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Warning To Dog Owners, Deadly Tick Born Disease

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A few days before we left Rawai, I noticed my dog's eye looked infected and had some blood in her stool. We took her to the vet, they gave her a shot, some pills and antibiotic ointment for her eye. When we got to California, she looked worse and her eye was looking opaque and enlarged. We took her to the vet here, they referred us to an animal ophthalmologist. Yes, we have specialist veterinarians in this part of the world!

Anyway, after a blood test she was diagnosed with, Ehrlichia.

It has blinded her in one eye and if not treated with doxycycline she would have most likely died. She had lost weight and was very anemic. After over a month and a half she is recovering, but will never see out of her left eye again. They may still want to remove the eye, but we are keeping the pressure down for now with drops.

I doubt the local Thai veterinarians know about this disease or test for it. So I just thought I'd give other dog owners a heads up. She caught it around the Soi Cokmakham area of Rawai. She had very few ticks, and gets a bath every week, but as they say, it only takes one bite.

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Sorry to hear about your dog and glad you caught it in time.

It is well known to vets here and the first thing I get checked whenever any of my dogs have been sick in any way.

Some vets are better than others that's all I can say about your bad luck. There are snap kit blood tests here for tick fever which can give the result in about half an hour if I remember rightly, I prefer to have blood tests done as they are more likely to detect it.

Once the dog stops eating it's even more difficult to treat as the doxycycline must be given after food. There's also another tablet that's always given when you give a dog doxycycline ( sorry can't remember the name ) but it's to protect the liver/kidneys which can be damaged by the drug, so make sure your vet gives you some of that too , especially if your dog is not so young.


Our German Shepherd caught it in Nepal, nearly died, and we got her to Thonglor Animal Hospital here in BKK and they rapidly diagnosed her and saved her life, though not before she'd had a brain bleed that meant she had to do some rehab to regain her balance and coordination. She went on to live to a ripe old age, so we were incredibly grateful. When our Tibetan mastiff had the same symptoms some time later, we at least knew what to demand tests for, and how to treat it.

I'm glad your dog got the care she needed and has recovered well. Tick fever is bad stuff.


Our German Shepherd caught it in Nepal, nearly died, and we got her to Thonglor Animal Hospital here in BKK and they rapidly diagnosed her and saved her life, though not before she'd had a brain bleed that meant she had to do some rehab to regain her balance and coordination. She went on to live to a ripe old age, so we were incredibly grateful. When our Tibetan mastiff had the same symptoms some time later, we at least knew what to demand tests for, and how to treat it.

I'm glad your dog got the care she needed and has recovered well. Tick fever is bad stuff.

What symptoms did you dog have


Does it help to use the "anti-tick" medicine?

I put some drops of this medicine on the fur of my dog every month which should keep the ticks away.


Had a 5 year-old Golden retriever succumb to tick borne disease despite regular Thai vet administered FRONTLINE. A few months later had a puppy Golden do the same. Some months later discovered IVERMECTIN and bought a Labrador who immediately got treated with En-Dex (tablet form Ivermectin) and now has inject-able IVERMEC (same stuff) each month and has been tick free for her almost 6 year life.

I also administer En-Dex to a few Thai friends dogs (mutts) and they too are tick free.

Ivermectin is not recommended for herding breeds. Collies,German Shepards etc. Why is easily found by searching in Google.

Good stuff that you can spray around your house and the dog's bedding is PERMEDAN which contains permethrin. It's made by Antex Thai Chemie Co., Ltd.


Be careful with the Ivermectin stuff. I have a general-purpose-mutt soi dog and treating her with Ivermectin played havoc with the poor thing's nervous system.

We gave it to her in good faith and within hours she was very weak in the hind legs although otherwise untroubled. Stopped it immediately and within a couple of days she'd regained normal motion but it was a bit of a scare.

I don't know if we accidentally overdosed her or what, our other dog is also a sort of general mutt geneology, similar weight but a few years younger and with a totally different body shape and the Ivermectin had no negative effects on her at all.


The product they sell at homepro to dilute in water and spray really does work.. Took a week and i have had about 3-4 ticks per week instead of 20-30 per day.


Animal forum on here talks about it a lot. Cut your grass if you have dogs or kids

go to the pet forum and you will see i have been warning about this for over 12months.if a blood test is done at an animal hospital they will detect it straight away.

ours has taken 7months to be passed clear. .but dont take nothing for granted get the dog tested regulary


Does it help to use the "anti-tick" medicine?

I put some drops of this medicine on the fur of my dog every month which should keep the ticks away.

one thing you MUST do is read up on the symptoms and what to look out for. loss of weight,no appitite,unsteady on his/her feet,lethargic.


My Gf's Thai family lost a couple of dogs in the years I visit there, always thought they got poisened.

I always try to let them vaccinate, not sure if that sickness can be avoided with vaccination so. blink.png

At least the 2 Vet-Doctors I talked to, had been very much aware of that disease.


nearly all animal doctor around the world know about this problem.

the bigger problem is human doctor not know about this and most of the refuse to see the Tick fever as an possible cause.

as well the recommended treatment with antibiotics after a Tick bit they often refuse to administer.

with docter is it just how lucky one is or how persistent one it t ot get the medicine.


My Veterinarian in the US said it might be a good idea to keep my dog on a prophylactic dose of Doxycycline when we return to Thailand. I'm sure it's a lot cheaper in Thailand than the USA.


Some dogs are prone to ticks,those that are I give a shot of Ivermectin,works for up to 6 weeks before presence of more ticks seen. if dog looks sick ,I give Doxy,the green capsules twice a day for a week

Doxy,bought loose,its cheap antibiotic


Yes, ticks are returning in numbers again. Got a Golden and alternate monthly injection and fur application. Our vet has a "salon" for the toy dogs Thais like. I Asked for nitnoi hair off but that got lost in translation. I took a Retriever in and went home with a Labrador. Now a little easier to check for ticks.


My Veterinarian in the US said it might be a good idea to keep my dog on a prophylactic dose of Doxycycline when we return to Thailand. I'm sure it's a lot cheaper in Thailand than the USA.

after one of 4months and the last attack 7months,the meds.were more or less simular with all the vets,[5in all]

doxycycline,predisolone,and blood and liver support vits.hepato,irosine dog,

.after experiancing mgp money grabbing parasite [disease] VETS who doesnt care about the welfare of your pet.

they give you multible tabs,with no info,eg.doxy should not be taken the same time as predisolone.

predisolone when coming off them should be done gradually.6a day to 3,2,1.

doxy.in thailand should cost around 150bht.x42.predisolone 105bht x42bht. hepato is expensive but it cured our boy. irosine dog 180bht.a tube pet supplies.

the above prices were charged by an animal hospital.

but before we went to them,4 of the previos vets wanted or charged us anything from 350bht one as much as 480bht.

as for blood tests i did start a topic in the pets forum, ARE WE BEING CONNED.

with the proper treatment and a good honest qualified vet your dog will survive.



My Veterinarian in the US said it might be a good idea to keep my dog on a prophylactic dose of Doxycycline when we return to Thailand. I'm sure it's a lot cheaper in Thailand than the USA.

after one of 4months and the last attack 7months,the meds.were more or less simular with all the vets,[5in all]

doxycycline,predisolone,and blood and liver support vits.hepato,irosine dog,

.after experiancing mgp money grabbing parasite [disease] VETS who doesnt care about the welfare of your pet.

they give you multible tabs,with no info,eg.doxy should not be taken the same time as predisolone.

predisolone when coming off them should be done gradually.6a day to 3,2,1.

doxy.in thailand should cost around 150bht.x42.predisolone 105bht x42bht. hepato is expensive but it cured our boy. irosine dog 180bht.a tube pet supplies.

the above prices were charged by an animal hospital.

but before we went to them,4 of the previos vets wanted or charged us anything from 350bht one as much as 480bht.

as for blood tests i did start a topic in the pets forum, ARE WE BEING CONNED.

with the proper treatment and a good honest qualified vet your dog will survive.


LOL! My first Vet bill here in the US was close to $500 US and three of the meds the first Vet prescribed we didn't need, since they didn't do a blood test! The ophthalmologist said they aren't any good for her condition when I saw her after three days after the first Vet. Doxycycline is about $80 for 60 100 mg tablets here! Our first visit to the ophthalmologist was about $400 US! The next visit was another $200 or so. My dog is currently on Doxy, we just weened her off prednisone. We also have eye drops to reduce the eye pressure, about $60 for a little bottle. Our dog is much better, we get another blood test at the end of this month to see if she can stop the doxy. No mention of vitamins or anything else. She's eating well, gained weight and is back to her bossy powerful self!


thats good news jimi.she might need some vits.to help boost the wbc.and the rbc.

ours over the past 18months has had,LIVERVITAL,FEROVIT,FBC,IROFER,our vet at the hospital told us there is a good blood booster in tablet form called HEPATO he did say it was expensive but cost doesnt come into it if its your loved one.our boy had a very low platelet count,the vet said this is unusual considering haw long he has been on doxy.

i came to the conclusion that tablets prescibed before were cheap and nasty,the ones they buy by the thousand in big bottles.

so jimi keep us informed of her progress.it does sound shes on the mend.

if you havent read previous posts,jan 2015 ours according to a human lab.[blood tests] he had hepatozoon canis which attacks the wbc.

then in sept.a test was done at an animal testing lab.and they found,anaplasma platys and the same as what yours got e.canis.

the ehrlichia canis is carried by the brown dog tick thats been infected by another dog.

meatboy love me love my dog.


thats good news jimi.she might need some vits.to help boost the wbc.and the rbc.

ours over the past 18months has had,LIVERVITAL,FEROVIT,FBC,IROFER,our vet at the hospital told us there is a good blood booster in tablet form called HEPATO he did say it was expensive but cost doesnt come into it if its your loved one.our boy had a very low platelet count,the vet said this is unusual considering haw long he has been on doxy.

i came to the conclusion that tablets prescibed before were cheap and nasty,the ones they buy by the thousand in big bottles.

so jimi keep us informed of her progress.it does sound shes on the mend.

if you havent read previous posts,jan 2015 ours according to a human lab.[blood tests] he had hepatozoon canis which attacks the wbc.

then in sept.a test was done at an animal testing lab.and they found,anaplasma platys and the same as what yours got e.canis.

the ehrlichia canis is carried by the brown dog tick thats been infected by another dog.

meatboy love me love my dog.

Man's best friend !



Animal forum on here talks about it a lot. Cut your grass if you have dogs or kids

go to the pet forum and you will see i have been warning about this for over 12months.if a blood test is done at an animal hospital they will detect it straight away.

ours has taken 7months to be passed clear. .but dont take nothing for granted get the dog tested regulary

Exactly, any decent vet here will check for tick-borne blood diseases when a dog is generally unwell, or even just a bit 'off'.

The dog I brought here from England nearly died when he first came down with it, and that was how I discovered this unavoidable problem.

Nowadays I take them to the vet whenever they're not quite 'right', and 9 times out of 10 its the same problem...

I'd guess that nearly all dogs here have tick-borne blood diseases, but native dogs have a tolerance - even my English dog seems to have developed a tolerance nowadays, which is frightening 'cos it makes it harder to detect.

Blood tests annually is the only way to go IMO.


Some dogs are prone to ticks,those that are I give a shot of Ivermectin,works for up to 6 weeks before presence of more ticks seen. if dog looks sick ,I give Doxy,the green capsules twice a day for a week

Doxy,bought loose,its cheap antibiotic

Why wait 6 weeks and more ticks before dosing again? It only takes 1 tick to kill a dog. Why take the risk? All the instructions I've seen say monthly and that's what I do and all dogs I treat are tick free once the initial dose kicks in. I've also been told (by a breeder) to double the initial dose if a dog is heavily infected. I've done that a few times with no adverse effect.


Are there any concerns about using Invermectin continuously on a monthly cycle? Just asking because our vet alternates each month between the injection and fur application, and quite frankly the fur application never seems to work here. Any thoughts appreciated, I will discuss with the vet next time.

Do any of you do a blood test regularly (what frequency) or would you only consider it if your dog is showing symptoms or generally looking subdued? (Noted Dick. D recommends annually)


The product they sell at homepro to dilute in water and spray really does work.. Took a week and i have had about 3-4 ticks per week instead of 20-30 per day.

Does this product have an English label or only Thai ?



Some dogs are prone to ticks,those that are I give a shot of Ivermectin,works for up to 6 weeks before presence of more ticks seen. if dog looks sick ,I give Doxy,the green capsules twice a day for a week

Doxy,bought loose,its cheap antibiotic

Why wait 6 weeks and more ticks before dosing again? It only takes 1 tick to kill a dog. Why take the risk? All the instructions I've seen say monthly and that's what I do and all dogs I treat are tick free once the initial dose kicks in. I've also been told (by a breeder) to double the initial dose if a dog is heavily infected. I've done that a few times with no adverse effect.

Basically these are soi dogs, I only do what absolutely needs doing and IF I can catch it. The products sold in Thailand are basically no damned good or are expensive...Notixs ,basically deet with shampoo,can mix your own I guess here, RIDD amitraz solution,do not know if its available in Thailand,,Id put that up against Ivermectin and would win hands down, ivermectin pills 50 baht for 10 at 10mg Bayticol 50 baht ,here in Thailand close on 900 baht ,at vets that is,... Protektor 100 baht probably Frontline ,never used Frontline or its strength



There are so many problems when it comes to trying to control ticks sad.png .

1 - and most importantly - its too late when the 'back of the neck' product kills the tick - its already bitten the dog.

2 - these chemicals have to be toxic to kill the tick. Have you read the instruction leaflet? Wash your hands immediately etc. Which is worrying as they can't be doing the dog much good either...

3 - any particular product only works for a short while, so its necessary to keep changing the product brand.

In short, they're a necessary evil to eliminate ticks from our house - but they don't prevent dogs tick-borne blood diseases which seem to be endemic.

Hence my opinion that annual tests are necessary to check for these blood infections.

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