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Went to a major Phuket shopping complex with a damaged smart phone looking for a basic service for a reasonable fee.

After some enquiries here and there learnt that there is one outlet that can fix my problem.

Arrived at the above complex to find it under ongoing external repair. After parling and making my way to the entrance had to complete an assault course to find the entrance.

Found the concession recommend by others to find the engineer absent. The young lady present poked and prodded my device aimlessely to my alarm. And responded to my Thai language with grunts, snorts and incompetence. Shocked and disgusted by this gruesome creatures behaviour I turned tail. Enquired at a nearby concession to be met with a similar low life uneducated incompetent buffon.

Is this all Phuket has to offer? Idiots, con men, fraudsters, cheats and chancers?

After more years than I care to recall this place and it's uneducated, crass creatures has very little of value to offer.

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