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IS trains 400 fighters to attack Europe in wave of bloodshed


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IS trains 400 fighters to attack Europe in wave of bloodshed

PARIS (AP) — The Islamic State group has trained at least 400 fighters to target Europe in deadly waves of attacks, deploying interlocking terror cells like the ones that struck Brussels and Paris with orders to choose the time, place and method for maximum chaos, officials have told The Associated Press.

The network of agile and semiautonomous cells shows the reach of the extremist group in Europe even as it loses ground in Syria and Iraq.

The officials, including European and Iraqi intelligence officials and a French lawmaker who follows the jihadi networks, described camps in Syria, Iraq and possibly the former Soviet bloc where attackers are trained to target the West. Before being killed in a police raid, the ringleader of the Nov. 13 Paris attacks claimed he had entered Europe in a multinational group of 90 fighters, who scattered "more or less everywhere."

But the biggest break yet in the Paris attacks investigation — the arrest on Friday of fugitive Salah Abdeslam — did not thwart the multipronged attack just four days later on the Belgian capital's airport and subway system that left 31 people dead and an estimated 270 wounded. Three suicide bombers also died.

Just as in Paris, Belgian authorities were searching for at least one fugitive in Tuesday's attacks — this time for a man wearing a white jacket who was seen on airport security footage with the two suicide attackers. The fear is that the man, whose identity Belgian officials say is not known, will follow Abdeslam's path.

After fleeing Paris immediately after the November attacks, Abdeslam forged a new network back in his childhood neighborhood of Molenbeek, long known as a haven for jihadis, and renewed plotting, according to Belgian officials.

"Not only did he drop out of sight, but he did so to organize another attack, with accomplices everywhere. With suicide belts. Two attacks organized just like in Paris. And his arrest, since they knew he was going to talk, it was a response: 'So what if he was arrested? We'll show you that it doesn't change a thing,'" said French Senator Nathalie Goulet, co-head of a commission tracking jihadi networks.

Estimates range from 400 to 600 Islamic State fighters trained specifically for external attacks, according to the officials, including Goulet. Some 5,000 Europeans have gone to Syria.

"The reality is that if we knew exactly how many there were, it wouldn't be happening," she said.

More than four sources with access to tallies of fighters tasked with Europe attacks independently corroborated the numbers of fighters who trained for specific attacks in Europe, including some who have spoken to fighters directly. Others have cross checked information regarding fighters leaving or returning.

Two of the suicide bombers in Tuesday's attacks, Belgian-born brothers Ibrahim and Khalid El Bakraoui, were known to authorities as common criminals, not anti-Western radicals until an apartment one of them rented was traced to Abdeslam last week, according to Belgian state broadcaster RTBF. Similarly, an Algerian killed inside that apartment on March 15 had nothing but a petty theft record in Sweden — but he'd signed up as an Islamic State suicide bomber for the group in 2014 and returned to Europe as part of the Nov. 13 plot.

In claiming responsibility for Tuesday's attack, the Islamic State group described a "secret cell of soldiers" dispatched to Brussels for the purpose. The shadowy cells were confirmed by the EU police agency, Europol, which said in a late January report that intelligence officials believed the group had "developed an external action command trained for special forces-style attacks."

French speakers with links to North Africa, France and Belgium appear to be leading the units and are responsible for developing attack strategies in Europe, said a European security official who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss briefing material. He is also familiar with interrogations of former fighters who have returned to Europe. Some were jailed after leaving IS while others were kicked out of the terror group, and they include Muslims and Muslim converts from all across Europe.

Fighters in the units are trained in battleground strategies, explosives, surveillance techniques and counter surveillance, the security official said.

"The difference is that in 2014, some of these IS fighters were only being given a couple weeks of training," he said. "Now the strategy has changed. Special units have been set up. The training is longer. And the objective appears to no longer be killing as many people as possible but rather to have as many terror operations as possible, so the enemy is forced to spend more money or more in manpower."

Similar methods had been developed by al-Qaida but IS has taken it to a new level, he said. Another difference is that fighters are being trained to be their own operators — not necessarily to be beholden to orders from the IS stronghold in Raqqa, Syria, or elsewhere.

Several security officials have said there is growing evidence to suggest the bulk of the training is taking place in Syria, Libya and elsewhere in North Africa.

In the case of Tuesday's attacks, Abdeslam's arrest may have been a trigger for a plot that was already far along.

"To pull off an attack of this sophistication, you need training, planning, materials and a landscape," said Shiraz Maher, a senior research fellow at the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation at Kings College in London, which has one of the largest databases of fighters and their networks.

"Even if they worked flat out, the attackers in Brussels would have needed at least four days," said Maher, who has conducted extensive interviews with foreign fighters.

The question for many intelligence and security officials is now turning to just how many more fighters have been trained and are ready for more attacks.

A senior Iraqi intelligence official who was not authorized to speak publicly said people from the cell that carried out the Paris attacks are scattered across Germany, Britain, Italy, Denmark and Sweden. Recently, a new group crossed in from Turkey, the official said.

On Wednesday, Turkish authorities said one of the Brussels suicide attackers, Ibrahim El Bakraoui, was caught last June near the Syrian border and deported to the Netherlands, with Ankara warning Dutch and Belgian officials that he was a "foreign terrorist fighter." But he was released from Dutch custody due to lack of evidence of involvement in extremism.

Belgian Justice Minister Koen Geens said Wednesday that authorities had no reason to detain El Bakraoui because he was "not known for terrorist acts but as a common law criminal who was on conditional release."

The latest new name to surface this week, Najim Laachraoui, turned out to be the bombmaker who made the suicide vests used in the Paris attacks, according to French and Belgian officials. Attackers used an explosive known as Triacetone Triperoxide, or TATP, made from common household chemicals. DNA evidence indicates he died on Tuesday in the suicide attack on the airport, two officials briefed on the investigation told AP.

Fifteen kilos of TATP were found in an apartment linked to the Brussels attackers, along with other explosive material.

The unidentified man seen on security footage wearing a white jacket and black hat at the Brussels airport on Tuesday remains at large, a fugitive link in a chain still being forged.

Dodds reported from London. Qassim Abdul-Zahra contributed from Baghdad.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-03-24

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Now that Syria is pretty much ' empty of civilians why doesnt the West just go and carpet bomb the country and rid the world of ISIS. And then concentrate on the factions in the different countries where they now are thanks to Angela Murkels Blunder.

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Before being killed in a police raid, the ringleader of the Nov. 13 Paris attacks claimed he had entered Europe in a multinational group of 90 fighters, who scattered "more or less everywhere."

Just how did this "group" enter Europe? That is left unsaid. Is it because they came across in the so-called refugee wave?

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Now that Syria is pretty much ' empty of civilians why doesnt the West just go and carpet bomb

the country and rid the world of ISIS. And then concentrate on the factions in the different

countries where they now are thanks to Angela Murkels Blunder.

This is an interesting quote:

Some 5,000 Europeans have gone to Syria.
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Now that Syria is pretty much ' empty of civilians why doesnt the West just go and carpet bomb

the country and rid the world of ISIS. And then concentrate on the factions in the different

countries where they now are thanks to Angela Murkels Blunder.

This is an interesting quote:

Some 5,000 Europeans have gone to Syria.

If they went to Syria, it wasn't for vacation; so I agree bomb the whole area. Kill them all. Then go after their families in Europe( Financially ).

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I'd be amazed if the figure is as low as 400. The irony is that Isis are being defeated in Syria and will cease to have any central territory. The trouble is the cancer has spread, well it did decades ago with no go zones dotted around Europe with funding, organization, weapons procurement capacity. With networks of indoctrinators ready to tap not only recent immigrants, but the progeny of immigration going back generations. Without emergency powers to drain the swamp there will be a perpetual pool of would be Jihaddists ready in waiting.

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They have all this info, and cant stop the bombing????....something smells more than it did a few months ago.

The guy on trial right now in Bosnia, should be released, like they release these killers back on the street when they return home after murdering and beheading in the middle east....

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Now that Syria is pretty much ' empty of civilians why doesnt the West just go and carpet bomb the country and rid the world of ISIS. <snip>

Prior to posting it would be a good idea to cross check your info.

As a heads up it is estimated that of the roughly 23.3 million Syrians prior to the outbreak of the civil war in 2011, about 4.6 million have fled Syria of which reports suggest includes 700k Syrian Christians. If including registered Palestinian refugees, overall approx 19 million people living in Syria, again very roughly, includes 500k or less Syrian Christians.

Estimates vary between 50k - 200k members of Daesh across Syria and Iraq.

Edited by simple1
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One thing is clear. The European intelligence services cannot protect the people from Muslim terrorists. This is not to say they are incompetent, rather it is a reflection of the weak, timid, unassertive, and ineffectual political leadership who oversee the funding and capabilities of the intelligence services.

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The mind boggles....Wonder if these 400 are enjoying the

hospitality of Germany and Sweden before they bomb

them ?? Merkel really screwed the pooch with her insane

immigration policy.....

Merkel did a great job. She is a part of the elite agenda and as such she is just doing what she is/was told.

Sheeple are so ignorent in thinking this is all about poor refugees. If that was so then I have to call all those young strong male immigrants cowards.

Fleeing your country and trade it for a country of infidels? Surely enough countries that are Islamic, right?

Only one conclusion: invasion.

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Now that Syria is pretty much ' empty of civilians why doesnt the West just go and carpet bomb

the country and rid the world of ISIS. And then concentrate on the factions in the different

countries where they now are thanks to Angela Murkels Blunder.

This is an interesting quote:

Some 5,000 Europeans have gone to Syria.

If they went to Syria, it wasn't for vacation; so I agree bomb the whole area. Kill them all. Then go after their families in Europe( Financially ).

Why not go after those who created them at first place, financed Qaida and them. Let's bring to justice bush, Blair and their allies in the middle East.

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The next few years are going to be tough in Europe. The Muslim community can either

get behind ending this jihad of accept the backlash as earned retribution. The guy

they just caught in Brussels after four months on the run was helped and concealed

by many. Those who new his whereabouts or aided him in any way should do 20

years in jail and then be deported. Just my opinion. coffee1.gif

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If ISIS was trying to drive a wedge between legal Muslim nationals and Muslim communities residing in Western countries and create an environment of suspicion and authorities targeting those communities and making them feel isolated and set upon and possibly even disliked. Also if ISIS wanted to disrupt the Muslims who are fleeing for their very lives and make it almost impossible for them to seek sanctuary and safety here is the headline I would come up with:

"IS trains 400 fighters to attack Europe in wave of bloodshed"

It would make it so much easier to recruit home grown terrorists to attack the countries they were born and live in.

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Now that Syria is pretty much ' empty of civilians why doesnt the West just go and carpet bomb the country and rid the world of ISIS. And then concentrate on the factions in the different countries where they now are thanks to Angela Murkels Blunder.

Hmmm, carpet bomb Syria. THAT will convince the rest of ISIS that they are wrong. They'll lay down their arms and go about their lives peacefully.

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The next few years are going to be tough in Europe. The Muslim community can either

get behind ending this jihad of accept the backlash as earned retribution. The guy

they just caught in Brussels after four months on the run was helped and concealed

by many. Those who new his whereabouts or aided him in any way should do 20

years in jail and then be deported. Just my opinion. coffee1.gif

Yes, it would be nice if the Brussels and Antwerp Muslim communities would clear their backyards, wondering when they will start doing just that..
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"Wars and Rumors of Wars"...I read that somewhere...

Is ISIS being used to usher in the final battle of mankind...the so-called Armageddon?

Anyway...I have my store of food, water, currency, old Playboy mags and an illegal handgun...just in case...

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Good times to be involved in the military business.

Maybe but I'm still waiting for any substantial results. these specialists and consultants can talk as much as they want. We all knew this was gonna happen, and we ain't specialists. me and my partner even speculated about "ideal places" (airports, busy shopping streets or malls, etc). U don't have to be a specialist to predict all this stuff, avoiding it is what we need and that is truly a specialist-job. In this brussels case it seems these guys were ex-convicts (criminals, lowest of the low) and Erdogan claims he sent one back to Belgium or Netherlands, still not confirmed. What happened to intelligence? If i drink a can of beer in a restricted zone in town i'm being harrassed by police within 10 minutes... Cameras all over the place. It's all overly regulated, they know the colour of my undies f*f*s but they can't keep trace of scumbags who have shot on police in the past, who carjacked, who went to syria... they can apparently move freely, buying chemicals for bombs, etc. system &lt;deleted&gt;! they need to get their priorities right. stop harassing comon man and focus on the real f**kheads.

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Simplistic exaggeration, not much different than the wacko European in today's letter section of a prominent Bangkok english language paper who blamed the USA and Israel. The man being flogged knew what he was doing. He intentionally broke the laws despite being warned not to.

This is the way these muslims live and who are we to dictate to them? TVF has an elderly German agent provocateur who loathes Israel and jews and idolizes the Kingdom of Saud. He would accuse you of hateful rhetoric and of being a pawn of the evil zionists and USA for your statement. The Saudis are opposed to ISIL and to all the radicals attacking the west at this time. The reality is that these terrorists received their funds and easy access along with support from idiotic westerners who espoused their empty blowhard social justice positions. The current head of the UK labour party sees these peoples are freedom fighters, as torch bearers of justice. It's turds like him who are the problem. And yet many in TVF agree with his views.

Edited by geriatrickid
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It seems like the time to coordinate security. It took 9/11 to get the USA to get it's act together. Look at all the intelligence and manpower throughout the Western world, and tell me they can't do better. The immigration mess is a whole different story, but needs to be sorted out as well.

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Simplistic exaggeration, not much different than the wacko European in today's letter section of a prominent Bangkok english language paper who blamed the USA and Israel. The man being flogged knew what he was doing. He intentionally broke the laws despite being warned not to.

This is the way these muslims live and who are we to dictate to them? TVF has an elderly German agent provocateur who loathes Israel and jews and idolizes the Kingdom of Saud. He would accuse you of hateful rhetoric and of being a pawn of the evil zionists and USA for your statement. The Saudis are opposed to ISIL and to all the radicals attacking the west at this time. The reality is that these terrorists received their funds and easy access along with support from idiotic westerners who espoused their empty blowhard social justice positions. The current head of the UK labour party sees these peoples are freedom fighters, as torch bearers of justice. It's turds like him who are the problem. And yet many in TVF agree with his views.

I would simply add that it is the Saudis and GCC who are trying to rid Syria of ISIS, what happens to Saudi Wahhabism when the smoke clears is a question for another day.
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