call somewhere in Nebraska and you say ‘OK, let it go,’ and so there’s an atomic weapon goes over,

ballistic missiles in the middle of the desert that doesn’t hurt a soul, maybe a couple of rattlesnakes and scorpions or whatever,”

Adelson said in a rare public appearance on Oct. 22 at Yeshiva University in New York.

“And then you say, ‘See? The next one is in the middle of Tehran.’


I wonder if this crazed Ultra-Nationalist Sociopath would become an advisor to the loose cannon Trump?

Their simple minds certainly think alike...

Edited by iReason
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America is broken. The main blame goes to Republicans in the house who from day 1 vowed no action on bills or to assist Obama in any way during his presidency. Surrogates also went about smear campaigns deriding a black man in the whitehouse, his wife, his religion (intimidating he's a Muslim) and even his birthplace. Trump happily assisted in the smears and division by promoting the 'birther' banner.
Meanwhile, after back to back Bush, Obama inherited an absolute disaster akin to the great depression. Amazingly, he has managed to stop the hemorrhaging and has gotten America back on it's feet all DESPITE the almost total lack of cooperation from Republicans - who were hell bent on choosing to sabotage America instead of 'helping Obama' (as they see it). It's like Obama inherited an almost completely wrecked car, managed to somehow put it back together again (despite Republicans putting down tools) and now the Republicans want the keys back so they can smash it all over again.
But with Trump as President it will end up much, much worse than after Bush - which every American global adversary are anticipating with glee.
Trump is an ego-driven misogynist, racist, reactionary buffoon but also an alarmingly effective pied piper who naturally appeals to simple-minded, fear-driven, reactionary types. Thus he has a very good chance of winning as he will get many traditional 'lazy' non-voters to vote this time (fat/fearful/angry white guys n gals from bowling leagues to redneck Nascar and Duck Dynasty type fans, basically amassing under-educated white folks). He will say whatever he thinks appeals to them which he knows will get HIM a 'win'. And that is what it is all about, not about making America great again, it's about HIM winning, full stop.
Bernie is another nightmare. Hilary is greatly flawed but probably the 'safest' bet. What a field.
Trump may indeed get 'HIS' win and then god help America (and the world order).

You're a newbie so you don't know very much but most of your ridiculous assertions have been shot down many times before on this forum.

1. "The main blame goes to Republicans in the house who from day 1 vowed no action on bills or to assist Obama in any way during his presidency."

​On day one of Obama's Presidency he had a Democrat controlled Senate and House of Representatives and this remained true through the first 710 days of his administration.

2. "Trump happily assisted in the smears and division by promoting the 'birther' banner."

How could the birther movement, which by the way was started by some Hillary Clinton supporters, be considered a smear. All Trump did was demand the President produce a long form birth certificate, which he finally did. Blame Hillary's supporters for starting this little problem.

3. "Meanwhile, after back to back Bush, Obama inherited an absolute disaster akin to the great depression. Amazingly, he has managed to stop the hemorrhaging and has gotten America back on it's feet all DESPITE the almost total lack of cooperation from Republicans ."
The recession was officially declared over in June 2009, less than five months after Obama was sworn in. TARP was passed under Bush so the bank bailouts and Detroit bailouts were officially credited to Bush. Officially next month marks the 84th month of the longest recession recovery in the history of the US...and it isn't over yet.
4. "as he will get many traditional 'lazy' non-voters to vote this time (fat/fearful/angry white guys n gals from bowling leagues to redneck Nascar and Duck Dynasty type fans, basically amassing under-educated white folks)."
​Now to be realistic, which so far has managed to escape you, there really aren't enough NASCAR fans to elect anybody, but there are certainly enough Democrats on food stamps to elect a real Democrat, if the Democrats actually had one.
Your party of choice has a 73 yer old Socialist who has never been a member of either party. He has been an independent for his entire political life.
Your other candidate is a 68 year old grandmother that managed to marry well and has accomplished virtually nothing on her own since that magic marriage.
She is currently under investigation by five separate government agencies for her actions when she was Secretary of State. Good luck selling that deal to the public.
Welcome to the World News forum.


1)Obama did not have a senate house majority for 710 days of his adminstration. The Republicans took the House in 2010. I can't believe that you don't know this.I mean this is an amazing piece of ignorance!!! Were you off an an interstellar journey form 2010 to 2012?


2)A very few random lunatics who were backers of Hillary made that claim. It got absolutely nowhere with 99+++percent of democrats. Because it was obvious nonsense. If a few democrats started claiming Obama was actually a lizard person and 50% of Republicans believed it, would that lunacy also be the responsibility of democrats? And what you don't say is that even after the birth certificate was produced, Trump still didn't concede that Obama was born in Hawaii. Not even 4 years later.http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donald-trumps-history-raising-birther-questions-president-obama/story?id=33861832

3)What exactly is the "longest recession recovery in the history of the U.S." mean. I don't think that's a term from economics. And most economists, including those from the private sector credit Obama's stimulus program from pulling the USA out of the recession. Actually, the problem with the stimulus was that it was just barely enough to keep the USA out of recession.. Even though the numbers showed a far greater amount was needed, Larry Summers decided to trust to his intuition and ignored them. We can compare the USA's performance to the European Unionss where "expansionary austerity was all the rage." The Europeans in charge seriously believed that by being virtuous the gods of economics would reward them with a fast recovery. The USA has recovered far, far faster than did Europe. In fact, the USA could easily have gone back to negative growth as did Europe. But it didn't happen.

4)What's astonishing to me is the kind of bubble people on the right live in. Yes, HRC has high negatives. But you know who's got even higher negatives? Donald Trump. How is it that Trump's negatives are repeatedly ignored by you and the celebrators of Donald Trump? I honestly don't get it.

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More detailed background on how the trump American fascist movement is so dangerous.

In it trump is correctly referred to as a VILE MONSTER.

Will the USA elect this vile monster? Yeah, it might.


Is America’s Democracy Ripe for a Dictatorship?

So he’s really, really interested in the wielding of his own power. And that’s not the American way. It’s not a democratic way of being. It’s an anti-democratic notion of being. And I think there’s also an element in the culture in which Washington is viewed as entirely broken. And therefore they want to blow it up and use this guy to blow it up.

And then to do whatever he wants. And so I think that at the root of this is a very un-American desire to abolish self-government. To say, OK, we live in such a divided, fractured, polarized society, we can’t really solve our own problems through our traditional constitutional processes. We’ll elect this tyrant and he will just do it somehow.

Edited by Jingthing
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More detailed background on how the trump American fascist movement is so dangerous.

In it trump is correctly referred to as a VILE MONSTER.

Will the USA elect this vile monster? Yeah, it might.


Is America’s Democracy Ripe for a Dictatorship?

So he’s really, really interested in the wielding of his own power. And that’s not the American way. It’s not a democratic way of being. It’s an anti-democratic notion of being. And I think there’s also an element in the culture in which Washington is viewed as entirely broken. And therefore they want to blow it up and use this guy to blow it up.

And then to do whatever he wants. And so I think that at the root of this is a very un-American desire to abolish self-government. To say, OK, we live in such a divided, fractured, polarized society, we can’t really solve our own problems through our traditional constitutional processes. We’ll elect this tyrant and he will just do it somehow.

Ad hominems is all you got. Get a new record going please,

Edited by Asheron
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America is broken. The main blame goes to Republicans in the house who from day 1 vowed no action on bills or to assist Obama in any way during his presidency. Surrogates also went about smear campaigns deriding a black man in the whitehouse, his wife, his religion (intimidating he's a Muslim) and even his birthplace. Trump happily assisted in the smears and division by promoting the 'birther' banner.
Meanwhile, after back to back Bush, Obama inherited an absolute disaster akin to the great depression. Amazingly, he has managed to stop the hemorrhaging and has gotten America back on it's feet all DESPITE the almost total lack of cooperation from Republicans - who were hell bent on choosing to sabotage America instead of 'helping Obama' (as they see it). It's like Obama inherited an almost completely wrecked car, managed to somehow put it back together again (despite Republicans putting down tools) and now the Republicans want the keys back so they can smash it all over again.
But with Trump as President it will end up much, much worse than after Bush - which every American global adversary are anticipating with glee.
Trump is an ego-driven misogynist, racist, reactionary buffoon but also an alarmingly effective pied piper who naturally appeals to simple-minded, fear-driven, reactionary types. Thus he has a very good chance of winning as he will get many traditional 'lazy' non-voters to vote this time (fat/fearful/angry white guys n gals from bowling leagues to redneck Nascar and Duck Dynasty type fans, basically amassing under-educated white folks). He will say whatever he thinks appeals to them which he knows will get HIM a 'win'. And that is what it is all about, not about making America great again, it's about HIM winning, full stop.
Bernie is another nightmare. Hilary is greatly flawed but probably the 'safest' bet. What a field.
Trump may indeed get 'HIS' win and then god help America (and the world order).

You're a newbie so you don't know very much but most of your ridiculous assertions have been shot down many times before on this forum.

1. "The main blame goes to Republicans in the house who from day 1 vowed no action on bills or to assist Obama in any way during his presidency."

​On day one of Obama's Presidency he had a Democrat controlled Senate and House of Representatives and this remained true through the first 710 days of his administration.

2. "Trump happily assisted in the smears and division by promoting the 'birther' banner."

How could the birther movement, which by the way was started by some Hillary Clinton supporters, be considered a smear. All Trump did was demand the President produce a long form birth certificate, which he finally did. Blame Hillary's supporters for starting this little problem.

3. "Meanwhile, after back to back Bush, Obama inherited an absolute disaster akin to the great depression. Amazingly, he has managed to stop the hemorrhaging and has gotten America back on it's feet all DESPITE the almost total lack of cooperation from Republicans ."
The recession was officially declared over in June 2009, less than five months after Obama was sworn in. TARP was passed under Bush so the bank bailouts and Detroit bailouts were officially credited to Bush. Officially next month marks the 84th month of the longest recession recovery in the history of the US...and it isn't over yet.
4. "as he will get many traditional 'lazy' non-voters to vote this time (fat/fearful/angry white guys n gals from bowling leagues to redneck Nascar and Duck Dynasty type fans, basically amassing under-educated white folks)."
​Now to be realistic, which so far has managed to escape you, there really aren't enough NASCAR fans to elect anybody, but there are certainly enough Democrats on food stamps to elect a real Democrat, if the Democrats actually had one.
Your party of choice has a 73 yer old Socialist who has never been a member of either party. He has been an independent for his entire political life.
Your other candidate is a 68 year old grandmother that managed to marry well and has accomplished virtually nothing on her own since that magic marriage.
She is currently under investigation by five separate government agencies for her actions when she was Secretary of State. Good luck selling that deal to the public.
Welcome to the World News forum.


1)Obama did not have a senate house majority for 710 days of his adminstration. The Republicans took the House in 2010. I can't believe that you don't know this.I mean this is an amazing piece of ignorance!!! Were you off an an interstellar journey form 2010 to 2012?


2)A very few random lunatics who were backers of Hillary made that claim. It got absolutely nowhere with 99+++percent of democrats. Because it was obvious nonsense. If a few democrats started claiming Obama was actually a lizard person and 50% of Republicans believed it, would that lunacy also be the responsibility of democrats? And what you don't say is that even after the birth certificate was produced, Trump still didn't concede that Obama was born in Hawaii. Not even 4 years later.http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donald-trumps-history-raising-birther-questions-president-obama/story?id=33861832

3)What exactly is the "longest recession recovery in the history of the U.S." mean. I don't think that's a term from economics. And most economists, including those from the private sector credit Obama's stimulus program from pulling the USA out of the recession. Actually, the problem with the stimulus was that it was just barely enough to keep the USA out of recession.. Even though the numbers showed a far greater amount was needed, Larry Summers decided to trust to his intuition and ignored them. We can compare the USA's performance to the European Unionss where "expansionary austerity was all the rage." The Europeans in charge seriously believed that by being virtuous the gods of economics would reward them with a fast recovery. The USA has recovered far, far faster than did Europe. In fact, the USA could easily have gone back to negative growth as did Europe. But it didn't happen.

4)What's astonishing to me is the kind of bubble people on the right live in. Yes, HRC has high negatives. But you know who's got even higher negatives? Donald Trump. How is it that Trump's negatives are repeatedly ignored by you and the celebrators of Donald Trump? I honestly don't get it.

"1)Obama did not have a senate house majority for 710 days of his adminstration. The Republicans took the House in 2010. I can't believe that you don't know this.I mean this is an amazing piece of ignorance!!! Were you off an an interstellar journey form 2010 to 2012?

What exactly is a "senate house majority"? You have the Senate and you have the House. Collectively it is called the US Congress.

You have just given us a classic case of...Open mouth, insert foot.

1. President Obama was sworn into office on 20 January 2009.

2.. 111th Congress sworn in on 3 January 2009

Senate had 56 Democrats and 42 Republicans with 2 Independents caucusing with the Democrats

House of Representatives had 257 Democrats and 178 Republicans

3. 112th Congress sworn in on 3 January 2011

Senate had 51 Democrats and 47 Republicans with 2 Independents caucusing with the Democrats.

House of Representatives had 193 Democrats and 242 Republicans.

4. The 113th Congress was sworn in on 3 January 2013 and the Democrats still had control of the Senate.

There are 713 days from 20 January 2009 to 3 January 2011.

My suggestion is the next time you decide to call somebody ignorant, you had better be dead certain you are right. You blew this one big time.

Another suggestion I might make is for you to stick to politics in your own country if you don't even know the election cycles and when swearing in ceremonies take place in the US.

Here is a link you might want to bookmark, before you make any more ignorant posts calling others...ignorant..


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America is broken. The main blame goes to Republicans in the house who from day 1 vowed no action on bills or to assist Obama in any way during his presidency. Surrogates also went about smear campaigns deriding a black man in the whitehouse, his wife, his religion (intimidating he's a Muslim) and even his birthplace. Trump happily assisted in the smears and division by promoting the 'birther' banner.
Meanwhile, after back to back Bush, Obama inherited an absolute disaster akin to the great depression. Amazingly, he has managed to stop the hemorrhaging and has gotten America back on it's feet all DESPITE the almost total lack of cooperation from Republicans - who were hell bent on choosing to sabotage America instead of 'helping Obama' (as they see it). It's like Obama inherited an almost completely wrecked car, managed to somehow put it back together again (despite Republicans putting down tools) and now the Republicans want the keys back so they can smash it all over again.
But with Trump as President it will end up much, much worse than after Bush - which every American global adversary are anticipating with glee.
Trump is an ego-driven misogynist, racist, reactionary buffoon but also an alarmingly effective pied piper who naturally appeals to simple-minded, fear-driven, reactionary types. Thus he has a very good chance of winning as he will get many traditional 'lazy' non-voters to vote this time (fat/fearful/angry white guys n gals from bowling leagues to redneck Nascar and Duck Dynasty type fans, basically amassing under-educated white folks). He will say whatever he thinks appeals to them which he knows will get HIM a 'win'. And that is what it is all about, not about making America great again, it's about HIM winning, full stop.
Bernie is another nightmare. Hilary is greatly flawed but probably the 'safest' bet. What a field.
Trump may indeed get 'HIS' win and then god help America (and the world order).

You're a newbie so you don't know very much but most of your ridiculous assertions have been shot down many times before on this forum.

1. "The main blame goes to Republicans in the house who from day 1 vowed no action on bills or to assist Obama in any way during his presidency."

​On day one of Obama's Presidency he had a Democrat controlled Senate and House of Representatives and this remained true through the first 710 days of his administration.

2. "Trump happily assisted in the smears and division by promoting the 'birther' banner."

How could the birther movement, which by the way was started by some Hillary Clinton supporters, be considered a smear. All Trump did was demand the President produce a long form birth certificate, which he finally did. Blame Hillary's supporters for starting this little problem.

3. "Meanwhile, after back to back Bush, Obama inherited an absolute disaster akin to the great depression. Amazingly, he has managed to stop the hemorrhaging and has gotten America back on it's feet all DESPITE the almost total lack of cooperation from Republicans ."
The recession was officially declared over in June 2009, less than five months after Obama was sworn in. TARP was passed under Bush so the bank bailouts and Detroit bailouts were officially credited to Bush. Officially next month marks the 84th month of the longest recession recovery in the history of the US...and it isn't over yet.
4. "as he will get many traditional 'lazy' non-voters to vote this time (fat/fearful/angry white guys n gals from bowling leagues to redneck Nascar and Duck Dynasty type fans, basically amassing under-educated white folks)."
​Now to be realistic, which so far has managed to escape you, there really aren't enough NASCAR fans to elect anybody, but there are certainly enough Democrats on food stamps to elect a real Democrat, if the Democrats actually had one.
Your party of choice has a 73 yer old Socialist who has never been a member of either party. He has been an independent for his entire political life.
Your other candidate is a 68 year old grandmother that managed to marry well and has accomplished virtually nothing on her own since that magic marriage.
She is currently under investigation by five separate government agencies for her actions when she was Secretary of State. Good luck selling that deal to the public.
Welcome to the World News forum.


1)Obama did not have a senate house majority for 710 days of his adminstration. The Republicans took the House in 2010. I can't believe that you don't know this.I mean this is an amazing piece of ignorance!!! Were you off an an interstellar journey form 2010 to 2012?


2)A very few random lunatics who were backers of Hillary made that claim. It got absolutely nowhere with 99+++percent of democrats. Because it was obvious nonsense. If a few democrats started claiming Obama was actually a lizard person and 50% of Republicans believed it, would that lunacy also be the responsibility of democrats? And what you don't say is that even after the birth certificate was produced, Trump still didn't concede that Obama was born in Hawaii. Not even 4 years later.http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donald-trumps-history-raising-birther-questions-president-obama/story?id=33861832

3)What exactly is the "longest recession recovery in the history of the U.S." mean. I don't think that's a term from economics. And most economists, including those from the private sector credit Obama's stimulus program from pulling the USA out of the recession. Actually, the problem with the stimulus was that it was just barely enough to keep the USA out of recession.. Even though the numbers showed a far greater amount was needed, Larry Summers decided to trust to his intuition and ignored them. We can compare the USA's performance to the European Unionss where "expansionary austerity was all the rage." The Europeans in charge seriously believed that by being virtuous the gods of economics would reward them with a fast recovery. The USA has recovered far, far faster than did Europe. In fact, the USA could easily have gone back to negative growth as did Europe. But it didn't happen.

4)What's astonishing to me is the kind of bubble people on the right live in. Yes, HRC has high negatives. But you know who's got even higher negatives? Donald Trump. How is it that Trump's negatives are repeatedly ignored by you and the celebrators of Donald Trump? I honestly don't get it.

"1)Obama did not have a senate house majority for 710 days of his adminstration. The Republicans took the House in 2010. I can't believe that you don't know this.I mean this is an amazing piece of ignorance!!! Were you off an an interstellar journey form 2010 to 2012?

What exactly is a "senate house majority"? You have the Senate and you have the House. Collectively it is called the US Congress.

You have just given us a classic case of...Open mouth, insert foot.

1. President Obama was sworn into office on 20 January 2009.

2.. 111th Congress sworn in on 3 January 2009

Senate had 56 Democrats and 42 Republicans with 2 Independents caucusing with the Democrats

House of Representatives had 257 Democrats and 178 Republicans

3. 112th Congress sworn in on 3 January 2011

Senate had 51 Democrats and 47 Republicans with 2 Independents caucusing with the Democrats.

House of Representatives had 193 Democrats and 242 Republicans.

4. The 113th Congress was sworn in on 3 January 2013 and the Democrats still had control of the Senate.

There are 713 days from 20 January 2009 to 3 January 2011.

My suggestion is the next time you decide to call somebody ignorant, you had better be dead certain you are right. You blew this one big time.

Another suggestion I might make is for you to stick to politics in your own country if you don't even know the election cycles and when swearing in ceremonies take place in the US.

Here is a link you might want to bookmark, before you make any more ignorant posts calling others...ignorant..


you got me there. on my very bad arithmetic big time. but it was only one term that he had the senate and the house. and in that term he passed a stimulus, massive health reform a bailout for GM. Big moves. But only one term do them in. Now you may not like the programs, but he did achieve a lot when he had the chance. After that there was no chance. in fact the house of representative went so insane they seriously threatened to default on the debt. Still, you did get me on the arithmetic. And as for the other points I raised, I think you better stay in retreat.

Edited by ilostmypassword
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Trump still going strong - he aint gonna be stopped.



PS - in answer to the ignorant claims that Trump is taking campaign donations. Trump stated that while he was a candidate seeking nomination for the GOP he would not take campaign donations and would be self-funded - because all the others were 'funded' candidates - it was one of his differences from them (the establishment). Going forward Trump will the 'head figure' of the Republican campaign to elect him POTUS, and his running mate as VicePOTUS, and all voting-member seats in the House of Reps, and about half of the Senate seats. Trump never said he was going to fund all of that - only his campaign while a candidate for the GOP.

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I don't think the vile orange beast actually KNOWS any history, political or otherwise, to even make an informed TWEET about it.

Of course his audience likes their dictator dumb, like them.

trump's qualifications and temperament suitability to be POTUS -- LESS than zero.

Edited by Jingthing
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You're a newbie so you don't know very much but most of your ridiculous assertions have been shot down many times before on this forum.

1. "The main blame goes to Republicans in the house who from day 1 vowed no action on bills or to assist Obama in any way during his presidency."

​On day one of Obama's Presidency he had a Democrat controlled Senate and House of Representatives and this remained true through the first 710 days of his administration.

2. "Trump happily assisted in the smears and division by promoting the 'birther' banner."

How could the birther movement, which by the way was started by some Hillary Clinton supporters, be considered a smear. All Trump did was demand the President produce a long form birth certificate, which he finally did. Blame Hillary's supporters for starting this little problem.

3. "Meanwhile, after back to back Bush, Obama inherited an absolute disaster akin to the great depression. Amazingly, he has managed to stop the hemorrhaging and has gotten America back on it's feet all DESPITE the almost total lack of cooperation from Republicans ."
The recession was officially declared over in June 2009, less than five months after Obama was sworn in. TARP was passed under Bush so the bank bailouts and Detroit bailouts were officially credited to Bush. Officially next month marks the 84th month of the longest recession recovery in the history of the US...and it isn't over yet.
4. "as he will get many traditional 'lazy' non-voters to vote this time (fat/fearful/angry white guys n gals from bowling leagues to redneck Nascar and Duck Dynasty type fans, basically amassing under-educated white folks)."
​Now to be realistic, which so far has managed to escape you, there really aren't enough NASCAR fans to elect anybody, but there are certainly enough Democrats on food stamps to elect a real Democrat, if the Democrats actually had one.
Your party of choice has a 73 yer old Socialist who has never been a member of either party. He has been an independent for his entire political life.
Your other candidate is a 68 year old grandmother that managed to marry well and has accomplished virtually nothing on her own since that magic marriage.
She is currently under investigation by five separate government agencies for her actions when she was Secretary of State. Good luck selling that deal to the public.
Welcome to the World News forum.


1)Obama did not have a senate house majority for 710 days of his adminstration. The Republicans took the House in 2010. I can't believe that you don't know this.I mean this is an amazing piece of ignorance!!! Were you off an an interstellar journey form 2010 to 2012?


2)A very few random lunatics who were backers of Hillary made that claim. It got absolutely nowhere with 99+++percent of democrats. Because it was obvious nonsense. If a few democrats started claiming Obama was actually a lizard person and 50% of Republicans believed it, would that lunacy also be the responsibility of democrats? And what you don't say is that even after the birth certificate was produced, Trump still didn't concede that Obama was born in Hawaii. Not even 4 years later.http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donald-trumps-history-raising-birther-questions-president-obama/story?id=33861832

3)What exactly is the "longest recession recovery in the history of the U.S." mean. I don't think that's a term from economics. And most economists, including those from the private sector credit Obama's stimulus program from pulling the USA out of the recession. Actually, the problem with the stimulus was that it was just barely enough to keep the USA out of recession.. Even though the numbers showed a far greater amount was needed, Larry Summers decided to trust to his intuition and ignored them. We can compare the USA's performance to the European Unionss where "expansionary austerity was all the rage." The Europeans in charge seriously believed that by being virtuous the gods of economics would reward them with a fast recovery. The USA has recovered far, far faster than did Europe. In fact, the USA could easily have gone back to negative growth as did Europe. But it didn't happen.

4)What's astonishing to me is the kind of bubble people on the right live in. Yes, HRC has high negatives. But you know who's got even higher negatives? Donald Trump. How is it that Trump's negatives are repeatedly ignored by you and the celebrators of Donald Trump? I honestly don't get it.

"1)Obama did not have a senate house majority for 710 days of his adminstration. The Republicans took the House in 2010. I can't believe that you don't know this.I mean this is an amazing piece of ignorance!!! Were you off an an interstellar journey form 2010 to 2012?

What exactly is a "senate house majority"? You have the Senate and you have the House. Collectively it is called the US Congress.

You have just given us a classic case of...Open mouth, insert foot.

1. President Obama was sworn into office on 20 January 2009.

2.. 111th Congress sworn in on 3 January 2009

Senate had 56 Democrats and 42 Republicans with 2 Independents caucusing with the Democrats

House of Representatives had 257 Democrats and 178 Republicans

3. 112th Congress sworn in on 3 January 2011

Senate had 51 Democrats and 47 Republicans with 2 Independents caucusing with the Democrats.

House of Representatives had 193 Democrats and 242 Republicans.

4. The 113th Congress was sworn in on 3 January 2013 and the Democrats still had control of the Senate.

There are 713 days from 20 January 2009 to 3 January 2011.

My suggestion is the next time you decide to call somebody ignorant, you had better be dead certain you are right. You blew this one big time.

Another suggestion I might make is for you to stick to politics in your own country if you don't even know the election cycles and when swearing in ceremonies take place in the US.

Here is a link you might want to bookmark, before you make any more ignorant posts calling others...ignorant..


you got me there. on my very bad arithmetic big time. but it was only one term that he had the senate and the house. and in that term he passed a stimulus, massive health reform a bailout for GM. Big moves. But only one term do them in. Now you may not like the programs, but he did achieve a lot when he had the chance. After that there was no chance. in fact the house of representative went so insane they seriously threatened to default on the debt. Still, you did get me on the arithmetic. And as for the other points I raised, I think you better stay in retreat.

"and in that term he passed a stimulus, massive health reform a bailout for GM."

The bailout of BOTH GM and Chrysler was done under TARP, which was signed into law by George Bush.

The stimulus was signed into law by Obama and, contrary to promise, failed to deliver shovel ready jobs.

The massive health reform was also an Obama creation which is in its death throes as we speak. It won't last much longer in its present condition. Insurers leaving the program and premiums going up annually along with the family deductibles. The state exchanges are dropping like flies and the program is a mess.

I would suggest you go into retreat on this thread.

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Golly gee! Lookie here!

Super-Pac "Donors" is now becoming a common phrase with the Self Funding Bloviator.

And to think it all started with licking the boots of Sheldon Adelson.

How Donald Trump won over big donors

"It also continues the major change in Trump's position on fundraising. At nearly every rally this year, Trump has touted that he's self-funding his campaign

(despite receiving millions from small donors and merchandising) as a sign of his independence from the political establishment and big donors." cheesy.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gif

"Trump's super PACs, which can collect checks of unlimited size, are just forming, never mind landing major commitments.

"There's utter confusion. No one knows which is the right PAC to be affiliated with. No one understands how to deal with Trump," said another fundraiser, Yuri Vanetik,
who signed onto the advisory board of Great America PAC. "I don't think he's really thought it through."
"I have absolutely no intention of paying myself back," Trump said in a statement Wednesday. "This money is a contribution made in order to 'Make America Great Again."
(Be sure to remember that one ^^^ laugh.png Given the fact that the Bloviator has done 180's on everything he has spewed to the masses of Lemmings during the Primaries.)
The lying Bloviator's people are falling hand over foot to suck up to the GOP Establishment for a buck. Super-Pacs. (That would be plural)
Is any of this sinking in Lemmings? Naa. Dude! He's gonna make 'murica great again!
The "Real Donald Trump." Indeed.


Edited by iReason
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Thread: Is it too late to stop the Trump machine. Yes it is. Trump is a lion and Hillary is a squirrel. He's going to run over her like a freight train. He hasn't even started on her yet but he blew away 16 other contenders for the R nomination.

Don't bet against Donald Trump or you'll lose.

PC is just another term meaning "don't tell the truth". Trump tells is as he sees it and to hell with PC. People are eating it up after years of being stifled by blatant name callers.

Sell Donald Trump short and you'll lose.


Edited by NeverSure
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I don't think the vile orange beast actually KNOWS any history, political or otherwise, to even make an informed TWEET about it.

Of course his audience likes their dictator dumb, like them.

trump's qualifications and temperament suitability to be POTUS -- LESS than zero.

When the opposition sticks to name calling like yourself even though condoned and allowed to propagate it is not too hard to see who is going to win. Given the motivation to actually have an informed discussion among adults Trump may have been stopped but with drivel like "vile orange beast" no one really thinks adults are posting.

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I'm not sure if Trump is a fascist yet or not, but he certainly shares one characteristics of fascists: disdain for intellectuals, education and experts in general. When Trump was asked Friday (by the journalist daughter of former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinkski - widely considered one of the greatest and brightest foreign policy minds the US ever produced) about former SecDef Gates damning comments about Trump's competence in foreign policy, speaking of Brzezinkski, Trump responded:

“...I know he has a great reputation and all of that. All of these guys have a great reputation. They’ve been doing this stuff for 15 years. Look where our country is, OK?”

The day before, Bob Gates (another former SecDef under George W. & Obama) slammed Trump's stupid premature tweet regarding terrorist bringing down the Air Egypt plane and said:

“I think it prejudges the outcome, and let’s just suppose that it turns out not to be a terrorist event,” Gates said. “Then what do you say having made these allegations and so on? So it’s always better to wait until you actually know what the facts are before you open up. I realize that’s a very unusual thing in American politics, but it ought to be tried occasionally.”

to which Trump responded “And Bob Gates, who I don’t know at all, but Bob Gates has no idea. See, they are misrepresenting and he’s misrepresenting,” he jabbed.

Trump's continuing disdain for experts, his continuing astounding display of ignorance, on foreign policy and foreign trade continues to amaze, and yet his fans never blink. The greatest con ever on disenfranchised, errantly trusting voters.



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I don't think the vile orange beast actually KNOWS any history, political or otherwise, to even make an informed TWEET about it.

Of course his audience likes their dictator dumb, like them.

trump's qualifications and temperament suitability to be POTUS -- LESS than zero.

When the opposition sticks to name calling like yourself even though condoned and allowed to propagate it is not too hard to see who is going to win. Given the motivation to actually have an informed discussion among adults Trump may have been stopped but with drivel like "vile orange beast" no one really thinks adults are posting.
We must cut them some slack...they see the oncoming train wreck that is the Hillary campaign barreling down the tracks and are starting toloose it. ? Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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How many reversals has Trump been in? It would fill a book, but here are some that come to mind:

>>> No PAC money. T berated Bush for doing that, saying donors were 'killers'. Now Trump is doing it

update: his apologists' most recent whining: Trump only said for primaries. NOT TRUE. Trump said it as a sweeping general statement. Look at the transcripts.

>>> Lower taxes for very rich. Now he says raise taxes for very rich

>>> Criminalize women who seek abortions. Next day: don't criminalize them.

>>> Years ago at a courthouse; admitted he was 'John Miller.' Now says he wasn't.

>>> Chastised Cruz and Hillary for having ties to Goldman Sachs. Trump just hired a GS exec.

>>> A few years ago, commented in detail about Duke and KKK. More recently claims he doesn't know anything about Duke.

>>> Claims he had nothing to do with Trump properties that went bankrupt, even though he was paid $10 million/year to head them.

>>> Says he's always a winner, particularly at court cases, but has lost several lawsuits and counter-suits.

note: he twists and turns like a snake, but he's not even adept at lying. Even a little kid could see through his BS.


That's just a modicum. A more thorough list of Trump's lies, turn-arounds, and running & hiding from issues would be many pages long, small font, single spaced.

speaking of running and hiding. How do Trump fans explain him hanging up the phone suddenly on a reporter who asked about the name 'John Miller' ? It's bad enough to think about a Commander in Chief who cusses, lies, name-calls, hates, .......but a Commander who runs and hides from a simple question? I wouldn't accept that from a little kid (I would gently reprimand the kid, and get him to understand that you don't run and hide from questions). It speaks volumes for the decrepit tow-class character of the man. I would call him a chicken, but it would be demeaning to chickens.

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New daddy to the Self Funded Bloviator calls on President Obama to Nuke Iran:

Adelson: Nuke Iran to Get it to Talk Business

"Sheldon Adelson, a top backer of Republican and right-wing pro-Israel causes, advocated bombing Iran with a nuclear device,

as a means of negotiation."

“You pick up your cell phone and you call somewhere in Nebraska and you say ‘OK, let it go,’ and so there’s an atomic weapon goes over,

ballistic missiles in the middle of the desert that doesn’t hurt a soul, maybe a couple of rattlesnakes and scorpions or whatever,”

Adelson said in a rare public appearance on Oct. 22 at Yeshiva University in New York.

“And then you say, ‘See? The next one is in the middle of Tehran.’


I wonder if this crazed Ultra-Nationalist Sociopath would become an advisor to the loose cannon Trump?

Their simple minds certainly think alike...

iReason wonders; "......if this crazed Ultra-Nationalist Sociopath would become an adviser to the loose cannon Trump?"

Adviser? Heck, he could be Trump's running mate! Well, look at the bright side, With Trump/Adelson in office, that would put a dent in human overpopulation. Then other species would have a chance at recovery, though it would help if those other species were resistant to radioactivity.

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New daddy to the Self Funded Bloviator calls on President Obama to Nuke Iran:

Adelson: Nuke Iran to Get it to Talk Business

"Sheldon Adelson, a top backer of Republican and right-wing pro-Israel causes, advocated bombing Iran with a nuclear device,

as a means of negotiation."

You pick up your cell phone and you call somewhere in Nebraska and you say OK, let it go, and so theres an atomic weapon goes over,

ballistic missiles in the middle of the desert that doesnt hurt a soul, maybe a couple of rattlesnakes and scorpions or whatever,

Adelson said in a rare public appearance on Oct. 22 at Yeshiva University in New York.

And then you say, See? The next one is in the middle of Tehran.


I wonder if this crazed Ultra-Nationalist Sociopath would become an advisor to the loose cannon Trump?

Their simple minds certainly think alike...

iReason wonders; "......if this crazed Ultra-Nationalist Sociopath would become an adviser to the loose cannon Trump?"

Adviser? Heck, he could be Trump's running mate! Well, look at the bright side, With Trump/Adelson in office, that would put a dent in human overpopulation. Then other species would have a chance at recovery, though it would help if those other species were resistant to radioactivity.

Lost it ?

To regain your sanity, I'm prescribing two helpings of Bill O'Reilly folowed with a Fox and Friends chaser!

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I'm not sure if Trump is a fascist yet or not, but he certainly shares one characteristics of fascists: disdain for intellectuals, education and experts in general. When Trump was asked Friday (by the journalist daughter of former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinkski - widely considered one of the greatest and brightest foreign policy minds the US ever produced) about former SecDef Gates damning comments about Trump's competence in foreign policy, speaking of Brzezinkski, Trump responded:

“...I know he has a great reputation and all of that. All of these guys have a great reputation. They’ve been doing this stuff for 15 years. Look where our country is, OK?”

The day before, Bob Gates (another former SecDef under George W. & Obama) slammed Trump's stupid premature tweet regarding terrorist bringing down the Air Egypt plane and said:

“I think it prejudges the outcome, and let’s just suppose that it turns out not to be a terrorist event,” Gates said. “Then what do you say having made these allegations and so on? So it’s always better to wait until you actually know what the facts are before you open up. I realize that’s a very unusual thing in American politics, but it ought to be tried occasionally.”

to which Trump responded “And Bob Gates, who I don’t know at all, but Bob Gates has no idea. See, they are misrepresenting and he’s misrepresenting,” he jabbed.

Trump's continuing disdain for experts, his continuing astounding display of ignorance, on foreign policy and foreign trade continues to amaze, and yet his fans never blink. The greatest con ever on disenfranchised, errantly trusting voters.



You are about the only one worth responding to - the other Libs seem to be like children complaining they don't want to go to Grandma's :)

Even though deep down inside they know they will have to - they just don't like doing what they don't like doing - me me me me :)

In answer - let me say you are 'right' but that you are not correct. Try reading up on a guy called Ludwig Erhard. He was an anti-Nazi businessman and academic that was given the role of 'managing' Germany's economy post WW2. He ignored all the 'experts' and 'politicians' and did it his way - and created the German economy that still leaves the rest of Europe for dead.

What Trump is so inarticulately saying (yep - he aint no smooth talking PC politician) is that he will not accept any PC bulldust and that the foreign affairs 'experts' are wrong. Ask yourself - has the foreign affairs policies of any of the previous POTUS in 10 years (both Rep and Dem) been successful? Has their policies in areas of foreign trade been successful? And at home have their policies in regards to law and order and terrorism worked? If like more and more people you realise they haven't really - then you will understand what Trump is saying, and why the Trump train is rolling on and on.

Whereas Crooked HRC is surrounded by disgruntled Dems, because even they know she forced the Dens powerbrokers to support her after she 'saved' the POTUS's job after Lewinski (and before and afterwards), AND after she withdrew her campaign and allowed Obama to take over in 2008. She is DEMANDING the Dem nomination, and she is OWED the POTUS job - that is how she sees it. But more and more people are seeing her for what she really is. A scheming conniving shrew - for years and years she has been able to put aside all other things and do anything, in order to become POTUS. Putting aside her husband's issues, the worst two being her distain for national security (emails/calls) and ignoring the Bengahzi situation because she didn't see any 'gain' for herself in taking action being requested (she only saw downsides if they failed). Actually, I am thinking that how she handled the post-Benghazi situation deserves mention too. How she suddenly had 'medical' issues and could not appear to be held account - how she delayed any appearances until she was fully prepared - how she went off her face at the hearings and denied any wrongdoing - how she then left the role as Sec State less than a month alter (and therefore could not be called back). AND how she claimed to be fine and 100% a month later, but Bill when defending her later on, said she took 6 months to get over the medical issue. They are both deceptive manipulative schemers and liars - they make the couple in House of Cards jealous. Actually, many feel they are who the show was based on - but not in public - the Clinton Foundation has millions and would sue.

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1)Obama did not have a senate house majority for 710 days of his adminstration. The Republicans took the House in 2010. I can't believe that you don't know this.I mean this is an amazing piece of ignorance!!! Were you off an an interstellar journey form 2010 to 2012?


2)A very few random lunatics who were backers of Hillary made that claim. It got absolutely nowhere with 99+++percent of democrats. Because it was obvious nonsense. If a few democrats started claiming Obama was actually a lizard person and 50% of Republicans believed it, would that lunacy also be the responsibility of democrats? And what you don't say is that even after the birth certificate was produced, Trump still didn't concede that Obama was born in Hawaii. Not even 4 years later.http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donald-trumps-history-raising-birther-questions-president-obama/story?id=33861832

3)What exactly is the "longest recession recovery in the history of the U.S." mean. I don't think that's a term from economics. And most economists, including those from the private sector credit Obama's stimulus program from pulling the USA out of the recession. Actually, the problem with the stimulus was that it was just barely enough to keep the USA out of recession.. Even though the numbers showed a far greater amount was needed, Larry Summers decided to trust to his intuition and ignored them. We can compare the USA's performance to the European Unionss where "expansionary austerity was all the rage." The Europeans in charge seriously believed that by being virtuous the gods of economics would reward them with a fast recovery. The USA has recovered far, far faster than did Europe. In fact, the USA could easily have gone back to negative growth as did Europe. But it didn't happen.

4)What's astonishing to me is the kind of bubble people on the right live in. Yes, HRC has high negatives. But you know who's got even higher negatives? Donald Trump. How is it that Trump's negatives are repeatedly ignored by you and the celebrators of Donald Trump? I honestly don't get it.

"1)Obama did not have a senate house majority for 710 days of his adminstration. The Republicans took the House in 2010. I can't believe that you don't know this.I mean this is an amazing piece of ignorance!!! Were you off an an interstellar journey form 2010 to 2012?

What exactly is a "senate house majority"? You have the Senate and you have the House. Collectively it is called the US Congress.

You have just given us a classic case of...Open mouth, insert foot.

1. President Obama was sworn into office on 20 January 2009.

2.. 111th Congress sworn in on 3 January 2009

Senate had 56 Democrats and 42 Republicans with 2 Independents caucusing with the Democrats

House of Representatives had 257 Democrats and 178 Republicans

3. 112th Congress sworn in on 3 January 2011

Senate had 51 Democrats and 47 Republicans with 2 Independents caucusing with the Democrats.

House of Representatives had 193 Democrats and 242 Republicans.

4. The 113th Congress was sworn in on 3 January 2013 and the Democrats still had control of the Senate.

There are 713 days from 20 January 2009 to 3 January 2011.

My suggestion is the next time you decide to call somebody ignorant, you had better be dead certain you are right. You blew this one big time.

Another suggestion I might make is for you to stick to politics in your own country if you don't even know the election cycles and when swearing in ceremonies take place in the US.

Here is a link you might want to bookmark, before you make any more ignorant posts calling others...ignorant..


you got me there. on my very bad arithmetic big time. but it was only one term that he had the senate and the house. and in that term he passed a stimulus, massive health reform a bailout for GM. Big moves. But only one term do them in. Now you may not like the programs, but he did achieve a lot when he had the chance. After that there was no chance. in fact the house of representative went so insane they seriously threatened to default on the debt. Still, you did get me on the arithmetic. And as for the other points I raised, I think you better stay in retreat.

"and in that term he passed a stimulus, massive health reform a bailout for GM."

The bailout of BOTH GM and Chrysler was done under TARP, which was signed into law by George Bush.

The stimulus was signed into law by Obama and, contrary to promise, failed to deliver shovel ready jobs.

The massive health reform was also an Obama creation which is in its death throes as we speak. It won't last much longer in its present condition. Insurers leaving the program and premiums going up annually along with the family deductibles. The state exchanges are dropping like flies and the program is a mess.

I would suggest you go into retreat on this thread.

The bailout of BOTH GM and Chrysler was done under TARP, which was signed into law by George Bush.

What you don't say is that Bush only acceded to the bailout under pressure from Obama. Bush was against it before he was for it. And Bush tried to tie it to a free trade deal for Colombia.



In addition to which the total bailout amounted to about 80 billion. The original bill passed under Bush was 17.6 billion. By the way, the overwhelming majority of Republicans in the house and the senate opposed the bailouts.. In other words, even the bill the Bush offered under duress, would not have passed without overwhelming Democratic support. And of course the bulk of the bailout occurred under Obama with very little Republican support in the House and Senate.

The stimulus was signed into law by Obama and, contrary to promise, failed to deliver shovel ready jobs.

I guess you’re going to stick with that silly talking point. Isn’t there a saying about not seeing the forest for the trees? Or in this case, the tree? The point of the stimulus was to save the economy from going under. An overwhelming majority of top economists say it did. http://www.igmchicago.org/igm-economic-experts-panel/poll-results?SurveyID=SV_5bfARfqluG9VYrP By the way, this poll comes courtesy of an organization associated with the university of Chicago. Hardly a bastion of liberal econonmic thought. And the didn't totally fail to deliver shovel ready jobs but admittedly it didn't deliver enough. It did do things like save lots of public state employees like teachers, police and firemen from getting fired. So it wasn't a 100% success? It was good enough. Econonomists overwhelmingly agree that it saved a lot of jobs an got the economy through a very dicey time.

The massive health reform was also an Obama creation which is in its death throes as we speak. It won't last much longer in its present condition. Insurers leaving the program and premiums going up annually along with the family deductibles. The state exchanges are dropping like flies and the program is a mess.

Actually no. What is the truth is that it is growing slower than expected. The biggest single reason for this is that contrary to the expectations of CBO and all the doomsayers, companies discontinued health insurance for workers at a far far lower rate than expected. So people who might otherwise have been expected to get their policies through the ACA didn't have to. Yes, some insurance companies have left. They cover about 5% of all policy hoders. I guess you're not aware that other insurance companies are joining it. As for state exchanges, failing really? It's true that Matt Bevins shut down the state exchange in Kentucky even though it's been a huge success. By the way, Matt Bevins campaigned against the Medicaid portion of the ACA. And as soon as he got into office her reversed himself He has decided to accept Obamacare funded Medicaid. There's talk the Oklahoma might do the same. And the ACA has been such a huge failure that the uninsured rate in the USA is at record lows. And would be a lot lower if the rest of the states followed suit and adopted the Medicaid portion., As for customer satisfaction. For the ACA, the latest poll showed 61%/ For employer funded insurance the number was 65%. For the VA it was 78%, For Medicare 80%.

I noticed you dropped your defense of Trump’s birtherism.. What makes it even more ludicrous is that you actually seem to think that it was rational to doubt Obama’s birthplace before the birth certificate was produced.

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I'm not sure if Trump is a fascist yet or not, but he certainly shares one characteristics of fascists: disdain for intellectuals, education and experts in general. When Trump was asked Friday (by the journalist daughter of former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinkski - widely considered one of the greatest and brightest foreign policy minds the US ever produced) about former SecDef Gates damning comments about Trump's competence in foreign policy, speaking of Brzezinkski, Trump responded:

“...I know he has a great reputation and all of that. All of these guys have a great reputation. They’ve been doing this stuff for 15 years. Look where our country is, OK?”

The day before, Bob Gates (another former SecDef under George W. & Obama) slammed Trump's stupid premature tweet regarding terrorist bringing down the Air Egypt plane and said:

“I think it prejudges the outcome, and let’s just suppose that it turns out not to be a terrorist event,” Gates said. “Then what do you say having made these allegations and so on? So it’s always better to wait until you actually know what the facts are before you open up. I realize that’s a very unusual thing in American politics, but it ought to be tried occasionally.”

to which Trump responded “And Bob Gates, who I don’t know at all, but Bob Gates has no idea. See, they are misrepresenting and he’s misrepresenting,” he jabbed.

Trump's continuing disdain for experts, his continuing astounding display of ignorance, on foreign policy and foreign trade continues to amaze, and yet his fans never blink. The greatest con ever on disenfranchised, errantly trusting voters.



You are about the only one worth responding to - the other Libs seem to be like children complaining they don't want to go to Grandma's smile.png

Even though deep down inside they know they will have to - they just don't like doing what they don't like doing - me me me me smile.png

In answer - let me say you are 'right' but that you are not correct. Try reading up on a guy called Ludwig Erhard. He was an anti-Nazi businessman and academic that was given the role of 'managing' Germany's economy post WW2. He ignored all the 'experts' and 'politicians' and did it his way - and created the German economy that still leaves the rest of Europe for dead.

What Trump is so inarticulately saying (yep - he aint no smooth talking PC politician) is that he will not accept any PC bulldust and that the foreign affairs 'experts' are wrong. Ask yourself - has the foreign affairs policies of any of the previous POTUS in 10 years (both Rep and Dem) been successful? Has their policies in areas of foreign trade been successful? And at home have their policies in regards to law and order and terrorism worked? If like more and more people you realise they haven't really - then you will understand what Trump is saying, and why the Trump train is rolling on and on.

Whereas Crooked HRC is surrounded by disgruntled Dems, because even they know she forced the Dens powerbrokers to support her after she 'saved' the POTUS's job after Lewinski (and before and afterwards), AND after she withdrew her campaign and allowed Obama to take over in 2008. She is DEMANDING the Dem nomination, and she is OWED the POTUS job - that is how she sees it. But more and more people are seeing her for what she really is. A scheming conniving shrew - for years and years she has been able to put aside all other things and do anything, in order to become POTUS. Putting aside her husband's issues, the worst two being her distain for national security (emails/calls) and ignoring the Bengahzi situation because she didn't see any 'gain' for herself in taking action being requested (she only saw downsides if they failed). Actually, I am thinking that how she handled the post-Benghazi situation deserves mention too. How she suddenly had 'medical' issues and could not appear to be held account - how she delayed any appearances until she was fully prepared - how she went off her face at the hearings and denied any wrongdoing - how she then left the role as Sec State less than a month alter (and therefore could not be called back). AND how she claimed to be fine and 100% a month later, but Bill when defending her later on, said she took 6 months to get over the medical issue. They are both deceptive manipulative schemers and liars - they make the couple in House of Cards jealous. Actually, many feel they are who the show was based on - but not in public - the Clinton Foundation has millions and would sue.

Thanks for a well written post. And, no, I am not a liberal, (well, yes socially, but not otherwise), and I too have little use for Clinton, apart from thinking that she is at least a stable steward for the good ship USA in terms of governance, trade, and foreign policy. Certainly she is a deceptive, manipulative schemer, liar and blinded by her raw ambition and lust for power. But, she is also smart, and together with Bill's oversight and Constitutional protections, hopefully won't abuse power too much. Bill is less of a House of Cards character than she is, though not much. She is not as crooked and evil as everyone makes her out to be, she is too pragmatic for that. She will push whatever she thinks she can get away with. And, because voters, and everyone in Congress and elsewhere knows this about her, she will be on everyone's watch list for abuse of power.

But Trump is just too much...really. He is incompetent, as well as the long list of other non-Presidential qualities that have been listed. He is a bumbling Forrest Gump of a candidate and would make a dangerous President. He's so inarticulate he makes George W. look like Bill Buckley Jr.. That in itself is not bad, because similarly challenged Presidents like Reagan can be effective, but Trump is no Reagan.

Agreed the choice is the most horrible I can recall in my lifetime.

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In here is the latest from Crooked HRC - in response to the Eqypt Air attack/bombing:

Showing her internationalist instincts and tendency to reach for policy solutions in a time of crisis, the former secretary of state proposed a multi-national commitment to redouble the struggle against terrorism, pushed European nations to do more and recommended probes of how aviation security could be further improved.

This is exactly what the people of USA have had a gutful of - politically correct bureaucratic and hollow statements.

Trump is a man of action and will take action. He aint gonna say what he will do stupids - that would tell the terrorists what to prepare for. But he will take action and do something. Crooked HRC will give another speech and condemn them, Trump will take actions against them - serious actions.

The Trump train is coming - Islamic terrorists and politically correct hollow politicians and Liberals with a social change agenda can either get off the tracks or get run over.

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Thread: Is it too late to stop the Trump machine. Yes it is. Trump is a lion and Hillary is a squirrel. He's going to run over her like a freight train. He hasn't even started on her yet but he blew away 16 other contenders for the R nomination.

Don't bet against Donald Trump or you'll lose.

PC is just another term meaning "don't tell the truth". Trump tells is as he sees it and to hell with PC. People are eating it up after years of being stifled by blatant name callers.

Sell Donald Trump short and you'll lose.


PC is just another term meaning "don't tell the truth"


PC is just another way of saying keep your racist, ignorant bigotry to yourself no one is interested in hearing it.

Trump's 'truth' seems to change on the hour. I will agree Trump has certainly plumbed the depths of the racist, ignorant bigots in the Republican Party. To their shame there's millions of them.

Political Correctness provided them some protection from their own stupidity now their egregious seedy underbelly is exposed.

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I'm not sure if Trump is a fascist yet or not, but he certainly shares one characteristics of fascists: disdain for intellectuals, education and experts in general. When Trump was asked Friday (by the journalist daughter of former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinkski - widely considered one of the greatest and brightest foreign policy minds the US ever produced) about former SecDef Gates damning comments about Trump's competence in foreign policy, speaking of Brzezinkski, Trump responded:

“...I know he has a great reputation and all of that. All of these guys have a great reputation. They’ve been doing this stuff for 15 years. Look where our country is, OK?”

The day before, Bob Gates (another former SecDef under George W. & Obama) slammed Trump's stupid premature tweet regarding terrorist bringing down the Air Egypt plane and said:

“I think it prejudges the outcome, and let’s just suppose that it turns out not to be a terrorist event,” Gates said. “Then what do you say having made these allegations and so on? So it’s always better to wait until you actually know what the facts are before you open up. I realize that’s a very unusual thing in American politics, but it ought to be tried occasionally.”

to which Trump responded “And Bob Gates, who I don’t know at all, but Bob Gates has no idea. See, they are misrepresenting and he’s misrepresenting,” he jabbed.

Trump's continuing disdain for experts, his continuing astounding display of ignorance, on foreign policy and foreign trade continues to amaze, and yet his fans never blink. The greatest con ever on disenfranchised, errantly trusting voters.



You are about the only one worth responding to - the other Libs seem to be like children complaining they don't want to go to Grandma's smile.png

Even though deep down inside they know they will have to - they just don't like doing what they don't like doing - me me me me smile.png

In answer - let me say you are 'right' but that you are not correct. Try reading up on a guy called Ludwig Erhard. He was an anti-Nazi businessman and academic that was given the role of 'managing' Germany's economy post WW2. He ignored all the 'experts' and 'politicians' and did it his way - and created the German economy that still leaves the rest of Europe for dead.

What Trump is so inarticulately saying (yep - he aint no smooth talking PC politician) is that he will not accept any PC bulldust and that the foreign affairs 'experts' are wrong. Ask yourself - has the foreign affairs policies of any of the previous POTUS in 10 years (both Rep and Dem) been successful? Has their policies in areas of foreign trade been successful? And at home have their policies in regards to law and order and terrorism worked? If like more and more people you realise they haven't really - then you will understand what Trump is saying, and why the Trump train is rolling on and on.

Whereas Crooked HRC is surrounded by disgruntled Dems, because even they know she forced the Dens powerbrokers to support her after she 'saved' the POTUS's job after Lewinski (and before and afterwards), AND after she withdrew her campaign and allowed Obama to take over in 2008. She is DEMANDING the Dem nomination, and she is OWED the POTUS job - that is how she sees it. But more and more people are seeing her for what she really is. A scheming conniving shrew - for years and years she has been able to put aside all other things and do anything, in order to become POTUS. Putting aside her husband's issues, the worst two being her distain for national security (emails/calls) and ignoring the Bengahzi situation because she didn't see any 'gain' for herself in taking action being requested (she only saw downsides if they failed). Actually, I am thinking that how she handled the post-Benghazi situation deserves mention too. How she suddenly had 'medical' issues and could not appear to be held account - how she delayed any appearances until she was fully prepared - how she went off her face at the hearings and denied any wrongdoing - how she then left the role as Sec State less than a month alter (and therefore could not be called back). AND how she claimed to be fine and 100% a month later, but Bill when defending her later on, said she took 6 months to get over the medical issue. They are both deceptive manipulative schemers and liars - they make the couple in House of Cards jealous. Actually, many feel they are who the show was based on - but not in public - the Clinton Foundation has millions and would sue.

Ludwig Erhard. Yes. He did a great job. He is credited with creating something called the social market economy. In other words he combined capitalism and socialism. Good man. But Donald Trump is now embracing extreme right wing economic positions. Can't imagine he has much use for socialism.

As for foreign trade...is the situation really so bad. America may run a trade deficit but it enjoys a big capital surplus. You know why that is? Because investors around the world have faith in the American economy. As for terrorists. In 2015 more Americans were killed by toddlers than by terrorists. Admittedly it was mostly toddlers shooting themselves but still. I think the total number of Americans killed by terrorists was 22. About 30,000 died in car accidents.

As for your talk about HRC, it's just speculation and rubbish and conspiratorial gobbledook.. Even Trey Gowdy the chairman of the current farcical committee investigating Benghazi has said that there's no way help could have arrived in time. Lots of assertions - no evidence. Just empty speculation..

Edited by ilostmypassword
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