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The Benefits Of Marrying Erco?, Why Marry Erco?


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Well, erco

You certainly know how to make friends. You probably made your millions writing that book "How to make friends and influence people."

You seem to have stepped on your di*k in here. You might want to take all your money and find a different country to vacation in (or maybe even a different continent). Just a suggestion.

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Hello People

First, I do not know Goosethai or Montana

I see my last post 'The benefits of Marrying a Prostitiute" has had some effect. I have not read the replies as this one with my name on it caught my eye, so I will visit the formentioned next.

I assume all that have replied to this one are eigther Prostitutes or husbands of?

Chonobot and Davethailand whom I dub Mr Angry and Mr Angrier seem to have gone off their heads.

The benefits of marrying me are;

I am loaded (So only the best need apply) but please dont because I have been with the same gorgeous girl for 2 years (Yes not a hooker, no kids, no husband and never worked in a bar).

I am English (A pure breed).

Chonabot, remember E Mail me and I wil meet you next month, no problem.

You say you are English, a pure breed? Sh*t! You're just as big a mongrel as us Americans. The English are nothing but a mix of French, Russian and German. Where do you think the British royal family comes from. You're nothing special mate.

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Hello People

First, I do not know Goosethai or Montana

I see my last post 'The benefits of Marrying a Prostitiute" has had some effect. I have not read the replies as this one with my name on it caught my eye, so I will visit the formentioned next.

I assume all that have replied to this one are eigther Prostitutes or husbands of?

Chonobot and Davethailand whom I dub Mr Angry and Mr Angrier seem to have gone off their heads.

The benefits of marrying me are;

I am loaded (So only the best need apply) but please dont because I have been with the same gorgeous girl for 2 years (Yes not a hooker, no kids, no husband and never worked in a bar).

I am English (A pure breed).

Chonabot, remember E Mail me and I wil meet you next month, no problem.

Let me know where you stay in HH and I can send a welcoming party around sooner... :o



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Goosetie and Erco have to be the same person; there are too many similarities.

Anyway, I don't agree with his views, but I don't think his views warrant a banning from here. Everyone should be entitled to his/her opinion as long as no prophanity or racial slurs are used just as the forum agreement states.

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You are further confirmation (you say you're loaded, wow) that money does not bring happiness.

Putting Americans down now. Who's next?

I've been in combat. Your Iraq statement demonstrates true cold hearted ignorance.

I have been rich and I have been poor and now rich again. My most happy carefree days were when I was a young guy and had very little materially.

In the end you can't take it with you.

The really unfortunate thing here is you really think you're OK.

A little scary from where i sit and sad too.

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when someone says he's "a pure breed" adding english to it, I don't want to hear more. :o

This persoon might suffer of a lack of selfconfidence, so big that he tries to find compensation om this racialprejudice of being "pure".

And then to make matters worse he is loaded. I have a profile.

My diagnose: JUST ANOTHER PRETENDER pretending ....

Dr Pat Poe or George Stop this thread because it wont get us anywhere!

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That's being generous, but I admire her community spirit. ANY guy who is down on his luck, and all for free!

Ruff...ruff! :D


What category were the skid marks?

A pure bred pom, inbred possibly, give us a break yucco.

Stay in your bed sit and dream on, LOS would be to much for you. :o

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Hello People

I am loaded (So only the best need apply) but please dont because I have been with the same gorgeous girl for 2 years (Yes not a hooker, no kids, no husband and never worked in a bar).

I am English (A pure breed).

Chonabot, remember E Mail me and I wil meet you next month, no problem.

You say you are English, a pure breed? Sh*t! You're just as big a mongrel as us Americans. The English are nothing but a mix of French, Russian and German. Where do you think the British royal family comes from.

The English are a mixture of Scots, Picts, Celts and other minor tribes from pre-Roman times, to which was added a Roman input around year zero to six hundred (consists of everything in the Roman Empire from Syria to Morrocco to Jutland).

Then came the Norse hordes, Vikings, Danes, Anglo-Saxons.

The Norman invasion added another Norse/French gene to the pool.

The next five hundred years found 'English' armies occupying most of France, breeding another branch to the tree.

Then came the wars against Spain, the occupation of Ireland (Elizabeth, then Cromwell), the Dutch connection - more wars against France, the slave trade, the growth of Empire and introduction of black and brown servants (results of the slave trade and Indian occupation).

The English (of which I am proud to count myself a member) are the most mongrelised of all nationalities. Cannot call us a race, because we contain bits of all races within our blood.

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I assume all that have replied to this one are eigther Prostitutes or husbands of?

This statement alone made me see what he's here for much clearer. He just wants to beat Bud Z on the Troll Poll. :D

The benefits of marrying me are;

I am loaded (So only the best need apply) but please dont because I have been with the same gorgeous girl for 2 years (Yes not a hooker, no kids, no husband and never worked in a bar).

I can't believe someone could put up with this piece of sh1t that long. She is not a hooker, maybe. But was she? No kids, no husband, .. Hmm.. She must have something .. like .. a sick buffalo? :o

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Hello Again

I have been on BKK Nights.com a really mature Forum, I see the hostility has not stopped. Probably because you sad people that married Prostitutes and are so ashamed but are in denial just answer my post.

When reading this thread it is so easy to catorgorise the misguided soles that have done the deed and married a Prostitutte.

Question, why slag off the person indicated on this forum "erco" (me) why not just answer the posting's you really sound childish and immature?

Tell you what, why dont you all start a new heading say "We married Prostitutes and are proud of it" and you can justify it among yourselves.

Question Why marry a Thai prostitute when you can maary one from your own country?

Nice to be back.

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Question Why marry a Thai prostitute when you can maary one from your own country?

Answer: Because your whore of a mother was spoken for...

I would like to start a new thread = I beat the bejaasus out of Erco and I'm proud of it ....

Does that tickle your fancy big boy? :o[

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Hello Again

I have been on BKK Nights.com as they stopped my posties, probably because you sad people that married Prostitutes and are so ashamed but are in denial complained.

When reading this thread it is so easy to catorgorise the misguided soles that have done the deed and married a Prostitutte.

Question, why slag off the person indicated on this forum "erco" why not just answer his posting's you really sound childish and immature.

Tell you what, why dont you all start a new heading say "We married Prostitutes and are proud of it" and you can justify it among yourselves.

Nice to be back.

I'm not english educated, Erco. But for a pure breed English, I think you could/should do better in your english writing.

But maybe, it's a chang thing,.... :o

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Tell you what, why dont you all start a new heading say "We married Prostitutes and are proud of it" and you can justify it among yourselves.

you might win yourself a free t-shirt if you enter that in the slogan competition the forum is running at the moment.

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I have been on BKK Nights.com a really mature Forum, I see the hostility has not stopped. Probably because you sad people that married Prostitutes and are so ashamed but are in denial just answer my post.

When reading this thread it is so easy to catorgorise the misguided soles that have done the deed and married a Prostitutte.

I can not guess your nationality, yet.

Do not worry, non pure breed English, he is not one of you, pure or not,... :o

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Hello Again

I have been on BKK Nights.com a really mature Forum, I see the hostility has not stopped. Probably because you sad people that married Prostitutes and are so ashamed but are in denial just answer my post.

When reading this thread it is so easy to catorgorise the misguided soles that have done the deed and married a Prostitutte.

Question, why slag off the person indicated on this forum "erco" (me) why not just answer the posting's you really sound childish and immature?

Tell you what, why dont you all start a new heading say "We married Prostitutes and are proud of it" and you can justify it among yourselves.

Question Why marry a Thai prostitute when you can maary one from your own country?

Nice to be back.

thats funny considering you are the immature <deleted> who decided to come on this forum and slag off people that had married bar girls saying that they were all prositutes.

i would like you to explain your feelings a bit more, my wife worked in a restaurant/ bar, then a live music pub. Is she a prostitute?.

I know bar girls who run bars and go home to their husbands, thai or farang. are they prostitutes?

I've read some of your other posts regarding Hua Hin, For a while they actually seemed like normal polite posts, then all of a sudden you decided to attack everyman who is with a bar girl (or prostitute in your opinion).

I too have my own opinions but it does'nt mean i have to come on here, voice my opinions and wind people up.

I'm curious Erco, where in the uk are you from from and how old are you.

(by the way your spelling is'nt up to much is it)

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Hello Again

I have been on BKK Nights.com a really mature Forum,

Tell you what, why dont you all start a new heading say "We married Prostitutes and are proud of it" and you can justify it among yourselves.

Nice to be back.

Just had a quick look at BKK-nights.com. It's a hard core porn site. How long were you on there Erco ? You're jibes seem a bit hollow in the light of your hobby.

You might like to start a new topic about Hardcore Porn. Right up you're alley, if you'll pardon the pun. :o

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He He

OK I have stopped laughing now so I will reply.

Chonabot, still in denial, still will not answer the question, why bother writing anything sunshine.

Daviewavie you really take things seriously, lighten up, I assumed this is what this forum is for, discussion.

Tell you what, why dont you all start a new heading say "We married Prostitutes and are proud of it" and you can justify it among yourselves.

Needs to be done then you all can pretend you have done the right thing and YES you are proud of you Prostitute and you tell all your friends and family.

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