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Sounds like there might be a possible 'loophole' such that you need a specific salary to get the work permit but you can get a pay cut and still qualify for the extension?

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Sounds like there might be a possible 'loophole' such that you need a specific salary to get the work permit but you can get a pay cut and still qualify for the extension?

Volunteers and charity workers need a work permit.... think about it.


Sounds like there might be a possible 'loophole' such that you need a specific salary to get the work permit but you can get a pay cut and still qualify for the extension?

Volunteers and charity workers need a work permit.... think about it.

I could be wrong, but thought that was a different class of work permit (I was mainly thinking of the normal office type job work permits). But yes, I can see your point.


Seems excessive. one can live a decent life on 10k per month.

I live on 10k and am still able to save 5k every month.

I'd love to be able to do that, but I'm too extravagant. Would you care to share how you achieve it?


Seems excessive. one can live a decent life on 10k per month.

I live on 10k and am still able to save 5k every month.

no problem at all if the amount's "prefix" is £, € or $ smile.png


Seems excessive. one can live a decent life on 10k per month.

I live on 10k and am still able to save 5k every month.

164b per day is still a tad excessive. Am sure if you tried you could get that down to 130b per day.


I'm not sure 51 square meters counts as shoe box. On a per square meter basis its in line with the rest of the prices in the building and area of similar quality.

That being said, nothing wrong with a shoe box if its a good shoe box and you don't need to spend all day/night in it.


Seems excessive. one can live a decent life on 10k per month.

I live on 10k and am still able to save 5k every month.

Serious question. I'm currently living (very well indeed) on 15,000 baht a month including everything, and I'd like to get it down to around 10,000. Would you mind sharing some of your tips on how you do it, because I'm intrigued. It's not that I need to live on such a small amount. I have 3 income sources that bring in around US$6,000 a month. I simply prefer to live frugally and invest my money for the future. Thanks in advance for your valuable input.


Seems excessive. one can live a decent life on 10k per month.

I live on 10k and am still able to save 5k every month.

Serious question. I'm currently living (very well indeed) on 15,000 baht a month including everything, and I'd like to get it down to around 10,000. Would you mind sharing some of your tips on how you do it, because I'm intrigued. It's not that I need to live on such a small amount. I have 3 income sources that bring in around US$6,000 a month. I simply prefer to live frugally and invest my money for the future. Thanks in advance for your valuable input.

Including or excluding rent? For everyone asking, would be great if it could be mentioned if the budget goals include rent or not (since many have condos and do not need to factor that in).

From my understanding, excluding rent, the biggest expenses will be:

Electricity -- easily lower this in a small room with one aircon vs. 2 bedroom apt. with 3 big air-cons.

Food -- Go native: No foreign food, only shop on sales, eat the cheap chicken, etc. Maybe shop at markets? (I have not priced markets vs. Big C)

Bath -- Shampoo, soap, sun screen, cosmetics, etc. can add up a lot. If you avoid all beauty products and go for the cheap full body combo soap/shampoo you can save a lot here too.

Entertainment -- Obviously no alcohol or anything extravagant.

*obviously* 10k/mo is do-able (a lot of thai people have to make do on 10k/mo). If not paying rent then is very do-able.

Also this is not factoring in things like health insurance, visas, border-runs, trips-home, etc. Just the raw day-to-day expenses incurred within a single month.


^^^^^ A lot of Thai people live on salaries of 10k per month or less.

They are not renting a condo and living in it by themselves though.


Seems excessive. one can live a decent life on 10k per month.

I live on 10k and am still able to save 5k every month.

Serious question. I'm currently living (very well indeed) on 15,000 baht a month including everything, and I'd like to get it down to around 10,000. Would you mind sharing some of your tips on how you do it, because I'm intrigued. It's not that I need to live on such a small amount. I have 3 income sources that bring in around US$6,000 a month. I simply prefer to live frugally and invest my money for the future. Thanks in advance for your valuable input.

What are your standards? Very low I assume.

I bet you are not living "very well indeed" on 15,000. You will not more on 10.

When you are on your death bed looking back on your life, you will wish you enjoyed life more and not been such a cheap skate.

I am sure you are a hoot to hang out with in a Friday night. NOT!

But, good luck


Serious question. I'm currently living (very well indeed) on 15,000 baht a month including everything, and I'd like to get it down to around 10,000. Would you mind sharing some of your tips on how you do it, because I'm intrigued. It's not that I need to live on such a small amount. I have 3 income sources that bring in around US$6,000 a month. I simply prefer to live frugally and invest my money for the future. Thanks in advance for your valuable input.

here's my input on "very well indeed" = cheesy.gif


^^^^^ A lot of Thai people live on salaries of 10k per month or less.

They are not renting a condo and living in it by themselves though.

You are right. Anyone working in a fast food place, the mall, Starbucks's, etc.

Many have "The Box" for 2500 to 3k.

100 a day for food and they still have money left over.

Good for them for getting by with minimal funds. I respect they can do this.


Seems excessive. one can live a decent life on 10k per month.

I live on 10k and am still able to save 5k every month.

Serious question. I'm currently living (very well indeed) on 15,000 baht a month including everything, and I'd like to get it down to around 10,000. Would you mind sharing some of your tips on how you do it, because I'm intrigued. It's not that I need to live on such a small amount. I have 3 income sources that bring in around US$6,000 a month. I simply prefer to live frugally and invest my money for the future. Thanks in advance for your valuable input.

Serious answer - well, not really I suppose - like your question .......I hope.

Look outside any large Office Building in Bangkok and you will almost invariably see a Shrine dedicated to Buddha, with small gifts left there by the faithful; often food.

Feel free to subsidise your sad lifestyle by stealing from these offerings.



^^^^^ A lot of Thai people live on salaries of 10k per month or less.

They are not renting a condo and living in it by themselves though.

You are right. Anyone working in a fast food place, the mall, Starbucks's, etc.

Many have "The Box" for 2500 to 3k.

100 a day for food and they still have money left over.

Good for them for getting by with minimal funds. I respect they can do this.

most fast food workers in bkk make more than 10k these days.

i just went through my local mall in BKK today and saw job signs at multiple places. Dairy queen was paying 50 baht an hour part time and 12k for full time, and one of the restaurants said 12-14k fulltime and 18-20k for manager. bigc also has a sign up for 10-12k fulltime.

on those wages most are living in a roommate situation or at home with family (same like low incomes in your home country). For example, you can get a 3,500 baht room a short walk behind the mall here and split it with another person. That means you are both paying about 2k a month total for your bills when you factor in water/elec/internet. Nothing fancy but does the trick.

this kind of work is typically 6 days a week. 100 baht a day easily covers food options when eating locally. gives them a bit of money to have a bit of fun on their day off.

I don't think any (western) foreigner should ever really be in this position though. If you find yourself there, it would be better to leverage your skills (language at the least) to create more income.


Seems excessive. one can live a decent life on 10k per month.

I live on 10k and am still able to save 5k every month.

Serious question. I'm currently living (very well indeed) on 15,000 baht a month including everything, and I'd like to get it down to around 10,000. Would you mind sharing some of your tips on how you do it, because I'm intrigued. It's not that I need to live on such a small amount. I have 3 income sources that bring in around US$6,000 a month. I simply prefer to live frugally and invest my money for the future. Thanks in advance for your valuable input.

Serious answer - well, not really I suppose - like your question .......I hope.

Look outside any large Office Building in Bangkok and you will almost invariably see a Shrine dedicated to Buddha, with small gifts left there by the faithful; often food.

Feel free to subsidise your sad lifestyle by stealing from these offerings.


I detect an awful lot of jealousy from you mugs who are probably paying more than 15,000 a month just for your rent. Just because I want to live for less than 15,000 a month, why does that mean that I deserve to be attacked or laughed at? Frugality is a virtue. Having big savings in your bank account is a virtue. Yes, I have a very good income. I'm not going to deny it. However, it is entirely MY CHOICE how I decide to spend my money, or not to spend it. I asked a simple question of the poster how he manages to live on 10,000 baht a month (including rent) and I'm greeted by sneering and jealous comments. Thanks for nothing.


I live on 10k and am still able to save 5k every month.

Serious question. I'm currently living (very well indeed) on 15,000 baht a month including everything, and I'd like to get it down to around 10,000. Would you mind sharing some of your tips on how you do it, because I'm intrigued. It's not that I need to live on such a small amount. I have 3 income sources that bring in around US$6,000 a month. I simply prefer to live frugally and invest my money for the future. Thanks in advance for your valuable input.

Serious answer - well, not really I suppose - like your question .......I hope.

Look outside any large Office Building in Bangkok and you will almost invariably see a Shrine dedicated to Buddha, with small gifts left there by the faithful; often food.

Feel free to subsidise your sad lifestyle by stealing from these offerings.


I detect an awful lot of jealousy from you mugs who are probably paying more than 15,000 a month just for your rent. Just because I want to live for less than 15,000 a month, why does that mean that I deserve to be attacked or laughed at? Frugality is a virtue. Having big savings in your bank account is a virtue. Yes, I have a very good income. I'm not going to deny it. However, it is entirely MY CHOICE how I decide to spend my money, or not to spend it. I asked a simple question of the poster how he manages to live on 10,000 baht a month (including rent) and I'm greeted by sneering and jealous comments. Thanks for nothing.

Some of these guys seem to define their worth by what they spend. Threads like this always bring them out.

Good for you for living how you choose.


I detect an awful lot of jealousy from you mugs who are probably paying more than 15,000 a month just for your rent. Just because I want to live for less than 15,000 a month, why does that mean that I deserve to be attacked or laughed at? Frugality is a virtue. Having big savings in your bank account is a virtue. Yes, I have a very good income. I'm not going to deny it. However, it is entirely MY CHOICE how I decide to spend my money, or not to spend it. I asked a simple question of the poster how he manages to live on 10,000 baht a month (including rent) and I'm greeted by sneering and jealous comments. Thanks for nothing.

thinking that anybody is jealous or envies you for choosing a frugal lifestyle is ridiculous. and if you had not added that you live "very well indeed" the comments would have been less negative.


It is not about "self worth" but self respect and life quality.

If someone can well afford a certain lifestyle and still save a good amount of cash, but deems to die in a box with and old

7-11 teriyaki chicken bowl next to them, have a blast!


Nothing wrong with being frugal.

Nothing wrong with striving to live a non-wasteful or lower level of expenses.

If you can be happy on 15k or 10k a month, more power to you man!

But I think the only really important point is: Are you happy. Are you sacrificing happiness for a budget? If not, if you are happy, then no reason to spend more -- that becomes wasteful smile.png

I wish I could be happy on 15k a month but I spend more than that on just food :P I guess I eat too much :( But then again, that is why I came to Thailand -- the food. To deny myself the food here is to deny the very reason I choose to live in Thailand.


Good post.

In modern times the most basic instincts for adult heterosexual males is:

Good food

Good sex (and plenty of it)

Decent shelter

Some like me may want to add a good TV with sports.

Good luck with these on 10k a month.


I have a good amount of money in the bank I also spend more than 15,000 baht on rent. You think its wrong people are having a go at you for not spending money, yet you are having a go at those who don't want to live on 10,000 baht a month 2,500 baht a week, 357 baht a day. Take 100 baht a day off for your top end home, that leaves you with 250 to spend a day. Could I live on that ? Yes. Would I want to live on that No.

If you are happy to die and leave your money for the government and family to enjoy good for you. Personally I have earned my money and would prefer to spend it myself.


Seems excessive. one can live a decent life on 10k per month.

I live on 10k and am still able to save 5k every month.

I'd love to be able to do that, but I'm too extravagant. Would you care to share how you achieve it?

I made some very wise deposits and simply live off of the interest.


Seems excessive. one can live a decent life on 10k per month.

I live on 10k and am still able to save 5k every month.

I'd love to be able to do that, but I'm too extravagant. Would you care to share how you achieve it?

I made some very wise deposits and simply live off of the interest.

I think he meant how do you live happily off of 10k/mo


60,000 baht a month??? You're spending way too much. I rarely spend more than 15,000 baht a month and I live in a 38 sq. m. apartment and eat out every day and enjoy the company of a lady of the night 3 times a week.

I'm as skint as they come, but this is rubbish.

I've no idea what the company costs but assuming it's only b500 you are looking at 10k for your paid affections and rent.

The OPs "needs" are excessive, wasteful and a huge drain of Thailand's and earth's resources. Totally ridiculous.

These types are usually gone in a year or two. The only reason they are here is despite all their money and lifestyle back home, they can't get hooked up to save their lives.

The OP will wake up and realize it costs the same to support his lifestyle as back home and after he's gone thru a few bad "girlfriends" he will be done with it.


Seems excessive. one can live a decent life on 10k per month.

I live on 10k and am still able to save 5k every month.

Serious question. I'm currently living (very well indeed) on 15,000 baht a month including everything, and I'd like to get it down to around 10,000. Would you mind sharing some of your tips on how you do it, because I'm intrigued. It's not that I need to live on such a small amount. I have 3 income sources that bring in around US$6,000 a month. I simply prefer to live frugally and invest my money for the future. Thanks in advance for your valuable input.

Serious answer - well, not really I suppose - like your question .......I hope.

Look outside any large Office Building in Bangkok and you will almost invariably see a Shrine dedicated to Buddha, with small gifts left there by the faithful; often food.

Feel free to subsidise your sad lifestyle by stealing from these offerings.


There is nothing wrong with consuming this food if you are so in need. It's been offered, blessings have been asked and it's done. Homeless often eat the food from shrines.


Seems excessive. one can live a decent life on 10k per month.

I live on 10k and am still able to save 5k every month.

I'd love to be able to do that, but I'm too extravagant. Would you care to share how you achieve it?
I made some very wise deposits and simply live off of the interest.

Please post the link to the bank that allows you to live off simple interest. In the age of negative interest rates throughout much of the industrialized world, I think this is a laugh.

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