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Thai Air Force to spray water over haze-cloaked North


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Air Force to spray water over haze-cloaked North

CHIANG RAI, 25 March 2016 (NNT) - Air Force planes will spray water over haze-cloaked northern Thailand to clear away the thick haze and dust in the air.

Air Force officers have planned to spray water over the densely populated urban areas to alleviate the haze problem. Each flight can carry about 3,000 liters of water to cover an area of about one rai of land. Clean water will be used so that it would not be harmful to the people’s health and other living things.

The Pollution Control Department reported on the air quality in provincial seat of Chiang Rai with the PM10 value of 216 micrograms per cubic meter and the air quality in Mae Sai district, Chiang Rai, with the PM10 value of 305 micrograms per cubic meter which are considered unhealthy.

-- NNT 2016-03-25 footer_n.gif

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"Air Force planes will spray water over haze-cloaked northern Thailand to clear away the thick haze and dust in the air."

The reaction of the idiots on the ground will be the same as if they are expecting early rain. Burn sooner. Burn more. Burn faster... And make sure there are no flames, so they can maximize the amount of smoldering smoke.

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It would have been much better if the Government had of been proactive,

if they could have done a lot more to stop the burning from starting,every

year they know its going to occur,it needs tougher penalties for those caught

burning,instead they are going to spend vasts amount of money,on an outcome

that most likely wont work.

regards Worgeordie

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It would have been much better if the Government had of been proactive,

if they could have done a lot more to stop the burning from starting,every

year they know its going to occur,it needs tougher penalties for those caught

burning,instead they are going to spend vasts amount of money,on an outcome

that most likely wont work.

regards Worgeordie

I think the main point you raise here is "every year they know its going to occur" - do they?

Every year the region burns and people in their thousands flood the hospital system, every year the government seems surprised and vows to do something; the next year it's the same response.

Similarly with floods - every time there is a deluge that overwhelms the draining system, the government seems surprised and vows to do something; the next time it happens the government seems surprised and vows to do something.

At least with road carnage, they know it's going to occur, but are—to date—incapable of preventing it; instead, each holiday, they trot out the stern words and lip service, yet the slaughter continues unabated.

Sometimes it's like Groundhog Day.

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To this day my all time best idea to take care of the "haze" problem came from former Science Minster Plod who was going to have Air Force planes circle around in the sky and create some sort of "chimney effect" so that the haze could escape into the upper atmosphere!

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"Clean water will be used so that it would not be harmful to the people’s health and other living things." Umm. Well, if they're using the water to clean the air of the haze, the water itself will attach to the haze particles (which must be what they are attempting) and fall to the ground in a state most certainly not pure. So much for that not harmful deal. blink.png

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It would have been much better if the Government had of been proactive,

if they could have done a lot more to stop the burning from starting,every

year they know its going to occur,it needs tougher penalties for those caught

burning,instead they are going to spend vasts amount of money,on an outcome

that most likely wont work.

regards Worgeordie

What is the point in bringing logical solutions to this problem when the nonsense ideas from the ptb are much more fun.

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It would have been much better if the Government had of been proactive,

if they could have done a lot more to stop the burning from starting,every

year they know its going to occur,it needs tougher penalties for those caught

burning,instead they are going to spend vasts amount of money,on an outcome

that most likely wont work.

regards Worgeordie

I think the main point you raise here is "every year they know its going to occur" - do they?

Every year the region burns and people in their thousands flood the hospital system, every year the government seems surprised and vows to do something; the next year it's the same response.

Similarly with floods - every time there is a deluge that overwhelms the draining system, the government seems surprised and vows to do something; the next time it happens the government seems surprised and vows to do something.

At least with road carnage, they know it's going to occur, but are—to date—incapable of preventing it; instead, each holiday, they trot out the stern words and lip service, yet the slaughter continues unabated.

Sometimes it's like Groundhog Day.

And the smog/smoke and floods are partly part of the same vicious cycle. Would there be more forests on the hills, we would see less run off.

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Just went for my morning walk. Saw 3 burns in the course of 1 hour. None were big, just people burning their leaves, trash, etc. But each one generated quite a bit of smoke. Blowing into neighbors houses, etc. Crazy.

What happened to the heavy fines that were to be imposed on those burning ..didn't happen ,what a surprise.No shortage of man power1,000's of army personnel in the area who could be doing


Bangkok Post reporting Chiang Rai having its worst day but they are spraying water into the air?????? Would be funny if it wasn't a serious health problem.

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Each flight can carry about 3,000 liters of water to cover an area of about one rai of land

3000 liter for 1600m2 ? That's.....er....very efficient.

And it only takes one flight, producing about 100x the smog their drizzle is supposed to surpress.
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There could be a dumber idea.

Order all residents under Article 44 to place all household fans outside facing down upwind and put on high setting.

Call it Operation Blowhard.

A perfect mission for the Junta to handle. wai2.gif

Edited by Srikcir
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