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Changin' attitudes?


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She, on the other hand, is filled with relief as the nausea abates and nips round to the arrivals hall.... NEXT!

If you were a Thai hooker with a Thai bf, would you choose an old fat guy that would fall asleep exhausted after 5 minutes, or a fit young guy that would root you all night until your insides ached?

The answer is a simple one IMHO.

Funny stuff - though neither sounds too appealing... though both sound like stereotypes...

but since we are playing in silly stereotypes, if she has had a long day, i'll bet she chooses the 5 minutes and off to sleep... of course, there are 1000 variations on the the characters...

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how did the woman get burned, exactly?

how much money did she lose?

to me it just sounds like a failed relationship, move on.... why the drama?

She didn't lose any money per se, but she was humiliated in front of her mother, daughter, co-workers, and former husband.

This show is always a morality tale. The message was more about the importance of putting family before money, but I found it interesting that the plot centered around a Thai woman getting involved with a wealthy foreign man.

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In the episode, did the mother of the woman or the woman herself slap and pull the hair on the house maid? Was there a scene where someone was lying injured or sick in a hospital bed and being visited by everyone in the episode? Was there a scene where everyone was sitting around the dinner table and talking but not eating? In that case it was a standard Thai episode and no attitudes has changed....

And I'm hansum!, they all say that so it must be right!

Edited by AlQaholic
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From my experience, whenever I speak to Thai ladies, they ask me if I have any single male friends. I say I have some Thai male friends. They say no Thai man, they lazy-only want farang. I tell them that some foreign men, and women are lazy. I don't think they believe me.

Yup. I know one Thai woman who is old by local standards, knows has to marry soon, but only wants to be introduced to foreign men. And only of the white variety, of course smile.png

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This is fiction right?/or not,it doesn't matter. i would have introduced into the plot that the guy himself had been burnt some time ago.And was now making it his life's ambition?revenge,in winding up Thai women on line,to the extent of even offering them a future life of luxury and backing out at the last moment.,after showing them pic's of his house,and his bank statement.And causing them as much trouble with their thai spouses as possible.

Just a thought,no malice intendedwhistling.gif

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Plenty of scummy farang around taking advantage of Thai women.

Plenty of scummy Thai women taking advantage of foreign men too.

But rather less Thais calling other Thais scum, I think.

Well your first point gets mentioned plenty of time on TVF........but essentially u r 100% correct sir.

Still, it always amazes me how stupid westerners actually are. They lob up with all the real odds stacked against them, bed down with the worst of the worst then moan when they get bit.

Some of them do it again and again. For example, I know of one pathetic farang who lets just say is a morbidly obese 50 something year old grub with an absolute vile character. This guy is a plain outright nasty individual. He works away somewhere back in his crao dark dingy, cold and wet country in his 9-5 job as a salesman until he scrapes away enough money to afford an airfare to Thailand with some accomodation in seedyville tourist zone, soi drop kick.

After squeezing his XXXXXXL sized backside into the plane seat and back out again he arrives and moves as fast as his chubby little legs will allow so he can start trawling sois looking for any buzzard that might have low enough standards to goto bed with him. He's well versed in the process and eventually hooks up with some slapper, who he makes his new companion and of course she's a lucky girl afterall she gets to share all her time over the preceding weeks with this fat sweating vile nasty individual.

During the forts hip old blubberguts actually forgets it's a financial relationship and of course like any business transaction the workforce likes to move on when the funds dry up.

At this point enraged, old blubberboy releases a tirade of abuse onto everyone and anyone before retreating to his taxpayer sponsored dark mouldy and dingy abode back in crapsville. Still extremely dissatisfied with his "lost love' and the few thousand euros he's lost he immediately jumps on the Internet and starts spewing vile around the world via forums, blogs and possibly even other modes of online cheap & nasty jargon.

So tell me, who's scamming who here?

Anyway, old blubberguts soon gets busy in his mundane job, working 9-5, feeding his fat multilevelled chin with takeaway, madly saving his pennies for his next Thailand adventure where he will do it all over again. Naturally he spends his downtime, spewing more bile across the World Wide Web and using his modified bottom buddy to manipulate his genitals which are otherwise unreachable.

Let's face it, old blubberguts is scaming himself and there's thousand of these stupid individuals turning up each week......sure they're not as all bad as blubberguts, but they vary by degree, that's all.

The Thais figured out what was going on, long, long, long ago.

Good story Mr thailand I like it and it is very true but thai lady's like to rep man off here as well , if the stupid man lets them . You who looks like you have been here for a very long time would know more then me about thai lady's but what I see is a good thai lady not a bar mole wants a good life and try's to find a good man to take care of her

If she is lucky to get one . Not a lot of man now have the money to come to thailand and take care of the lady's and lots of them are just after holiday sex .

Thailand is a great place great people lots great things to do out side of a bar , but me for one to give up my great country and come and live here no way .

I do love coming here for a holiday and that is it , yes I complain a little how this place is run but not my country so I just put up with it .

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So much stereotyping about people who are obese- they must be bad. People who are old-they must be slow and stupid. And on and on. I find most of the comments extremely narcissistic and frankly discriminatory. After 50 years here- I have seen it all and experienced most of it. There are probably more sordid foreigners coming to Thailand at this time then ever before. Whether they are old; fat; young, white or black makes no difference. There is always someone who will take your money. A Thai girl working for money could care less what you look like as long as you can pay the fee. If you cannot speak Thai you will never know what they really feel or think because they cannot express it. The stories you present are what you think happens and while making good reading for the uniformed- mostly does not represent the reality of what actually takes place or the dynamics of interaction. Your story about the overweight foreigner is way too simplistic and filled with only your opinion. I have seen literally hundreds of similar relationships that go very differently. Not everyone is a fool as you suggest. Most people realize their shortcomings.

The Thai psychologist hit the nail on the head and that has been my experience- Thai women want security and then love comes. If you cannot provide the security in some fashion- everything starts to break down and looks have nothing to do with it. As far as changing attitudes- Thai people have always been wary of foreigners and more so today because too many of them sit at bars; swill alcohol and leer at women showing bad manners and a poor attitude. Most Thais are too proper to actually tell you what they think of these type of people.

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On the village I live... almost all single women less than 60 years old are dreaming about getting a fat bastard at home !

I 'm thinking about opening a marriage agency soon... great benefit will come for SURE !!! giggle.gif clap2.gif

On the other hand.. the ones that already have an old stupid white lasy unpleasant at home are most released when they fly back to farang land for couple months.

On my view this thing will change when police will start do their job...so let's say when pigs will be flying ! (just to give an approximative date.. nothing related between cops and marriage, just to be clear !)

Edited by Zendo
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how did the woman get burned, exactly?

how much money did she lose?

to me it just sounds like a failed relationship, move on.... why the drama?

She didn't lose any money per se, but she was humiliated in front of her mother, daughter, co-workers, and former husband.

This show is always a morality tale. The message was more about the importance of putting family before money, but I found it interesting that the plot centered around a Thai woman getting involved with a wealthy foreign man.

you surely mean she humiliated herself ?

knowing how Thais like to show off, the woman probably didn't wait before telling everyone how she will soon be better than anyone else...

to me, the story looks more similar to an illustration of the proverb "don't count your chicken before they are hatched"

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A friend of mine yesterday said "If a Thai girls takes you for US$20,000 and that is all you have, your a fool but if you are a multi-millionaire it is only a lesson". We have too many of these fools showing up each week in Thailand.

I don't think $20k can be considered a lot.

It's everything if it is all you have. And many Thai women would be delighted to extract it from you

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A friend of mine yesterday said "If a Thai girls takes you for US$20,000 and that is all you have, your a fool but if you are a multi-millionaire it is only a lesson". We have too many of these fools showing up each week in Thailand.

I don't think $20k can be considered a lot.

It's everything if it is all you have. And many Thai women would be delighted to extract it from you

Well.. on the other hand it's not that much.. and if it's all you have that means you can't buy "love" for such a cheap price, specially when women are minimum 20 years younger that this geriartric dudes ! It will cost less to see professionnals that fooling yourself into a "relationship".. but.. can you still get a hard on ?

Of course love can grow even with huge age differences we see that happening all the time with broken old guys, look at this famous example :


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If I was a Thai hooker, I don't imagine it would be me who chose the men rather than vice versa.

Depends where the girl works, in a brothel (or fishbowl), customer chooses.

Although many refuse white men altogether, the bouncer will say 'that one not for foreigner'.

In a bar, hookers choice. So your imagination is part right, part wrong.

Edited by BritManToo
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A friend of mine yesterday said "If a Thai girls takes you for US$20,000 and that is all you have, your a fool but if you are a multi-millionaire it is only a lesson". We have too many of these fools showing up each week in Thailand.

I don't think $20k can be considered a lot.

It's everything if it is all you have. And many Thai women would be delighted to extract it from you

Well.. on the other hand it's not that much.. and if it's all you have that means you can't buy "love" for such a cheap price, specially when women are minimum 20 years younger that this geriartric dudes ! It will cost less to see professionnals that fooling yourself into a "relationship".. but.. can you still get a hard on ?

Of course love can grow even with huge age differences we see that happening all the time with broken old guys, look at this famous example :


I am very happy to say that I have much, much more to offer than just (a lot less than $20,000) money!

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Plenty of scummy farang around taking advantage of Thai women.

Plenty of scummy Thai women taking advantage of foreign men too.

But rather less Thais calling other Thais scum, I think.

Well your first point gets mentioned plenty of time on TVF........but essentially u r 100% correct sir.

Still, it always amazes me how stupid westerners actually are. They lob up with all the real odds stacked against them, bed down with the worst of the worst then moan when they get bit.

Some of them do it again and again. For example, I know of one pathetic farang who lets just say is a morbidly obese 50 something year old grub with an absolute vile character. This guy is a plain outright nasty individual. He works away somewhere back in his crao dark dingy, cold and wet country in his 9-5 job as a salesman until he scrapes away enough money to afford an airfare to Thailand with some accomodation in seedyville tourist zone, soi drop kick.

After squeezing his XXXXXXL sized backside into the plane seat and back out again he arrives and moves as fast as his chubby little legs will allow so he can start trawling sois looking for any buzzard that might have low enough standards to goto bed with him. He's well versed in the process and eventually hooks up with some slapper, who he makes his new companion and of course she's a lucky girl afterall she gets to share all her time over the preceding weeks with this fat sweating vile nasty individual.

During the forts hip old blubberguts actually forgets it's a financial relationship and of course like any business transaction the workforce likes to move on when the funds dry up.

At this point enraged, old blubberboy releases a tirade of abuse onto everyone and anyone before retreating to his taxpayer sponsored dark mouldy and dingy abode back in crapsville. Still extremely dissatisfied with his "lost love' and the few thousand euros he's lost he immediately jumps on the Internet and starts spewing vile around the world via forums, blogs and possibly even other modes of online cheap & nasty jargon.

So tell me, who's scamming who here?

Anyway, old blubberguts soon gets busy in his mundane job, working 9-5, feeding his fat multilevelled chin with takeaway, madly saving his pennies for his next Thailand adventure where he will do it all over again. Naturally he spends his downtime, spewing more bile across the World Wide Web and using his modified bottom buddy to manipulate his genitals which are otherwise unreachable.

Let's face it, old blubberguts is scaming himself and there's thousand of these stupid individuals turning up each week......sure they're not as all bad as blubberguts, but they vary by degree, that's all.

The Thais figured out what was going on, long, long, long ago.

And then you die.

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I am sure these women will be delighted to take care of pampers for old guys.. with "love" everything is possible ! SO beautifull smile.png

Your scenario is not remotely true of me! My body and my brain are as perfectly fit, healthy and active as you could imagine.

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I am sure these women will be delighted to take care of pampers for old guys.. with "love" everything is possible ! SO beautifull smile.png

Your scenario is not remotely true of me! My body and my brain are as perfectly fit, healthy and active as you could imagine.

Don't take it like a personnal attack, it's just a thing that happen one day or another for almost everybody. It's a natural process .. and better have somebody dedicated to you when it happens or a nurse (without anything under her dress of course .. eyes and hands will still be active) !

Can't we have fun here sometimes ??


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I think their attitudes

have been changing

for some time but

there's been a real

acceleration in the

pace of that change

that correlates with

the proliferation of

the internet and

smartphones here.

The perception that

marrying a foreign

guy is some sort of

step up in life has

changed for all but

those at the poorest,

lowest rungs of Thai


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I guess after the prince turns into a frog enough times, people start to get the message.

nah,...they never learn...there are always story's about Thai woman having a good life because the farang/Japanese/ husband pays everything she desires....some of those woman keep this story alive by lying and exaggerating to there friends...

i personally know a multitude of those people...from different provinces in Thailand...but most are from Isaan...

I know a girl that went to Phuket to meat farrangs and have a life like her mother who has a Swiss boyfriend...who apparently buys her everything she likes.

The girl never suspect that her mother is exaggerating all the money story's to keep face and hide the fact that the boyfriend is a heavy alcoholic...

And buying a motorbike for the mother and daughter is no proof of wealth....

Best regards, Off Road pat.

PS: needless to say the girl came back alone !!!

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I am sure these women will be delighted to take care of pampers for old guys.. with "love" everything is possible ! SO beautifull smile.png

Your scenario is not remotely true of me! My body and my brain are as perfectly fit, healthy and active as you could imagine.

Don't take it like a personnal attack, it's just a thing that happen one day or another for almost everybody. It's a natural process .. and better have somebody dedicated to you when it happens or a nurse (without anything under her dress of course .. eyes and hands will still be active) !

Can't we have fun here sometimes ??


Yes, we can have fun here. That is part of my philosophy of life. I DO have someone who loves me and would take care of me if I needed. I am 71 now and I have ALL my faculties - I don't even wear glasses! I will stack up my health with anyone on TV, however old they are and - yes - in case you are wondering I CAN and DO every day.

With my fantastic health and strength, at my age I know I am in a minority but I know that can change in a moment. I live in the NOW because that is all I have.

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Nice to ear ChrisKC !! I wish you a long life and a supernatural health ! (look for google human 2.0 if you want 50 years +, they're working on it)

And Yes, without kidding, LOVE is the only valuable that can't be bought !

For the OP subjet.. I also know an old woman married to Japanese man.. she's now waiting here one more year so she can go back there, she has been blacklisted for having no visa for 15 years in Japan, she surrenders and had 5 years ban.

All those years she was sending money to the rest of the familly who spoiled everything of course... easy money is never really good ! The thing is that she's so sad here.. all what she wants is to go back to Japan and enjoy her quality life with her husband, she cannot find good veggies like the one they garden over there.. She says that Fuji's restaurant and others here are just 100% crap.. feels much pitty for her country except that Thai food is much better here but with pesticides and fertilizers most often.

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Nice to ear ChrisKC !! I wish you a long life and a supernatural health ! (look for google human 2.0 if you want 50 years +, they're working on it)

And Yes, without kidding, LOVE is the only valuable that can't be bought !

For the OP subjet.. I also know an old woman married to Japanese man.. she's now waiting here one more year so she can go back there, she has been blacklisted for having no visa for 15 years in Japan, she surrenders and had 5 years ban.

All those years she was sending money to the rest of the familly who spoiled everything of course... easy money is never really good ! The thing is that she's so sad here.. all what she wants is to go back to Japan and enjoy her quality life with her husband, she cannot find good veggies like the one they garden over there.. She says that Fuji's restaurant and others here are just 100% crap.. feels much pitty for her country except that Thai food is much better here but with pesticides and fertilizers most often.

Nice to ear ChrisKC !! I wish you a long life and a supernatural health ! (look for google human 2.0 if you want 50 years +, they're working on it)

And Yes, without kidding, LOVE is the only valuable that can't be bought !

Thank you Zendo, I appreciate that.

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If I was a Thai hooker, I don't imagine it would be me who chose the men rather than vice versa.

If you were a Thai hooker, I bet tourism and the expat population would be reduced significantly

You haven't seen me in my miniskirt.

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I think there has always been two chains of thought about Thai marrying foreigners and how well they do. Often the perceived result and the reality are two different things.

I've seen a lot of Thai women abroad that are doing it real tough with their deadshiiit foreign husbands. It's always been well known this happens, a common subject amongst thais, always has been.

imagine if it had been 2 trains of thought.....but 1 train being constantly derailed by a bus.....
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