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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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On current polling there is absolutely no way on this Earth Trump can take the presidency.

W Bush Hispanic vote 44% Won

McCain Hispanic vote 31% Lost

Romney Hispanic vote 27% Lost

Trump Hispanic vote 11% no coming back from that.

and since Bush there is a further 20M Hispanic voters

and women can't stand him, can you blame them the mans a big orange pig. Just can't see how you can piss off 80% of the electorate and have a snowballs chance in bermuda of winning.

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On current polling there is absolutely no way on this Earth Trump can take the presidency.

W Bush Hispanic vote 44% Won

McCain Hispanic vote 31% Lost

Romney Hispanic vote 27% Lost

Trump Hispanic vote 11% no coming back from that.

and since Bush there is a further 20M Hispanic voters

and women can't stand him, can you blame them the mans a big orange pig. Just can't see how you can piss off 80% of the electorate and have a snowballs chance in bermuda of winning.

Most of those Hispanics are in California so it doesn't really matter if Trump gets zero-percent of their votes because he isn't going to win the state in any case. As for Hispanics in other states, they don't vote in large numbers in any case so no worries there.

With the enlargement in the Republican base vote and disillusioned Bernie Bros. sitting out the election and it's Trump in a cakewalk.

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@Post 2461

The Lemmings know this and all the other "suggestions" the Bloviator has done a 180 on.

While sucking up to the RNC Elite and Wall Street.

It must be difficult for them.


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Donald Trump Is Closing the Deal With Republican Elites

"Mr. Ryan said his policy aides were now meeting regularly with Mr. Trump’s staff to “make sure that we are unifying around our commonly held principles and policies.” laugh.png

"Meanwhile, Mr. Trump notched an important organizational victory this week, finalizing a joint fundraising agreement with the Republican National Committee,

that will allow donors to write checks of up to $449,400.

Heading the Trump Victory committee as finance chairman will be Lew Eisenberg, a veteran fundraiser who also serves as finance chairman of the RNC."

"Oil billionaire T. Boone Pickens endorsed his campaign last week and is planning to hold a fundraiser for the pro-Trump super PAC, Great America PAC, at his Texas ranch next month."

"Minnesota broadcasting billionaire Stanley Hubbard, who backed the presidential bids of mainstream party favorites,

including Sen. Marco Rubio and former Gov. Jeb Bush, has also endorsed Mr. Trump and signed on to the super PAC as a co-chairman."


The RNC schools the ignorant Bloviator while Wall Street and Billionaires line up.

Of course, they are just being charitable. They won't expect anything in return... cheesy.gif

Boast #1: Self-Funded. Gone. Along with everything the Bloviator "suggested" to the Lemmings.

Principles? What principles?

The great outsider. clap2.gif


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On current polling there is absolutely no way on this Earth Trump can take the presidency.

W Bush Hispanic vote 44% Won

McCain Hispanic vote 31% Lost

Romney Hispanic vote 27% Lost

Trump Hispanic vote 11% no coming back from that.

and since Bush there is a further 20M Hispanic voters

and women can't stand him, can you blame them the mans a big orange pig. Just can't see how you can piss off 80% of the electorate and have a snowballs chance in bermuda of winning.

Most of those Hispanics are in California so it doesn't really matter if Trump gets zero-percent of their votes because he isn't going to win the state in any case. As for Hispanics in other states, they don't vote in large numbers in any case so no worries there.

With the enlargement in the Republican base vote and disillusioned Bernie Bros. sitting out the election and it's Trump in a cakewalk.

What about Florida?

Democratic edge in Hispanic voter registration grows in Florida


Hillary Clinton is very popular among Latinos and Trump is generally detested. 2 strong reasons to come out and vote.

And there's also Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona and Texas. Arizona may be in play this season. Texas not. But even in those 2 states increased Latino turnout could give big boosts to democratic congressional candidates.

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The Self Funded Bloviator licking the boots of his new masters: Wall Street.

Trump pledges to roll back Wall Street reforms

"Donald Trump promised on Tuesday to overturn most of the financial reform codified in the Dodd-Frank bill."

"The presumptive Republican nominee told Reuters he will release an economic policy plan by the end of the month that will "be close to a dismantling of Dodd-Frank."

"While, overall, Wall Street has been wary of the New Yorker, some top financiers have come to his side. Anthony Scaramucci of SkyBridge Capital,

penned a Wall Street Journal op-ed this week praising the candidate after saying he would help a pro-Trump super PAC called the Great America PAC." laugh.png

"During the half-hour interview, Trump said he is "not an enemy" of Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen, but he would want a Republican to ultimately lead the system if he were elected president."


The fat cat establishment is "educating" the "outsider". clap2.gif

While in addition, he sucks up to the private banking system that is the cancer on America.

Trump is a downtown New Yorker. He's very rich. He's known lots of big money wheeler dealers. Now that he's done a 180 on accepting PAC money, he can't pretend to not cozy up to Wall Streeters. He'll be more indebted to Wall Street money manipulators than HRC. At least HRC has a semblance of a moral code about it. Trump has none.

Incidentally, there are 22 weeks before the election. Hillary will reveal things about Trump not yet revealed, but she doesn't need to shoot her ammo now. Indeed, HRC doesn't need to do a whole heck of a lot to sink's Trump's Titanic. He's doing that on his own. Nearly each day, there are new screw-ups about him / from him. Plus, there are millions of citizens who are holding back throwing mud at Trump. They're waiting for the weeks leading up to Nov. 8th. There are probably former biz associates of his, and former girlfriends, and others who have some non-adulatory inside stories. I'd venture that not half the shit on Trump has been exposed yet. It's too soon. Let Trump hobble himself in the next several months (it's rather like foreplay). As General Jackson said while the British were marching north towards his troops defending New Orleans, "Don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes!"

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Can you please explain this "woman card" thing and what benefit, if any, it's supposed to be? Does it mean all women are going to vote for The Pantsuit and therefore she wins because women make up a slight majority of the electorate? Because all I read and hear is many women can't stomach her.

I agree in the abstract many women, and men for that matter, would like (and expect) to see a woman President in their lifetime. However, the question now is not abstract but: "Do you want THIS woman, Hillary Clinton, to be President?" and to that question, many woman are answering a resounding NO!

No, of course not all women are going to vote for HRC. There are quite a few redneck women in the US. My guess; 8% of the overall electorate.

You know there are no blocks of voters who all vote for one candidate. Very rare. Perhaps all white supremecists will vote for Trump, but that's an anomaly.

Many of the people who will vote for HRC will do so because they see her as the better candidate. Perhaps a similar number will vote for her because the alternative stinks. Already in the primaries, HRC has garnered around 2 million more votes than Trump.

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Can you please explain this "woman card" thing and what benefit, if any, it's supposed to be? Does it mean all women are going to vote for The Pantsuit and therefore she wins because women make up a slight majority of the electorate? Because all I read and hear is many women can't stomach her.

I agree in the abstract many women, and men for that matter, would like (and expect) to see a woman President in their lifetime. However, the question now is not abstract but: "Do you want THIS woman, Hillary Clinton, to be President?" and to that question, many woman are answering a resounding NO!

Just a continuation of the faux "war on women" mantra used against Romney. Appeals to the non-critically thinking element of that demographic....The one's who get their view of the world by watching "The View".

Similar to the "race card" that appeals to the fears and gullibility of low information voters. For example, think Biden telling an audience of largely blacks during the 2012 general that the GOP is going to "put y'all back in chains..."

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On current polling there is absolutely no way on this Earth Trump can take the presidency.

W Bush Hispanic vote 44% Won

McCain Hispanic vote 31% Lost

Romney Hispanic vote 27% Lost

Trump Hispanic vote 11% no coming back from that.

and since Bush there is a further 20M Hispanic voters

and women can't stand him, can you blame them the mans a big orange pig. Just can't see how you can piss off 80% of the electorate and have a snowballs chance in bermuda of winning.

Most of those Hispanics are in California so it doesn't really matter if Trump gets zero-percent of their votes because he isn't going to win the state in any case. As for Hispanics in other states, they don't vote in large numbers in any case so no worries there.

With the enlargement in the Republican base vote and disillusioned Bernie Bros. sitting out the election and it's Trump in a cakewalk.

What about Florida? Democratic edge in Hispanic voter registration grows in Florida


Hillary Clinton is very popular among Latinos and Trump is generally detested. 2 strong reasons to come out and vote.

And there's also Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona and Texas. Arizona may be in play this season. Texas not. But even in those 2 states increased Latino turnout could give big boosts to democratic congressional candidates.

You must be living on Fantasy Island ?

Hispanic voter registration (among those that are even eligible) is low and their actual voter turnout is low too. Therefore, even in some of the "purple" states you mention, where it could make a difference, it won't in the end.

In addition, I see Trump being more popular with Hispanic voters than many people think. Like others, they admire a strong and charamastic leader and family man and they will also approve of his economic plans, which will help working class Hispanics as much as anyone.

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Nightmare nominee: Nobody likes Donald Trump. Not even white men.

"These numbers are simply amazing. Trump is viewed unfavorably by at least 80 percent of some of the groups that Republican strategists had hoped the GOP might improve among: young voters and Latinos.

He’s viewed unfavorably by three out of four moderates. That GOP autopsy into what went wrong in 2012 has been torn to shreds and scattered to the winds from the top of Trump Tower."

"Just as bad, this new polling further undercuts the already weak case for an implausible Trump victory:

the idea that he can win by making surprise inroads in relatively white states in the industrial Midwest, thus riding a wave of working class white anger into the White House.

Trump is viewed unfavorably by a narrow majority of non-college whites (52 percent)."

"What’s more, these new numbers also suggest other complications to Trump’s working-class-white strategy:

Trump seems uniquely positioned to alienate white women and white college graduates to an untold degree.

This renders the working-class-white strategy’s math even more far fetched."


And now that the Bloviator has embraced the RNC Elite and Wall Street while rendering all of his campaign promises as lies,

even more reasonable people will disregard him for what he is: A Bloviating Huckster. thumbsup.gif


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Nightmare nominee: Nobody likes Donald Trump. Not even white men.

"These numbers are simply amazing. Trump is viewed unfavorably by at least 80 percent of some of the groups that Republican strategists had hoped the GOP might improve among: young voters and Latinos.

He’s viewed unfavorably by three out of four moderates. That GOP autopsy into what went wrong in 2012 has been torn to shreds and scattered to the winds from the top of Trump Tower."

"Just as bad, this new polling further undercuts the already weak case for an implausible Trump victory: the idea that he can win by making surprise inroads in relatively white states in the industrial Midwest,

thus riding a wave of working class white anger into the White House. Trump is viewed unfavorably by a narrow majority of non-college whites (52 percent)."

"What’s more, these new numbers also suggest other complications to Trump’s working-class-white strategy:

Trump seems uniquely positioned to alienate white women and white college graduates to an untold degree. This renders the working-class-white strategy’s math even more far fetched."


And now that the Bloviator has embraced the RNC Elite and Wall Street while rendering all of his campaign promises as lies,

even more reasonable people will disregard him for what he is: A Bloviating Huckster. thumbsup.gif

The latest poll from the Washington Post reveals that RepublicanDonald Trump leads Democrat Hillary Clinton among registered voters 46 percent to 44 percent.


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Trump would be least-popular major-party nominee in modern times

"If Donald Trump secures the Republican presidential nomination, he would start the general election campaign as the least-popular candidate to represent either party in modern times."

"Three-quarters of women view him unfavorably. So do nearly two-thirds of independents,

80 percent of young adults, 85 percent of Hispanics and nearly half of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents."

"Those findings, tallied from Washington Post-ABC News polling, fuel Trump’s overall 67 percent unfavorable rating:

Making Trump more disliked than any major-party nominee in the 32 years the survey has been tracking candidates." laugh.png



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Trump would be least-popular major-party nominee in modern times

"If Donald Trump secures the Republican presidential nomination, he would start the general election campaign as the least-popular candidate to represent either party in modern times."

"Three-quarters of women view him unfavorably. So do nearly two-thirds of independents,

80 percent of young adults, 85 percent of Hispanics and nearly half of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents."

"Those findings, tallied from Washington Post-ABC News polling, fuel Trump’s overall 67 percent unfavorable rating:

Making Trump more disliked than any major-party nominee in the 32 years the survey has been tracking candidates." laugh.png


Your faking it. The polls you quote are from 3 months ago. The latest poll from the Washington Post reveals that Republican Donald Trump leads Democrat Hillary Clinton among registered voters 46 percent to 44 percent.

Quoting information 3 months old is rather like lying. Try getting up to speed and keep up. I can post silly photos too.cheesy.gif


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@Post 2475

Washington Post-ABC News national poll March 3-6, 2016


By Philip Rucker and Robert Costa March 31


Apparently, counting is not one of your strong suits. laugh.pngclap2.gif

Or grammar: i.e: You're


Also in the link you provided, but you neglected to mention:

"Nonetheless, Clinton is rated ahead of Trump across a range of attributes and issues, and she is seen as having superior experience, temperament and personality to be president.

Trump is viewed as unqualified by a majority of adults"


Forget the outsider nonsense that they mention about the Bloviator.

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April 29, 2016

Insiders: Clinton would crush Trump in November

In the swing states that matter most, GOP insiders worry about a down-ballot disaster.

"In the swing states that matter most in the presidential race, Donald Trump doesn’t have a prayer against Hillary Clinton in the general election." laugh.png

"That’s according to top operatives, strategists and activists in 10 battleground states who participated in this week’s POLITICO Caucus."

"Nearly 90 percent of them said Clinton would defeat Trump in their home states in a November matchup." thumbsup.gif

Republicans are only slightly more bullish on Trump’s prospects than Democrats:

More than three-quarters of GOP insiders expect Clinton to best the Republican front-runner in a general-election contest in their respective states.

Among Democrats, the belief is nearly universal: 99 percent of surveyed said will Clinton will beat Trump."


Dem's some impressive numbers.

Reality check:

The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, RNC Lapdog Bloviator has no chance.

Oh, and Donnie: lose that spray tan silliness.


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Trump would be least-popular major-party nominee in modern times

"If Donald Trump secures the Republican presidential nomination, he would start the general election campaign as the least-popular candidate to represent either party in modern times."

"Three-quarters of women view him unfavorably. So do nearly two-thirds of independents,

80 percent of young adults, 85 percent of Hispanics and nearly half of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents."

"Those findings, tallied from Washington Post-ABC News polling, fuel Trump’s overall 67 percent unfavorable rating:

Making Trump more disliked than any major-party nominee in the 32 years the survey has been tracking candidates." laugh.png


Your faking it. The polls you quote are from 3 months ago. The latest poll from the Washington Post reveals that Republican Donald Trump leads Democrat Hillary Clinton among registered voters 46 percent to 44 percent.

Quoting information 3 months old is rather like lying. Try getting up to speed and keep up. I can post silly photos too.cheesy.gif

If WaPo is actually owning up to a poll showing Clinton down 46-44, then the real number is probably closer to 50-40 Trump laugh.png

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Trump would be least-popular major-party nominee in modern times

"If Donald Trump secures the Republican presidential nomination, he would start the general election campaign as the least-popular candidate to represent either party in modern times."

"Three-quarters of women view him unfavorably. So do nearly two-thirds of independents,

80 percent of young adults, 85 percent of Hispanics and nearly half of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents."

"Those findings, tallied from Washington Post-ABC News polling, fuel Trump’s overall 67 percent unfavorable rating:

Making Trump more disliked than any major-party nominee in the 32 years the survey has been tracking candidates." laugh.png


Your faking it. The polls you quote are from 3 months ago. The latest poll from the Washington Post reveals that Republican Donald Trump leads Democrat Hillary Clinton among registered voters 46 percent to 44 percent.

Quoting information 3 months old is rather like lying. Try getting up to speed and keep up. I can post silly photos too.cheesy.gif

If WaPo is actually owning up to a poll showing Clinton down 46-44, then the real number is probably closer to 50-40 Trump laugh.png

Wrong. WaPo is a respectable news organization. You may be thinking of FOX.

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Trump has gained 11 points on Hillary in polls in the past few weeks. He was way behind which was worrying the pundits. I've NEVER doubted. Never bet against Donald Trump.

Here's just more proof that Crooked Hillary isn't qualified to run a country, especially a budget and an economy. What has she ever actually done other than dodging sniper fire in Bosnia?


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Following on my post about Hillary Clinton's tactics against the vile orange beast still being a work in progress, I think aside from his constant shape shifting on issues ever five minutes a very big part of it will be how to respond to TROLL stuff.

In other words, in internet terms the vile orange beast is a SUPER TROLL. That's been pretty much his entire game. Looking at the republican primary, those who fell for his BAITS lost, and those who mostly didn't ALSO lost.

So Hillary Clinton's advisers need to learn from that but I reckon they're confused, as both tactics lost.

It's pretty obvious Hillary Clinton herself won't be very skilled at responding to his BAITS ... so the question really is, how else (or IF) to respond to them?

Through the VP, through campaign people, or not much at all?

I don't know yet and I don't think the Hillary Clinton campaign does either yet.

That will be something very interesting to watch for.

Also, a big question is whether the vile orange beast will go into SUPER TROLL mode when he's actually one on one LIVE in debates against Clinton. He did that in the republican debates. Clinton will be prepared for that of course, and those moments, if they ever happen, could turn out to be very important.

Not sure what she will do at this point.

Above my pay grade ... but it seems to me at that high level, responding something like ... is this really the kind of TEMPERAMENT you want in the oval office? may be the way to go.

No, that tactic didn't work for any republican, but this is a different ballgame now.

Jon Stewart: Donald Trump Is An Internet Troll Running For President


We can expect that this is where the HRC campaign is going. The statement below is where you and many others already are and have been for months, to include myself.

Depending on the polls, the theme could be initiated at the Democratic National Convention in July or early in September when the final stretch run begins.

We can expect this will be a major theme that will be hammered home by HRC and the principals who will be campaigning for her, specifically, Bill, President Obama, Bernie Sanders among others.

Adam Gopnik: “One can argue about whether to call him a fascist or an authoritarian populist or a grotesque joke made in a nightmare shared between Philip K. Dick and Tom Wolfe, but under any label Trump is a declared enemy of the liberal constitutional order of the United States—the order that has made it, in fact, the great and plural country that it already is. He announces his enmity to America by word and action every day.

It is articulated in his insistence on the rightness of torture and the acceptable murder of noncombatants. It is self-evident in the threats he makes daily to destroy his political enemies, made only worse by the frivolity and transience of the tone of those threats. He makes his enmity to American values clear when he suggests that the Presidency holds absolute power, through which he will be able to end opposition—whether by questioning the ownership of newspapers or talking about changing libel laws or threatening to take away F.C.C. licenses.”

“To say ‘Well, he would not really have the power to accomplish that’ is to misunderstand the nature of thin-skinned authoritarians in power. They do not arrive in office and discover, as constitutionalists do, that their capabilities are more limited than they imagined. They arrive, and then make their power as large as they can.”

The new problem is that many otherwise normal Republicans have decided to ignore the realities presented in the statement to support Trump out of a partisan loyalty rooted in the hate of HRC. They are not so sure Trump can or would win but they're going with him anyway. However, the fans of the unique American Mussolini who have anyway been OTT for decades are certain Trump will dominate the general election campaign beginning with the Republican National Convention. These rightwingnuts have been wrong all of their lives and the present situation is no different. Trump is the losers candidate and broad and moderate American political center are not losers nor have we ever been losers. This is no exception to the fact.

The country certainly has never had an election like this as described in the quote. Everything stated in the quote and more along its lines are what the right wing loves about this election. So it's a fight to the finish led by the losers brigade on the radical crackpot right.

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The country certainly has never had an election like this as described in the quote. Everything stated in the quote and more along its lines are what the right wing loves about this election. So it's a fight to the finish led by the losers brigade on the radical crackpot right.

It's going to be a party around here the day after Trump wins the general election. I can't recommend any product for getting egg off your face but you're going to need a lot of it.


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The horse race itself is swinging toward the billionaire businessman, who according to the Washington Post-ABC News poll has picked up 11 points since March, giving him a narrow 46%-44% lead. But the sum result in both surveys is a statistical dead heat. Clinton leads by 3 points, 46%-43%, in the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

Both results are within the margin of error.

Trump's recent bump coincides with a growing sense of acceptance among Republican establishment figures. From former primary opponents to elected officials on Capitol Hill, the GOP is broadly warming to its likely standard-bearer.

Trump hasn't even started on Hillary. He's been too busy dusting off 16 Republican competitors and even some Republican leaders. Those leaders are warming up to him now that it appears he can win.

Hillary still can't get rid of that lame old socialist Bernie who beat her badly in Oregon last Tuesday. She can't generate any excitement.

Crooked Hillary the Loser. See ya Hillary. It was never meant to be.


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Trump would be least-popular major-party nominee in modern times

"If Donald Trump secures the Republican presidential nomination, he would start the general election campaign as the least-popular candidate to represent either party in modern times."

"Three-quarters of women view him unfavorably. So do nearly two-thirds of independents,

80 percent of young adults, 85 percent of Hispanics and nearly half of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents."

"Those findings, tallied from Washington Post-ABC News polling, fuel Trump’s overall 67 percent unfavorable rating:

Making Trump more disliked than any major-party nominee in the 32 years the survey has been tracking candidates." laugh.png


Your faking it. The polls you quote are from 3 months ago. The latest poll from the Washington Post reveals that Republican Donald Trump leads Democrat Hillary Clinton among registered voters 46 percent to 44 percent.

Quoting information 3 months old is rather like lying. Try getting up to speed and keep up. I can post silly photos too.cheesy.gif

If WaPo is actually owning up to a poll showing Clinton down 46-44, then the real number is probably closer to 50-40 Trump laugh.png

Wrong. WaPo is a respectable news organization. You may be thinking of FOX.

No...I'm thinking WaPo. It ain't what it used to be....In fact, at the rate it and the NYT are abandoning journalism, they might soon be on the rack right there at the grocery checkout lane

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Yes, I wrote 'pretty little girls' and did so for a reason. Imagine you had a couple of daughters. Let's say they were ages 9 and 11. Then imagine they went to a school where there were grown men carrying loaded weapons. Those are the men who the NRA recommend being stationed at every school in the USA. School is 5 days a week, week after week. Those grown men are standing the hallways with their loaded weapons. Pretty little girls are prancing to and fro. Men get thoughts. Girls get crushes on big men. Conversations happen. Girls get girlish, singing, dancing, prancing, flirty and doing all the silly cute things that silly cute girls do. Men get more thoughts. Bad things can happen.

A bit different, but I know a guy who, when he was just a kid, a janitor at his school grabbed him and took him into the broom closet. Some sexual things happened. Ok, that was man on boy, but you get the picture?

One of my points here is in response to the NRA recommending armed guards be placed in all US schools. NRA assumes all those guards will be mature self-controlled men. For anyone who knows anything about human nature, that's a very naive assumption.

Here's another angle. Let's say there's an armed guard who is taunted by school boys. Day after day. One day, the guard snaps and shoots. POW! Completely plausible scenario. People go postal every day.

I know men who have a very low level of self-control and are liable to explode with retribution when offended (sounds like Trump, doesn't it?). Some of those men have been in the military. Some are Harvard graduates. Some are cops. I know something about human nature. Do you?

And on top of this scenario, just imagine those same 9 and 11 year old "pretty little girls" are faced on a daily basis with men wandering into their dressing rooms and bathrooms at school...claiming to be women.

Your examples are just more proof of an overactive imagination.

That's what people do sometimes, they imagine what might ensue, and then take precautions. If your kids are setting off to walk to school and there are dark clouds blowing in, you might get them to carry raincoats, just in case.

There are checkers for fliers boarding planes, for example, who try to preclude bad people boarding. It doesn't always work, but it's an attempt to keep out the baddies, and it's based on thinking ahead about what bad things might happen.

Men dressed as women entering a girls' bathroom could be problematic. We could discuss that, though it's on a different thread. However, I mentioned the RNA endorsement of Trump herein, because it relates to this thread.

You can call it an 'overactive imagination'. I don't know if that's a put-down. Perhaps if the US had security people with 'overactive imaginations' just prior to 9-11 then the disasters which ensued might not have been so dire.

"If your kids are setting off to walk to school and there are dark clouds blowing in, you might get them to carry raincoats, just in case."

Nope. I simply took them to school in the car. Problem solved.

"There are checkers for fliers boarding planes, for example, who try to preclude bad people boarding. It doesn't always work, but it's an attempt to keep out the baddies, and it's based on thinking ahead about what bad things might happen."

Actually that would be based on prior experience more than anything else. An overactive imagination would be worrying about a five wheel blowout on take off. Uh, checkers is a board game. TSA Agent might be a little better moniker to use.

Why are you so worried about the NRA endorsement? You claim their impact will be negligible so why even concern yourself with it?

You have enough on your plate working to save the world. Let the NRA do its thing.

It's not about YOU. Not everyone can take their kids to school because it might rain. Policy has to be for the most people, not an individual.

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Egyptian Government Arrests Muslim Who Worked For The Obama Administration And Sentences Him To Life In Prison.

"The Egyptian government arrested a Muslim who worked in the Obama administration as Hillary Clinton’s advisor, named Gehad El-Haddad, and sentenced him to life imprisonment. El-Haddad worked for Muhammad Mursi, the Muslim Brotherhood dictator who ruled Egypt with sharia tyranny before General al-Sisi took power. Prior to working for the Mursi regime, El-Haddad worked for the Clinton Foundation for five years."


Damn, Crooked Hillary and Obama are ugly.

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May 3, 2016

No Amount of Working-Class Whites Can Win Trump the White House

Here's the truth: There just aren’t enough 'angry white men'

"With Donald Trump poised to capture the Republican nomination, we hear a lot about intangibles, but there has been very little analysis of the numbers.

And the more we dig into the numbers, the less likely it seems that Mr. Trump can actually win the general election in November.

Even if Mr. Trump could make inroads into the vast swathes of white, working-class voters in those states, he faces other issues that could cancel out such gains elsewhere."

"One large trouble spot for him is among Latinos, whose votes have been crucial to delivering Florida, Colorado, Nevada and New Mexico into the Democratic column in the last two elections."

"Throw into the mix reports of spiking Latino voter registration and the increasing number of Florida Latinos registering as Democrats

(even among a Cuban-American constituency that was once staunchly Republican), and there is a perfect storm developing for Mr. Trump with this key demographic group,

which traditionally given at least a notable chunk of its votes to Republicans."

"In short, considering the available data, it is very difficult to see at this point where Mr. Trump is going to get the votes he needs to win the states necessary for victory in November.

And for the severely deluded individuals who think he can flip the map by winning in New York or other deep blue states (even California): fuhgeddaboutit." clap2.gif


Get used to it angry white folk, it's gonna be a rout. laugh.png

Do yourself a favor, get to know your neighbors and make friends with the 84% of non-whites who reject the Bloviator. thumbsup.gif And find out why.

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@Post 2475

Washington Post-ABC News national poll March 3-6, 2016


By Philip Rucker and Robert Costa March 31


Apparently, counting is not one of your strong suits. laugh.pngclap2.gif

Or grammar: i.e: You're


Also in the link you provided, but you neglected to mention:

"Nonetheless, Clinton is rated ahead of Trump across a range of attributes and issues, and she is seen as having superior experience, temperament and personality to be president.

Trump is viewed as unqualified by a majority of adults"


Forget the outsider nonsense that they mention about the Bloviator.

Clinton may have more experience as a bureaucrat, but it's what she did while gaining that experience that counts, and she was totally pants at her job. So, to say she is a better candidate because of experience would entail the ability to disregard reality. Of course, among the people that would vote for her merely because she is not a man, job performance is meaningless. Gender trumps all.

That type of reasoning, IMO, is why Obama became president, because he was black ( although only 50% black ), and in his case he really didn't have much experience at politics, and to my knowledge had done sod all other than warming a seat in the big house. I remember the Kenyans cheering because they thought he was going to help them, LOL. Guess they were sadly disappointed.

As for personality, her defects are well documented, and if Trump can't trash her in the debates he doesn't deserve to be president.

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May 3, 2016

No Amount of Working-Class Whites Can Win Trump the White House

Here's the truth: There just aren’t enough 'angry white men'

"With Donald Trump poised to capture the Republican nomination, we hear a lot about intangibles, but there has been very little analysis of the numbers.

And the more we dig into the numbers, the less likely it seems that Mr. Trump can actually win the general election in November.

Even if Mr. Trump could make inroads into the vast swathes of white, working-class voters in those states, he faces other issues that could cancel out such gains elsewhere."

"One large trouble spot for him is among Latinos, whose votes have been crucial to delivering Florida, Colorado, Nevada and New Mexico into the Democratic column in the last two elections."

"Throw into the mix reports of spiking Latino voter registration and the increasing number of Florida Latinos registering as Democrats

(even among a Cuban-American constituency that was once staunchly Republican), and there is a perfect storm developing for Mr. Trump with this key demographic group,

which traditionally given at least a notable chunk of its votes to Republicans."

"In short, considering the available data, it is very difficult to see at this point where Mr. Trump is going to get the votes he needs to win the states necessary for victory in November.

And for the severely deluded individuals who think he can flip the map by winning in New York or other deep blue states (even California): fuhgeddaboutit." clap2.gif


Get used to it angry white folk, it's gonna be a rout. laugh.png

Do yourself a favor, get to know your neighbors and make friends with the 84% of non-whites who reject the Bloviator. thumbsup.gif

So, basically you are saying Latinos want more welfare, more unemployment, larger national debt and an appeasment foreign policy where the US bends over and takes it from such as Iran. Ie, a continuation of Obama policy. No wonder middle class voters are flocking to Trump.

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