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PM complains of TV station's news coverage on drought problem


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PM complains of Thai PBS’s news coverage on drought problem


BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha on Thursday questioned the news presentation by Thai PBS TV station about the drought situation.

“Did you watch Thai PBS? They presented the affected people’s side of the story without mentioning about what we (the government) has done. I do not complaint against you (Thai PBS). But you are using the state’s taxes. I have done my part. You (Thai PBS) should do your part,” said the prime minister as he gave a speech on “Disclosure of information and transparency in the governor sector’s administration”.

“ If you just presented one-sided story, I will be in trouble. The good side of the story…..the way we told them (farmers) to shift the crops (crops which need less water), you (Thai PBS) didn’t present to the public. But you just shot the dry land, the place where there is no water so the people will criticize the government. Should you (Thai PBS) deserve the state’s taxes?” said the prime minister.

He maintained that the media’s job is to create better understanding among the people toward the government.

He said he had ordered the state-run TV Channel 11 to overhaul its programmes resulting to less audience because the programmes are heavily technical and not entertaining.

However, Thai PBS deputy director Anupong Chaiyariti defended that Thai PBS’s news coverage on drought situation was well balanced and based on facts with the intention to create public awareness about the drought problem.

He insisted that the news presentation had attached importance to facts and the participation of all stakeholders. He cited the news coverage on drought situation in Nong Yaplong district of Suphan Buri where the governor, representatives of the military, the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand and villagers were present and they were covered by Thai PBS.

-- Thai PBS 2016-03-18

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No, no, can't have well-balanced, informative, programming that is based on facts, because that is not *boing* entertaining. We can't have an informed populace, what with that rascally social media and all, we need to keep them *boing* entertained and oblivious.

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I blame the station. rolleyes.gif

They should know by now that the only acceptable news is that which is squeaky clean, heavily censored and show the govt in a very positive light.

Anything else, even if the truth or something that doesn't praise the govt to the high heavens, is tantamount to criticism and we know that's in the Top 10, probably Top 5, of No Nos

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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“Did you watch Thai PBS? They presented the affected people’s side of the story...

how completely unfair of them... bad dog, bad dog.

what a moron... coffee1.gif

Calling him a Moran......I think you are being way to kind sir.whistling.gif

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Well they needed your advice in our village General and now the price of Cassava has plummeted to merely breakeven so at the end of nearly a years work you are left with precisely zero profit.

This guy is so far detached from reality it is both hilarious and tragic.

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Though I think the man's a twit the public here seem to be expressing large dollops of Thainess by blaming everyone but themselves for the water problems. But have no fear, Songkran is upon us so having needless water fights all over town will take their minds away from the water shortage.

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His accomplishments seem to go unnoticed by everyone, including is own government. His only accomplishments have been bike lanes and beach chairs. History does not chronicle those who waste people's time with whining. How can a general whine so much. Disgraceful.

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Yes there is a drought Ok w nonpotable got that so Why isn't the Government looking into other forms of water? Thailand is surrounded by Sea water A desalinization plant comes to mind by removing salt from sea water you can greatly effect water supply to farmers Since your Chinese buddy Isn't going to stop building dams up stream in the near future. Or by improving waste treatment plants you get at least get non-potable water for farmers and city greenery.

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My wife's family are rice farmers and were given 10 chickens by the army when told not to grow their rice. These guys should be very proud of what they have done to help the farmers. 10 chickens. Good job boys.

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“Did you watch Thai PBS? They presented the affected people’s side of the story...

how completely unfair of them... bad dog, bad dog.

what a moron... coffee1.gif

Calling him a Moran......I think you are being way to kind sir.whistling.gif

Funny, I was sure your were going to say that it was an insult to morons.

What crops did the PM suggest people can grow without water?

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What a whinger this Prayut is , like the cake and eat it too mentality , instead of criticising the media how about doing your job properly General and tell the people , through the media , what the Government's projected plans are for water management , have you actually got any, so far not one mention of a 25 year or even a 10 year programme to introduce desalination or recycled waste water and improve dam capacity , only a useless high speed train government to government project ( The Prayut transparency ) understandably , people can't drink that.........................................coffee1.gif .

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" He maintained that the media’s job is to create better understanding among the people toward the government."

Only in countries where all media is government controlled. You know, like all the countries that now have become best friends with Thailand, like China, Russia, North Korea.

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"BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha on Thursday questioned the news presentation by Thai PBS TV station about the drought situation."

This person has become so chronic with his lies, stupidity and tirades it's like peeling layers from an onion just to see any light of day.

“Did you watch Thai PBS? They presented the affected people’s side of the story without mentioning about what we (the government) has done."

Irrespective of what the media reports, YOUR "GOVERNMENT" has IMPOSED an OBLIGATORY television spot across the whole nation to peddle your propaganda. Since you yourself will only speak from your own perspective it is up to others to give the people the balance of views that is a rightful and moral way of doing things. It is NOT the job of the media to be your propaganda mouthpiece.

"I do not complaint against you (Thai PBS)."

Yes you do, unless there is no "But."


We already knew you are a bare-faced liar, and here yet again is the proof in the space of a single sentence where you can't even agree with yourself, that's how disagreeable you are.

"...you are using the state’s taxes."

Utterly irrelevant.

We are not fooled by your attempts to deceive good people - the real "good" people. You are pretending you allow the media to do their job reporting, but it's clear you don't want reporting, you want a mouthpiece only. Frankly, your own mouth is already working overtime, and that in itself raises a RED FLAG ABOUT YOU.

"I have done my part. You (Thai PBS) should do your part,”

Prayuth Chan-O-Cha's part: spreading biased propaganda for the political purposes of a certain few.

The media's part: to report.

Since the media are apparently already doing their job, you perhaps should seek mental health advice, unless, of course, you are really just deceiving the genuinely "good" people about the meaning of the word "report" like you have deceived them on the meaning of 'democracy' and like you have now begun trying to deceive them on the meaning of 'transparency.'

Democracy, transparency and reporting are three words we now know you are using to manipulate and deceive. We are keeping count because everything you do is being scrutinized, Mr "Prime Minister."

"...said the prime minister as he gave a speech on “Disclosure of information and transparency in the governor sector’s administration”.

Laughable nonsense: Prayuth giving a speech on transparency!

If you really want to deliver a speech that is helpful to people, Prayuth, then give them a speech from your own experience on how to not give information as to where your family's wealth comes from. That's one thing in the real world you ARE qualified for.

“If you just presented one-sided story, I will be in trouble."

It's not about you, or is it?

You said you didn't want to be PM and that you are doing this only out of love and duty for your country so why are you making this about you all of a sudden?

Also, news media often present a one-sided story but it should be their choice as to what that will be. Your limiting of this by silencing people and threatening the media is more proof your actions and words do not match. That means you are not to be trusted.

"The good side of the story…..the way we told them (farmers) to shift the crops (crops which need less water), you (Thai PBS) didn’t present to the public."

Fair reporting from a balanced media is an ideal we all strive for across the world, it's something the BBC were once respected for. However, despite us not living in an ideal world, in most civilized countries the media reports more or less how and what it wants to. This is because it naturally comes to represent all positions as different media come out to cover opposing views, from both left and right, as it were.

If you were qualified for your position, and you were actually honest, and you actually did a good job, only then like any reasonable person could you observe that Thai PBS have bias like most other media outlets, but for now you have no more right to speak about balanced reporting than you do about transparency, corruption or reconciliation, none of which you should be trusted with according to your words and actions thus far.

"But you just shot the dry land, the place where there is no water so the people will criticize the government."

This was the rightful thing to do. This is what reporting is. You told farmers to not plant a second crop, to use money you are giving out or to plant alternative crops. If any of these were good solutions then the farmers would have done what you suggested. You failed, not the media, not the farmers, and that's why PBS had to report "dry land" as a direct result of the job you have been doing, Mr Prayuth.

Finally, a government SHOULD be criticized or they should get out and let others the job.

"Should you (Thai PBS) deserve the state’s taxes?” said the prime minister."

Should you (junta government) deserve the farmers' taxes? After all, Bangkok will not go short on water is what your government have announced, so how about you get revenue only from there? Even so, given you stole sovereignty (democracy) from the people, why should taxes be paid to thieves and bullies anyway? You should be thankful the population so far didn't down tools en mass, because if they ever do your tanks and guns - which means YOU - will be powerless.

"He maintained that the media’s job is to create better understanding among the people toward the government."

No, that is not the media's job.

Prayuth, if you don't understand the basic functions of society you are not qualified. If you are trying to deceive people again you are not qualified.

"He said he had ordered the state-run TV Channel 11 to overhaul its programmes resulting to less audience because the programmes are heavily technical and not entertaining."

Unfortunately, cannot comment on this because the English language is of such poor quality that it doesn't make any sense.

"However, Thai PBS deputy director Anupong Chaiyariti defended that Thai PBS’s news coverage on drought situation was well balanced and based on facts with the intention to create public awareness about the drought problem.

He insisted that the news presentation had attached importance to facts and the participation of all stakeholders. He cited the news coverage on drought situation in Nong Yaplong district of Suphan Buri where the governor, representatives of the military, the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand and villagers were present and they were covered by Thai PBS."

I wouldn't be too concerned about your professionalism at this point. Prayuth flaps his mouth at anything he can't control. What should concern you is your future and that of your country, and just what normal people can - and they most definitely can - do about the kind of people who pretend to govern the country.

Since when does being a BIG CRY BABY qualify you to dictate to anyone how they should behave? This endless stream of deception, ineptitude and political bias cannot last you forever, Mr Prayuth, but we know you know you are on borrowed time anyway, and that nothing you do now has to stand once you're gone.

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