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Noisy fan, something loose maybe, how to fix?


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Great responses thank you all very much.

A silly question really. It`s like asking, I have a rattling sound somewhere in my car, does anyone know what it can be? You also failed to mentioned how old the fan is.

It`s a case of elimination. May be the wire guard has come loose or not clipped on properly. The fan blade could have worked loose and needs tightening. The screws that hold the unit onto the wall may have come loose and require tightening. If it`s none of those then the fan could have internal worn parts. How many more guesses do I get?

All you can do is check the wire guard and the other items I mentioned, clean and spray with a contact cleaner and if that doesn`t work, it`s time for a new fan.

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On Wednesday, March 23, 2016 at 1:28 PM, Gecko123 said:

Often because the large plastic bolt which holds the fan blades in place on has loosened.

Take protective barrier off and tighten the plastic bolt.

If this does not eliminate the problem, remove the fan blades, and check to see that the bracket behind the blade hasn't loosened.


At first i thought this would do the trick, off the wall the sounds disappeared, back on the wall, the sounds came back, great easy and simple idea, thanks.


If this is any indication of the problem: the slower speeds make more rattling type sounds than the larger one, anyone please comment.

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engineer fan here :) . vibration comes from the rotating shaft that is not correctly adjusted in the electric motor.

when you buy a fan, remove the frame and hold the fan and shake it longitudinally (when it s not powered off course)only by doing this, you can see if it s correctly fixed to the rotor. Stay away from hatary brand.

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