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Cancelling my Non-B visa - need some help

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I am going to fly out of the country on the 9th of April, I will comeback on a tourist visa and convert this at a later date for a new job.

I am finishing at my current job this week and I want them to write me a visa cancellation request letter that states that I will finish at my current job on the 9th. I have a good reputation at the school and I am sure they will have no issue in helping me out HOWEVER the visa guy is acting very strange and is claiming that I CAN NOT cancel my extension of stay and have it post dated at Chaengwattana and can only cancel it by leaving the country. It seems that he is either simply ignorant of the need to do this or just simply has no experience in dealing with this situation.

I am currently going to ask my future employer to call him and discuss what needs to be done, however, does anyone have an example of a letter they have used in the past or some sort of template I could show to the visa chap to help him wrap his head around what I need to get from the school.

I presume that I probably could fly out of the country without issue if I don't cancel it but that it may cause me problems further down the line when I apply for visas with my next school?

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He is probably not familiar with canceling an extension at immigration because most people have just left without canceling it.

Just get the termination letter and go to immigration a few days before the effective date on it.

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