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A two year old revved a bike killing her granddad who had let her ride in front


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"Houseowner Chanapol Chaibunreuang, 40, dashed out on hearing the crash into his own frontage but the man was dead on the footpath.

The crying children were sent to hospital before police arrived. The older girl told the house owner what had happened."

Hmm, did anyone witness who was driving prior to the crash?

Edited by Bluespunk
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"He allowed her to sit on the front of a motorcycle and when she grabbed the throttle unexpectedly the bike crashed into railings."

"Cause and Effect." The foundation on the spiritual belief system in Thailand, is a concept totally lost on the general population in every day matters. This shows up in the way they drive, absence of building safety code enforcement, total lack of supervision of children, etc. While the family might be scratching their heads wondering how this tragedy occurred, anyone with an ounce of common sense would say: "What the ____ was he thinking?...and the answer of course is...."He wasn't".

Ah yes, but don't most Thais believe any/all road accidents etc. are the result of "bad luck"? Honestly.... they really believe this. Cause/effect. lol lol lol not here. :-)

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Not so much tragic as stupid and they never seem to learn. Told our friend it was dangerous for her 3 year old to be standing at the front of her 4.4, not well received. Few weeks later after breaking hard he went straight into the windshield so hard it cracked and had to be replaced, luckily he only had bad bruising. After the truck was back on the road the kid is still standing at the front playing about, idiocy. Another local kid recently came off a bike while standing at the front nearly died- they are still letting him do it. Anyone ever seen a child seat in a car here, anyone ever see the cops pull over a bike with kids standing at the front or for no helmets?

I was FORCED to buy my nice a car seat her family refuse to buy one

Then I had to (trick) them into using it by taking it to a monk and have him scribble "magical" writing all over it..

Showed them how to use it and told them the monk had blessed it and it would protect the baby in the car..

It was used for a while then one day I noticed it was gone...

I asked where it was was told in the car in the trunk..

They believed it only needed to be in the car and not used to prevent a crash.... Like the stupid Amulets in the windshield..

I gave up after that...

The worst part is the parents are FATHER cop "BIB" MOTHER school teacher...

No hope here just let darwinisum take care of it...

I wish I could say your post was unbelievable. I have not paid for car seats for our nieces & nephews because i know nothing will make them use them. When driving I have stopped the car until a child in the back was at least held, (by people not wearing seat belts, I might add.) Children unrestrained everywhere, projectiles waiting to be launched. In minibuses, the driver's kids, one on top of the engine cover next to him and one in his lap waiting to be crushed between Dad & the steering wheel in any mishap. As another poster said: No point in asking what are they thinking. They aren't! They don't need to. They have amulets. Superstition coupled with stupidity (am I repeating myself) kills thousands here every year.

Edited by The Deerhunter
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"He allowed her to sit on the front of a motorcycle and when she grabbed the throttle unexpectedly the bike crashed into railings."

"Cause and Effect." The foundation on the spiritual belief system in Thailand, is a concept totally lost on the general population in every day matters. This shows up in the way they drive, absence of building safety code enforcement, total lack of supervision of children, etc. While the family might be scratching their heads wondering how this tragedy occurred, anyone with an ounce of common sense would say: "What the ____ was he thinking?...and the answer of course is...."He wasn't".

Ah yes, but don't most Thais believe any/all road accidents etc. are the result of "bad luck"? Honestly.... they really believe this. Cause/effect. lol lol lol not here. :-)

"Most Thais" You should post your phone number and email address so that we can all contact you and share in your knowledge, you certainly do sound like 'thee' authority on Thai people. You must be so proud!

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It would serve you all well to remember that most people find it hard enough to put food on the table, let alone buy cars and trucks, with nice top of the line child seats.

But do tell, I'm fascinated, how are the majority supposed to transport their children from A to B, when they barely have a pot to p*ss in?

You're all so righteous and forthcoming with your ridiculous uninformed opinions, it would serve you all well to remember, to be poor in a developing country, is no bundle of laughs.

Edited by blistering blue barnacles
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Not so much tragic as stupid and they never seem to learn. Told our friend it was dangerous for her 3 year old to be standing at the front of her 4.4, not well received. Few weeks later after breaking hard he went straight into the windshield so hard it cracked and had to be replaced, luckily he only had bad bruising. After the truck was back on the road the kid is still standing at the front playing about, idiocy. Another local kid recently came off a bike while standing at the front nearly died- they are still letting him do it. Anyone ever seen a child seat in a car here, anyone ever see the cops pull over a bike with kids standing at the front or for no helmets?

I was FORCED to buy my nice a car seat her family refuse to buy one

Then I had to (trick) them into using it by taking it to a monk and have him scribble "magical" writing all over it..

Showed them how to use it and told them the monk had blessed it and it would protect the baby in the car..

It was used for a while then one day I noticed it was gone...

I asked where it was was told in the car in the trunk..

They believed it only needed to be in the car and not used to prevent a crash.... Like the stupid Amulets in the windshield..

I gave up after that...

The worst part is the parents are FATHER cop "BIB" MOTHER school teacher...

No hope here just let darwinisum take care of it...

Children carseats are expensive in Thailand, import-tax and very low quantity's cause that.

But Thai don't need those silly things since they don't care at all for safety. They also don't need helmets for kids on motocycles.

The only thing i sometimes see is a "baby on board" sticker which really makes me laugh. Like if other drivers wouldn't cut you off if you have a baby onboard.

So this kid killed grandpa? Well it was his own fault i think, they are still lucky the bike didn't drive onto a busy road. If that had happened and caused a serious accident than who would have to pay for the damage? The dead grandpa?

not true you can buy a good seat for about 1000 ,, made in Thailand and with eu approval on it also

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It would serve you all well to remember that most people find it hard enough to put food on the table, let alone buy cars and trucks, with nice top of the line child seats.

But do tell, I'm fascinated, how are the majority supposed to transport their children from A to B, when they barely have a pot to p*ss in?

You're all so righteous and forthcoming with your ridiculous uninformed opinions, it would serve you all well to remember, to be poor in a developing country, is no bundle of laughs.

Likewise the Mercedes brigade have more money than many of us but are no more renowned for road safety than the deceased.

Care to guess why?


Edited by evadgib
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Tragic accident. I have seen similar in India, Bangladesh, Indonesia and especially Cambodia. In poor countries like these the motorbike is often the only transport for a whole family and because the police understandably turn a blind eye it becomes the "family car".

It is pointless us trying to instill western values in countries where most do not the luxury of choice!

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To be fair, most of us were raised without a car seat and lived to tell about it.

Everything I see Thais do with kids today, was done to many of us when we were kids.

They evolve much, much, much, slower than the Western world. They will catch up in about 30 - 40 years or so.

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When I visit my relatives in Thailand I am reminded of what life was like in Canada in the 50s and 60s.

As kids in the country, we could ride in the back of our pickup. Seat belts were stored

safely under the seat so it was more comfy to sit on. That is if the car was new and actually had car seats. My one cousin got tossed out of his car, and it rolled over him and killed him,

I was 17 at the time, and that got me wearing my seat belt after that.

I guess we are just further ahead in time, in North America, and some of Asia and Europe and

places like Australia as well. I am still amazed when I see a Thai motorcycle with

4 or 5 people on it. That is Thailand, and will be for a few to several more years yet.

I hope the family will not tell the poor 12 year old what happened to Grande Dad when

she is older.


Victoria Australia was the first place in the world to make the fitting and wearing of seat belts compulsory.

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i thought everyone knew that the best place for a toddler on a scooter, is being held aloft by the passenger in between the two of them, see it every day at tesco lotus,i presume the toddler can be thrown well clear of the accident when it happens, rip old fella.

Saw it today with a baby and just shuddered.

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It would serve you all well to remember that most people find it hard enough to put food on the table, let alone buy cars and trucks, with nice top of the line child seats.

But do tell, I'm fascinated, how are the majority supposed to transport their children from A to B, when they barely have a pot to p*ss in?

You're all so righteous and forthcoming with your ridiculous uninformed opinions, it would serve you all well to remember, to be poor in a developing country, is no bundle of laughs.

I think that it would be just a little safer if people with little kids used the sidecar option.

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Not so much tragic as stupid and they never seem to learn. Told our friend it was dangerous for her 3 year old to be standing at the front of her 4.4, not well received. Few weeks later after breaking hard he went straight into the windshield so hard it cracked and had to be replaced, luckily he only had bad bruising. After the truck was back on the road the kid is still standing at the front playing about, idiocy. Another local kid recently came off a bike while standing at the front nearly died- they are still letting him do it. Anyone ever seen a child seat in a car here, anyone ever see the cops pull over a bike with kids standing at the front or for no helmets?

I was FORCED to buy my nice a car seat her family refuse to buy one

Then I had to (trick) them into using it by taking it to a monk and have him scribble "magical" writing all over it..

Showed them how to use it and told them the monk had blessed it and it would protect the baby in the car..

It was used for a while then one day I noticed it was gone...

I asked where it was was told in the car in the trunk..

They believed it only needed to be in the car and not used to prevent a crash.... Like the stupid Amulets in the windshield..

I gave up after that...

The worst part is the parents are FATHER cop "BIB" MOTHER school teacher...

No hope here just let darwinisum take care of it...

Who FORCED you?

My Conscience and my concern for the safety of a member of my family..

I knew the Parents did not give a $hit about it and would rather spend bhat on whiskey and some fancy fake chrome junk for the car than for a child seat..

I think we spent just over 4000 bhat on the seat was suitable for kids infant to 3 years was Euro safety standards approved..

So really the excuse its too expensive is rubbish... just parents dot give a $hit really.. I have seen Thai Mums and Dads waste money of fancy looking junk (Very loud speakers, fake chrome, hello kitty crap, ugly looking add ons) etc..for the all so Important car and and totally disregard replacing bald tires, brake pads, Child restraints etc....

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It would serve you all well to remember that most people find it hard enough to put food on the table, let alone buy cars and trucks, with nice top of the line child seats.

But do tell, I'm fascinated, how are the majority supposed to transport their children from A to B, when they barely have a pot to p*ss in?

You're all so righteous and forthcoming with your ridiculous uninformed opinions, it would serve you all well to remember, to be poor in a developing country, is no bundle of laughs.

Bullshit if you can afford a car/Motorcycle you can afford a Helmet/child seat..

How about the majority stop pissing money away on crap like Whiskey, a new Mobile phone, True satellite TV to watch on the 40-50 LCD TV..

Donating money to fraud Monks, Numerology, and lucky number scams..

And before you say but but the truly Poor do not have all that.

Take a peek out any high rise in any of the big city and first look for all the red satellite dishes in the Slum housing arias then look for the piles of empty booze bottles in the same place..

Then ask a Thai rich or poor if they know ANY Thai over the age of 15 years old that dose not have a mobile phone

Same go's for the small villages drive around a small village and count the satellite dishes and brand new Toyota VIGO with all the extra fake chrome crap tacked onto it..

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Good riddance. I'd be ecstatic that idiot was gone if it were my kids.

Sad, for sure, but it sounds like the girl simply killed this idiot before he had a chance to get her killed.

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Similar event but without tragedy right outside my own door 3 days ago. Mother left toddler standing on platform of one of these automatic scooters and was talking to my wife. Toddler decides to step down using the throttle handle to steady self. Bike surged forward and around because of stand flicking kid about 2 metres away. Mom was shitty at kid because bike had scratches from ending up on its side. Kis was unhurt, just crying. Not sure if either learned something !

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It surprises me that this type of accident is not happening all of the time. Thais see no problem in have, I have seen, up to 4 kids being given a ride.

No helmets, no extra seats. Grasping on for dear life and limb. The fact that it was grandpa doing the driving just makes it worse. Luckily the kids are OK.

Not an accident, It was negligence. Not surprised that he deceased was from Chiang Rai, the welfare province with the idiots burning whatever they can.

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Not so much tragic as stupid and they never seem to learn. Told our friend it was dangerous for her 3 year old to be standing at the front of her 4.4, not well received. Few weeks later after breaking hard he went straight into the windshield so hard it cracked and had to be replaced, luckily he only had bad bruising. After the truck was back on the road the kid is still standing at the front playing about, idiocy. Another local kid recently came off a bike while standing at the front nearly died- they are still letting him do it. Anyone ever seen a child seat in a car here, anyone ever see the cops pull over a bike with kids standing at the front or for no helmets?

I was FORCED to buy my nice a car seat her family refuse to buy one

Then I had to (trick) them into using it by taking it to a monk and have him scribble "magical" writing all over it..

Showed them how to use it and told them the monk had blessed it and it would protect the baby in the car..

It was used for a while then one day I noticed it was gone...

I asked where it was was told in the car in the trunk..

They believed it only needed to be in the car and not used to prevent a crash.... Like the stupid Amulets in the windshield..

I gave up after that...

The worst part is the parents are FATHER cop "BIB" MOTHER school teacher...

No hope here just let darwinisum take care of it...

Unfortunately, Gramps has already passed on his "stupid" genes and Darwinism is out of the process.

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If I had 100 Baht for every time I'd seen a baby being carried under one arm by the passenger, I'd be a rich man. However, yesterday, a motorcycle came out of a side road right in-front of me, the rider not looking, as usual, and on the back was a woman carrying a baby under each arm, with a toddler of about 4/5 years old sandwiched between her and the guy in front. Not a crash helmet in sight, and by the way it was snaking around the road, I suspect the Leo was still swilling around in the guy's stomach. I thought I'd seen it all!

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Not so much tragic as stupid and they never seem to learn. Told our friend it was dangerous for her 3 year old to be standing at the front of her 4.4, not well received. Few weeks later after breaking hard he went straight into the windshield so hard it cracked and had to be replaced, luckily he only had bad bruising. After the truck was back on the road the kid is still standing at the front playing about, idiocy. Another local kid recently came off a bike while standing at the front nearly died- they are still letting him do it. Anyone ever seen a child seat in a car here, anyone ever see the cops pull over a bike with kids standing at the front or for no helmets?

I was FORCED to buy my nice a car seat her family refuse to buy one

Then I had to (trick) them into using it by taking it to a monk and have him scribble "magical" writing all over it..

Showed them how to use it and told them the monk had blessed it and it would protect the baby in the car..

It was used for a while then one day I noticed it was gone...

I asked where it was was told in the car in the trunk..

They believed it only needed to be in the car and not used to prevent a crash.... Like the stupid Amulets in the windshield..

I gave up after that...

The worst part is the parents are FATHER cop "BIB" MOTHER school teacher...

No hope here just let darwinisum take care of it...

Children carseats are expensive in Thailand, import-tax and very low quantity's cause that.

But Thai don't need those silly things since they don't care at all for safety. They also don't need helmets for kids on motocycles.

The only thing i sometimes see is a "baby on board" sticker which really makes me laugh. Like if other drivers wouldn't cut you off if you have a baby onboard.

So this kid killed grandpa? Well it was his own fault i think, they are still lucky the bike didn't drive onto a busy road. If that had happened and caused a serious accident than who would have to pay for the damage? The dead grandpa?

not true you can buy a good seat for about 1000 ,, made in Thailand and with eu approval on it also



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It would serve you all well to remember that most people find it hard enough to put food on the table, let alone buy cars and trucks, with nice top of the line child seats.

But do tell, I'm fascinated, how are the majority supposed to transport their children from A to B, when they barely have a pot to p*ss in?

You're all so righteous and forthcoming with your ridiculous uninformed opinions, it would serve you all well to remember, to be poor in a developing country, is no bundle of laughs.

Bullshit if you can afford a car/Motorcycle you can afford a Helmet/child seat..

How about the majority stop pissing money away on crap like Whiskey, a new Mobile phone, True satellite TV to watch on the 40-50 LCD TV..

Donating money to fraud Monks, Numerology, and lucky number scams..

And before you say but but the truly Poor do not have all that.

Take a peek out any high rise in any of the big city and first look for all the red satellite dishes in the Slum housing arias then look for the piles of empty booze bottles in the same place..

Then ask a Thai rich or poor if they know ANY Thai over the age of 15 years old that dose not have a mobile phone

Same go's for the small villages drive around a small village and count the satellite dishes and brand new Toyota VIGO with all the extra fake chrome crap tacked onto it..

Bullshit you say!

How wonderful for you that you have ‘observed’ all these things, you truly do have the perfect understanding of life here. Yet another expert on Thai culture!

You may not have noticed, but we’re not all living in the perfect world you describe

True – but we don’t live in the deprived and destitute world you describe….

It really is very true that IF someone can afford a car, they have the financial means to afford a child seat – there really is no excuse.

I see absolutely no defence in not having a child in a car seat – None whatsoever and with certainty the additional expense of a car seat is irrelevant when compared to the cost of the cheapest of even second hand cars.

People who don't use car seats for their kids are much the same as those who refuse to use seat belts, they are simply stupid, careless or ignorantly unaware.. However, defending these people is even more stupid.

Motorcylce’s are somewhat different – it may be a family’s only form of transport and I’m more sympathetic towards a family who have no alternatives.

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My father in law likes to go the beach n drink n ride his bike back. Once he rode into a pothole n crash. As it was dark he was discovered out cold by the residents in that area. He lost all 7 thai amulets (total cost about 100kthb n above for the amulets). His wife,son,daughter n granddaughter all advice against him riding drunk. I advice him to put on a fullface helmet as his face was badly bruised. He refused saying its too hot. They all thank the 7 thai amulets that kept him alive. We all agreed that it should be the residents that attended to him that stole his amulets from his pockets. Sigh...

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