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'Too busy': Hit-and-text teen driver accused of breaching community service order


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Ok, go ahead and try it ! But I'm sure if she hears it and mommy and daddy are around, what I mentioned above will happen !

Farang is in no way a derogatory word for them.


Again, don't be so absurd. Where do you come up with this crap?

Nothing will happen and again, we could also claim to be the victim of defamation for being racially insulted like that.

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Have a read of the article Five years on, sorry still the hardest word in the Bangkok Post 27/03/2016 and your opinion of this girl will be even lower.

According to her lawyer uncle, everything that happened was the fault of the van driver.

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Have a read of the article Five years on, sorry still the hardest word in the Bangkok Post 27/03/2016 and your opinion of this girl will be even lower.

According to her lawyer uncle, everything that happened was the fault of the van driver.

I just came here to post about this.

I am absolutely sick to my stomach. Her lawyer uncle pointed to the van drivers mother blaming her daughter for this tragedy.

We then hear that precious little princes only ever visited each of the victims once. In one instance she wanted a wheel chair to feign injury to look like she had suffered too! She also had to be instructed to wai to her victims and did not speak or even apologize the entire time she was there. One survivor doesn't even go to the hearings anymore because he is sick of her and her disgusting family.

I really, REALLY hope that this follows her for the rest of her life. I am normally a rational and understanding person but I hate this girl and her wicked family's evil guts.

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Have a read of the article Five years on, sorry still the hardest word in the Bangkok Post 27/03/2016 and your opinion of this girl will be even lower.

According to her lawyer uncle, everything that happened was the fault of the van driver.

Interesting indeed.

This case went through proper judicial process.

If the girls family / lawyer had any absolute proof or even some line to display reasonable doubt of her guilt then there would have been a not guilty verdict without any doubt whatever and in a split second, to finalize the case as fast as possible.

And keep in mind the usual way that the judiciary is 'swayed' by hi-so etc stuff.

Despite the above scenarios, the case went through the judicial process and she was found guilty.

Again, vomit.

Edited by scorecard
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I have little problem with the sentance....although it should have been more like 8 hours a week and in a facility like a morgue or hospital accident department where she can maybe learn a little. All young people everywhere do stupid things which could have led to this tragedy, for most it does not happen. What I do not like is she has not learned from it so now is the time that maybe the jail sentance should be applied.

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Scum. Read the BP story about her today, makes her and her family out to be even more loathsome than they first appear. I can't understand why the court needs to wait any longer to put her in jail and seize assets from the family in lieu of compensation (฿27 million) that is still unpaid

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It is difficult for people from developed countries to understand that in Thailand, killing people with an automobile does not carry prison time.

The Benz maniac that just killed two innocent people will receive a similar punishment.

In the meantime, the Thai police don't know what o do with this girl. They are gobsmacked.

Of course one shouldnt mention a certain US senator , a bridge and a river, remind me again how time he spent behind bars ?

Of course lets go thru every nations downfalls for the last 50 yrs before we get to Thailands on THAI forum about a current event in Thailand.rolleyes.gif

Ok something more recent then..the afluenza case in Texas in 2013 where a 16 year old rich kid killed 4 people why drinking and driving, instead of the 20 years he should have got, he was given 20 months "treatment" by the judge

But of course lets not let this recent case in the US get in the way of your rabid Thai bashing

You know I think I'm just being clickbaited, but rabid TV bashing gets me warnings.

Its why I dont log in for long periods you can just spot the BS.

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The authorities need to accept that some rich kids are just such bad people, that their actions are making the wider population feel great resentment towards all wealthy families, regardless of how good or bad those families are. The actions of a handful of delinquents can actually tarnish the image of all wealthy and law-abiding families as a whole. It is very corrosive to social cohesion to allow this resentment to fester in the long term.

Allowing a small minority of lawless rich kids to behave like this, is offensive to everybody, including the many well-behaved youngsters from rich families. Allowing the handful of scandalous criminal youngsters to walk free, gives all well-behaved rich kids a bad name and makes them wildly unpopular in society. It is a lose-lose deal, which can only cause simmering resentment to grow and grow.

It would be much healthier for everyone if the criminals were treated like criminals, this would actually deter some of them from behaving so shamefully in future. And it would allow all the law-abiding youngsters from wealthy families to interact with the rest of society without feeling ashamed of their families' wealth or social position.

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