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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Why don't stories like this get out about Trump? He claims to love vets, yet cheats them....


"It's about values. It's about using veterans as a prop for his campaign, lying about how much money he raised for them, and then not fixing his lie once he was caught. It would have been easy."

Complains about Trump stories that "don't...get out" and then posts a link to a story from a well know publication about such a "story"...there's just no pleasing The Pantsuit Brigade. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Of course I'd be rather suspicious of this particular publication too, which has been shown to just fabricate and make up "facts" and whole stories when it fits their politically correct regressive left agenda.

Wait a minute, so you're attacking the source because you think it's a leftist rag? Since you insist:







Need more?

"Why don't stories like this get out about Trump?

How do you reconcile your statement quoted above from an earlier post with the six links that did "get out"?

Either your links are imaginary or your statements are.

No doubt in my mind which ones are imaginary.

In the days after the fundraiser, Trump repeated the $6 million figure in TV appearances and at Iowa rallies. “At that rally we raised, in one hour, $6 million. Is that good?” Trump said four days afterward at a rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

On top of that, Trump said small-dollar donors gave $670,000 over the Internet. That adds up to $4.45 million.


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The links that I checked, which did actually "get out", indicated some displeasure that 3 of the 22 organizations had not received any funds.

That means 19 of the 22 did receive funds.

You liberals are down to grasping at straws.

Got anything you want to say about Hillary's $21 Million speech payments? How much of that went to veteran's organizations?

The other donor had made a much bigger promise: Trump, with his vow to give $1 million.

To whom did Trump give, and in what amounts?

“He’s not going to share that information,” Lewandowski said.


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76 percent of Donald Trump's statements investigated by Politifact are either mostly false, false, or pants on fire false. No other person in the political arena even comes close.


But of course we should believe him when he says he gave 1 million. And the reason we whould believe is that Trump is notoriously reticent about publicizing his accomplishments.

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@Post 2548

"The links that I checked ... indicated some displeasure that 3 of the 22 organizations had not received any funds."

"That means 19 of the 22 did receive funds." blink.png

Uh, don't know what you're reading ( or smoking ) over there Chucky but, the links Berkshire provided do not support your distorted statement. At all.

Some Trump Charities Waiting on Funds

"But nearly a month after Trump made the pledge, at least three, and possibly more, of the 22 charities haven’t received any money yet, according to interviews conducted by FOX Business.

Meanwhile, seven of the 22 charities told FOX Business they have received checks totaling $650,000,

while the remaining organizations either declined to say whether or not they received the money or didn’t return repeated calls for comment."

"Trump Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski maintains that Trump has and will fully deliver on his promise to deliver the $6 million to the veterans groups.

He added that the $650,000 that FOX Business has determined was distributed to charities is significantly below the actual number,

but he declined to provide a full accounting of how much of the pledged money has been distributed or how many of the 22 charities have received cash." laugh.png


In fact, it never was 6 million.

Donald Trump’s ‘shady’ support for veterans

Campaign manager Corey Lewandowski said the fundraiser actually netted about $4.5 million, or 75 percent of the total that Trump announced.

Lewandowski also said he did not know whether a $1 million pledge from Trump himself was counted as part of the $4.5 million total.
He said Trump has given that amount, but he declined to identify any recipients.
when asked for details about how Trump’s $1 million was allocated, the GOP candidate’s campaign manager responded, “He’s not going to share that information.”
And there is more:
"Lewandowski said he did not "know the exact number" off the top of his head and would confirm the number in coming days."
"The Washington Post reported Friday that Lewandowski said the fundraiser actually netted about $4.5 million."
The Campaign Manager does not know where millions went. (And there was no confirmation of that number "in coming days") whistling.gif
"In recent weeks, Trump and his campaign repeatedly declined to give new details about how much they have given away."

“Why should I give you records?” Trump said in an interview with The Post this month. “I don’t have to give you records.”


Hiding records once again.

"You liberals are down to grasping at straws."

That's rich.

The Bloviator's Lemmings grasping at nothing, given the fact that he has about faced on everything he promised you in the primaries.

Most importantly, I am Self-Funded. cheesy.gif

Now, The Wall-Street Funded, RNC Lapdog, is pledging to his new Masters, to dismantle the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reforms. Right out of the gate.

Right in your face. facepalm.gif

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The links that I checked, which did actually "get out", indicated some displeasure that 3 of the 22 organizations had not received any funds.

That means 19 of the 22 did receive funds.

You liberals are down to grasping at straws.

Got anything you want to say about Hillary's $21 Million speech payments? How much of that went to veteran's organizations?

The other donor had made a much bigger promise: Trump, with his vow to give $1 million.

To whom did Trump give, and in what amounts?

“He’s not going to share that information,” Lewandowski said.


Trump also promised, very publicly, to give $5 million to any charity of Obama's choice, if Obama showed his college entrance papers and his passport application papers. THAT'S HOUNDING TO THE 10TH DEGREE. How many of you reading this have birth certificate, college entrance application papers and passport application papers in your desk right now? Be honest. Trump started by offering the $5 million for just the birth certificate. Birth certificate was provided. Trump then started shouting about LONG FORM! Long form provided. Then Trump shouted about college entrance exam papers and application for passport.

Oh, and after all those taunts toward, and follow-up compliances by Obama, guess what? Trump didn't part with one copper penny. Not one cent. Concurrently, Trump keeps dodging questions about releasing his tax forms from past 3 years.

If Obama was 1/100th as much of a ratfink as Trump, he would have sued Trump for $50 million. But Obama is a gentleman, and he doesn't stoop to the level of low-class potty-mouth, rotten taunters. Thank goodness.

TRUMP IS THE MOST DESPICABLE MAN ON THE PLANET. Please feel free to offer up any names of anyone more despicable.

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Not a surprise the supposed, billionaire Bloviator doesn't want to reveal his tax returns. The only time he did, it showed he paid nothing:

Donald Trump paid no taxes for at least two years in the 1970s

"Donald Trump paid no federal income taxes for at least two years in the 1970s, a report from the New Jersey Division of Gambling Enforcement reveals.

The disclosure, first reported by The Washington Post on Friday, showed that the real estate mogul took advantage of a tax-code provision that allowed developers to report negative income.

He claimed that his combined income in 1978 and 1979 was negative $3.8 million, which allowed him to avoid paying taxes.

The Post notes that Trump had told The New York Times a few years earlier that he was worth more than $200 million."

"This comes as Trump, now the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, refuses to release his more recent tax returns,

because he claims he can't while he's under federal audit. (That is a lie) He also said last week that his tax rate is "none of your business."

"Trump has blasted corporate executives for taking advantage of tax loopholes,

like the "carried interest loophole", to avoid paying taxes and says the current tax code harms the middle class."


Hypocrisy defined.

Want another example? The Bloviator's list of prospective V.P.'s must submit their tax records to him.

Do you really think anyone cares about someone's taxes from 40 years ago...that's really reaching (in addition to Bezos' "Amazon Post" carrying water for the Washington establishment in return for favorable regulatory and tax treatment for Amazon). You're always posting tidbits that nobody cares about...like someone using a legal provision in the tax code to save money. I think EVERYBODY in America does that; and would be considered a fool or a sucker if they didn't. The numbers may be large in a rich person's case but the principle of minimizing one's taxes is the same.

I"m sorry to be the one to have to tell you, but Americans, by and large, are not Swedes, Danes, French, or even Brits. who gladly hand over large amounts of their hard-earned money to the government, despite what Bernie may wish, so stories like this will have ZERO negative effect on Trump. It seems you've shot a blank again...time to reload.

The anti Trumpists are soooooo desperate to put him down that they come up with really stupid stuff that no one in the real world cares about. Stuff like how he had a bad divorce with Ivana and would like to date his daughter if she wasn't his daughter ( probably most of the men on the planet would like to ). Even the spat with Kelly is over, after they had a little meeting.

Who knows if he will win, but if he can't take HRC down with all the really bad stuff she has, he doesn't deserve to win- it'll be like shooting fish in a barrel.

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I am not a Trump supporter but I do support breaking the stranglehold on American politics that the Democrat and Republican establishments have in the country. A Hillary presidency sure wouldn't do that.

I thought it was going to take another civil war. Instead Trump and Bernie come along and prove that Americans are tired of the same old crap from our political class. If nothing else, at least it is a step in the right direction.

We have had 8 years of Republican Bush followed by 8 years of Democrat Obama. We have had Congress controlled by Democrats and Congress controlled by Republicans.

Over the past 16 years about $13,500,000,000,000 has been added to the National Debt since then and what do we have to show for it?

Throw the bums out.

Would the most far out right elements of the body politic prefer Sanders or Trump for Potus?

Or prefer perhaps someone else (Mussolini is already dead but he does have a uniquely American successor now emerged in the Republican party).

Maybe vote Libertarian or are they not far right enough. Or is the Libertarian party too strongly in favor of the Bill of Rights and the rest of the Constitution to please or attract the farthest right elements in the United States.

To paraphrase Bob Dylan...You don't need an armband to know which way the wind blows.

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Democrats are just happy to let the same old krap continue on.

They are brainwashed and molded into one muddle of wretched contentment.

Hillary and Obama, to them, are their role models of what our political leaders should be.

Unwilling to accept new ideas, they flounder with their wimpy, small minded view of the world.

The best they can come up with is..."The Orange Monster", "The Nazi", "The Fascist" ...

wow... just.... wow...

Then they try to come up with dumb ideas like Trump hates women. Maybe a phone call 40 years ago.

While Hillary has 10 office spaces full of investigative research being done on her Criminal behavior, conducted by the FBI.

Still willing to be led, by their noses, by the Hillary/Obama train, completely oblivious to the fact that she is a criminal.

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The vile beast is indeed very despicable. Remember his birther crap about Obama. Totally racist as are so many of his core base fascist movement supporters.

That's so 2008. No one in the real world cares. Obama is a dead duck, thrashing about to find something as a legacy. No Trump supporter cares what he did back then, no one that will vote for Trump will change their mind because of what happened way back.

The more anti Trumpists slag off the Donald, the more the pro Trumpers will support him, BECAUSE the antis are slagging him off. When someone slags off the Donald they slag off his supporters too.

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There's a handful of posters who seem to be practically hyperventilating over this subject

Correct. They are soooooo terrified of a Trump POTUS, that they are grasping at any straw, no matter how ridiculous to slag him off. I guess they and the ultra right wing of politics are in bed together on this one 55555555555555555555555.

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There's a handful of posters who seem to be practically hyperventilating over this subject

LOL, some of them even suggest it's the Trump supporters who need to "keep their shirts on".

Gotta love that Fascist demagogue monster pose.


But not this one. clap2.gif


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Donald Trump goes west -- and faces big hurdles

"One of the biggest cards in favor of Hillary Clinton is the vote against Trump, rather than the vote for her," said William H. Frey, a demographer at the Brookings Institution.

She has a lot of policies that are certainly friendly to Latinos... but I think the biggest thing that will energize them is Trump."

"Because of that, Trump's industrial Midwest strategy may end up being more of a necessity than a choice.
given his soaring unpopularity among the fast-growing minority groups that are reshaping politics in the western states, as well as states like Georgia and North Carolina.
A Fox News Latino poll released Friday showed Clinton leading Trump among Latino voters 62% to 23%. A striking 74% of Latinos said they viewed Trump unfavorably."
"To win a national election right now, (Republicans) have to run the table. They have to win states they lost to Barack Obama," Whalen said.
"The problem for Republicans is when you cannot build support among Latino voters, more states come into play," he said listing Arizona, North Carolina and Georgia.
"Complicating matters for Trump, his strongest appeal has been to older white voters. He has higher negatives among white women than recent GOP nominees,
making it harder to do well in younger states like Colorado and Nevada where single women have been pivotal in recent contests."
The Bloviator has made his own bed. laugh.png
Here comes the Perfect Storm. thumbsup.gif
What a doof...


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There's a handful of posters who seem to be practically hyperventilating over this subject

LOL, some of them even suggest it's the Trump supporters who need to "keep their shirts on".

Gotta love that Fascist demagogue monster pose.


But not this one. clap2.gif


A Hllary Hitler.

She thinks she is above the law.

The FBI is knocking on the door..hitler.

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There's a handful of posters who seem to be practically hyperventilating over this subject

LOL, some of them even suggest it's the Trump supporters who need to "keep their shirts on".

Gotta love that Fascist demagogue monster pose.


But not this one. clap2.gif


A Hllary Hitler.

She thinks she is above the law.

The FBI is knocking on the door..hitler.

The farthest right elements of the body politic are indeed fish flopping about.

The most extreme right whingenuts of the culture and the society have lost every fight over the past 60 years so they're used to it. It's just that they can't accept losing so they troop on.

November will be no different for them, however, after the vast majority of the centrist moderate and reasonable electorate have plunked the right we will then move on to the future. Minus any or all attention to the lunar right. This is the final insult to the howling wolves that are the extremist reactionaries.

Donald Trump has no regard of the Bill of Rights or of the Constitution itself. Same same of his loyal followers who march in lockstep with him. This is the unique feature of the 2016 election which has already taken shape as the brick wall the right is speeding into.

Edited by Publicus
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Agreed - you have added nothing to the discussion for a long time - just more of the same immature personal attacks and insults (and pro-Dem internet cut and pastes).

Therefore, in your own words, you should only post something that will add to the discussion. I wonder - will that occur??

There you go again. You can't think of anything original to say, so you just take my words and toss them back at me. 2nd grade playground taunting personified. Here's a suggestion: try an original thought. Too much of a strain?

You seem to be unable to do anything both throw criticisms at Trump or those that dont agree with you. It was an obvious 'wonder' and an easy bet (like shooting fish in a bucket).

Last chance - have a look at this below, and try again:

Trump is like a politically incorrect Uncle who says things that either embarasses others or makes everyone go quiet.

When you are young and ignorant of yourself and what you really think and feel about things, your focus is on how he acts and how he says things.

Then after time goes by you start to get used to him, and you start thinking about what he is saying rather than how he is saying it.

Then you start realizing not only do you agree with many things he says, but he also gains your respect that he has the guts to say it plainly and so bluntly.

You actually start thinking - why don't I have that much courage to say it the way I see it – why am I being so ‘politically correct’ and more worried about offending people than speaking the truth.

Then you take that 'step up' and you start openly agreeing with him – perhaps less ‘bluntly’ and less ‘offensively’ - but you agree with some things he says and you say so.

After a short period you are threatened and intimidated, but you hold to your ideals and values as you believe in them - and you refuse to back down.

Then you feel strong enough to engage in a conversation and to debate with others about your pollitically incorrect stance on the things that matter to you.

Donald Trump is the death nail for Political Correctness and those that silence debate and conversation in America through intimidation.

More often than not it is through the use/abuse of the media, but it is also done by passing laws and rules that force people to comply (eg. males using female toilets).

Now it is politically incorrect to criticise the behaviour of some people, because that is immediately labled as being homophobic, or islamophobic, or racist, or fascist, or sexist.

America was founded on freedom of thought and speech, and it is that and only that which leads to peace and the truth - not the fear of losing your job or community status by ‘towing the line’.

Amercians have had enough - they are losing their jobs/rights/freedoms - and the politicians (of both sides) are offering more of the same (and even more).

Trump is the only answer on offer - and the Trump train is gathering momentum.

More and more people are thinking "why not" he couldn't do any worse than the Bushes/Clintons/Obama - and all that khrapp about him nuking the arabs/world is just fear-mongering.

And that brings something else to mind - have you noticed how many people on 'your' side of the debate claim Trump is basing his appeal on the fears of ordinary people (terrorism, jobs, immigrants, political correctness, etc etc) and yet the same people keep saying he is not fit to be POTUS as he will cause WW3. Is that being hypocritical ???

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76 percent of Donald Trump's statements investigated by Politifact are either mostly false, false, or pants on fire false. No other person in the political arena even comes close.


But of course we should believe him when he says he gave 1 million. And the reason we whould believe is that Trump is notoriously reticent about publicizing his accomplishments.

You're the only person who reads Politifact...normal people couldn't care less what Donald may or may not have said in the past. biggrin.png

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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There's a handful of posters who seem to be practically hyperventilating over this subject

LOL, some of them even suggest it's the Trump supporters who need to "keep their shirts on".

Gotta love that Fascist demagogue monster pose.


But not this one. clap2.gif


Now that's scarier than any picture I've ever seen of Mr. H. clap2.gif

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The links that I checked, which did actually "get out", indicated some displeasure that 3 of the 22 organizations had not received any funds.

That means 19 of the 22 did receive funds.

You liberals are down to grasping at straws.

Got anything you want to say about Hillary's $21 Million speech payments? How much of that went to veteran's organizations?

The other donor had made a much bigger promise: Trump, with his vow to give $1 million.

To whom did Trump give, and in what amounts?

“He’s not going to share that information,” Lewandowski said.


Trump also promised, very publicly, to give $5 million to any charity of Obama's choice, if Obama showed his college entrance papers and his passport application papers. THAT'S HOUNDING TO THE 10TH DEGREE. How many of you reading this have birth certificate, college entrance application papers and passport application papers in your desk right now? Be honest. Trump started by offering the $5 million for just the birth certificate. Birth certificate was provided. Trump then started shouting about LONG FORM! Long form provided. Then Trump shouted about college entrance exam papers and application for passport.

Oh, and after all those taunts toward, and follow-up compliances by Obama, guess what? Trump didn't part with one copper penny. Not one cent. Concurrently, Trump keeps dodging questions about releasing his tax forms from past 3 years.

If Obama was 1/100th as much of a ratfink as Trump, he would have sued Trump for $50 million. But Obama is a gentleman, and he doesn't stoop to the level of low-class potty-mouth, rotten taunters. Thank goodness.

TRUMP IS THE MOST DESPICABLE MAN ON THE PLANET. Please feel free to offer up any names of anyone more despicable.

The guy/girl who calls him/herself Boomerangutang !! cheesy.gif

Hey - you asked for my opinion !! wai2.gif

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There's a handful of posters who seem to be practically hyperventilating over this subject

Correct. They are soooooo terrified of a Trump POTUS, that they are grasping at any straw, no matter how ridiculous to slag him off. I guess they and the ultra right wing of politics are in bed together on this one 55555555555555555555555.

Thaibeachlovers, you're assuming NovaBlue05 is referring to those who don't like Trump. The hyperventilators could well be Trump fans who put 555555555555555 at the end of sentences.

And that brings something else to mind - have you noticed how many people on 'your' side of the debate claim Trump is basing his appeal on the fears of ordinary people (terrorism, jobs, immigrants, political correctness, etc etc) and yet the same people keep saying he is not fit to be POTUS as he will cause WW3. Is that being hypocritical ???

On the plus side, at least you're now writing your thoughts, instead of just taking what I say and turning it back on me. Improvement, good.

Am not sure if I understand the point you're trying to make above. If I (on 'my side') say "Trump is basing his appeal on fears of ordinary people" (your words) ....then that would be true, wouldn't it? Have you heard any Trump stump speeches? Nearly everything he says is based on fanning peoples' fears. He claims we've got enemies everywhere coming at us from all directions, taking advantage of us, etc.

As for starting WW3 ? .....nobody knows, but he's positioning himself as the #1 person for that role. He gets offended very easily. He's quick-to-anger, rash, name-calling (using 7-yr-old's potty mouth words), quick to vindictiveness, thinks everybody is against him (except people who gushingly laud him). He switches allegiances ideas in a NY minute. He loves somebody one moment, hates them the next, then loves them again, back & forth. i could go on, but that's enough for the moment.

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The vile beast is indeed very despicable. Remember his birther crap about Obama. Totally racist as are so many of his core base fascist movement supporters.

That's so 2008. No one in the real world cares. Obama is a dead duck, thrashing about to find something as a legacy. No Trump supporter cares what he did back then, no one that will vote for Trump will change their mind because of what happened way back.

The more anti Trumpists slag off the Donald, the more the pro Trumpers will support him, BECAUSE the antis are slagging him off. When someone slags off the Donald they slag off his supporters too.

Thanks TBL for backing my assertion. It sounds like we're saying the same basic thing: Trump fans will vote for him no matter what .....no matter what's been revealed (or will be revealed) about his shifty business practices, his vindictive personality, his lack of skills and experience as a legislator, his flip-flopping, his blatant lies, his poor character. .....His fan base will remain loyal no matter what. Spoiler alert: his fan base won't grow either. Can you imagine any voters going to Trump who haven't already? I can't. He's got his 17 to 22% of the general publics' devotion ...and that's about as good as it for him.

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The innovation pride of America and the world and the singular reason America retains its competitive technology position in the world, Silicon Valley is especially united against Trump. I keep trying to look for something smart or something I like in this guy and I can't find it. The world's best and brightest can't either....

The innovation economy has a serious distaste for Donald Trump. The masters of this world complain that his ignorance about their work and its relationship to the global economy is horrifying. Rank-and-file programmers are quick to call him a clown, or worse. The unity is notable in an environment where groupthink is frowned upon and nobody ever seems to color inside ideological lines.


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The links that I checked, which did actually "get out", indicated some displeasure that 3 of the 22 organizations had not received any funds.

That means 19 of the 22 did receive funds.

You liberals are down to grasping at straws.

Got anything you want to say about Hillary's $21 Million speech payments? How much of that went to veteran's organizations?

The other donor had made a much bigger promise: Trump, with his vow to give $1 million.

To whom did Trump give, and in what amounts?

“He’s not going to share that information,” Lewandowski said.


Trump also promised, very publicly, to give $5 million to any charity of Obama's choice, if Obama showed his college entrance papers and his passport application papers. THAT'S HOUNDING TO THE 10TH DEGREE. How many of you reading this have birth certificate, college entrance application papers and passport application papers in your desk right now? Be honest. Trump started by offering the $5 million for just the birth certificate. Birth certificate was provided. Trump then started shouting about LONG FORM! Long form provided. Then Trump shouted about college entrance exam papers and application for passport.

Oh, and after all those taunts toward, and follow-up compliances by Obama, guess what? Trump didn't part with one copper penny. Not one cent. Concurrently, Trump keeps dodging questions about releasing his tax forms from past 3 years.

If Obama was 1/100th as much of a ratfink as Trump, he would have sued Trump for $50 million. But Obama is a gentleman, and he doesn't stoop to the level of low-class potty-mouth, rotten taunters. Thank goodness.

TRUMP IS THE MOST DESPICABLE MAN ON THE PLANET. Please feel free to offer up any names of anyone more despicable.

Just for the record - in case anyone thinks these loony lefties have a point about this $5M issue:

Trump (and many others) demanded Obama release his birth certiifcate/s - and Obama complied (eventually - a long time later) - suspicious, but leaving that alone.

Trump THEN made the offer: Donald Trump has challenged Barack Obama to release his college records and passport application – and has promised to donate $5million to a charity of the President’s choice if he does so. The tycoon made his offer in a YouTube video released at noon today:


Obama never complied and the issue became dead and buried (and Trump backed down) when it was made clear that under USA privacy laws Obama was not required to release his college records and passport application - and the media attacked Trump. This was in the lead-up to the 2012 election and in the GOP candidate selections.

The question still remains - did Obama ever declare himself to be a foreigner and therefore gained entrance into College under the 'affirmative action' rules. That is why Trump and many others then wanted to see Obama's college documents and passport application/s after he had released his birth certificate/s. And that was the basis upon which Obama was criticised as not being an American - because he was in College as a foreign affirmative action student. Obama released his birth certificate to prove he was an American - but he refused to release them, or allow the College or Immigration Dept to release those papers. It is all academic now, but maybe one day we will see them - like Bush's academic records (when someone leaks them).

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The innovation pride of America and the world and the singular reason America retains its competitive technology position in the world, Silicon Valley is especially united against Trump. I keep trying to look for something smart or something I like in this guy and I can't find it. The world's best and brightest can't either....

The innovation economy has a serious distaste for Donald Trump. The masters of this world complain that his ignorance about their work and its relationship to the global economy is horrifying. Rank-and-file programmers are quick to call him a clown, or worse. The unity is notable in an environment where groupthink is frowned upon and nobody ever seems to color inside ideological lines.


Yes, and that's particularly important when you consider the Silicon Valley elites have never been particularly ideological loyalists to liberal politics or democrats. Unlike the Hollywood crowd. They're pragmatic. They correctly see what trump really is.

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Agreed - you have added nothing to the discussion for a long time - just more of the same immature personal attacks and insults (and pro-Dem internet cut and pastes).

Therefore, in your own words, you should only post something that will add to the discussion. I wonder - will that occur??

There you go again. You can't think of anything original to say, so you just take my words and toss them back at me. 2nd grade playground taunting personified. Here's a suggestion: try an original thought. Too much of a strain?

You seem to be unable to do anything both throw criticisms at Trump or those that dont agree with you. It was an obvious 'wonder' and an easy bet (like shooting fish in a bucket). Last chance - have a look at this below, and try again:

Trump is like a politically incorrect Uncle who says things that either embarasses others or makes everyone go quiet. When you are young and ignorant of yourself and what you really think and feel about things, your focus is on how he acts and how he says things. Then after time goes by you start to get used to him, and you start thinking about what he is saying rather than how he is saying it. Then you start realizing not only do you agree with many things he says, but he also gains your respect that he has the guts to say it plainly and so bluntly. You actually start thinking - why don't I have that much courage to say it the way I see it – why am I being so ‘politically correct’ and more worried about offending people than speaking the truth. Then you take that 'step up' and you start openly agreeing with him – perhaps less ‘bluntly’ and less ‘offensively’ - but you agree with some things he says and you say so. After a short period you are threatened and intimidated, but you hold to your ideals and values as you believe in them - and you refuse to back down. Then you feel strong enough to engage in a conversation and to debate with others about your pollitically incorrect stance on the things that matter to you.

Donald Trump is the death nail for Political Correctness and those that silence debate and conversation in America through intimidation. More often than not it is through the use/abuse of the media, but it is also done by passing laws and rules that force people to comply (eg. males using female toilets). Now it is politically incorrect to criticise the behaviour of some people, because that is immediately labled as being homophobic, or islamophobic, or racist, or fascist, or sexist. America was founded on freedom of thought and speech, and it is that and only that which leads to peace and the truth - not the fear of losing your job or community status by ‘towing the line’. Amercians have had enough - they are losing their jobs/rights/freedoms - and the politicians (of both sides) are offering more of the same (and even more). Trump is the only answer on offer - and the Trump train is gathering momentum. More and more people are thinking "why not" he couldn't do any worse than the Bushes/Clintons/Obama - and all that khrapp about him nuking the arabs/world is just fear-mongering.

And that brings something else to mind - have you noticed how many people on 'your' side of the debate claim Trump is basing his appeal on the fears of ordinary people (terrorism, jobs, immigrants, political correctness, etc etc) and yet the same people keep saying he is not fit to be POTUS as he will cause WW3. Is that being hypocritical ???

Amercians have had enough - they are losing their jobs/rights/freedoms - and the politicians (of both sides) are offering more of the same (and even more).

Trump is the only answer on offer - and the Trump train is gathering momentum.

The following helps to account for the far right and its suspicions toward the Bill of Rights and their false or erroneous belief Donald Trump as Potus could be held in check by the Constitution. Mussolini Trump has no regard of the Constitution and even less regard of the Bill or Rights.

The Bill of Rights had little judicial impact for the first 150 years of its existence; in the words of Gordon S. Wood, "After ratification, most Americans promptly forgot about the first ten amendments to the Constitution."[72]

The Court made no important decisions protecting free speech rights, for example, until 1931.[73]Historian Richard Labunski attributes the Bill's long legal dormancy to three factors: first, it took time for a "culture of tolerance" to develop that would support the Bill's provisions with judicial and popular will; second, the Supreme Court spent much of the 19th century focused on issues relating to intergovernmental balances of power; and third, the Bill initially only applied to the federal government, a restriction affirmed by Barron v. Baltimore (1833).[74][75][76] In the twentieth century, however, most of the Bill's provisions were applied to the states via the Fourteenth Amendment—a process known as incorporation—beginning with the freedom of speech clause, in Gitlow v. New York (1925).[77]


This assists to comprehend how the US far out right is the most extreme far out right the United States has ever known. It is the application of the Bill or Rights beginning mostly in the 20th century that drives the extreme right to Donald Trump who has no regard of the Bill of Rights (save for the 2nd Amendment about guns, god, gays, grits, gravy, goons).

The present American extremist Mussolini right is certainly fierce against the 14th Amendment (which is a post civil war amendment focused on black Americans which has more recently been extended to other oppressed and repressed minorities). The 14th Amendment would be a basis to oppose in the courts any Mussolini Trump loading up of the trains to mass deport immigrants -- to who knows where...and who knows who else...

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The innovation pride of America and the world and the singular reason America retains its competitive technology position in the world, Silicon Valley is especially united against Trump. I keep trying to look for something smart or something I like in this guy and I can't find it. The world's best and brightest can't either....

The innovation economy has a serious distaste for Donald Trump. The masters of this world complain that his ignorance about their work and its relationship to the global economy is horrifying. Rank-and-file programmers are quick to call him a clown, or worse. The unity is notable in an environment where groupthink is frowned upon and nobody ever seems to color inside ideological lines.


Yes, and that's particularly important when you consider the Silicon Valley elites have never been particularly ideological loyalists to liberal politics or democrats. Unlike the Hollywood crowd. They're pragmatic. They correctly see what trump really is.

You're exactly right. I know many, many people in the valley of all levels. Most of them are highly agnostic in politics, but for sure there is arguably more brain power in the South Bay than anywhere else on earth, and they see this guy clearly for exactly what he is.

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