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SURVEY: Will terrorism continue in Europe?


SURVEY: Will Terrorism continue in Europe?  

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Definitely continue. It is a war of religion. Anyone who does not follow Islam is an infidel and must be killed as stated in Koran.

Many muslim children are brainwashed from a very young age to kill anyone who is a non believer. That is main method of recruiting suicide bombers. Only way to stop it is to have non muslim policies as in Japan. Not allowed to immigrate there and not allowed to practice their religion otherwise deported same day.

The west seems to be obsessed not to violate human rights well muslims don't give a rat's ass about human rights. Muslims have large families and many collect welfare while doing it. Eventually they will form their own political party and take over countries. Never hear of muslim countries such as Indonesia or Malaysia, etc., taking in their own kind and why should they, they already are muslim.

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If Muslims are as they say peaceful people and genuinely against terrorism, why don't they gather outside their Mosques and let everyone know, why can't they openly condemn this terrorism.

The UK, Spain, France and now Belgium have had atrocities in the recent past, so where is there any comdemnation?

Not just the odd token gesture, but condemnation from the many Mosques in Western countries.

I understand why they don't condemn the terrorists. The poor souls can't even say "happy Easter" without being slaughtered by one of their fellow Muslims. Imagine what would happen to them if they came out and openly opposed the terrorists.

Murder of a man of peace: Muslim shopkeeper who wished his 'beloved Christian nation' a Happy Easter is stabbed 30 times by a FELLOW MUSLIM who sat laughing on his dying victim's chest


If there were magic in the world, and we could make all the murderous Islamic extremists disappear with the snap of the fingers, then I would expect the peace-loving Muslims would have a giant party along with the rest of us. But there isn't magic in the world so I don't see any of that happening.

That's a very good answer. If the biggest majority of Muslims were like the poor murdered guy, we would not be having the problems we have today.

But I think that if the biggest majority of Muslims in an average Mosque in a western country were true peace loving then they would far outnumber the terrorists and their supporters, and as I said, we would not be having the problems we have today. Remember, nearly all the terrorists in the world are Muslim, but all the Muslims are not terrorists.

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According to The Guardian:

He (King Abdullah of Jordan) told those present: “The problem is bigger than Isil [islamic State], this is a third world war, this is Christians, Jews working with Muslims against outlaws.”

The memo indicates that Abdullah also told US lawmakers:

"The Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, “believes in a radical Islamic solution to the problems in the region” and the “fact that terrorists are going to Europe is part of Turkish policy, and Turkey keeps getting a slap on the hand, but they get off the hook”

Well maybe I'm just cynical, but if the EU is actually paying Erdogan billions of Euros to send Jihadists into Europe then I would suggest there is a real problem with the unelected bureaucrats running things. In fact it seems the EU geniuses are paying someone to actually increase terrorism. As to why...

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If the biggest majority of Muslims were like the poor murdered guy, we would not be having the problems we have today.

For sure…cos they'd all be dead.

If it was going to stop all this terrorism, then surely that would be a good thing.

If the terrorists and their supporters were only a small minority, which I do not believe,

then they would not have the support of the "peaceful" ones, and therefore would not

be able to carry out their atrocities.

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Only way to stop it is to have non muslim policies as in Japan. Not allowed to immigrate there and not allowed to practice their religion otherwise deported same day.

The above is based upon a hoax email & is nonsense; unfortunately often repeated on this forum.

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I don't think Europe can do it how the USA does...

Why there are Muslim ghettos in Belgium, but not in the US


Interesting article and there are various answers.

1. Approx 3.3 Million Muslims within a population of some 350 Million is a miniscule amount.

2. Belgium has a population of around 11 Million. It is estimated that the Muslim population is around 1 Million, but for legal reasons is not known, it could be more or it could be less.

Population density would only cover one aspect.

From your link

The New York Times reported last fall that weeks before the Paris attacks, Molenbeek’s mayor, Françoise Schepmans, was given a list of more than 80 Islamist terror suspects living in her district. She took no action and was unapologetic even after three of the men on the list took part in the Paris massacre.

3. Attitude

At the core of the American experience is a conviction that immigrants who come to America can and should become Americans. Patriotic assimilation turns profoundly dissimilar foreigners into proud and happy Americans.

4. The Muslims that I know from the UK, all of them consider themselves to be Pakistani first, British second. What % of the Muslim population this applies to, I have no idea, I can only state from personal experience.

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isis reported that they have or will have 440 terrorists scattered throughout Europe. It can only get much worse.

Yes, Isis will 'report' anything to instill fear. Don't believe anything they day and don't believe everything you read.
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I do believe that Europe will increase monitoring and arrests, and will prevent more attacks.

European officials have already publicly admitted they can't stop all the attacks.

There is a truism which goes: the security services have to get lucky all the time; terrorists only need to get lucky once.

That is one reason it is purblind insanity to invite 1 million more Muslims into Europe. Even if only one-tenth of one per cent of them are Isis-influenced, that is an extra 1,000 terrorists freely invited in by European politicians whose first duty is to protect their own citizens. Meanwhile, less than 200 kms away from the Brussels atrocity, it is Geert Wilders who is on trial for saying that he believes the Netherlands would be better off with less Moroccans.

European people are now paying with their lives and limbs, thanks to the pernicious influence of Political Correctness.

There was a report, about a week ago, which said that Frau Merkel had admitted just over TWO million migrants, not ONE million! The European and EU politicians are insane!

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The continent and the world weren't scared sh*tless by any of those terror groups you mention.

Can't say I'm scared sh*tless about ISIS either,

And I live in the UK, France, Spain and Thailand.

Fear of Muslims doesn't cross my mind for a second.

You should write a letter to the editor of the major newspapers in Belgium informing the people how safe they are and how there is nothing to fear from Islamic fanatics. I am sure your words will comfort them.

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Terrorism will continue because.'Evil prevails,when good men do nothing'

Terrorism will also continue because stupidity prevails.

An Iraqi man at the centre of a terror scare on an easyJet flight from Vienna to London has been released without charge.

The man was hauled off the plane for questioning, moments before takeoff on Sunday after the woman sat next to him alerted the cabin crew to a possible threat.

She said she believed she had seen messages related to so-called Islamic State on his phone.

3 hours later the man was allowed to continue his journey because nothing suspicious was found.

Probably because.

"The only thing outstanding is a detailed analysis of his mobile phone," he added.


Either something was lost in translation or stupidity has reached levels that I did not believe were possible.

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I hold out some optimism. I think the European countries are going to take a crash course in acting against anyone, anywhere suspected of any links to terrorism. The heightened state of alert will keep the cells laying low and hopefully they will be exposed before they can act.

Complacency is no longer an option. Europe will have to remain forever vigilant.

The lone wolf attacks are much, much harder to detect and will be a constant threat, just as they are almost everywhere in the world.

Europe will have to remain forever vigilant. --

Vigilant against whom? What?

Against terrorists. Who do you think? Mickey Mouse?

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When the terrorists finish doing Vegas, the Bunny Ranch, pounding down margaritas, eating Tacos, visiting the Grand Canyon, and hooking up with angry, confused, American women, things might change. ?

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I hold out some optimism. I think the European countries are going to take a crash course in acting against anyone, anywhere suspected of any links to terrorism. The heightened state of alert will keep the cells laying low and hopefully they will be exposed before they can act.

Complacency is no longer an option. Europe will have to remain forever vigilant.

The lone wolf attacks are much, much harder to detect and will be a constant threat, just as they are almost everywhere in the world.

Watching Witness on BBC World News on Sunday, these so called Lone Wolf attacks are are not as Lone Wolf as people might think. IS are providing much of the logistics and targets.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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In light of the recent attacks and attempted attacks in Europe, do you believe that Europe will be able to significantly reduce terrorism?

Please feel free to leave a comment.

Not only it will continue but the attacks will be bigger and more devastating. Our Europeans "leaders" dont have the balls nor any clue how to handle the situation. Its game over for Europe.

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I hold out some optimism. I think the European countries are going to take a crash course in acting against anyone, anywhere suspected of any links to terrorism. The heightened state of alert will keep the cells laying low and hopefully they will be exposed before they can act.

Complacency is no longer an option. Europe will have to remain forever vigilant.

The lone wolf attacks are much, much harder to detect and will be a constant threat, just as they are almost everywhere in the world.

Watching Witness on BBC World News on Sunday, these so called Lone Wolf attacks are are not as Lone Wolf as people might think. IS are providing much of the logistics and targets.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

There are the real Lone Wolf attacks, which I suspect are relatively rare and the ones you are referring to where there is some guidance and logistical support. They are still a little harder to detect because they don't involve a lot of people or a network.

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Apart from the fact that headline and actual survey question are the opposite of each other (a try to confuse the voters?), anyone who believes that the situation in Europe will improve, or that terrorism will be stopped, is a hopeless dreamer - not to say a fool!

The world is stumbling towards an Armageddon of unimaginable dimensions. With an uncontrollable influx of millions of immigrants, the perfect mix for desaster has been stirred up. Unrest, revolution and civil war will break out in Europe and then all hell will break lose (WW3)!

Corrupt, self-indulged politicians puppeteered by the global financial mafia and other rich, influential people have driven the planet against the wall. Show me one positive, one tiny light at the end of the tunnel... there is none, just darkness!

Edited by MockingJay
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Anyone who ever knew survivors of the second world war knows that plain everyday people are the underground. That known,then it is only common sense if muslims are the terrorists at present it is fairly likely everyday muslims are the underground. So to protect ourselves we must group them. Quilty till proven innocent is tough but needed. I am sorry for the innocent ones but war is war.To stop terrorism this is needed.

You can't call all muslims terrorists. There Is a radical group of muslims that takes Islamic religion to the extreme. Isis is a terrorist group that had infiltrate Europe through refugee status. Europe should have screened all refugees and not have opened their borders and welcome them into the country. These terrorists are wondering around the muslim community and are waiting for the next command to strike chaos. You need people to infiltrate the muslim community to find these terrorist. You can not compare the second world war with the modern day terrorists.

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Anyone who ever knew survivors of the second world war knows that plain everyday people are the underground. That known,then it is only common sense if muslims are the terrorists at present it is fairly likely everyday muslims are the underground. So to protect ourselves we must group them. Quilty till proven innocent is tough but needed. I am sorry for the innocent ones but war is war.To stop terrorism this is needed.

You can't call all muslims terrorists. There Is a radical group of muslims that takes Islamic religion to the extreme. Isis is a terrorist group that had infiltrate Europe through refugee status. Europe should have screened all refugees and not have opened their borders and welcome them into the country. These terrorists are wondering around the muslim community and are waiting for the next command to strike chaos. You need people to infiltrate the muslim community to find these terrorist. You can not compare the second world war with the modern day terrorists.

Who would you suggest infiltrates the community ?

Where would such a person be found ?

How long would an informant infiltrator survive ?

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It will increase, for sure in the short term. Tourism will decrease for a longer time.

The world economy will keep on suffering, and the chance of some nut job getting their

hands on a bomb of a larger kind, will keep getting more possible.

Then there is North Korea and the Ukraine, for other situations that can affect other

parts of the world and tensions between the Super powers.

I just wonder what will happen in the next few years. Do we all keep sort of fighting against

the terrorist groups , but let them exist, just because it is too much effort to stop being corrupt,

or disorganized, complacent , lazy, or just thinking that it will all pass if we ignore it,

and claim that we are not at war with the terrorists.


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