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Protests against Trump risk backlash in Republican primary


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Protests against Trump risk backlash in Republican primary


FOUNTAIN HILLS, Arizona (AP) — David Rau wasn't sure about Donald Trump. So the landscape contractor strolled over to the main park in this Phoenix suburb to watch one of the businessman's recent rallies and decide for himself.

Demonstrators pulled their cars across an access road last weekend to block people driving to the event. Dozens marched to the park and stood by Rau, chanting "Stop the hate!" as he tried to listen. He left a Trump convert. "I've got the right to listen to somebody speak, don't I?" Rau asked.

Trump's rise in the Republican presidential contest has sparked increasingly confrontational protests, mobilized his opponents and drawn scrutiny of the Republican front-runner's rhetoric and the sometimes rough way his campaign handles dissent. But as demonstrators escalate their tactics, they also risk helping Trump, especially among Republican voters his rivals are furiously trying to persuade to reject the billionaire businessman.

"I encourage people to speak out against Trump in a forceful but respectful manner because some of these protests are only serving to help him," said Tim Miller, a spokesman for a Republican group trying to stop Trump. "He continues to dominate the news, he can play the 'us vs. them' card when liberals disrupt his events and that serves as a rallying point for his candidacy."

Even Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, running for the Democratic presidential nomination, has been troubled by protesters' tactics, as well as by Trump's response.

"In America, people have a right to hold rallies," Sanders told MSNBC. "It is absolutely appropriate for thousands of people to protest at a Trump rally, but I am not a great fan of disrupting rallies."

Trump engages the demonstrators vigorously, mocking them, calling them bad people and sometimes feeding the anger of his supporters in the crowd.

The Phoenix demonstration followed one in Chicago, where hundreds of Trump foes flooded into a rally and Trump canceled the event, citing security concerns. That infuriated Trump backers, who blamed the demonstrators.

In Arizona, activists gathered about three miles (4.8 kilometers) from the site of the Trump rally, along one of two roads that wind through the mountains north of Phoenix into central Fountain Hills. The protesters — mainly a coalition of local immigrant rights groups who have a long history of demonstrations against Phoenix-area Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who was speaking at the rally — then maneuvered their cars across the intersection. Three were arrested, and many Trump supporters had to walk to the rally or missed it.

Carlos Garcia of Puente, a member of one of the immigrant right groups, said demonstrators handed out water bottles to Trump supporters and did not want to antagonize them.

"I hope people see beyond their two-hour inconvenience," he said, adding that activists were motivated by the support Trump has drawn from Arpaio and former Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, who have both advocated tough policies against illegal immigration. "Their rhetoric," he said of that duo, "turned into policies that destroyed thousands of families, and we see Trump trying to go national with it. People are willing to put their bodies on the line to keep their families together."

When Garcia and other demonstrators made it to the park where Trump was holding his rally they were met with jeers and cries from Trump supporters gathered on the hillside, outside the fenced-off perimeter where the event was occurring. "Learn to speak English!" one person yelled at the protesters. "Gotta get off the welfare check," called another.

The demonstrators chanted back: "Stop the hate!" Despite some heated scrums, no fights broke out and eventually the candidate finished and protesters and supporters alike trickled away.

Sharon Groves, a 69-year-old retired social worker, came to the rally with a group of Fountain Hills' few fellow liberals. The crowd spilled out from the controlled area onto a hillside where Groves stood silently wearing a shirt that read "Prays well with others" and included symbols of world religions. Some other demonstrators silently held up homemade signs that read: "Love Trumps Hate."

Afterward, Groves was horrified at the demonstrators who blocked traffic and then marched in. "It was uncalled for," Groves said. "People have the right to come and see him if they want to."

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-03-27

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You have the right to demonstrate and voice your opinion. You do not have the right to impede others in their right to free expression.

Socialists believe that free speach only applies to them. If you try to voice an opposing position the will always try to drown you out.

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The mainstream media has previously made (and is continuing to do so) the mistake of dismissing this man, behind the plastic and well manicured facade there stands a madman.

He will win the Republican nomination to run as the Presidential Candidate, there is nothing this party can do to stop this.

He does stand a chance of defeating Clinton for the Presidency as his campaign will respect no norms or limits, there will be an endless stream of lies, innuendo, rhetoric and propoganda that the gullible American population will consume and accept as fact.

Hitler and Mussolini rose to power on the back of poverty, perceived social injustice and blind rascism. The "Land of the Free" has all of these conditions in abundance, we should all be afraid right now, very, very afraid...

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He will win the Republican nomination to run as the Presidential Candidate, there is nothing this party can do to stop this.

He does stand a chance of defeating Clinton for the Presidency as his campaign will respect no norms or limits, there will be an endless stream of lies, innuendo, rhetoric and propoganda that the gullible American population will consume and accept as fact.

Even an airing of some truths could sink the Clinton campaign. She was a horrible choice of candidates for the Democrats. Hubris on display.

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You have the right to demonstrate and voice your opinion. You do not have the right to impede others in their right to free expression.

Socialists believe that free speach only applies to them. If you try to voice an opposing position the will always try to drown you out.

Correct, and they re the same the world over

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You have the right to demonstrate and voice your opinion. You do not have the right to impede others in their right to free expression.

Socialists believe that free speach only applies to them. If you try to voice an opposing position the will always try to drown you out.

Really? I thought that what was happening was that socialists actually had something to say....spreading hate - a speciality of the right..... is regardless of freedom of speech, illegal in most countries........

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The "Stop The Hate" haters hate Trump enough to violate his right to speak, and other's right to listen. I agree with the article. The irony is not lost on the swing-voters. This will bite both the DNC and RNC in the behind.

Edited by connda
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The mainstream media has previously made (and is continuing to do so) the mistake of dismissing this man, behind the plastic and well manicured facade there stands a madman.

He will win the Republican nomination to run as the Presidential Candidate, there is nothing this party can do to stop this.

In fact, the Repub leadership could very easily prevent Trump's nomination, if they dare to do it. If Trump falls short the 1237 delegates he needs to win on the first round he's in big trouble. The actual individual delegates will be chosen between now and the July convention and they will be chosen by the Repub leadership in each state, all of whom hate Donald Trump. In a few states the delegates are not obligated to vote according to the primary results in their state, but in most states they are, but only on the first ballot. So, on the first ballot most of the delegates casting ballots for him will not be his supporters. Therefore, on the second ballot he could easily lose half his votes. Not good for the Donald.

Even if Trump has an official count of enough pledged delegates to win on the first ballot, the leadership could prevent his nomination in several ways. A handful of official Trump delegates could decide to defy their state's primary results and vote for another candidate. In some, but not all, cases they would be violating state law, but no such "faithless delegate" has ever been prosecuted. Or the Rules Committee of the Convention, none of whom will be Trump supporters, could simply change the rules freeing the delegates to "vote their conscience" or some such gibberish, followed by a mass defection.

These are possible scenarios, but it is doubtful that the GOP would have the cojones actually to steal the nomination. I think it more likely that Trump will be the nominee, but then his problems will only begin. The Dems will blast at him with the gale-force power of their $1 billion war chest, but Trump won't have any money to run a campaign. The Republican National Committee, all enemies of Trump, will have complete control of the purse strings. They will spend it on trying to save the Republican Senate, not the combover's lost cause. Similarly with the Koch brothers and all the other billionaire donors, none of whom will have the time of day for Trump. Trump himself is not nearly rich enough to fund his own campaign even if he had the cash, which he doesn't.

I doubt Trump will actually care much, since he doesn't show any concern for winning the election, else why would he insult essential voting blocs like women and Latinos?

The Dems have the chance of gaining the Senate and thereby the Supreme Court giving them all three branches except for the House.

So, get used to "Madame President."

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Thanks for that very clear explanation captain haddock. You sound like you have a very good understanding of the situation.

But I still think he might have a chance, for the simple reason that this country not only elected George W, but also RE-ELECTED George W.

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@Post #3

"You have the right to demonstrate and voice your opinion. You do not have the right to impede others in their right to free expression.

Socialists Fascists believe that free speach only applies to them. If you try to voice an opposing position the will always try to drown you out."

Is that right?

I'm not going to bother to list the countless videos of the Trump minions assaulting and spitting on fellow americans who are expressing their right of free speech.

While shouting; "Motherf**kers", "Kick his ass", "shoot him", "bitch" and "sieg heil". While drowning them out. Consistantly.

With their "leader" shamefully egging them on.

You can easily find them yourself.

Or, remain in your bubble...

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Thanks for that very clear explanation captain haddock. You sound like you have a very good understanding of the situation.

But I still think he might have a chance, for the simple reason that this country not only elected George W, but also RE-ELECTED George W.

Well, be proud of that fact.

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@Post #3

"You have the right to demonstrate and voice your opinion. You do not have the right to impede others in their right to free expression.

Socialists Fascists believe that free speach only applies to them. If you try to voice an opposing position the will always try to drown you out."

Is that right?

I'm not going to bother to list the countless videos of the Trump minions assaulting and spitting on fellow americans who are expressing their right of free speech.

While shouting; "Motherf**kers", "Kick his ass", "shoot him", "bitch" and "sieg heil". While drowning them out. Consistantly.

With their "leader" shamefully egging them on.

You can easily find them yourself.

Or, remain in your bubble...

I'm violating your #1 rule yet again.

You claim..." While drowning them out. Consistantly.".

If the protesters weren't trying to violate the Trump supporters of their First Amendment right to peaceably assemble, they might not have a problem to begin with.

You think?

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Thanks for that very clear explanation captain haddock. You sound like you have a very good understanding of the situation.

But I still think he might have a chance, for the simple reason that this country not only elected George W, but also RE-ELECTED George W.

Followed closely by electing a Community Organizer not once but twice.

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Thanks for that very clear explanation captain haddock. You sound like you have a very good understanding of the situation.

But I still think he might have a chance, for the simple reason that this country not only elected George W, but also RE-ELECTED George W.

Followed closely by electing a Community Organizer not once but twice.

Gotta be better then electing a privileged prepper whose "career" has been built on bullying and litigation.

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You have the right to demonstrate and voice your opinion. You do not have the right to impede others in their right to free expression.

Socialists believe that free speach only applies to them. If you try to voice an opposing position the will always try to drown you out.

And you're a Doctor ?

Where did you graduate ? Stone Age University ? Some place where they teach what to think rather than how to think ?

Can anyone with a gram of brain under his skull claim that only socialists try to drown out the voice of people who disagree with them ?

According to your logic, Pinochet, Mussolini, Franco, Marcos, Amin Dada, Bebe Doc and the like were socialists then ? And so was Hitler, of course, the most famous socialist in history, as the head of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeitepartei better known as the Nazi Party ...

Edited by Yann55
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Thanks for that very clear explanation captain haddock. You sound like you have a very good understanding of the situation.

But I still think he might have a chance, for the simple reason that this country not only elected George W, but also RE-ELECTED George

We can't say that his chances are zero. However, 75% of women don't like him including 47% of Repub women, who may well either sit it out or vote for Hillary. The Repub post-mortem after the Romney debacle concluded that they need to get at least 43% of Latino voters. Romney got 19%. Trump is polling at about 12%. And this is before the onslaught of Dem advertising running all those videos of Trump insulting these critical voting blocks.

In addition, there is no evidence in polls that Democratic, white, working-class men have any intention of crossing over to vote for him, although this possibility has been bandied about by the chattering classes.

But the big factor is: Trump won't have any money. The Repub National Committee is going to write off the presidency this time around and try to hang onto the Senate. That's where the real contest will be. They will outspend the Dems there, but not for the presidential campaign.

If it should happen that Hillary wins, but the Dems do not get a majority in the Senate, then it seems likely that the Repubs will refuse to hold hearings on a Supreme Court nominee for the next four years in the hopes that Ginsburg will be the next one to die, leaving a 4-seat controlling majority of conservatives against 3 liberals. That would be the only way to restore their pro-business SCOTUS control which is what the donor class really cares about. Watch for this.

Edited by CaptHaddock
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It doesn't boost his polling in a General Election. There Trump is stone motherless last. As Trump said himself he could shoot someone dead in Time Square and his supporters would still support him.

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Technically Hitler would have a right to speak and be heard too, doesn't make it right and wouldn't convince me to swing my vote his way either.

The protesters also have a right to be heard. Thank God they are taking the initiative and assuming the risk to be heard.

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Thanks for that very clear explanation captain haddock. You sound like you have a very good understanding of the situation.

But I still think he might have a chance, for the simple reason that this country not only elected George W, but also RE-ELECTED George W.

Well, be proud of that fact.

Bush was re elected because of the threat he fabricated and because of unnecessary wars he started,

but he did not win the first election.

It was given to him by his Daddy's buddies in the Supreme Court.

The voters did not elect him.

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I think Oliver Stone will be the one to make the movie. I fancy the title could be "Trump, the wind of change". I suppose the sad thing is after this election circus how can the US top it next time? .

There's always Sarah Palin.

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+20,000 Republican convention wannabes have signed a petition for allowing loaded guns into the convention in Ohio in July.

It's all good you guys, gonna be a shootup where everyone can pull their guns and start shooting in an arena, that's how bright these Trump followers are.

May they all blast each other, total dumbasses, Darwin Awards all the way around.

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I think Oliver Stone will be the one to make the movie. I fancy the title could be "Trump, the wind of change". I suppose the sad thing is after this election circus how can the US top it next time? .

" I suppose the sad thing is after this election circus how can the US top it next time? ."

You dont really think all the idiots that support him will somehow become intelligent? . They found a way to top Sarah Palin and they will find a way to top Trump.

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