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Boy, 12, stood on a pier 'laughing' as two girls he kicked into Bangkok canal drowned

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Well I must say reading some of the comments on here, many of you have a mentality below that of a 12 year old. Hang him and his parents? why not burn him on a stake?? That should give some excitement to all the witch hunters on TV, who have lived an entire lifetime without ever making a mistake or committing any form of minor misdemeanor. hypocrites is the best discription.

He is 12 years old boy-girl. girl-boy 12-13-14 year old, its a part of ego forming and sometimes tragedy happens.

Its sad, very sad, young girls, yes its sad, why turn that in to a witch hunt

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I agree- a charge of manslaughter would be appropriate. He should be sent to juvenile detention until the age of majority which i believe in Thailand is 20 . He needs psychiatric help and a thorough investigation of his family and home life. Hopefully, something can come out of this tragedy to help avoid another. A really sad case. My condolences to the families involved.


I'm genuinely shocked by some of the posts in this thread.

1. put him in a mental institution

2. peel off his skin and throw him in the ocean

3. amputate both his legs

4. take his life with the death penalty.

All of the above we suggestions/solutions posted in this thread. He's a 12 year old boy who probably hasn't had enough discipline and guidance in his young life. Isn't it at least possible that this was a prank that went too far, and spun out of control very quickly? Let's wait for all the facts to come in or is that asking too much?

And then there are the posters who want to turn this into a Muslim issue. rolleyes.gif

For some reason, it appears that many people around the world do not understand the concept of cause and effect of their actions. I am sure he had no idea the girls were going to drown. He just thought it would be funny to see them in the water. This is the result of a growing trend in "education" around the world, where children are taught what to think and not how to think.

Actually the brain's frontal lobe, where "cause & effect" is processed, is not fully developed until around the age of 20 y.o. Thus, children are literally mentally insufficient when it comes to thinking about the consequences of their actions.

Maybe you should show him love by paying for his lawyers and adopting him

You must be a sad sack to believe what you post

I say kill the little killer so he would not do it again

Remember killing a killer is the only sure of stopping him from doing it again

Then the killer that kills the killer becomes a killer so should be killed, are you on drugs or is something just not working. Sick


I'm genuinely shocked by some of the posts in this thread.

1. put him in a mental institution

2. peel off his skin and throw him in the ocean

3. amputate both his legs

4. take his life with the death penalty.

All of the above we suggestions/solutions posted in this thread. He's a 12 year old boy who probably hasn't had enough discipline and guidance in his young life. Isn't it at least possible that this was a prank that went too far, and spun out of control very quickly? Let's wait for all the facts to come in or is that asking too much?

And then there are the posters who want to turn this into a Muslim issue. rolleyes.gif

Well item 1. doesn't seem so off the grid, and some do believe in the death penalty; you have to agree there is a logic there.

Are you not genuinely shocked by what the boy appears to have done?


Thai newspapers are reporting this slightly differently.

Apparently, after kicking the girls into the water and laughing at the floundering girls , they nonetheless managed to stay close to the edge and hold onto it to save themselves. The boy then stamped on their hands to loosen their hold and kicked them away from the edge.

( read from Daily News online and Sanook .com )

More than just a prank gone wrong.

Tragic loss of two young lives.

That i Didnt know....so that puts a different angle to my thoughts now then.....


I blame it on the adult people at that Mosque and the fact they didn't build a fence at the waterline.

Probably the kids couldn't swim so that's even a bigger reason to build a fence. And was there a stairway to get out of the water in case they could swim a bit?

Thai are just irresponsible people in general and i guess the boy didn't mean to kill the girls, it was just a (silly) game like they play every day.

At a lake in our moobaan is a nice place to sit, the fence at the waterline was a metre high when it was new. Somebody ruined it and now there's another "fence" of 40 cm high.It won't stop anybody from falling in the lake.

Also Thai parents are too lazy to swim themselves, even in a 5* pool. Sure they won't go in the water to teach their kids how to swim. Most even can't swim themselves and always need a lifevest.

And were there any floatables (like lifevests or so) to throw at drawning people in the water? I bet not, why would they think about safety? I bet they won't even have them now or next month.

Thailand is just 100 years behind when it comes to safety/responsability. Accidents like this will speed things up hopefully but i won't hold my breath. It's the same with electricity or even driving against traffic. They don't give a duck.


In my limited experience: very few Thais know how to swim, or at least, survive in water.

Kicking 2 young Thais into water is tantamount to manslaughter!

The horse has not bolted, the gates have been left open, for far too long!


If the case is as reported in version B, it is worse, of course!

I am still quiet sure, it was no intentional kill!

Bullying gone horribly, horribly wrong!


Here's a quote from another paper: The younger brother said that as Piyapat tried to hold on to the pier for her life, the boy stomped on her hand. She was forced to let go and drowned along with Supawadee.

Kicking them into the water can be explained as bullying and not considering the consequences. Stomping on her hand when she was trying to get out is just plain evil.

This makes it murder as far as I'm concerned. It will be interesting to find out the full facts in due course.


For some reason, it appears that many people around the world do not understand the concept of cause and effect of their actions. I am sure he had no idea the girls were going to drown. He just thought it would be funny to see them in the water. This is the result of a growing trend in "education" around the world, where children are taught what to think and not how to think.

Actually the brain's frontal lobe, where "cause & effect" is processed, is not fully developed until around the age of 20 y.o. Thus, children are literally mentally insufficient when it comes to thinking about the consequences of their actions.

Stop talking sense people don't like that. It doesn't fit in with the anti Thai agenda on here.


I'm genuinely shocked by some of the posts in this thread.

1. put him in a mental institution

2. peel off his skin and throw him in the ocean

3. amputate both his legs

4. take his life with the death penalty.

All of the above we suggestions/solutions posted in this thread. He's a 12 year old boy who probably hasn't had enough discipline and guidance in his young life. Isn't it at least possible that this was a prank that went too far, and spun out of control very quickly? Let's wait for all the facts to come in or is that asking too much?

And then there are the posters who want to turn this into a Muslim issue. rolleyes.gif

So you think it was a prank? He kicks two girls in a canal and then stomps on their fingers to prevent them stopping themselves drowning. How entertaining and hilarious for him. Hope the poor little mite doesn't have saw feet from all that stamping eh? And no bad dreams (which I seriously doubt) as he's got his whole life in front of him.

Unfortunately the two girls who were victims of his assault haven't. They're dead. And their families have a sadness that will be with them until they pass away.

All the smug PC apologist do-gooder let's worry about the perp not the victims that post with their superior attitudes should read the reports in the media. As a parent, I can understand why some over react in their posts. How would you feel if one was your daughter, knowing someone had pushed them into a canal and then stomped on their fingers to prevent them getting out, supporting themselves and making sure they drowned?

It certainly doesn't come across as a prank.

The girls were Cambodian and sadly here, that may influence the attitude of the police if the boy is Thai.


And Baerboxer sweeps in and picks up the award for telling it how it really is.

Pity that the bleeding hearts on here will want him crucified.

Well done BB, I applaud your straight shooting posting style.


I'm genuinely shocked by some of the posts in this thread.

1. put him in a mental institution

2. peel off his skin and throw him in the ocean

3. amputate both his legs

4. take his life with the death penalty.

All of the above we suggestions/solutions posted in this thread. He's a 12 year old boy who probably hasn't had enough discipline and guidance in his young life. Isn't it at least possible that this was a prank that went too far, and spun out of control very quickly? Let's wait for all the facts to come in or is that asking too much?

And then there are the posters who want to turn this into a Muslim issue. rolleyes.gif

So you think it was a prank? He kicks two girls in a canal and then stomps on their fingers to prevent them stopping themselves drowning. How entertaining and hilarious for him. Hope the poor little mite doesn't have saw feet from all that stamping eh? And no bad dreams (which I seriously doubt) as he's got his whole life in front of him.


What I posted was "Isn't it at least possible that this was a prank that went too far, and spun out of control very quickly?"

I then posted:

"Let's wait for all the facts to come in or is that asking too much?"

Apparently it was asking too much. coffee1.gif


I'm genuinely shocked by some of the posts in this thread.

1. put him in a mental institution

2. peel off his skin and throw him in the ocean

3. amputate both his legs

4. take his life with the death penalty.

All of the above we suggestions/solutions posted in this thread. He's a 12 year old boy who probably hasn't had enough discipline and guidance in his young life. Isn't it at least possible that this was a prank that went too far, and spun out of control very quickly? Let's wait for all the facts to come in or is that asking too much?

And then there are the posters who want to turn this into a Muslim issue. rolleyes.gif

so ignore he stamped on her fingers as she clung on? yea the poor little chap...


Kids "tomfoolery" gone wrong, we all did daft stuff as kids...But tragic..

RIP girls........

you stamped on little girls fingers when they were drowning? wow what am upbringing you had! I think you need to go read the thread more carefully


I was going to give the boy the benefit of the doubt... he could have just been playing.

But that he then STAMPED on their hands when they were trying not to drown?!

He is clearly mentally ill and dangerous.


Kids "tomfoolery" gone wrong, we all did daft stuff as kids...But tragic..

RIP girls........

you stamped on little girls fingers when they were drowning? wow what am upbringing you had! I think you need to go read the thread more carefully

It's what is known as 'selective reading'.


For some reason, it appears that many people around the world do not understand the concept of cause and effect of their actions. I am sure he had no idea the girls were going to drown. He just thought it would be funny to see them in the water. This is the result of a growing trend in "education" around the world, where children are taught what to think and not how to think.

Actually the brain's frontal lobe, where "cause & effect" is processed, is not fully developed until around the age of 20 y.o. Thus, children are literally mentally insufficient when it comes to thinking about the consequences of their actions.

Stop talking sense people don't like that. It doesn't fit in with the anti Thai agenda on here.
It has nothing to do with nationality, look at the UK and the Jamie bulger case. Kids can be tried and jailed for intentional murder like this.

A number of off-topic posts and religious slurs have been removed from this thread.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Kids "tomfoolery" gone wrong, we all did daft stuff as kids...But tragic..

RIP girls........

you stamped on little girls fingers when they were drowning? wow what am upbringing you had! I think you need to go read the thread more carefully

Daft comment...I was a kid and did daft stuff.....YOU are saying the kid was trying to "KILL" them....?

ah ok killing two girls is "daft stuff" just a school boy prank 'mai bpen rai'

how silly of anyone to want to hold the boy accountable or responsible


The kid needs to be confined and evaluated before he can be allowed to be around other kids again. Maybe he's an idiot, but maybe he's a psychopath. I wasn't there.



The girls were Cambodian and sadly here, that may influence the attitude of the police if the boy is Thai.

In some countries, if the boy had deliberately targeted a minority, he'd have a charge of Hate Crime slapped on him too.

Kids "tomfoolery" gone wrong, we all did daft stuff as kids...But tragic..

RIP girls........

you stamped on little girls fingers when they were drowning? wow what am upbringing you had! I think you need to go read the thread more carefully

Daft comment...I was a kid and did daft stuff.....YOU are saying the kid was trying to "KILL" them....?

ah ok killing two girls is "daft stuff" just a school boy prank 'mai bpen rai'

how silly of anyone to want to hold the boy accountable or responsible

He didn't kill two girls, his daft stuff did...As a kid I did daft stuff, I can remember them now, but absolutely no intensions to kill my chums...

If you look at kids stuff that goes very wrong differently to me then that is our problem here.

I was a rascal kid, many were not, perhaps from a different era where kids were kids....Who knows...

Makes me think of 'Sleepers'

Here's a quote from another paper: The younger brother said that as Piyapat tried to hold on to the pier for her life, the boy stomped on her hand. She was forced to let go and drowned along with Supawadee.

Kicking them into the water can be explained as bullying and not considering the consequences. Stomping on her hand when she was trying to get out is just plain evil.

This makes it murder as far as I'm concerned. It will be interesting to find out the full facts in due course.

Yes and his attitude to females and why he thinks the way he does, of course it might not be able to be mentioned on here if it concerns certain religious teachings. rolleyes.gif


This kind of crap goes on in all the countries of the world everyday. Stop the Thai bashing because the Thai population does not have a sole grip on stupidity.


I taught my wife and step kids to swim...or at least stay afloat...!

They (Thais) are terrified/afraid of the water as they are told from day one "bogey men" and "ghosts" live there and they will meet a horrible fate... Clearly an attempt to keep unsupervised kids away...

I've yet to meet a Thai that can swim...


He didn't kill two girls, his daft stuff did...As a kid I did daft stuff, I can remember them now, but absolutely no intensions to kill my chums...

If you look at kids stuff that goes very wrong differently to me then that is our problem here.

I was a rascal kid, many were not, perhaps from a different era where kids were kids....Who knows...

Bullying has always carried the risk of deaths or serious injury. Even in the playground, a bully beating up a smaller boy, the head injuries might only cause concussion, but as with all head injuries it could cause blindness or brain damage or even death.

The "Knock-out game" trend which was popular quite recently, caused damage ranging from minor injuries to serious injuries and even some deaths. And this was involving youths a good deal older than the 12-year old in this story. So I think age is not completely relevant, it is stupid bullies being violent, expecting the victim to survive with minor injuries, and then it goes wrong and people die.

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