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SURVEY: Will terrorism continue in Europe?


SURVEY: Will Terrorism continue in Europe?  

187 members have voted

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There has always been terrorism in Europe, and probably always will be.

It doesn't seem to be getting any worse.

Only the reasons excuses for the terrorism change.

Just off the top of my head,

IRA, Basque separatists, Red Brigade, Red Army faction aka Baader Meinhof, etc.

They all had their time, now it's ISIS.

They were regional. ISIS is international.

Everything has gone international, part of the globalization of the world.

Why should terrorism get stuck in the past?

They are not stuck in the past.

The are employing modern techniques to get back to the past.

They will stop at the 7th century.

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Anyone who ever knew survivors of the second world war knows that plain everyday people are the underground. That known,then it is only common sense if muslims are the terrorists at present it is fairly likely everyday muslims are the underground. So to protect ourselves we must group them. Quilty till proven innocent is tough but needed. I am sorry for the innocent ones but war is war.To stop terrorism this is needed.

You can't call all muslims terrorists. There Is a radical group of muslims that takes Islamic religion to the extreme. Isis is a terrorist group that had infiltrate Europe through refugee status. Europe should have screened all refugees and not have opened their borders and welcome them into the country. These terrorists are wondering around the muslim community and are waiting for the next command to strike chaos. You need people to infiltrate the muslim community to find these terrorist. You can not compare the second world war with the modern day terrorists.

Muslims can be removed.

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I voted 'no' but I think/fear that the situation will actually get even worse.

The Islamist terrorists are more than keen on hitting 'soft targets' in a variety of countries. Only effective intelligence can prevent or minimise such terrorism. And, the bad guys are always in the process of trying to outwit intelligence.

And, the situation in Turkey will be even worse, I fear. I am from Turkey; and I am a leftist/secularist. As you probably know, especially since early last year, Islamist terror has struck leftist/secularist groups in Turkey many times; and with the current Islamofascist Turkish regime turning a blind eye to Islamist terror, plus, the risk that will be posed by some Muslim refugees, make me fear the future. The European right wanted to dump the unwanted refugees onto Turkey; and Erdogan agreed; knowing that a significant part of that EU money will go to the pockets of AKP businessmen and the cronies. Also, he sees a high number of the Syrian refugees as part of his future voterbase.

Turkey still has mostly a secularist lifestyle; but Erdogan and the heavy majority of his AKP voterbase want to Islamise the country as much as possible. So, terrorist threats against leftist/secularist targets in Turkey are very much real and scary, for years to come. How difficult would it be to make suicide bombers out of desperate Muslim refugees, most of whom are not used to or feel at ease with the secular lifestyle present in most of Turkey ?! Sadly, not difficult at all.

So, yes, EU countries (and possibly also USA) will be at an increasing terrorism risk; and Turkey will be even more so.

Even more difficult times are coming sad.png I have no guess if/when this terrorism madness will be reduced significantly.

Edited by JemJem
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When you are dealing with religious extremism, there is no moral guiding light and to them anything goes and everything is acceptable.

I think Europe is going to be in for hard times as they mostly play by the rules and within the legal system whereas extremists do

not and take advantage of this. I have many relatives in Europe and feel sorry for them as their way of life is changing.

I watched a show decades ago about a Saudi professor that works in the US and said he was once an extremist as their culture had

taught them to hate the West since they were born. He said it took him a lot of re-programming to escape this way of thinking and also

mentioned as time goes on, it's going to get ugly, not only for many Western countries, but also for many Middle Eastern countries as

they will be reaping what they are sowing themselves. It is a complex problem that is not going to get solved over night I think.

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Thanks a lot for that. I hope the UK doesn't return to the scary days of the 70's when the IRA were plying their trade. I wonder what Enoch Powell would have to say about this - "I told you so!".

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Thanks a lot for that. I hope the UK doesn't return to the scary days of the 70's when the IRA were plying their trade. I wonder what Enoch Powell would have to say about this - "I told you so!".

I dread to think what he might be saying if he were still alive.

I fear in which the UK will go. Spineless bankers do not give me a warm fuzzy feeling.

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This is priceless from Tony Blair, the instigator of ’Cool Britannia'. Whose government was so keen to meet aggressive quotas of third world immigrants that it skipped on basic criminal record checks. Now he admits.

Tony Blair has said that "many millions" of Muslims hold a viewpoint that is "fundamentally incompatible with the modern world."


Someone hammer a stake through the ’tiny minority' myth and kindly nail the coffin lid shut. On second thoughts throw Merkel in first.

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I answered yes, because Cameron and Merkel will sort them out. Terrorism will become extinct in europe, because our leaders are so strong, and will work together.

And next week pensions will be doubled, all off us living in Thailand will get a Christmas bonus and Tony Blair will become a saint and be loved by all,that is just after there is a fly past of pink pigs:) Edited by i claudius
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I answered yes, because Cameron and Merkel will sort them out. Terrorism will become extinct in europe, because our leaders are so strong, and will work together.

And next week pensions will be doubled, all off us living in Thailand will get a Christmas bonus and Tony Blair will become a saint and be loved by all,that is just after there is a fly past of pink pigs:)
Sorry mate, my post was only jesting....when i write what i really think, its taken down...i think EXACTLY the same as you really.
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