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Elderly farang slashed across the face by Pattaya ladyboy

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There are plenty of decent ladyboys in Pattaya who work at the two big lasyboy Tiffany's and the other place nearby. I got dragged there once, and was actually surprised how good it was. And how many people go. It was packed. Bus loads of people. There are also plenty of other ladyboys you see working in shops and restaurants.

The ladyboys that are causing all the problems are street sex workers who are drug addicts. Street sex workers on drugs always have issues. They are street sex workers who want money quite often to feed their drug habit. They don't care if the have to f..k you or rob you.

These ones do seem to favor the late night, really early mornings to score a customer. Walk down walking street at dawn and they are always there when all the girls have gone home. I reckon their success rate goes up at that time, getting newbies who are sleep depraved, drunk and often drugged. Easy to trick into believing they are a girl and easier to rob.

But normal ladyboys I have met, have been pretty funny and witty people.

Be careful the strings on your harp dont break.

Sounds like the one on his G string already has.

Well, they do say that people who "hate" ladyboys are those who are turned on by them but hate themselves for it and also those that were tricked by one and found out too late.

I don't hate them but it looks like you do.

I saw a film recently ,'The naked civil servant' about the life of Quentin Crisp, in his own words, ''I am an effeminate homosexual'' but he wasn't a ladytboy. A man of great courage to 'come out' in the 1920's and to dress accordingly. He was a charming man with great wit and intelligence, ''I think God has sentenced me to live to be a 100 years old but i hope he will reduce the sentence by 10 years for good behaviour'' He died at the age of 90. I haven't had many conversations with a ladyboy but with those i have spoken were extreme without wit or intelligence and without any aesthetic appeal. I don't hate them, i merely dislike them in the same way as i don't like getting a punctured tyre.

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Here we go again, every week, Lady boys at it again

and this is only the reported stuff.

The Scum bags of Pattaya rule the roost.

The Lady boys make the police look stupid in pattaya. hit-the-fan.gifhit-the-fan.gifhit-the-fan.gif

Wonder how many offences this nasty, violent man in a dress has been arrested for and let go for a small token fine, in the past. !!!!!!!!!

Also shows, how far down the road pattaya has gone, Lawless pattaya again. coffee1.gif

World famous family destination !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! beatdeadhorse.gif

Hope the 69 year old guy recovers soon.

"The Lady boys make the police look stupid in pattaya. ".....................................Don`t worry,even without any LB`s here they would still look like that coffee1.gif .


I would say that there is a 100 percent chance that he wanted nothing to do with these perverts.

Do you know the victim personally?


My experience with ladyboys is different to others' posting here. When I have had them harass me, I simple smile and refusal has not always worked. I have had to fend off their attempts to grope me and to get their hands into my pockets. The only way to stop the determined ones is to be very firm and that is easy to lead to more aggressiveness by the ladyboy.


Not sure what a ladyboy is? Around my isaan village there are ladyboys who are effeminate and have been ladyboys all their life and are basically women in a mans body but i know 2 men who became ladyboys just to work in pattaya !
Had a taxi in bkk and the driver lots of hair and a bit of a beard , very witty and funny . Talked to him and he told me he used to be a ladyboy in pattaya but got to old and ugly so gave up and became a taxi driver. I suspect most of these pattaya ladyboys are just men who became ladyboys for to make money and not because they are really transgender .
Had a ladyboy friend once but who always used to argue and complain more than any thai i know so i assume the pretend ladyboys who are not really transgender along with the hormones they take make them violent and nasty


Being in Thailand some 15 odd ears I have never ever experienced problems with lady boys. When addressed I just point out friendly that I'm into woman and walk on.. Saying 'Mai mie tang' also works mostly like a charm :) This doesn't mean that I condone what this LB did! But in my own experience a joke of friendly refuse never got me into problems. Hope the man heals quickly and that the person who did this will be punished severely!


It is time for the police to round them all up and send them to South Thailand...where their antics will quickly draw the attention of the intolerant residents of that area...there they can receive an attitude adjustment or volunteer for bomb making duty...


It's like every business idea in Asia; one guy has a good idea and opens up an internet shop. Next thing the neighbors open one up too, etc, etc. Same thing happened with LB's. A few LB's were making good $$ so 1000's of guys copied them and invested the family savings for the operation in the hope to make good money too without thinking that the market only needs a few 1000 and not 10's of 1000's. Most LB's are just business people and not necessarily women in a man's body because it is impossible that there are so many LB's in one country. If someone has a better explanation I'd like to hear it

Laughable statement. Lol

I don't think it so laughable...personally, I think that many ladyboys are simply gay fellows who want to make money...and there are far more 'straight" guys who would try a ladyboy than there are purely gay men who exclusively seek Thai men...simply stated, I do think that economics drives many men to the decisions to become a LB...


Another example of why Pattaya is in its last throes as an entertainment city. Bars are going broke but bar staff continue to beat up patrons; lady boys slashing tourists; the police continue to do nothing to stop it. It won't last much longer because when all the business is finally gone there will be no one to beat up or slash.


I feel sorry for the guy,Maybe he didnt know how to handle LB's.It's true,when approached,you can usually get away with a compliment on their beauty and a smile.I have done this on many occasion,and it seems to work.Why try to purposely anger them?. However,they are not going to disappear any time soon.

The lady boy has been part of Thailand's history for hundreds of years,i guess they see it as their country too.And with the present low tourism,they are desperate for money just like all other street Thais.ignorance and want breeds violence i guess.


Beginning to sound a bit dodgy.He told his girlfriend he was going shopping and had 10.000 baht with him,and wouldnt be long.What was he going shopping for?maybe with the idea of getting an LB massage,or maybe going to see an Lb that he had made arrangements with,previously.I dont think that this is just a case of a pissed off LB lashing out.I think that he is worried about being found out,and the story is given because he knows how most people feel about LB's.Or he will be the laughing stock of his Ex pat mates(if he is an ex pat,of course.)But we will never know,unless the LB in story comes forth and gives her/his side of it.


As a matter of interest just how did anyone know that is unknown ladyboy was 18-years-old?

Was that just a guess by the police or does someone know a bit more than they are saying.

Who the frack cares how old it is!! It slashed a 69-yo guy's face!!!


Depends on how he rejected the ladyboy's advances. If he was aggressive then the ladyboy would be too.

When I am approached by a ladyboy I refuse politely and make a joke of it as I walk away ....No problem.

Same when up in Chiang Mai. I ran into some ladyboys that worked a bar right across from the bar I visited now and again.

Even though my Thai is poor.... just a smile and a "Mai aow khrap, kob khun khrap" and they understood in a nice way. Even had a few beers with them and played a few games of pool with them some days...

They were friendly and we joked around and had a good time.... but they fully respected my preference for real females and they appreciated me being friendly and respectful in return.

I did see them kick the crap out of a farang one night. And the moron asked for it. My Thai friends and me were a bit in our cups.... and we cheered the ladyboys on a bit. The guy really did ask for a shit kicking... especially when he kept coming back after being told to go away... and then he came back a third time and threw a chair at one of the ladyboys.

It's all in how you interact with people on a social level. Be friendly and respectful..... you usually get the same in return. Be insulting and even threatening... you might end up in a bad way.

That rule works in pretty well every country in the world. Some people are just jerks..

Be polite and wai them and you wont have any trouble blah blah blah...if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time try being nice while they kick the shit out of you to get some coin for their next fix.

Not saying it isn't prudent to be polite and avoid any interaction whatsoever but don't think that by doing that you have some magical protection against any attack or assault because you don't.

You need to remember above all that the LBs know that nothing much will happen to them should they actually get caught so they have carte blanche when it comes to attacking tourists.

Well it depends on how often you want to get a shit kicking in a foreign country.. .

Take two travelers to Thailand. The first guy is polite and respectful to others, smiles, apologies for unintentional mistakes, is friendly, speaks calmly and shows respect for the locals and the customs of the area.

...The second traveler acts like a jerk, disrespectful, insulting, and in general is a damn nuisance to everyone..

Guess which one is much more likely to get a shit kicking...... and guess which one is more likely to make friends and have a good time and go home in good physical health.

I'll let you choose......

But personally..... I would rather be the first traveler who is friendly, respectful calm etc.... I think I will get along a lot better with many more people than that second traveller will.. Not saying I would never be a victim of a criminal attack, that is always a possibility...... but I will have a lot less chance of having a very bad night with people than that second traveller, and I will have a much, much better chance of waking up in good health the next day.


Depends on how he rejected the ladyboy's advances. If he was aggressive then the ladyboy would be too.

When I am approached by a ladyboy I refuse politely and make a joke of it as I walk away ....No problem.

... and you are right, there is no better way to avoid getting slashed across the face.

Pattaya is loaded with grumpy, nasty, aggressive, arrogant old geezers who think they own the place, are extremely unpleasant to the locals, and never miss an occasion to shout rude words in their face. They forget one small detail : this is not our country, not our colony, not our land, and the fact that we come with money doesn't change those facts. If anything, the money factor makes locals envious and bitter, which is certainly not right, but definitely understandable, especially when dealing with foreigners who think their colonial attitude is normal.

I am not interested in lady boys, and frankly I find the whole thing difficult to grasp (no pun intended), but it's there, and for a variety of reasons it is a widely spread phenomenon in Thailand. One of those reasons, incidentally, is that there are 'customers' from all over the world who come just for them. This incident occured in Soi Buakao, right ? Not exactly the most elegant, classy, hiso area in Thailand ...

Yes, most of the time, the way these ladyboys come at you is vulgar, heavy footed and not quite ladylike, but if you smile and say no thank you in a nice way instead of barking at them and calling them names, that'll be the end of the story.

What a complete load of rubbish . Why does thailand attract evil gits like you ?This is not our colony??? not our country? and not our land . It is my world . My head is not ruled by invisible lines on a piece of paper .I do not like being propositioned and groped by ladyboys or women esp if my wife is with me . They still come up and grab my balls which the wife hates . Why should i have to put up with it .

I am always with my wife so when they ask me if i want to f.k them i always say i am not sure i will ask the wife , i get a smile and am on my way BUT I HATE IT ! When i lived in london , amsterdam and hamburg the hookers used to discreetly ask if you wanted some business but would never approach you if you were with a woman , a shake of the head or a wave no was all that was needed and you got a smile and they stepped back .

In thailand they step in front of you , stop you walking, grope you , surround you , try to steal from you and some get upset if you refuse their business .That is not hooking that is agressive begging and intimidation .if in uk a man dressed as a woman grabbed my balls he/she would be chinned in an instant and they should be in thailand .If farang men grab the thai womens intimate parts as they were walking down the street there would be hell


As a matter of interest just how did anyone know that is unknown ladyboy was 18-years-old?

Was that just a guess by the police or does someone know a bit more than they are saying.

Who the frack cares how old it is!! It slashed a 69-yo guy's face!!!

Probably should go back and read the news update. "It" is a human being. As a fellow human, it would be the right thing to do refraining from making such disrespectable remarks.

He will have a good story for the grand kids. How you get the scars pop? "well I was staying in this shit hole called Pattaya, in the shitiest street there in a shity $10 guest house....


Depends on how he rejected the ladyboy's advances. If he was aggressive then the ladyboy would be too.

When I am approached by a ladyboy I refuse politely and make a joke of it as I walk away ....No problem.

... and you are right, there is no better way to avoid getting slashed across the face.

Pattaya is loaded with grumpy, nasty, aggressive, arrogant old geezers who think they own the place, are extremely unpleasant to the locals, and never miss an occasion to shout rude words in their face. They forget one small detail : this is not our country, not our colony, not our land, and the fact that we come with money doesn't change those facts. If anything, the money factor makes locals envious and bitter, which is certainly not right, but definitely understandable, especially when dealing with foreigners who think their colonial attitude is normal.

I am not interested in lady boys, and frankly I find the whole thing difficult to grasp (no pun intended), but it's there, and for a variety of reasons it is a widely spread phenomenon in Thailand. One of those reasons, incidentally, is that there are 'customers' from all over the world who come just for them. This incident occured in Soi Buakao, right ? Not exactly the most elegant, classy, hiso area in Thailand ...

Yes, most of the time, the way these ladyboys come at you is vulgar, heavy footed and not quite ladylike, but if you smile and say no thank you in a nice way instead of barking at them and calling them names, that'll be the end of the story.

Oh right, there was me thinking that it was wrong to slash an elderly guy across the face. Now I know that it was the old gentleman's fault for getting crusty when a man ® man approached him and started getting fruity.


With these types of knife events becoming commonplace; will the hotels along Soi Bukaow be forced to slash their rates and cut deals with tourists?


Even if the culprit is caught, it will only be a 200 baht fine.

Please always remember that us Farangs are her to be: savaged,abused,swindled,raped,conned,killed,murdered. It is our duty!!!!


8 AM: a pissed drunked LB VS a peacefull retired farang

So many problems with those LB in Pattaya, why can we meet them everywhere in Pattaya ?

I would be so easy for the police to "park" them in a dedicated place as Boyzone, problems solved ! smile.png

I'm not a Pattaya hater. I enjoy many things there.

I don't particularly like being hassled by many of the LBs.

I do however accept that in visiting Pattaya I am choosing to visit an area where this is going to happen.

It's like buying a house next to an airport and then asking them to land the planes somewhere else.

The incident is appalling and I hope the attacker is caught and punished.

I particularly don't like LB it's too heavy on my brain to accept this kind of onslaught on my person. Unfortunately, cannot accept them touching or abusing me in any fashion. Hence the reason I avoid Pattaya like the bubonic plague. I would rather face a loada Zombies than a ladyboy as they have more manners !!!!!!


Depends on how he rejected the ladyboy's advances. If he was aggressive then the ladyboy would be too.

When I am approached by a ladyboy I refuse politely and make a joke of it as I walk away ....No problem.

You know what, I don't think they should even approach me nor harass me.

No advances whatsoever, leave me the hell alone!


There is big problem here in that Soi Buakhao is a narrow street with lots of traffic. Most probably the 69 year old could not physically avoid the ladyboy without walking into traffic. Very easy for the ladyboy to block his path (no sidewalk, just part of the road used by vehicles and pedestrians). For F$#*K's sake it was 8 am. No one should expect to be slashed in broad daylight in the morning.


Depends on how he rejected the ladyboy's advances. If he was aggressive then the ladyboy would be too.

When I am approached by a ladyboy I refuse politely and make a joke of it as I walk away ....No problem.

... and you are right, there is no better way to avoid getting slashed across the face.

Pattaya is loaded with grumpy, nasty, aggressive, arrogant old geezers who think they own the place, are extremely unpleasant to the locals, and never miss an occasion to shout rude words in their face. They forget one small detail : this is not our country, not our colony, not our land, and the fact that we come with money doesn't change those facts. If anything, the money factor makes locals envious and bitter, which is certainly not right, but definitely understandable, especially when dealing with foreigners who think their colonial attitude is normal.

I am not interested in lady boys, and frankly I find the whole thing difficult to grasp (no pun intended), but it's there, and for a variety of reasons it is a widely spread phenomenon in Thailand. One of those reasons, incidentally, is that there are 'customers' from all over the world who come just for them. This incident occured in Soi Buakao, right ? Not exactly the most elegant, classy, hiso area in Thailand ...

Yes, most of the time, the way these ladyboys come at you is vulgar, heavy footed and not quite ladylike, but if you smile and say no thank you in a nice way instead of barking at them and calling them names, that'll be the end of the story.

Can bet he was rude... You 2 hit it on the button... Politeness gets you far, aggression gets you no where

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