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War on women? GOP silent as Trump sounds off on abortion


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It would be funny if it weren't potentially serious (His Trumpness in the White House).

He's in the news so often, that the public is able to gauge his personality quirks. You'll notice, whenever he's tossed a question which he doesn't know the answer to (or a q which takes him by surprise), he'll tweak his yellowish-red face into a big pout, purse his lips, squinch his eyes, and say something like, ...... "Well, let me tell you something about....." ...and then he'll go off with a sound bite tangent from his stump speech which doesn't address the actual question being asked.

Or, like with the abortion question, which he was flummoxed about, he went and asked questions of the interviewer ("You're a catholic, aren't you? What does your religion say about abortion?"). While trying to avoid answering the original question. Trump slides around, playing word games. He would make a snake-oil salesman blush.

Another common thread with Trump, is his propensity to interrupt. He does it aggressively and often, particularly when he feels cornered by a tough question or topic.

He's an aggressive and ill-informed cajoler. Some journalists can surmount that sort of aggressiveness, but most wilt. However, if/when Trump has to converse with foreign leaders, his obtuseness and ignorance-of-issues will be even more blatant. He will be able to bully foreign leaders (as he's already done with the Pope and the Mexican Prez), and Trump will walk away from the bully-session thinking he's won, ......but he (and the American people) will often wind up losers. Sometimes, the person at a negotiating table will appear like he/she's appeasing the more aggressive person (like Trump), where in reality, the less aggressive person is privately not agreeing at all.

That should be an added chapter in Trump's "Art of the Deal" book (Trump says, non jesting, that it's the 2nd best-selling book in world history, after the Bible). Many times, when you think you've got a deal, you find out later, you don't. Even getting it in writing doesn't mean much. UK's Chamberlain went to Germany in the late 1930's to converse with Hitler. Chamberlain came back to England, telling everyone that Hitler would not be aggressive in Europe.

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Donald doesn't really have any stand on most issues. He is bully but he is an articulate bully. He only cares about winning and in order to win, he will say whatever he needs to say to win. I don't think anyone has any idea what he would actually do as President.

Correct, no one knows what Trump will do as President. He may or may not keep his campaign promises. But going by his behavior during these primaries, in particular, his propensity to lie and lie with vigor, it's fair to say he won't keep most or any of his promises. So why in God's name would anyone with half a brain vote for this guy? That's one of the mysteries of the universe, how the brain of a Trump supporter works.

Donald is not a good choice and continually shoots himself in the foot. But he is a product of his time and serves to represent a protest against the establishment. I pity America. What a choice you've got!

Trump lies? Is this a new phenomenon? All politicians lie. All politicians go back on their promises. Trump changes like a chameleon. So does Hillary but she just shows more skill when she does it by stealth. Donald changes his mind on the same day openly because he hasn't really thought about it. Neither candidate is fit for office IMHO.

Her trip to Bosnia trumps Trump for lies so far. Anyone who wants to correct me feel free.

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Wasn't this thread about Trumps ridiculous statement on abortion?

The abortion issue alone would win the election for the Democrats, but their choice of candidates that had to appeal to the wingnut base was so pathetic (Trump/Cruz) that it's blowing up the Republican party.

Ignore that fact and keep attacking Hillary. It's all you really got...oh and fear. Remember, I alone can save you. (Trump actually tweeted that this week.)

Go Trump.

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Wasn't this thread about Trumps ridiculous statement on abortion?

The abortion issue alone would win the election for the Democrats, but their choice of candidates that had to appeal to the wingnut base was so pathetic (Trump/Cruz) that it's blowing up the Republican party.

Ignore that fact and keep attacking Hillary. It's all you really got...oh and fear. Remember, I alone can save you. (Trump actually tweeted that this week.)

Go Trump.

This abortion issue is going to crush both Trump and Cruz in the general. Cruz is against abortion even in the case of rape and incest. Both have got some seriously wacky views on a number of issues, but this one is enough.

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Trumps disapproval rating among women is now at 73%.

Oh my god I am so praying that he wins the nomination.


Don't worry.

He's going the angry white man demographic.

They'll elect him president.

I tell you it will be great.

It will be wonderful.

America will be great again.

Cause of angry paranoid white men.

It will be fantastic.

You'll be telling your kids about it.

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Trumps disapproval rating among women is now at 73%.

Oh my god I am so praying that he wins the nomination.


Don't worry.

He's going the angry white man demographic.

They'll elect him president.

I tell you it will be great.

It will be wonderful.

America will be great again.

Cause of angry paranoid white men.

It will be fantastic.

You'll be telling your kids about it.

Didn't Mitt Romney get the angry white man vote?

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Wasn't this thread about Trumps ridiculous statement on abortion?

The abortion issue alone would win the election for the Democrats, but their choice of candidates that had to appeal to the wingnut base was so pathetic (Trump/Cruz) that it's blowing up the Republican party.

Ignore that fact and keep attacking Hillary. It's all you really got...oh and fear. Remember, I alone can save you. (Trump actually tweeted that this week.)

Go Trump.

Are you responding me here or the OP? If someone on this thread is allowed to say Trump is a liar, am I not also allowed to say all politicians are liars too? But immediately you jump to defense of Hillary suggesting off topic. I am sorry if you find that in my opinion Hillary's lies are as bad if not worse than Trumps is wingnut. Is Hillary beyond criticism IYO ? Where is your defence other than Hillary cannot be attacked? She's a politician for heaven's sake and thereby is fair game. I never see anything from you that is objective, only Hillary is wonderful. I see no difference with that than someone completely sold out for Trump as saviour. Same coin different side.

America is in deep trouble economically and politically. On both sides the party bosses control and will determine what the will of the people will be. Is that democratic? All you seem to be capable of is rubbing your hands together and celebrate the demise of the GOP. Can you look outside your box for a minute? You want an all powerful Democrat one party state? You are asking for trouble. Already the discontent has given rise to Trump. If Hillary wins there will be such a loss of confidence in government representing the people when Hillary destroys the economy with massive tax increases to address the $20 trillion national debt. Looks like you refuse to see past anything other than Trumps stupid contradictions which is fruitcake and potentially impotent but not sinister like the system you want to perpetuate.

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Linzz needs a chill pill, also wondering where he gets his information from.

Hillary destroying the economy, huh? "perpetuating a sinister system" WHAAAAAAT?

It's this "sinister system" that has the country back on track after the GW Bush economic meltdown fiasco, remember?

The topic Linzz is that the GOP is not backing Trump's (typical) outrageous comments on abortion. Anyway, doesn't matter much, the guy can say whatever he wants (open mouth, insert foot) and his writers/advisors will tell him to come back and say "that wasn't what I meant" or some other band aid words to try and deal with the latest mentally retarded oral hemorrhage.

There are other threads on Hillary, you might want to head to those for your anti-HRC commentaries.

Edited by grumpyoldman
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Linzz needs a chill pill, also wondering where he gets his information from.

Hillary destroying the economy, huh? "perpetuating a sinister system" WHAAAAAAT?

It's this "sinister system" that has the country back on track after the GW Bush economic meltdown fiasco, remember?

The topic Linzz is that the GOP is not backing Trump's (typical) outrageous comments on abortion. Anyway, doesn't matter much, the guy can say whatever he wants (open mouth, insert foot) and his writers/advisors will tell him to come back and say "that wasn't what I meant" or some other band aid words to try and deal with the latest mentally retarded oral hemorrhage.

There are other threads on Hillary, you might want to head to those for your anti-HRC commentaries.

Haha Grumpyoldman $20 Trillion in debt is back on track? Party systems that govern from the top down? You're totally right in one sense that it is off topic and I shouldn't comment because I've wandered off into the bigger picture. Sorry about that. Nevermind keep your eyes shut and I'll leave you to ooh and aah over the melodramatic trivia. Enjoy

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Linzz needs a chill pill, also wondering where he gets his information from.

Hillary destroying the economy, huh? "perpetuating a sinister system" WHAAAAAAT?

It's this "sinister system" that has the country back on track after the GW Bush economic meltdown fiasco, remember?

The topic Linzz is that the GOP is not backing Trump's (typical) outrageous comments on abortion. Anyway, doesn't matter much, the guy can say whatever he wants (open mouth, insert foot) and his writers/advisors will tell him to come back and say "that wasn't what I meant" or some other band aid words to try and deal with the latest mentally retarded oral hemorrhage.

There are other threads on Hillary, you might want to head to those for your anti-HRC commentaries.

Haha Grumpyoldman $20 Trillion in debt is back on track? Party systems that govern from the top down? You're totally right in one sense that it is off topic and I shouldn't comment because I've wandered off into the bigger picture. Sorry about that. Nevermind keep your eyes shut and I'll leave you to ooh and aah over the melodramatic trivia. Enjoy

The point is Linzz. The topic is Trumps outrageous comments regarding banning abortion and threats made to women who may legally have an abortion and as usual the Right Wing start gobbing on about 20 trillion imaginary hobgoblins lurking at the bottom of the garden.

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"If Hillary wins there will be such a loss of confidence in government representing the people when Hillary destroys the economy with massive tax increases to address the $20 trillion national debt" - Linnzz

Hey man, if you can see into the future, how about helping me out with some horse racing punts? Your "bigger picture" is a crystal ball fallacy.

Keep in mind the debt doubled under Bush and even with that use of coinage look what happened to the country.

But oh wise-one, please do give me that Kentucky derby winner, and we'll call it good wai.gif

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It's easy for Trump to wiggle out of this one. I should be his spin-speech writer.

Earlier he says he loves the Chinese because a Chinese person paid him 5.5 million $$'s for one of his apartments in NYC

Around the same time, Trump said he loves Mexicans because they tidy up the yards around his mansions.

Now he can say he loves women, because Melania is such a hot piece and gets his Sgt York to stand up straight at attention, ready for duty.

That should work, shouldn't it?

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It's good that Trump is speaking out, loud and often. He is showing what a dunce he is and how completely unfit he is for the job he's aiming for. With the latest ill-thought-out asinine abortion statements, he has turned off half the women who were considering voting for him. The interviewer was good, he didn't shy away. Trump was typical Trump, not able to answer questions directly, and when he did venture an answer (typically vague and off-on-tangents) he clearly showed he doesn't know diddly squat about many important issues.

Everything you just said encapsulates why it is so absolutely hilarious that Trumps little fan-boys are sooooooo convinced he is going to destroy Clinton in a debate.....lol.......only in the alternate reality that these fools live.....

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Both Republican and Democrat wheeler-dealers acknowledge Democrats will pick up seats in the House of Reps, largely because of Trump's stupid statements, and the fact that Trump will inspire a lot of lazy-butts to come out and vote against him (people who would ordinarily not vote). While they're in the polling booth, the former-laggards will likely vote against other Republicans candidates, further down the ballot.

NPR crunched the numbers

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Linzz needs a chill pill, also wondering where he gets his information from.

Hillary destroying the economy, huh? "perpetuating a sinister system" WHAAAAAAT?

It's this "sinister system" that has the country back on track after the GW Bush economic meltdown fiasco, remember?

The topic Linzz is that the GOP is not backing Trump's (typical) outrageous comments on abortion. Anyway, doesn't matter much, the guy can say whatever he wants (open mouth, insert foot) and his writers/advisors will tell him to come back and say "that wasn't what I meant" or some other band aid words to try and deal with the latest mentally retarded oral hemorrhage.

There are other threads on Hillary, you might want to head to those for your anti-HRC commentaries.

Haha Grumpyoldman $20 Trillion in debt is back on track? Party systems that govern from the top down? You're totally right in one sense that it is off topic and I shouldn't comment because I've wandered off into the bigger picture. Sorry about that. Nevermind keep your eyes shut and I'll leave you to ooh and aah over the melodramatic trivia. Enjoy

The point is Linzz. The topic is Trumps outrageous comments regarding banning abortion and threats made to women who may legally have an abortion and as usual the Right Wing start gobbing on about 20 trillion imaginary hobgoblins lurking at the bottom of the garden.

Yes I'm rightist economically but I don't support right wing extremist politics any more than I do left wing lunatics so don't try to put me in a box. The problem on this forum is you are compelled to be committed to one or the other seeing only what you want to see because it fits your politics and dismissing anything that doesn't. For you to trivialize $20 Trillion national debt climbing by a billion dollars per day to "imaginary" hobgoblins etc is a perfect illustration and shows up the left's complete ignorance of and lack of interest in economics which underpins absolutely everything.

To bring it back the topic I will repeat that Trump had not thought abortion through and gave a confused message and shot himself in the foot again. I expect a more considered and educated message from a Presidential candidate but I'm not going to get over excited about it because it is Trump double speak typical of most politicians. It will change again tomorrow so I don't wish to join in the game of horror because it doesn't really register in the greater scheme of things unless he is President which is unlikely anyway.

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Linzz needs a chill pill, also wondering where he gets his information from.

Hillary destroying the economy, huh? "perpetuating a sinister system" WHAAAAAAT?

It's this "sinister system" that has the country back on track after the GW Bush economic meltdown fiasco, remember?

The topic Linzz is that the GOP is not backing Trump's (typical) outrageous comments on abortion. Anyway, doesn't matter much, the guy can say whatever he wants (open mouth, insert foot) and his writers/advisors will tell him to come back and say "that wasn't what I meant" or some other band aid words to try and deal with the latest mentally retarded oral hemorrhage.

There are other threads on Hillary, you might want to head to those for your anti-HRC commentaries.

Haha Grumpyoldman $20 Trillion in debt is back on track? Party systems that govern from the top down? You're totally right in one sense that it is off topic and I shouldn't comment because I've wandered off into the bigger picture. Sorry about that. Nevermind keep your eyes shut and I'll leave you to ooh and aah over the melodramatic trivia. Enjoy

The point is Linzz. The topic is Trumps outrageous comments regarding banning abortion and threats made to women who may legally have an abortion and as usual the Right Wing start gobbing on about 20 trillion imaginary hobgoblins lurking at the bottom of the garden.

Yes I'm rightist economically but I don't support right wing extremist politics any more than I do left wing lunatics so don't try to put me in a box. The problem on this forum is you are compelled to be committed to one or the other seeing only what you want to see because it fits your politics and dismissing anything that doesn't. For you to trivialize $20 Trillion national debt climbing by a billion dollars per day to "imaginary" hobgoblins etc is a perfect illustration and shows up the left's complete ignorance of and lack of interest in economics which underpins absolutely everything.

To bring it back the topic I will repeat that Trump had not thought abortion through and gave a confused message and shot himself in the foot again. I expect a more considered and educated message from a Presidential candidate but I'm not going to get over excited about it because it is Trump double speak typical of most politicians. It will change again tomorrow so I don't wish to join in the game of horror because it doesn't really register in the greater scheme of things unless he is President which is unlikely anyway.

So you support rolling back defense (in reality, offense spending), limiting future military involvement in foreign countries, ending corporate welfare (corporate socialism) and making sure Wall St. never crashes the world economy again, right? Because these are the things that drive debt. Not food stamps, not welfare moms, not Obamacare, etc.

If you don't support these things, you cannot be taken seriously when you say you are concerned about the debt...... Simple.

Edited by inbangkok
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The GOP seems to be trying very hard to bring about the death of their own party.

Everything they have said and done since ( I almost said election of ) GW Bush claimed the Presidency has cast a negative shadow on the party's image.

I have no problem with the GOP going away forever.

But I do worry about what the greedy,racist creeps that make up the party today have planned for the future.

They can't be trusted under any name!

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"Every Trump sentence has words. Sometimes three words. Or two. And they're great sentences. Terrific sentences. That I can tell you. Believe me. They're great. With the best words. Terrific repeated words. Not very big words. Every Trump sentence has words." –George Takei

Boomers adds: "I'm great with words. I'll be the best words president the world has ever known. Shakespeare was great with words, but he wasn't as great at making deals as I am. I'll be the greatest deal-making president ever. People love me. People respect me because I have many billions of dollars. They know I'm a great wall builder, an excellent wall builder. I can build walls that will make your head spin. And I can get other people to pay for those walls. Trust me. I'll make you very happy with the walls I build. No one can build walls better than me. I've made billions of dollars from my huge walls. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me,.... I'm talking. Did I say it was your turn to talk? No. Excuse me, it's my time to talk.

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Before claiming the next week that he never said it, or he meant something completely different of course.

It took less than 24 hours, and this time the fault is that it was part of a very long conversation and the clip was edited to make it sound bad. BS. I saw the original airing of the interview, and it is what it is. But quickly after the punishment thing he got the interviewer (Chris Matthews, a Catholic) to talk about his own feelings on the subject and his religion, which Matthews fell into and resulted in the interviewer talking about himself. Oh, the egoism! Matthews is a smart guy but his pridefulness demeans him.

Contrast this to how Megyn Kelly handled it when one of the Bundy patriots asked her a question (app. 1 minute in)

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The point is Linzz. The topic is Trumps outrageous comments regarding banning abortion and threats made to women who may legally have an abortion and as usual the Right Wing start gobbing on about 20 trillion imaginary hobgoblins lurking at the bottom of the garden.

Yes I'm rightist economically but I don't support right wing extremist politics any more than I do left wing lunatics so don't try to put me in a box. The problem on this forum is you are compelled to be committed to one or the other seeing only what you want to see because it fits your politics and dismissing anything that doesn't. For you to trivialize $20 Trillion national debt climbing by a billion dollars per day to "imaginary" hobgoblins etc is a perfect illustration and shows up the left's complete ignorance of and lack of interest in economics which underpins absolutely everything.

To bring it back the topic I will repeat that Trump had not thought abortion through and gave a confused message and shot himself in the foot again. I expect a more considered and educated message from a Presidential candidate but I'm not going to get over excited about it because it is Trump double speak typical of most politicians. It will change again tomorrow so I don't wish to join in the game of horror because it doesn't really register in the greater scheme of things unless he is President which is unlikely anyway.

So you support rolling back defense (in reality, offense spending), limiting future military involvement in foreign countries, ending corporate welfare (corporate socialism) and making sure Wall St. never crashes the world economy again, right? Because these are the things that drive debt. Not food stamps, not welfare moms, not Obamacare, etc.

If you don't support these things, you cannot be taken seriously when you say you are concerned about the debt...... Simple.

Totally agree with all of the above and have no argument with you. I don't see any contradiction except with Hillary representing Goldman Sachs in the Whitehouse.

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The GOP seems to be trying very hard to bring about the death of their own party.

Everything they have said and done since ( I almost said election of ) GW Bush claimed the Presidency has cast a negative shadow on the party's image.

I have no problem with the GOP going away forever.

But I do worry about what the greedy,racist creeps that make up the party today have planned for the future.

They can't be trusted under any name!

You are right. The GOP establishment want to protect their cushy positions of power which they are afraid Trump (or Bernie) might challenge or take away. They would rather hand the election to Hillary if it keeps the status quo.

But you are wrong IMHO if you think it would be a good thing that the GOP is gone away forever. You want an all powerful one party state which no challenge or checks and balances? Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. There would be a revolution.

People blindly following Trump regardless of what he says is an indication of that already starting to happen when people already feel that they are not being represented from the top.

Edited by Linzz
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"If Hillary wins there will be such a loss of confidence in government representing the people when Hillary destroys the economy with massive tax increases to address the $20 trillion national debt" - Linnzz

Hey man, if you can see into the future, how about helping me out with some horse racing punts? Your "bigger picture" is a crystal ball fallacy.

Keep in mind the debt doubled under Bush and even with that use of coinage look what happened to the country.

But oh wise-one, please do give me that Kentucky derby winner, and we'll call it good wai.gif

Sorry Grumpy thanks for all your unwarranted sarcasm but I can't help you out with that, though I can tell you that all empires fall eventually and that history isn't linear, it's cyclical. Nothing to do with crystal balls. I won't expand on that because it's off topic as many on here are readily pointing out.

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The GOP seems to be trying very hard to bring about the death of their own party.

Everything they have said and done since ( I almost said election of ) GW Bush claimed the Presidency has cast a negative shadow on the party's image.

I have no problem with the GOP going away forever.

But I do worry about what the greedy,racist creeps that make up the party today have planned for the future.

They can't be trusted under any name!

You are right. The GOP establishment want to protect their cushy positions of power which they are afraid Trump (or Bernie) might challenge or take away. They would rather hand the election to Hillary if it keeps the status quo.

But you are wrong IMHO if you think it would be a good thing that the GOP is gone away forever. You want an all powerful one party state which no challenge or checks and balances? Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. There would be a revolution.

People blindly following Trump regardless of what he says is an indication of that already starting to happen when people already feel that they are not being represented from the top.

If the GOP were to dissolve, I do not believe we would be left with a one party system.

I think new parties would rapidly emerge.

Both the Republicn and the Democratic parties seem to be dividing as we speak.

Bernie is s split from traditional Dmocrats just as Trump is a split from the traditional GOP.

We cpld have four strong parties.

Four parties could be better than two, since the two that we do have now are only slightly different from each other.

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The GOP seems to be trying very hard to bring about the death of their own party.

Everything they have said and done since ( I almost said election of ) GW Bush claimed the Presidency has cast a negative shadow on the party's image.

I have no problem with the GOP going away forever.

But I do worry about what the greedy,racist creeps that make up the party today have planned for the future.

They can't be trusted under any name!

You are right. The GOP establishment want to protect their cushy positions of power which they are afraid Trump (or Bernie) might challenge or take away. They would rather hand the election to Hillary if it keeps the status quo.

But you are wrong IMHO if you think it would be a good thing that the GOP is gone away forever. You want an all powerful one party state which no challenge or checks and balances? Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. There would be a revolution.

People blindly following Trump regardless of what he says is an indication of that already starting to happen when people already feel that they are not being represented from the top.

If the GOP were to dissolve, I do not believe we would be left with a one party system.

I think new parties would rapidly emerge.

Both the Republicn and the Democratic parties seem to be dividing as we speak.

Bernie is s split from traditional Dmocrats just as Trump is a split from the traditional GOP.

We cpld have four strong parties.

Four parties could be better than two, since the two that we do have now are only slightly different from each other.

Actually it is the Clintons that split from the traditional Democrats. Hawkish neo-con foreign policy and Wall Street centered neo-lib economoic policy. Even though Bernie hasn't been a Democrat he's pretty close to the "traditional" Democrat values.

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Totally agree with all of the above and have no argument with you. I don't see any contradiction except with Hillary representing Goldman Sachs in the Whitehouse.

It's interested you mention Goldman Sach's (GS's) influence in the corridors of political power. It was Bush Jr. who appointed GS execs to take over the gov't purse strings when Wall Street was on the brink of collapse. And even tho I like Obama, I fault him for keeping the same GS execs in the driver's seat, when he took over. Even tho Republicans blow a lot of hot air about 'free markets', they're the most vociferous when it come to protectionism and generous bail-outs. I would have been tougher than Bush, and allowed failing companies to fail. It's not as though all the people in those companies would die that night. No, new or restructured companies would have risen to take their place - companies that were probably smaller and hopefully better run. GS was part of the cheating/gambling mentality which hobbled Wall Street and saw many US investors lose money, yet GS was put in charge of the fix. What was the first thing GS execs did? Surprise! They protected their own money interests. The next thing GS execs did was protect all their multi-millionaire buddies who gambled with little peoples' money (the little people be damned).

Those are the sorts of things that Sanders has been spending many years trying to fix. Yet he's had to go up against billionaires like Trump (embedded in the establishment), so it's been a hard row to hoe. If he becomes president, Sanders will be more effectively positioned to deal dynamically with millionaire/billionaire hucksters around the US.

Don't worry. It makes no difference who is President. They are just puppets. They have to do what they are told by the elitist. It's all about making money for them.

That could also describe Thailand. Re the USA, yes, largely true, but the prez still has influence and, if he/she knows how to get legislation through congress (something that Trump doesn't know how to do), then the prez can affect policies. The Prez also steers foreign policy, though usually with the advice and counseling of aides. Trump supporters are so excited about his promises to create jobs and keep foreigners from taking US jobs, that the supporters don't seem concerned about what a Trump president might do as Commander in Chief. I'm more aware of foreign issues than Trump or his followers, so I am concerned about an uninformed hot-head being in charge.

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Trump supporters are so excited about his promises to create jobs and keep foreigners from taking US jobs...

I couldn't help but comment on this point. This article just came out, talking about how Trump consistently seeks out foreign workers for his businesses.


It makes you wonder how Trump supporters can believe a word this man says.

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