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Pretty Much Nobody In The U.S. Leads A Healthy Lifestyle

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In the headlines of news items in the US today was this " Pretty Much Nobody In The U.S. Leads A Healthy Lifestyle "

As the lifestyle and food of the west moves into Asia it seems to be quite toxic to what was once a very healthy population of Asians . The big US export " fast food chains " seems to be very popular with people in Thailand with its fast and easy appeal of super proceeded and loaded with sugar fake food . Even 7-11 that's almost on every corner is loaded with these choices . Occasionally I see and actual banana for sale in 7-11 here but possibly about 90% of the so called food in a 7-11 has some kind of added sugar under about 40 different names . Thailand is and oasis for exotic fresh fruit that is cheap and everywhere yet the super processed foods seem to be taking over here as the food of choice . It's great to live here and have the choices of such healthy food in this paradise . I can stand on the street like tonight and get a fresh cut coconut to drink and a couple of bags of fresh cut fruit cheaper that a bag of fries ( that contain almost no real potatoes ) at McDonalds steps away yet the McDonalds is packed compared to where I stand tonight getting the real food from the vender on sidewalk outside the happiest place on earth , go figure [emoji15]

Pretty Much Nobody In The U.S. Leads A Healthy Lifestyle



Nice article, but anyone can be healthy and many expats are walking tubs of lard because they don't care how fat they are but how fat their wallet is. That is what gets the woman here (until the money is gone). Woman usually stay healthier as men as there is more pressure on them to stay slim and good looking.

Anyway, where ever you live you can stay healthy as long as you cook most of your own food and do some regular exercise (whatever kind).

I do regular blood checks to make sure everything is good on there too, because living healthy is not a 100% guarantee.


When I first came to Thailand 30 years ago, there was not one Thai person taller than me (180cm) and very very few fat ones. Now 30 years later, many are taller and of course many many are fat. I venture to say if you see a nice thin small Thai, they may be from Lao. The change has Robbie their diet.


American diet, too much sugar, blah, blah, blah. Does anyone know the health problems that the vaunted Japanese diet with its idolized green tea used to cause? Stomach cancer, high blood pressure and strokes. Does anyone know that the average Japanese diet contains rather small amounts of vegetables and fruit. Oh, and that some years ago, intestinal parasites were a big problem because of the raw fish consumed. Then there are the toxic ingredients in many types of Vietnamese noodles (see today's NYT.) Let's not blame all bad diets on America and the Western lifestyle. There is lots of healthy food for sale in most countries. It's just not as flashy and as well-advertised as the less healthy burgers, pizza and Starbucks sweetened milk concoctions (and salty, fatty and sweet fast food noodle concoctions, etc.)


I stick to the good old oat porridge for breakfast, bought here in Thailand but can be found anywhere in the world , I think most Americans can eat healthy if they want to . The problem is they don't.


I know many people in the USA that eat healthy.
It's a choice they make.
Not always convenient, but certainly possible.

Same here in Thailand.
Probably the same almost anywhere in the world.
Up to you!

But yes, it's easier here than in the US to make that choice and stick with it.


It's an over-generalization - only 50-60% of Americans are clinically obese..

Clinical obesity used to be classified as being only twenty pounds overweight - now it's thirty - and counting..sad.png

Reminds me of the two "fat" ladies I overheard in Seattle, one saying to the other ruefully..

"How come everything we eat is 99% fat-free - and we're about 99% fat?"sad.png


When I first came to Thailand 30 years ago, there was not one Thai person taller than me (180cm) and very very few fat ones. Now 30 years later, many are taller and of course many many are fat. I venture to say if you see a nice thin small Thai, they may be from Lao. The change has Robbie their diet.

My personal suspicion that the reason Thais are putting on weight is lack of exercise Almost no one walks or bicycles anywhere anymore, its all motorbikes now - even to go 100 meters.


No matter where you are from or where you are, processed foods and fast food are killers. When I first started coming here in the eighties, I marvelled at how good healthy the food was here and how healthy/slim the people were.

Now I am shocked looking at the children here who are into the processed/fast food just as much as Westerners. Obesity has become rampant here also.


It is not just the prevalence of highly processed food that is causing an issue in Thailand but also the change in work practices particularly in areas like Isaan. Fewer are involved in agriculture now plus it is less physical due to some mechanization however the staple food is still sticky rice which has a glycemic index virtually the same as pure sugar with high calories so what was an ideal food for hard working farmers is now not really suitable for the current village lifestyle.


Also people just eat too much in the US, when I visited some time ago I ordered a breakfast , one big plate and it's like food for 2-3 people , not one. No wonder they have big stomachs, and enjoy to eat buffets in every hotel and restaurant. When I ordered a burger I ate just one , some people inside the restaurant ordered 2-3 burgers .

I'm happy with just 2 meals per day and then I eat some fruit, nuts and vegetables between the meals. My weight has been the same since I was 30 and now I am over 50. Of course if you have the wrong genes it can also make you fat, then it's even more important to take care of your body.


When I first came to Thailand 30 years ago, there was not one Thai person taller than me (180cm) and very very few fat ones. Now 30 years later, many are taller and of course many many are fat. I venture to say if you see a nice thin small Thai, they may be from Lao. The change has Robbie their diet.

My personal suspicion that the reason Thais are putting on weight is lack of exercise Almost no one walks or bicycles anywhere anymore, its all motorbikes now - even to go 100 meters.
While this is definitely true, it is secondary to the way they are eating now.

The vast majority of Thais living in BKK not only don't exercise, but consume well over 2,000 calories a day. Thais in BKK routinely eat so called "snacks" like honey toast with ice cream that contain well over 1,000 calories. Add this to the sugar beverages and teas consumed on a daily basis and it is not hard to see why Thais are getting fat. Thais in BKK also have an obsession with buffets that put Americans to shame.

There is no doubt that there will be a full blown obesity crisis here within the next decade.


Also people just eat too much in the US, when I visited some time ago I ordered a breakfast , one big plate and it's like food for 2-3 people , not one. No wonder they have big stomachs, and enjoy to eat buffets in every hotel and restaurant. When I ordered a burger I ate just one , some people inside the restaurant ordered 2-3 burgers .

I'm happy with just 2 meals per day and then I eat some fruit, nuts and vegetables between the meals. My weight has been the same since I was 30 and now I am over 50. Of course if you have the wrong genes it can also make you fat, then it's even more important to take care of your body.

Clearly, Americans definitely eat too much. However, I don't see much of a difference between Americans and Thais living in BKK at this point. Thais love their buffets way more than any American I have ever known.


When I first came to Thailand 30 years ago, there was not one Thai person taller than me (180cm) and very very few fat ones. Now 30 years later, many are taller and of course many many are fat. I venture to say if you see a nice thin small Thai, they may be from Lao. The change has Robbie their diet.

My personal suspicion that the reason Thais are putting on weight is lack of exercise Almost no one walks or bicycles anywhere anymore, its all motorbikes now - even to go 100 meters.
While this is definitely true, it is secondary to the way they are eating now.

The vast majority of Thais living in BKK not only don't exercise, but consume well over 2,000 calories a day. Thais in BKK routinely eat so called "snacks" like honey toast with ice cream that contain well over 1,000 calories. Add this to the sugar beverages and teas consumed on a daily basis and it is not hard to see why Thais are getting fat. Thais in BKK also have an obsession with buffets that put Americans to shame.

There is no doubt that there will be a full blown obesity crisis here within the next decade.

Traditional Thai food tends to have plenty of sugar and oil, not at all unlike fast food - plenty of calories. But now Thais are not walking it off. They are plumping down their fat diaries and riding to the next 7-11.


When I first came to Thailand 30 years ago, there was not one Thai person taller than me (180cm) and very very few fat ones. Now 30 years later, many are taller and of course many many are fat. I venture to say if you see a nice thin small Thai, they may be from Lao. The change has Robbie their diet.

My personal suspicion that the reason Thais are putting on weight is lack of exercise Almost no one walks or bicycles anywhere anymore, its all motorbikes now - even to go 100 meters.
While this is definitely true, it is secondary to the way they are eating now.

The vast majority of Thais living in BKK not only don't exercise, but consume well over 2,000 calories a day. Thais in BKK routinely eat so called "snacks" like honey toast with ice cream that contain well over 1,000 calories. Add this to the sugar beverages and teas consumed on a daily basis and it is not hard to see why Thais are getting fat. Thais in BKK also have an obsession with buffets that put Americans to shame.

There is no doubt that there will be a full blown obesity crisis here within the next decade.

Traditional Thai food tends to have plenty of sugar and oil, not at all unlike fast food - plenty of calories. But now Thais are not walking it off. They are plumping down their fat diaries and riding to the next 7-11.

However, as someone who used to be quite overweight and am in pretty damn good shape now, the concept of being able to "walk off" anything you eat is a false one. Walking burns relatively few calories and if one is eating at a a large caloric surplus, while walking is better then nothing, it is not going to prevent obesity.

Also, Thais are not just eating Thai food any longer..... They are eating a whole host of highly caloric snacks, desserts, and drinks in between.

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