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The suspense is killing me


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The Bridge Club saga continues and they, those brave victims of a raid, incarceration and free bottles of water, were supposed to have their day in Court yesterday, 29th March, to find out if they were going to be prosecuted for "Running a gaming establishment without a licence", Did the intrepid reporter from Thai Visa or Sunday Sport turn up for this 'edge of the seat' thrilling encounter, with Law taking second place to farce? Does anyone that has been following the exciting case that rocked the World some eight weeks ago know the outcome? Well, I don't and I certainly would like to know, so if anybody has an inkling, let us all know, let the World know, I fancy another viral happening like the last one.


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According to one of the hardened criminal bridge players I talked to a week ago it was to be decided on the 29th (two day ago) if the case would be brought to court or not. Don't know the outcome though.

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When in Pattaya several years ago we formed a bowling league with a little money each week going toward the end of season party and some being awarded to bowlers for different scores and a drawing.Upon one of our Thai member having a falling out with one of the members,we were raided by the police for ruining a gambling establishment.As the bib could not find any records at the time (slipped out the back door) then they had nothing.After that we ,and others were very careful about including any local members.I wonder if thes Bridge players might had any locals playing there also.

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When in Pattaya several years ago we formed a bowling league with a little money each week going toward the end of season party and some being awarded to bowlers for different scores and a drawing.Upon one of our Thai member having a falling out with one of the members,we were raided by the police for ruining a gambling establishment.As the bib could not find any records at the time (slipped out the back door) then they had nothing.After that we ,and others were very careful about including any local members.I wonder if thes Bridge players might had any locals playing there also.

From memory earlier posts indicated that the Bridge club took residence in an upstairs room over a bar/restaurant for their regular bridge club get togethers. The owner of said establishment had a falling out with a local Thai who therefore took it upon himself to report said owner to BIB for harbouring world class embezzlers, currency cheats, fraudsters and card cheats to boot !! Seems strange that never any mention of anything happening to said owner, only the farangs caught up in the mess, whilst they were busily planning their next world class heist!! One thing for sure I know is that the natural inclination of Thais is that when someone gives a Thai the hump and they cannot immediately put physical harm on you they will concoct some BS story for BIB to ensure that your life is disrupted and in some cases quite seriously disrupted...

Edited by eastendanto
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No! the authorities decided it was a bridge too far.

When asked what they pleaded,they all went not guilty due to 3 no trumps.


I heard they've been playing Monopoly instead of bridge till the bridge affair was sorted out with the court.

But they got busted playing Monopoly as well.

The 28 BIB that raided them the second time also took three property developers, a crew from the land office, and a surveyor. Apparently they'd heard rumours of illegal multi billion baht property deals occuring without proper registration or taxes paid, un-permitted hotels going up on every street corner, and some bugger was selling off electrical and water utilities.

However this raid never made it to the papers because they all waived "get out of jail free" cards at the BIB. coffee1.gif

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No! the authorities decided it was a bridge too far.

When asked what they pleaded,they all went not guilty due to 3 no trumps.


I heard they've been playing Monopoly instead of bridge till the bridge affair was sorted out with the court.

But they got busted playing Monopoly as well.

The 28 BIB that raided them the second time also took three property developers, a crew from the land office, and a surveyor. Apparently they'd heard rumours of illegal multi billion baht property deals occuring without proper registration or taxes paid, un-permitted hotels going up on every street corner, and some bugger was selling off electrical and water utilities.

However this raid never made it to the papers because they all waived "get out of jail free" cards at the BIB. coffee1.gif

wow, must have taken you some time to work out this scenario. very clever wai2.gif

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Just been told the following by one of the club members

The prosecutor said the club can reopen on Monday coming and no charges against our president. All our equipment and computer were returned. But he also said our president must report monthly to the prosecutor "until the Chonburi governor faces off the charges".

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When in Pattaya several years ago we formed a bowling league with a little money each week going toward the end of season party and some being awarded to bowlers for different scores and a drawing.Upon one of our Thai member having a falling out with one of the members,we were raided by the police for ruining a gambling establishment.As the bib could not find any records at the time (slipped out the back door) then they had nothing.After that we ,and others were very careful about including any local members.I wonder if thes Bridge players might had any locals playing there also.

From memory earlier posts indicated that the Bridge club took residence in an upstairs room over a bar/restaurant for their regular bridge club get togethers. The owner of said establishment had a falling out with a local Thai who therefore took it upon himself to report said owner to BIB for harbouring world class embezzlers, currency cheats, fraudsters and card cheats to boot !! Seems strange that never any mention of anything happening to said owner, only the farangs caught up in the mess, whilst they were busily planning their next world class heist!! One thing for sure I know is that the natural inclination of Thais is that when someone gives a Thai the hump and they cannot immediately put physical harm on you they will concoct some BS story for BIB to ensure that your life is disrupted and in some cases quite seriously disrupted...

'Guess defamation is much more acceptable when carried out against a foreigner... Yeap, TIT.

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When in Pattaya several years ago we formed a bowling league with a little money each week going toward the end of season party and some being awarded to bowlers for different scores and a drawing.Upon one of our Thai member having a falling out with one of the members,we were raided by the police for ruining a gambling establishment.As the bib could not find any records at the time (slipped out the back door) then they had nothing.After that we ,and others were very careful about including any local members.I wonder if thes Bridge players might had any locals playing there also.

Did you play with registered balls?

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