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Nigerian gang arrested for robbing from guests in Pattaya hotels


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I am a Black American and am neither a thief, drug dealer, a pimp, nor on overstay. I served my country in the military from 1970 to 1993 as an enlisted person and a Commissioned Officer. I have a Bachelors degree, 2 Masters, and a Jurist Doctor degree. I have three children, son is an M.D. and both daughters are attorneys. Your intelligence is showing by lumping all black people in the same pile. Same as if I would say all child molesters are Caucasians and the police should get rid of this scum. But I know better, and judge people by their character and not the color of their skin. I have followed TV for almost 6 years and rarely comment, only if I have helpful information to share. But it gets tiring reading all these racist posts and everyone accepting this stupidity without commenting.

You're in the 10% mate. Jai yen yen

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good thing overstay rules changed.

now they can get them out of circulation for a year at least.

and more to come.

Its more than than that supposedly!..

Arrested for anything without a visa=5 years if in country less than 1 year on overstay.....more than 1 year=10 year ban.....

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Come on and stop the stupid racial comments , this is not about race,.its about one country Nigeria, and you can probably add a couple of other African countries to that list .

They are borned scammers and should never been allowed in here in the first place.

BTW good job by the Pattaya police.


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I didnt like dosonny's colour comment at all and would hope Laceman doesn't take it personally. Jai yen and forgive.

Some of the worst offending scum in LOS in a different way are fellow Aussies. Not drugs and scamming. And the Russians have a bad name too.

I could be so wrong wondering why so many Nigerians etc want to live in LOS, ?? it seems somehow incongruous. Perhaps just their scum go there for the reasons dosonny said?

I constantly live with the different backgrounds of Thai and Oz, but Nigerian? mmmm. Again why would they go there? Dosonny might be right.

One doesn't have to stay in a Thai hotel to be robbed/scammed by them, just staying at home in whatever country, they are always on the search and making the headlines here. We personally get it all the time at home here from their home in Nigeria.

I mix with some of the nicest people here who happen to be black Aboriginals and choose so because of their character as Laceman suggests above.

Forgive them Laceman for the 90% sweeping judgements, they know not what they do. ?

Edited by Rimmer
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I am a Black American and am neither a thief, drug dealer, a pimp, nor on overstay. I served my country in the military from 1970 to 1993 as an enlisted person and a Commissioned Officer. I have a Bachelors degree, 2 Masters, and a Jurist Doctor degree. I have three children, son is an M.D. and both daughters are attorneys. Your intelligence is showing by lumping all black people in the same pile. Same as if I would say all child molesters are Caucasians and the police should get rid of this scum. But I know better, and judge people by their character and not the color of their skin. I have followed TV for almost 6 years and rarely comment, only if I have helpful information to share. But it gets tiring reading all these racist posts and everyone accepting this stupidity without commenting.

This is about nefarious Nigerians and not about black people in general, especially African Americans. It's the Thai police who will place you in the same group when they decide to shake down black people in Sukhumvit or elsewhere. Just keep your passport / copy on you at all times in areas where tourists congregate .

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I heard when I was visiting Saigon that when the authorities had enough of the drug dealing, pimping and robberies, they rounded them all the Nigerians they could get their hands on and threw them out of the country.

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There are good and bad people all over the world, the major problem here is that Nigerians are so desperate for money and attention.

I am Nigerian and I have a UK bachelors degree. I 'm an English teacher here in Thailand, 100% dedicated to my work and contented with my earnings. I have never overstayed my visa in any country I have ever visited. It breaks my heart anytime I come across news like this about Nigerians and black people in general. I hope this people gets the right punishment for their crimes.

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Africa " a continent to be avoided" - If dudes like these walked past my house alarm bells would be ringing in my head before they even spoke to me, let alone knowing where they might come from. So, why are Thai Immigration officers not trained to spot possible nefarious characters on arrival.

There are plenty of fly on the wall programmes on the Television these days about Aussie, Canadian, UK, US border controls, and it is the same nationalities being stopped everytime for the same thing , Africans - drugs , Filipinos, Chinese, Vietnamese - uncooked food and vegetables, Arabs / indians - pots of unexplained money, working illegaly....Dreadlocked backpackers - drugs......

And I am totally un PC and racist for pointing out the bleeding obvious........

Glad to see so many realists on TV making comments on this and poking fun at the situation...mind you some races can't take a joke.

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I am a Black American and am neither a thief, drug dealer, a pimp, nor on overstay. I served my country in the military from 1970 to 1993 as an enlisted person and a Commissioned Officer. I have a Bachelors degree, 2 Masters, and a Jurist Doctor degree. I have three children, son is an M.D. and both daughters are attorneys. Your intelligence is showing by lumping all black people in the same pile. Same as if I would say all child molesters are Caucasians and the police should get rid of this scum. But I know better, and judge people by their character and not the color of their skin. I have followed TV for almost 6 years and rarely comment, only if I have helpful information to share. But it gets tiring reading all these racist posts and everyone accepting this stupidity without commenting.

Be assured there are good people that feel as you do but feeding the trolls and blatant keyboard warriors is a waste of energy and pixels. I'm happy many people show their true character from behind an alias.
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I am a Black American and am neither a thief, drug dealer, a pimp, nor on overstay. I served my country in the military from 1970 to 1993 as an enlisted person and a Commissioned Officer. I have a Bachelors degree, 2 Masters, and a Jurist Doctor degree. I have three children, son is an M.D. and both daughters are attorneys. Your intelligence is showing by lumping all black people in the same pile. Same as if I would say all child molesters are Caucasians and the police should get rid of this scum. But I know better, and judge people by their character and not the color of their skin. I have followed TV for almost 6 years and rarely comment, only if I have helpful information to share. But it gets tiring reading all these racist posts and everyone accepting this stupidity without commenting.

Laceman1............You are an example to us all......and a family we should envy

Well. Done

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If the Nigerians' powers could be utilized to combatting overzealous ladyboys then we would have a win-win situation.

Perish the thought........what if they joined forces with them ?????

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