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Goat Roper

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What  about  Saudi, a  hotbed  for  breeding  terriosts  and  an extremely  corrupt goverment/ royal  family ?I  don't  have  exact  numbers  but  beleive  most  of the  hijackers in  9/11 where  Saudies.

All one has to do is -------To remember the pictures in the news on 9-11 of the 10s of thousands of muslims screaming ,hollering and dancing in the streets with joy when the towers came down and so many died. (Moderates my Ass) :D:D:D:o Comments???

A few of these films were found to be fraudulent, films made long before 9-11 that nothing to do with 9-11.

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A stoneage religion, will they ever grow up :o

A very true comment.....I also feel, Islam is about 500 years backward in developement....it is somewhere now, where Christianity was in 1500 or 1600...

All in all, both religions are very similar, most of the Bible is the same you find in the Koran....the Thora of the Jews somewhat between....

For me surely religion is no reason to fight each other....

For me personally radical Islam is the horror version of a human life..... no pictures, no music, no food I like, no bar-girls to talk with, women with their face covered in black, brutal beatings, always praying to God....men in T-shirts and short trousers not allowed and so on.....and so on.....

I do not see any reason, why a woman or even a man should convert to Islam, which offers you only restrictions and no pleasureful life, but it seems some other people are thinking differerent....

OK, if you like Islam, nothing wrong with it....go ahead.... but do not bother the others, who prefer another style of life...

Do not try to force the others, to be also a Muslim....

If you are living in a country like Western Europe, USA, Japan, Thailand and so on and you are a Muslim, you must respect this. Otherwise you should not be surprised, that people, who are not Muslims are fighting back.....

Restrict yourself as a Muslim, but do not try it out with the others....or you are nothing better off than an ordinary criminal....

This is also true with all these problems in South Thailand....


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Just had a quick read of some of the replies on this page and have a few questions.

1. What is terrorism? As far as I'm aware it's the basic breaking of the rules of war.

2. Where the free french in WW2 terrorists or freedom fighters? They planted hidden bombs.

3. Why doesn't the U.S. regard the I.R.A. as terrorists? Didn't they blow up and murder innocent civilians.

4. Why doesn't the world enforce all of the U.N. embargos on Isreal? They were sure quick enough to do it to the muslims.

And last but no means least a quick quote from a Thai muslim friend while walking down Khao Sarn road, " Don't let people here know I'm a muslim because they'll want to kill me."

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What  about  Saudi, a  hotbed  for  breeding  terriosts  and  an extremely  corrupt goverment/ royal  family ?I  don't  have  exact  numbers  but  beleive  most  of the  hijackers in  9/11 where  Saudies.

All one has to do is -------To remember the pictures in the news on 9-11 of the 10s of thousands of muslims screaming ,hollering and dancing in the streets with joy when the towers came down and so many died. (Moderates my Ass) :D:D:D:o Comments???

A few of these films were found to be fraudulent, films made long before 9-11 that nothing to do with 9-11.

Schadenfreude was not confined to the Islamic world. The current American administration hasn't exactly endeared itself to the rest of the world. :D

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All one has to do is -------To remember the pictures in the news on 9-11 of the 10s of thousands of muslims screaming ,hollering and dancing in the streets with joy when the towers came down and so many died. (Moderates my Ass) :D:D:D:D Comments???

A few of these films were found to be fraudulent, films made long before 9-11 that nothing to do with 9-11.

Errr----This was world wide news coverd by many many a news agency around the planet not somthing filmed pryor to 9-11. (Have one for me please) :o

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A few of these films were found to be fraudulent, films made long before 9-11 that nothing to do with 9-11.

Schadenfreude was not confined to the Islamic world.

Stocky------Who or what Is Schadenfreude?

Wasn't in the dict.


Like Sigmund with a sunburn?? :o

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Stocky------Who or what Is Schadenfreude?

Wasn't in the dict.

Like Sigmund with a sunburn??


is a German word and means,

that you feel happy, because another person you dislike, suffered a damage, got sick, died......

You feel you got an advantage out of the unlucky situation of another person and you enjoy it.




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What  about  Saudi, a  hotbed  for  breeding  terriosts  and  an extremely  corrupt goverment/ royal  family ?I  don't  have  exact  numbers  but  beleive  most  of the  hijackers in  9/11 where  Saudies.

All one has to do is -------To remember the pictures in the news on 9-11 of the 10s of thousands of muslims screaming ,hollering and dancing in the streets with joy when the towers came down and so many died. (Moderates my Ass) :D:D:D:o Comments???

A few of these films were found to be fraudulent, films made long before 9-11 that nothing to do with 9-11.

Some films were shot when Saddam sent missles into civilian areas of Israel during the first Gulf War. The Palestinians thought that they contained chemical weapons.

Someone was too cheap to send reporters out for new footage.

However, most were proven to be real shots of Muslims celebrating 9/11.

No big surprise really; Barbaric. :D

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Just had a quick read of some of the replies on this page and have a few questions.

1. What is terrorism? As far as I'm aware it's the basic breaking of the rules of war.

2. Where the free french in WW2 terrorists or freedom fighters? They planted hidden bombs.

3. Why doesn't the U.S. regard the I.R.A. as terrorists? Didn't they blow up and murder innocent civilians.

4. Why doesn't the world enforce all of the U.N. embargos on Isreal? They were sure quick enough to do it to the muslims.

And last but no means least a quick quote from a Thai muslim friend while walking down Khao Sarn road, " Don't let people here know I'm a muslim because they'll want to kill me."

It is just my opinion:

1- Terrorism is not related to war....it is a form of criminality....for example a group of hooligans destroying everything or skinheads beating up just anybody passing by....

For me terrorists are just ordinary criminals, nothing more....not really related to politics or religion...

2- To attack military targets of a country, which occupies your own country is not terrorism, but to attack civilians in a war, who are totally defendless, might be a war-crime (like the atomic bombs on Japanese targets in WWII, but nobody cares about war-crimes, if you are the winner)

3- I consider IRA, ETA and such groups as terrorists, as criminal organisations, but they are not MUSLIM, this makes a difference by political views....surely there is no difference for the victims however...

4- UN is an organisation, which is requiring money to exist - who pays, has some rights to tell the UN, for what this money is to be used. This is not a neutral organisation.

And by the way, not every Muslim country is suffering of embargos...It depends on the political position of the country (even if the leadership are dictators), and not of the religion.

5- There are many Muslims in Bangkok, and they are still alive. Some Muslims have obviously personality problems.... My Japanese friends do not stress the fact, that they are Buddhists, and my European friends do not stress the fact, that they are Christians, and I do not see any reason, why a Muslim always should stress the fact, especially in a place, where he or she is in a minority, that they are Muslims and claiming any special rights out of it.


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Some films were shot when Saddam sent missles into civilian areas of Israel during the first Gulf War. The Palestinians thought that they contained chemical weapons.

Someone was too cheap to send reporters out for new footage.

However, most were proven to be real shots of Muslims celebrating 9/11.

No big surprise really; Barbaric. :o

I agree---But most of the footage I saw was filmed in Saudi Arabia> (allies?) :D

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is a German word and means,

that you feel happy, because another person you dislike, suffered a damage, got sick, died......

You feel you got an advantage out of the unlucky situation of another person and you enjoy it.




If someone doesn't like ya----Dont like em back.

Works for me :o

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And right now there's a whole bunch of people who don't like them Muslims.

But do the Muslims like the Non-Muslims?

By the way, Muslim girl in Southern Thailand is very nice....

She is cleaning the house all the time, does not drink alcohol, and if you convert to Muslim yourself, you can have 3 or 4 of them....

Many of them like to marry a foreigner, South Thailand is still Thailand...

But why do I have to convert to be a Muslim?

Should be Islam more open to all the others, especially in personal relationship between man and woman, then all the others also will like the Muslims.....


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And right now there's a whole bunch of people who don't like them Muslims.

But do the Muslims like the Non-Muslims?

By the way, Muslim girl in Southern Thailand is very nice....

She is cleaning the house all the time, does not drink alcohol, and if you convert to Muslim yourself, you can have 3 or 4 of them....

Many of them like to marry a foreigner, South Thailand is still Thailand...

But why do I have to convert to be a Muslim?

Should be Islam more open to all the others, especially in personal relationship between man and woman, then all the others also will like the Muslims.....


I feel sorry for the people who are getting a bad rap-----I'm guessing here but there must be a big difference in lifestyles and attitudes of Thai Muslims and middle eastern Islam.

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puddin' and pie...I am to assume from your outburst that you see no connection between Israeli/US atrocities aginst muslims and the escalation of terrorist violence against them and their supporters?

Who ya talking to?

If its me I cant answer your question-----cause I don't what in the he## your talking about.

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puddin' and pie...I am to assume from your outburst that you see no connection between Israeli/US atrocities aginst muslims and the escalation of terrorist violence against them and their supporters?

yes or no mofo...put up or shut the fukc up...

I think that you have your connections backwards. They commited the atrocities. We defended ourselves.

If they hadn't tried throwing Jewish settlers off of legally bought land that Muslims sold them, way back when, they wouldn't be in the predicament that they are now, beat to sh1t, terrorist scum without a hope in the world.

They are reaping what they have sown. :o

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georgie...your're following a recognizable but unsustainable zionist argument regarding Palestinians 'selling' their land...if this was true we would have millions of wealthy Palestinians living in comfort and not in squalid refugee camps in Lebanon and Jordan, and in the unfortunate case of the massacres in Sabra and Chatilla camps in Lebanon sitting ducks for the murderous intentions of the current president of Israel...nothing less than a war criminal as most of the rational world agrees.

So after 55 odd years of this nonsense why are people surprised when the victims want to get back their own? They can't meet them on the battlefield...if marginally sucessful they face the threat of nuclear retaliation from Israel who now runs amok with the support of the US. As an American I was shocked and dismayed at the events of 9/11 and by all terrorist atrocities before and after. But these activities don't occur in a vacuum.

An Israel disarmed, forced back behind pre-67 borders with their terrorist Mossad and shin bet organizations neutralised, borders patrolled by the UN then maybe we won't have to live with the status quo for the rest of our natural lives...

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Sorry sweetie-warrior, but the truth is that the Palestinians sold much of their desert land that they didn't want to the Jews, but then they made the dumb-ass mistake of trying to steal it back after the Jews made it fertile.

They attacked the Jews and the other Arabs asked them to leave their land so that they could come in and "massacre" the Jews more easily.

The Jews kicked their cowardly asses, took the land as spoils of war, and that is history.

You might realize that these dumb-asses have tried to fight what became the Israelis several other times, but they always run home with their tails between their legs, and start sending out their women and children to slaughter innocent civilians for them, while they cry about what victims they are.

Hey, I always say, don't fukc with people who are a lot smarter and a whole lot bad-der than you are! :o

By the way, Israel isn't going to disarm. They don't trust us to protect them, and who can blame them? :D

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sigh...zionist revisionist history is boring but it appears now that the line is losing support and it is only US supporters (rapidly dwindling in number) clutching at American favors that remain with their heads up their <deleted> for their own mercenary reasons.

Don't get yer yarmulke in a twist...just a friendly discussion...

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sigh...zionist revisionist history is boring but it appears now that the line is losing support and it is only US supporters (rapidly dwindling in number) clutching at American favors that remain with their heads up their <deleted> for their own mercenary reasons.

Don't get yer yarmulke in a twist...just a friendly discussion...

Not losing it's support so long as Arafish, Hammas and the rest of that ilk are sending children in as sucide bombers. Check out some of the charitable programs going on in the states for the IDF now. Many folks are sick of the so-called "freedom-fighters" and their cowardly ways... :o

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Don't worry about sweetie-warrior Boon Mee. Look at his old posts; I don't think that any kind of history is exactly his specialty! :o

Just talking from experience here, whenever I had to transit Israel to and from work, I was always (as was everyone else from the plane) treated with utmost courtesy and respect. So, I did a little research on the place and one of the things that stuck in my mind is it was a virtual desert (most of it) before the Jews started to irrigate and plant orchards - turned it into garden...resourceful, hard-working folks them Jews.

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the israelis are an arrogant bunch but they are there to stay and good luck to them. jews and muslims can co-exist in other parts of the world and if it wasnt for that slimebag arafat and the faceless criminals who finance hamas then there would be peace there now, with a raising of living standards and realisation of the hopes of thousands of palestinians who have been terribly used by fellow muslim arabs as pawns in all this.

if neighbouring muslim countries had given financial and moral support to schools,infrastructure,hospitals,investment etc. to the palestinians in the same way that jews outside of israel have given financial and moral support to israel then we wouldnt be seeing what we see these days.

arab countries have been only too happy to let their brother muslims, the palestinians, rot away and blame the israelis for it all. hamas and their like put their operatives in civilian areas and can hardly grumble when the israelis retaliate.

its all part of how terrorism works.

israel is there to stay. but they should empty their settlements, the israelis who live in them are just as much troublemakers as the palestinians who attack them there.

and if anybody thinks that if a palestinian state is born then bin laden will retire and take up golf... well dream on.

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And right now there's a whole bunch of people who don't like them Muslims.

But do the Muslims like the Non-Muslims?

By the way, Muslim girl in Southern Thailand is very nice....

She is cleaning the house all the time, does not drink alcohol, and if you convert to Muslim yourself, you can have 3 or 4 of them....

Many of them like to marry a foreigner, South Thailand is still Thailand...

But why do I have to convert to be a Muslim?

Should be Islam more open to all the others, especially in personal relationship between man and woman, then all the others also will like the Muslims.....


I feel sorry for the people who are getting a bad rap-----I'm guessing here but there must be a big difference in lifestyles and attitudes of Thai Muslims and middle eastern Islam.

Please can you explain about the lifestyle and attitude of middle eastern Islam. About which nations, what people are you talking about?

I am really interested to hear your opinion.

And I feel you are mixing up Arab customs with Islamic customs....

Thai Muslims are not Arabs.....

My first Asian country to visit 32 years ago was Malaysia.

Yes, for sure, Thai Muslim life-style is different - people there are very open-minded, but to marry a Thai Muslim girl in the South, family will require from you to convert to Islam.

I myself was considering marriage with a Thai Muslim girl and I am still visiting the Southern provinces every year. Also I had, already long time ago, another Muslim girl friend from Malaysia.

Islam has one advantage what I found out. It is in no way racist related, so if you convert to Islam, there are no objections against your person just because you are Caucasian, or coming from a foreign country, or because you speak a foreign language....

I myself will, for many reasons, never convert to Islam - no way - but I remember another posting here on this thread of a farang, who also made quite nice experiences with Muslims in Southern Thailand.

I found the Hindu religion and their believers as the most seclusive people of this world. They do not welcome the foreigners entering their families and it is difficult to call them as a friend without any profitable business-relationship.


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holy <deleted>...who let the dogs out?

That Israel has a right to exist is not in question...it was agreed by the Palestinian Authority over two years ago and a deal was about to be signed until Sharon made his famous tour of muslim holy sites in Jerusalem...a spot on tactic to throw the entire peace effort into disarray by zionist extremists...might as well have been Hitler in jewish cemetary...

georgie...come on...don't display the ignorance that declares that if you are not with Israel you must be anti-semitic..you do a disservice to yourself and to the intellectual integrity of the website...(such that it is)

My understanding (per western press sources) is that the sheikh that was blown up by Israeli security was a hamas moderate...all successive leaders will just be crazier and crazier. If Israel touches a hair on Arafat's ugly head there will be a conflagration that no one will be able to control...whatever tenous support that the US has in this business will evaporate and no one anywhere on the planet will be safe.

I plead to everyone to consider the issues and not succumb to hysterical US prononcements regarding the 'terrorist threat'...it is a two way street and nothing exists in a vacuum...

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