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Corruption situation improves, says NACC


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Corruption situation improves, says NACC

Thammarat Thadaphrom

BANGKOK, 26 March 2016 (NNT) – The Ministry of Justice says the Royal Thai Government places great emphasis on the issue of corruption. In the meantime, the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) says the corruption situation in Thailand has significantly improved.

NACC chief Pol Gen Watcharapol Prasarnrajkit said thanks to the government’s serious commitment to cracking down on fraudulent conduct, the number of corruption cases has lowered. According to the 2016 Corruption Perception Index released by Transparency International, Thailand is ranked 76 out of 168 countries around the world.

Meanwhile, Minister for Justice Gen Paiboon Khumchaya said the government had been working hard to stamp out corruption from the society. He said state officials must be more aware of the problem and under any circumstances must not allow corruption to take place.

-- NNT 2016-03-26 footer_n.gif

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"NACC chief Pol Gen Watcharapol Prasarnrajkit said thanks to the government’s serious commitment to cracking down on fraudulent conduct, the number of corruption cases has lowered. According to the 2016 Corruption Perception Index released by Transparency International, Thailand is ranked 76 out of 168 countries around the world."

Take another look at that index. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/889990-how-does-thailand-rank-globally-for-corruption/?hl=%2Bcorruption+%2Bperception+%2Bindex+%2Bthailand

Thailand's score held steady at an unacceptably low 38. Thailand rose in the ranking because other countries became more corrupt, not because Thailand improved. Regarding "the number of corruption cases has lowered", I'd like to know what this means. It could mean the government is dismissing corrupt claims without investigating.

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Meanwhile, Minister for Justice Gen Paiboon Khumchaya said the government had been working hard to stamp corruption into the society. He said state officials must be more aware of the problem and under any circumstances must allow corruption to take place where soldiers are in power.

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Looking at the Rajabakhti Park fiasco. The NACC were sidelined for a military sponsored outfit called the CNAC to take over. And just in that one case it seemed that what could (read should) be labelled as corruption was actually labelled as being above board. The level of delusion about just what and who are the most corrupt is a sick joke.

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"the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) says the corruption situation in Thailand has significantly improved."

Yes it definitely has because more officials are on the take than ever before.

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Three months ago the local TAO let a contract to place sewers along the side of a road for about 600 meters. The cost was five million Baht. The total project probably cost five hundred thousand Baht. Everyone was talking about how corrupt the local officials are. Yesterday a group of soldiers showed up in a Humvee and walked the road and then went to the TAO for meetings. Hopefully they will send the entire lot to jail.

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Corruption improves!!! When they say this does it mean they are getting better at not getting caught?

No, it just means that those investigators have new Benz's. I don't think the NACC has ever brought a case to caught other than Shinawatra ones. I could show them 10 cases within 10 minutes. It shows how serious they are about corruption.

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Three months ago the local TAO let a contract to place sewers along the side of a road for about 600 meters. The cost was five million Baht. The total project probably cost five hundred thousand Baht. Everyone was talking about how corrupt the local officials are. Yesterday a group of soldiers showed up in a Humvee and walked the road and then went to the TAO for meetings. Hopefully they will send the entire lot to jail.

cheesy.gif Yeah sure.... the price just went up to 10 million..... you ever been to Thailand?

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Three months ago the local TAO let a contract to place sewers along the side of a road for about 600 meters. The cost was five million Baht. The total project probably cost five hundred thousand Baht. Everyone was talking about how corrupt the local officials are. Yesterday a group of soldiers showed up in a Humvee and walked the road and then went to the TAO for meetings. Hopefully they will send the entire lot to jail.

cheesy.gif Yeah sure.... the price just went up to 10 million..... you ever been to Thailand?

Yep, been here since 1995. But you may be right.

Edited by Pimay1
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Let's get one thing perfectly clear: when this government claims to be suppressing corruption, what they really mean is that they are deal with those corrupt politicians and officials who are standing in their way; it's nothing more than a means to try to ensure that the military retains its monopoly on corrupt practices.

A prime example of this: Prayut appointing his brother and various cronies to top positions in the government, especially the NACC & PACC, where they pay themselves huge salaries to ensure only the right people get investigated.

Like the shameless, overt corruption of the RTP, military corruption has a long tradition in Thailand, going back decades. Top-ranking military officers are routinely involved with smuggling, prostitution rackets, drug trafficking and human trafficking. They also appoint themselves to high-paid management board positions in state enterprises. Most military officers enjoy incomes well above their military salaries and retire after having amassed huge levels of 'unexplained' wealth.

Loading the NACC & the PACC with high-ranking officers of the military and the RTP—the people who wrote the book on corruption in Thailand—is most definitely not the way to reduce corruption, let alone the general public's perception of corruption - the clearing of the Rajabhakti park project of any corruption is proof of this.

The fact that Thailand has seven governmental agencies charged with combating corruption (the Election Commission; the Office of the Auditor-General of Thailand; the Public Sector Anti-Corruption Commission (PACC); the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC); the Royal Thai Police (RTP); the Department of Special Investigation; and the Office of the Attorney-General) means that any reports and investigations can get buried in inter-jurisdictional red tape. Perversely, not one of these bodies has remained clear of corruption with each being involved in several high profile cases.

But, of course, the economy is tanking, so it must be the junta's success against corruption...

“Today the economy is slowing down because previously everybody had money to spend,” junta leader-turned-Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-Ocha said June 5 in a nationally televised speech. “But now we have a problem, which we all know. It’s because some people spend money from illegal businesses and money from fraud. Now the government has come to set things right, causing that money to disappear.” Source

Hmmm... I wonder when my invitation will arrive... 1zgarz5.gif

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...still waiting for anything to be done about the near-trillion baht rice swindle, etc....

...should we just forget about those incidents now that everything is miraculously better...

Considering one of the NACC Commissioners, Sataphon Loathing, was appointed to a subcommittee monitoring the implementation of the rice-pledging scheme while he was serving as police inspector-general, one can safely assume you'll be waiting for a while...

Edit: the dude's name is actually Laothong, but that auto-correct is an apt description of my feelings towards this mob...

Edited by jamesbrock
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What a load of old tosh...

How many are now in prison as a result of their efforts?

How much money have they recovered?

How much money did they actually ... Really recover ?

And from whom?

Prove it...prove anything...

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Interesting. An entity that has no afflictions with Thailand or the junta coming out with an independent index as they have done around the world. They have offices in over 100 countries yet since there results do not serve the narrative that some argue so strenuously about they suspect this is a rigid result or they dismiss the results or they belittle the organisation that came about in 1993 because they wanted to stamp out corruption.

I for one am not too impressed with the results though as the Junta came in when the corruption index in Thailand was at a record all time high. The result could not possible go any higher without some very hard work involved. If any thing the index result should be quite a bit lower so the Junta have plenty of work ahead of them.

2013 certainly is no surprise.

FACTS. Gotta love em.


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Interesting. An entity that has no afflictions with Thailand or the junta coming out with an independent index as they have done around the world. They have offices in over 100 countries yet since there results do not serve the narrative that some argue so strenuously about they suspect this is a rigid result or they dismiss the results or they belittle the organisation that came about in 1993 because they wanted to stamp out corruption.

I for one am not too impressed with the results though as the Junta came in when the corruption index in Thailand was at a record all time high. The result could not possible go any higher without some very hard work involved. If any thing the index result should be quite a bit lower so the Junta have plenty of work ahead of them.

2013 certainly is no surprise.

FACTS. Gotta love em.

"FACTS. Gotta love em."

Then why do you abuse them?

As I stated in post #7, Thailand's score has remained unchanged and unacceptably low. Just because other countries became more corrupt doesn't mean Thailand is less corrupt.

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Interesting. An entity that has no afflictions with Thailand or the junta coming out with an independent index as they have done around the world. They have offices in over 100 countries yet since there results do not serve the narrative that some argue so strenuously about they suspect this is a rigid result or they dismiss the results or they belittle the organisation that came about in 1993 because they wanted to stamp out corruption.

I for one am not too impressed with the results though as the Junta came in when the corruption index in Thailand was at a record all time high. The result could not possible go any higher without some very hard work involved. If any thing the index result should be quite a bit lower so the Junta have plenty of work ahead of them.

2013 certainly is no surprise.

FACTS. Gotta love em.

"FACTS. Gotta love em."

Then why do you abuse them?

As I stated in post #7, Thailand's score has remained unchanged and unacceptably low. Just because other countries became more corrupt doesn't mean Thailand is less corrupt.

or they dismiss the results or they belittle the organisation that came about in 1993 because they wanted to stamp out corruption.

Yep OK. Thanks for reinforcing my statement by dismissing the results.

Gotta love facts though even after the excuse you make. Especially the 2013 fact. According to your dismissal all the other countries must have been very very uncorrupt in 2013. A conspiracy against Thailand or an implausible dismissal? I suspect the later.

Take care my friend.

Edited by djjamie
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