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I used to do Music at the University.

We had a play that were doing (Into the Woods) and I have been eyeing this nice tall French girl with a thick curly hair. She was always quiet and a bit nerdy. There was a language barrier because I was (am) a Serb living in Montreal and her English was barely adequate.

Anyhoo, after the concert we all went out for a beer, but I get enough bllz to ask her to come with me and go to another bar. She agrees with an extremely flat expression on her face "ok!". So we had 1 beer and since my parents lived in a really nice place my idea was to get her into their condo as they were away. But I had to speak to security first to let me in. I had my own bachelor place which I was shy to bring her in, but looking at all the "hiso" dumps in Bangkok it was pretty okay,.... but no.,... I have to bring her to my parents place!!! So, I make a phone call to security, but they have no idea who the f is on the phone. I am frustrated and because Montreal can be really cold in the winder she gets closer and closer to me. Like a biggest moron in the universe I say "Sorry, can't go anywhere tonight, see you tomorrow in class".

A week later I meet an Australian gal from Hell that I married.

I have to admit something.

I wish I had a nice Farang woman beside me. If I did, I would never even contemplate living in Thailand.

I find the "cultural" aspect of staring into Facebook and avoiding discussion just too much.

And before you go on about your hiso girlfriend, I had one that I met in Canada and it was unbearable.

You can absolutely NOT convince me that Thai women are on the same intellectual level as Farang girls.

And those Quebec girls are pretty much like Thai, curious about your nationality and will do anything for their man.

Oh, btw.... happily married now to a Thai gal coffee1.gif

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Well. cant say it without sounding like a sexist pig, but here goes:

Intellectual stimulation from ANY female


Even if they are well educated, there still comes that point when its her, 6 of her gal friends, you are the only guy.....and they are verbalizing every insignificant thought that comes in to their head....and you're like , man, where is the nearest sports bar

People dont often have all that much in common, let alone men and women

Besides, if she has her face in her phone, I can stare down her top

Edited by uthaithanirules
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And they all lived happily ever after.

The End.

The end, sir? Already? Did I miss something in this thread? blink.png

We all have a story to tell. Maybe the OP should watch the movie "Sliding doors".

Sometimes it just comes down to good old fate.

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Well. cant say it without sounding like a sexist pig, but here goes:

Intellectual stimulation from ANY female


Even if they are well educated, there still comes that point when its her, 6 of her gal friends, you are the only guy.....and they are verbalizing every insignificant thought that comes in to their head....and you're like , man, where is the nearest sports bar

People dont often have all that much in common, let alone men and women

Besides, if she has her face in her phone, I can stare down her top

Sounds like nobody's getting much intellectual simulation from you, either.

My wife and I have loads in common. She's smart, funny, interesting and doesn't talk about shoes and stuff.

Maybe you're just meeting the wrong women?

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Well. cant say it without sounding like a sexist pig, but here goes:

Intellectual stimulation from ANY female


Even if they are well educated, there still comes that point when its her, 6 of her gal friends, you are the only guy.....and they are verbalizing every insignificant thought that comes in to their head....and you're like , man, where is the nearest sports bar

People dont often have all that much in common, let alone men and women

Besides, if she has her face in her phone, I can stare down her top

Sounding like a sexist pig? You, sir, could give pigs a bad name.....(even one with lipstick)

It sounds like any female would provide you with a severe intellectual challenge. Good luck on that steep learning curve....Onward and upward!

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Well. cant say it without sounding like a sexist pig, but here goes:

Intellectual stimulation from ANY female


Even if they are well educated, there still comes that point when its her, 6 of her gal friends, you are the only guy.....and they are verbalizing every insignificant thought that comes in to their head....and you're like , man, where is the nearest sports bar

People dont often have all that much in common, let alone men and women

Besides, if she has her face in her phone, I can stare down her top

Wait..."sports bar" = where to go for "intellectual stimulation"?? Your post is a joke, right?

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Everyone is different, and will interact differently with different people, you cannot "generalise" or label an entire Nationality that way.

With all do respect, I disagree.

So, having bragged about living for free off of a Thai woman, you decided to marry her and upon doing so discovered that she wanted to have children while you do not.

You now find yourself yearning for the company of intelligent, articulate Western women.

It sounds as if your life is going to get very "interesting" when you take your lovely Thai bride (("happily" married) back to Canada, where you will find yourself once more among the sort of women you long to be with.

This just gets better and better.

Edited by Enoon
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Well. cant say it without sounding like a sexist pig, but here goes:

Intellectual stimulation from ANY female


Even if they are well educated, there still comes that point when its her, 6 of her gal friends, you are the only guy.....and they are verbalizing every insignificant thought that comes in to their head....and you're like , man, where is the nearest sports bar

People dont often have all that much in common, let alone men and women

Besides, if she has her face in her phone, I can stare down her top

Sounds like nobody's getting much intellectual simulation from you, either.

My wife and I have loads in common. She's smart, funny, interesting and doesn't talk about shoes and stuff.

Maybe you're just meeting the wrong women?

Expected, boring and probably less than truthful reply.

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Everyone is different, and will interact differently with different people, you cannot "generalise" or label an entire Nationality (or gender) in that way.

"you cannot "generalise" or label an entire Nationality (or gender) in that way", you say! Obviously, you're referring to the way people should be, rather than to the way people actually are.

Sorry, to disillusion you, but just in case you haven't noticed yet, the "shoulds" (speaking of generalisations) just do not count, especially at the end of the real world day!coffee1.gif

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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Well. cant say it without sounding like a sexist pig, but here goes:

Intellectual stimulation from ANY female


Even if they are well educated, there still comes that point when its her, 6 of her gal friends, you are the only guy.....and they are verbalizing every insignificant thought that comes in to their head....and you're like , man, where is the nearest sports bar

People dont often have all that much in common, let alone men and women

Besides, if she has her face in her phone, I can stare down her top

Sounds like nobody's getting much intellectual simulation from you, either.

My wife and I have loads in common. She's smart, funny, interesting and doesn't talk about shoes and stuff.

Maybe you're just meeting the wrong women?

Expected, boring and probably less than truthful reply.

You find it hard to believe that somebody married a woman they like?

That's pretty sad.

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Since the OP is talking level of intelligence among farang females....has he ever heard of Sarah Palin?

Granted, Sarah Palin may not be a renown rocket scientist, but her personality is certainly dynamic enough, to get herself nominated as the U.S. Republican Party Vice-Presidential candidate, in 2007. Not a trivial accomplishment for a young back-woods country girl (housewife), who managed to get herself elected to become Governor of the (very macho-male-dominated) State of Alaska.

In addition, the name Sarah Palin, is a globally recognized name. I give credit, whenever/wherever such credit is due, regardless of my political opposition to the individual.

So, what's your particular claim to fame, by comparison there lately, Mr. Berkshire, sir? All things of your life considered. Hmm? whistling.gif

FYI~ The preceding paragraphs were written by the very Irish "farang female-mate" of, instead of by the profiled TVF subscriber. Sorry about that bloke, but you opened that door, yourself. Cheers,coffee1.gif

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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So you wish you had a falang woman and if you did then you wouldn't be In Thailand. Then as an afterthought you throw in your allegedly happily married to a Thai woman though you would rather be married to a falang in another country. You sound very confused to me. Like the other miserable sad sacks that have failed or otherwise managed to cope in the real world and so feel they have to "settle" with Thailand. Mate I feel sorry for you and even more sorry for your wife.

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So you wish you had a falang woman and if you did then you wouldn't be In Thailand. Then as an afterthought you throw in your allegedly happily married to a Thai woman though you would rather be married to a falang in another country. You sound very confused to me. Like the other miserable sad sacks that have failed or otherwise managed to cope in the real world and so feel they have to "settle" with Thailand. Mate I feel sorry for you and even more sorry for your wife.

I'm sure your sympathy will be much appreciated by "whomever" your post is directed to. Have a nice person's day, sir.giggle.gif

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Sounds like nobody's getting much intellectual simulation from you, either.

My wife and I have loads in common. She's smart, funny, interesting and doesn't talk about shoes and stuff.

Maybe you're just meeting the wrong women?

Or maybe just what they look like in a tight dress is what I value the most

Sounding like a sexist pig? You, sir, could give pigs a bad name.....(even one with lipstick)

It sounds like any female would provide you with a severe intellectual challenge. Good luck on that steep learning curve....Onward and upward!

LOL, the steep learning curve.OK, Yes I'm sure Ill be miserable unless I care more about how well she gets on with me, rather than how well she gets on, looks after the kids. I married one that was baby crazy for a reason

Wait..."sports bar" = where to go for "intellectual stimulation"?? Your post is a joke, right?

Ok, maybe sports bar wasnt the best example wink.png

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My buddies wife who i have been kicking it with is so incredibly smart...she has her masters in social work and runs her own company that supplies social workers to austic kids...funny charming...thoughtful....definitely exploring the depths of intellectual stimulation and curiousity...

I am kind of embarrassed of the plan to bring my tgf back to the states and meet my friends....

Also opening cam and talking to my gf in front of them is kinda shameful..like baby talk man....

On another note...I met this girl who is a friend of the gang...she was SMOKING...intelligent...funny ...cool...and I found out after she was 46!!! I couldn't believe it! She looked 28 or something....

Anyway It's been great on my extended trip back to the states hanging out and talking with these smart hot older american women.

Edited by fireplay
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My buddies wife who i have been kicking it with is so incredibly smart...she has her masters in social work and runs her own company that supplies social workers to austic kids...funny charming...thoughtful....definitely exploring the depths of intellectual stimulation and curiousity...

I am kind of embarrassed of the plan to bring my tgf back to the states and meet my friends....

Also opening cam and talking to my gf in front of them is kinda shameful..like baby talk man....

On another note...I met this girl who is a friend of the gang...she was SMOKING...intelligent...funny ...cool...and I found out after she was 46!!! I couldn't believe it! She looked 28 or something....

Anyway It's been great on my extended trip back to the states hanging out and talking with these smart hot older american women.

FYI ~ Thais function on a totally different cognitive "consciousness" level, than do Westerners. Based upon what you've stated, re: your TGF, unless there's a large Thai community, or at least a Thai Social Club in your home town (vicinity), then taking your TGF to the U.S. would be a very cruel thing to do to her. She would feel "disconnected", isolated and lonely. I[ve witnessed that scenario in Houston, even despite the existence of a large Thai community. Plus your international telephone call bills will hit the ceiling.

So, be selflessly "thoughtful" & nice about that, OK? Cheerscoffee1.gif

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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So you wish you had a falang woman and if you did then you wouldn't be In Thailand. Then as an afterthought you throw in your allegedly happily married to a Thai woman though you would rather be married to a falang in another country. You sound very confused to me. Like the other miserable sad sacks that have failed or otherwise managed to cope in the real world and so feel they have to "settle" with Thailand. Mate I feel sorry for you and even more sorry for your wife.

Maybe the failure is you? Why are you in Thailand then?

I have never said I failed in the real world, this is your assumption based on my post about women.

I did just fine in Canada arriving at 19 with 1000 deutche marks in my pocket. No bank of mom and dad. Nothing.

After 20 years and paying off my student loans I saved enough to move to Thailand.

Maybe I am just appreciating what country like Canada gave me (yes, including intelligent women) and not whining about the "nanny state" like most of you are. I think I was just arrogant and hated Canada from the beginning (mostly because of those separatists where I spent a considerable about of time). After spending some time in Thailand I can see I was mistaken.

AS IF I arrived in Thailand at 19 I would make something of my life.

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