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Anti-Trump protesters clash with police at Utah rally


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Yeah, trying to scare a large mammal such as a horse in a crowd of people is a really bright thing to do. The dude is obviously mentally ill, just look at those crazy eyes.

Actually the dude is a dudette. Edited by SpokaneAl
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Answer: to start with, there's no real violence thus far, and let's hope it all blows away. There's more violence at the average Steelers/Eagles pre-game tail party.

It's commendable that Trump supporters don't bring chanting and violence to their opponents' rallies. I predict that will happen, but thankfully it hasn't happened yet.

There have been some small rallies at Trump events. Though I'm not a Trump fan, I disagree if the protests get out of hand. I don't disagree if people show up and quietly hold small signs. That's in the spirit of Gandhi. Two guys who did that (at a recent Trump rally), were in the very back of the hall, sitting quietly, and they had their signs torn and were hustled out, while Trump supporters were calling names at them. Thankfully the Trump supporters had more self-control than Trump himself, as he's often told his followers to rough-up any protesters. It's on audio/video.

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Republicans would make the Wizard of Oz blush.

They say they're in favor of a free marketplace, yet are always trying to put tariffs and other protections on trade to make the playing field uneven.

They say they're not socialist, yet are at the head of federal feeding trough screaming for tens of billions of federal dollars to bail out their losing businesses.

Trump says he's such a great deal maker, but he's gone bankrupt four times, and has avoided paying back loans.

Isn't marriage a bit like a deal? He had two prior marriages, and each one entailed oaths & promises, and in each case he broke those promises.

It isn't mysterious why Chris Christie is in cahoots with Trump. They both have shady histories with some of Trump's failed businesses in Atlantic City.

Carson said there are two Trumps, but didn't elaborate. Are we supposed to assume he flip-flops between an ok Trump and an irrational/angry/ignorant Trump? When a special-interest group or a foreign leader speaks with Trump, which Trump will they get? Can one Trump transform to the other Trump in mid-sentence? Actually, there's proof of that in his speeches, in filmed interviews, and during the debates. The hot-head flip-flopping uninformed Trump seems to dominate the reasonable Trump. Great for a NY real estate hyper-salesman, not good for a president with a finger on the button. Yet for all I've written here, I think Cruz could be worse. Bring back Romney as a candidate. At least he won't be likely to drop N bombs on countries if/when a foreign leader offends or angers him.

The 2 Trumps are the pre-election Trump and the post election Trump if elected, like all Presidents unable to carry out the majority of promises.

But like all elections, plenty of excitement hoopla plus doom and gloom preceding them.

I wonder how many Obama supporters remember the pre-election Obama of 2008?

Obama went from "there is no red America, no blue America, only the United States of America" to "elections have consequences, I won, get over it" and then mastering identity politics to pit Americans against each other for 7 years.

Then there is the bit about transparency and how the American people would be able to read bills online for 7 days before signing it into law...then they passed Obamacare on Xmas Eve night and Nancy Pelosi admitted to not even knowing what was in it herself.

Obama sounded soooo good during the election and became a miserable failure to the American people afterwards. Hopefully, if Trump does get elected, he will do a 180 degree turn from clownish-bully (no, he IS NOT a racist-fascist) to an actual serious statesman.Yeah, doesn't seem likely, does it?

All smoke and mirrors.

Obama administration sets new record for withholding FOIA requests


Edited by lannarebirth
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I was listening to a radio show yesterday where they estimated that if Trump had wanted to buy the airtime he has already had from the major networks, he would have had to have spent around $1.8 BILLION.

So not a complete mug really.

All of that is free advertising for the Trump brand whatever he does.

Well, after this little experiment in marketing is over after the Republican Convention, the Trump brand will have great value and I'm sure there will be many new product endorsement deals for Trump in:

Wall building products

All Made in the USA products, especially those actually made in China.

Mobile Home Communities

Any make of pickup truck

Domestic Tour Groups to see Trump Tower and Casinos

Self-Defense Training (focused only on offense and beat-downs)

Surely a chain of Mexican restaurants has to be top of the list?

Oh, and rape alarms. Don't forget rape alarms.


...shaped to look like his enemies, which there are many. Trump hates many people, institutions and several countries. One line of Trump Pinatas could be shaped like the constitution - because he doesn't adhere to it re; a president's duty to nominate S.Court justices.

Some other shape ideas for Trump Pinatas:

The Pope, Mexico, Losers (shaped like Africa), Rosie Odonnel, Fox News logo, and Trump's favorite enemy, News Reporters.

What would spill out when a Trump Pinata is broken? Maybe; little fake paper dollars, to symbolize Trump's hyper inflated wealth boast.


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