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The Benefits Of Marrying Erco?, Why Marry Erco?


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He He

OK I have stopped laughing now so I will reply.

Chonabot, still in denial, still will not answer the question, why bother writing anything sunshine.

Daviewavie you really take things seriously, lighten up, I assumed this is what this forum is for, discussion.

Tell you what, why dont you all start a new heading say "We married Prostitutes and are proud of it" and you can justify it among yourselves.

Needs to be done then you all can pretend you have done the right thing and YES you are proud of you Prostitute and you tell all your friends and family.


You aint answered diddly squat, you as Chonabot are in denial.

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Tell you what, why dont you all start a new heading say "We married Prostitutes and are proud of it" and you can justify it among yourselves.

Needs to be done then you all can pretend you have done the right thing and YES you are proud of you Prostitute and you tell all your friends and family.

You read too much other websites, Erco.

And I think it has been replied in other threads.

You marry a BG or you marry anybody else and you can make it work, it deserves respect.

That your wife was a prostitute does not really matter, if it is working, it's working and I will be the first one to applaud.

If the girl is a non BG, it works better? I think we do not read the same statistics but I am open to FACTS,...

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Hello Again

I have been on BKK Nights.com a really mature Forum, I see the hostility has not stopped. Probably because you sad people that married Prostitutes and are so ashamed but are in denial just answer my post.

When reading this thread it is so easy to catorgorise the misguided soles that have done the deed and married a Prostitutte.

Question, why slag off the person indicated on this forum "erco" (me) why not just answer the posting's you really sound childish and immature?

Tell you what, why dont you all start a new heading say "We married Prostitutes and are proud of it" and you can justify it among yourselves.

Question Why marry a Thai prostitute when you can maary one from your own country?

Nice to be back.

thats funny considering you are the immature <deleted> who decided to come on this forum and slag off people that had married bar girls saying that they were all prositutes.

i would like you to explain your feelings a bit more, my wife worked in a restaurant/ bar, then a live music pub. Is she a prostitute?.

I know bar girls who run bars and go home to their husbands, thai or farang. are they prostitutes?

I've read some of your other posts regarding Hua Hin, For a while they actually seemed like normal polite posts, then all of a sudden you decided to attack everyman who is with a bar girl (or prostitute in your opinion).

I too have my own opinions but it does'nt mean i have to come on here, voice my opinions and wind people up.

I'm curious Erco, where in the uk are you from from and how old are you.

(by the way your spelling is'nt up to much is it)

read this post again

i asked you a question

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Hello Again

I have been on BKK Nights.com a really mature Forum,

Tell you what, why dont you all start a new heading say "We married Prostitutes and are proud of it" and you can justify it among yourselves.

Nice to be back.

Just had a quick look at BKK-nights.com. It's a hard core porn site. How long were you on there Erco ? You're jibes seem a bit hollow in the light of your hobby.

You might like to start a new topic about Hardcore Porn. Right up you're alley, if you'll pardon the pun. :D

Yeah, this erco-jerk has taken it up the ass so long from his Billy-Boy "wife" it's affected what little grey matter he may have.

erco...you are one sad piece of sh1t. How does it feel to the sorriest a**hole on this Forum? :o

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Have you read your E Mails, spelling and gramma and you have a pop at me.

OK no problem, I come from Bournemouth.

Now answer my questions. 

Oh Bluecat, nice to have a decent replie by the way.

answer my question, do you consider my wife to be a prostitute? i stated in a previous post what she did before.


that explains it then :o

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So much hostility, answers a question aout you all, in denial me thinks.

erco...you are one sad piece of sh1t. How does it feel to the sorriest a**hole on this Forum? Boon mee I didnt marry aProstitute so this statement is crap.

answer my question, do you consider my wife to be a prostitute? i stated in a previous post what she did before. Davy wavie please read my E Mail correctly, obviously so wound up you pick out the bits you only want to read.

Kurgen a new arrival, obviously a saddo that married a Prostitute because of the hostility.

The language is really upsetting me, still Evening Song tomorrow.

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erco...don't want to upset you but you are in such a state of denial regarding your old lady that you're projecting onto the rest of us.

Accept as fact that slag-bitch your married to used to service the boys down in Klong Tooey untill the jiz was coming outa every orifice in that kunt's body! :o

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Boon mee

Why do you bother answering, sorry, writing gibberish.

My wife would not even look at a saddo like you let alone talk to you, different world sunshine. You still troll the bars for slags or does your Prostitute wear the trousers, cause you dont.

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Guest IT Manager
this pure-breed wank-spaniel

THAT was a good description Mr Mee Boon! :o

Wank-Spaniel is now the official title of trolls and drongos... now <deleted> is my button.

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We were trMy wife would not even look at a saddo like you let alone talk to you, different world sunshine. You still troll the bars for slags or does your Prostitute wear the trousers, cause you dont.

We were trying to be nice.

Waste of time,...

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this thread is degenerating into a sorry mess. hurling obscene insults at the wives of posters like snotty kids in the playground. nothing will be resolved here. call it a day. ercos onslaught on bargirls and their husbands was rude and uncalled for and some of the replies have been equally if not more ignorant.

this forum is read by lots of thais as well. the behaviour of many falangs in public leaves the thais slackjawed with amazement at times, they must be really laughing out loud as they read this. please have some self respect.

grow up gentlemen. even your wives would laugh at you if they knew what was being said.

if you must call each other names, then exchange phone numbers or pm each other.

i am sure that i speak for many on this forum when i say, time gentlemen please.

moderators....where are you.? :o

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this pure-breed wank-spaniel

THAT was a good description Mr Mee Boon! :D

Wank-Spaniel is now the official title of trolls and drongos... now <deleted> is my button.

I'll give him a break, IT. Just couldn't help myself! Like they say: "Sometimes you just gotta say <deleted>"! :D

Some of those Scouse expressions are very apt... :o

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Something tells me you are all barking up the wrong tree, making statements about erco's missus being a slag, whore, alley-crawling old bag.

I would fair guess that he's actually single. Desperately, sadly single.

... and tossing his kippers so hard he's got callouses on his hands - because we're all too eager to comment on his trolls and give him the attention he so desperately needs

erco post a picture of your so-called gorgeous woman then.... give us something to laugh at.

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Something tells me you are all barking up the wrong tree, making statements about erco's missus being a slag, whore, alley-crawling old bag.

I would fair guess that he's actually single. Desperately, sadly single.

... and tossing his kippers so hard he's got callouses on his hands - because we're all too eager to comment on his trolls and give him the attention he so desperately needs

erco post a picture of your so-called gorgeous woman then.... give us something to laugh at.

Nice one SVB , I doubt he has the access to a digital camera , or that his jizz covered mitts could operate one. :o

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Jerco's just a wind-up merchant.

He can say things from the anonymity of the forum that would, and I'm sure have previously, get him a punch in mouth if said in the bar.

Whether its just because he's found a topic that pushes some peoples button, or as I suspect he has some previous experience with prostitution that has coloured his outlook, it doesn't matter, he gets a buzz from winding people up.

He probably is some sad single guy 'spanking the monkey' to BKK nights .com. But each to his own. Pity the poor wretch, I'm sure he'd hate that.:D

In the meantime it adds a little spice to the debate, just treat him for what he is, a wind-up merchant.

Struth! two serious posts in one day. I need to get out more :o

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this forum is read by lots of thais as well. the behaviour of many falangs in public leaves the thais slackjawed with amazement at times, they must be really laughing out loud as they read this. please have some self respect.[

Ok, ok, I admit it! Some posts made me laugh a little. I can't help myself! :D

Just joking, guys, I mean no disrespect, really. :D

Anyway, on a serious note, I don't really care who marries prostitutes for whatever benefits. If things work out between them, if they are happy and are not hurting anybody, then what's the problem?

BTW, the sort of childish line 'if you don't agree with me then you must be a prostitute yourself or married to one' is pretty old. People can have all sort of different opinions, you know. Just because you can't understand them doesn't mean they are any less valid than yours. [Now, before you start with the same 'if you don't agree with me then...', I'm a Thai woman here and have never worked in the bar scene so can't really fit in with your assumption.]

Now, for this topic, 'why marry Erco?': Hmmmm... I haven't got a clue! I don't know the chap and what I have seen is not very positive..... ah, well... each to his own... I'm sure someone out there can find a place in his/her heart for him.. not around here though :o heheheh

I hope I didn't add too much 'hostility' to this. I meant for this post to be nice, really, honest! :D

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I know this is most likely out of place, but I've got to say it.

To Erco, and everyone who has been slamming him... I'm very disappointed in you. Just a short time ago, when I found this forum, I thought it was the best thing since sliced bread (I'm not really a big bread fan, but thats the saying). This place seemed to be a very open and accepting forum where people could chat, share knowledge, and help each other out. And for a while, it seemed like this forum was exactly that. It doesnt seem like that anymore.

Do I agree with Erco, no, not really. But does it warrant a no stop flame war that extends to other posts (meemiathai) ? No, I dont think so.

It strikes me as sad and strangely ironic that this type of thing would show up on a Thai Forum. For those of you who live in Thailand, have you learned nothing by living there? Jai yen, Jai dii.... Not Jai noi, or Jai dam...

Too the Admins out there... regardless of the person involved, are posts that are a defacto attack on another person really appropriate here?

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Erco I gotta say boy. You are a real good example of a complete English bumpkin. No idea about real life and far too quick to blast other people's choice of partners let alone lifestyle's. You are a sad wind up merchant "boy" nothing more.

As for being English ? you may have the blood but certainly not the heart !

I suggest all you other members don't waste your time with this "child"

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Boon mee

Why do you bother answering, sorry, writing gibberish.

My wife would not even look at a saddo like you let alone talk to you, different world sunshine.  You still troll the bars for slags or does your Prostitute wear the trousers, cause you dont.

thats not what she said when i climbed off of your wife the other night.

erco, i've been trying to listen to your comments but i am now bored.

you've obviously got it all sorted here. good luck on your visa renewal, but if you were that special you would have work permits and years visa's like myself.

it's a shame you are so narrow minded, not a bad way to continue living here is it.

think about that for a minute, if you can.

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