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American with adult toy arrested after getting Grab taxi to deliver drugs in Bangkok


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Let's handcuff the farang but not the two Thai accomplices. Thainess.

And why mistel Somchai doesn't have to point at the drugs?

They can't make them point, it is up to them and is basically a guilty plea, it will help them later in court to get a lesser sentence if they pleaded guilty at the first instance. If the other guy is not guilty of possession of the drugs then he should not point at them, simple.

I see,

So they can't make them point, make them show their face on the picture, make them take off sunglasses. Then what's the use of a picture like that?

This american can forget any job for the rest of his live (whenever he comes out of jail). Without a picture he would have a tiny chance i guess.

But the Thai on this picture thinks he is innocent and will also tell that to the judge? Maybe that's why he didn't get cuffed?

I don't like those pictures, for me a person is guilty after the judges has sentenced him/her. Not before that moment.

The use of the picture is linked to the statement the accused makes when arrested, it is their choice to admit to a crime if they want, I feel like you, I think it is a bad idea, better left to the courts, too easy for the police to intimidate someone into pointing and diminishing their chance of a fair trial later. The Thai in the photo may not think he is innocent, merely that the drugs being pointed to are not his, he may have his own pointing picture with other drugs, who knows.

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Brainless people.. Any savvy person will get suspicious when you tell him to drop the parcel at a given address and then phone him and tell him to drop it off at the street corner next to a green wheelie bin. May they have many years in the Hilton and "Father" Bentley & Rolls Royce become the next adult toy in the Hilton. Idiots like this, just make it worse for foreigners in Thailand. He should have gone home long time ago and save himself this crap.

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Brainless people.. Any savvy person will get suspicious when you tell him to drop the parcel at a given address and then phone him and tell him to drop it off at the street corner next to a green wheelie bin. May they have many years in the Hilton and "Father" Bentley & Rolls Royce become the next adult toy in the Hilton. Idiots like this, just make it worse for foreigners in Thailand. He should have gone home long time ago and save himself this crap.

Idiots like this, just make it worse for foreigners in Thailand. He should have gone home long time ago and save himself this crap.

NO truth in this whatsover!........

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yeahhhh lock the SOB another American that think they have the power to do anything they want anywhere in the world yeahhhh welcome to Thailand ...idiot .... lock the bastard we do not need anymore of that kind of people

Haven't been here very long have you? That's okay. We understand.

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Farang deals drugs, get handcuffed for pointing photo, headline 'American' no mention of Thai accomplices

Thai shoots a man on the street six times, no handcuffs, no pointing, headline 'Rama IV Road shooter'


It is obvious that the "news" headlines and slant here are created for max views and discussion, and that's OK with me. It's quite brilliant actually, as it brings us all together, daily, which shows more ads and so on. TV has it figured out, and I commend them for it. It's a good business model, especially when they are so many grumpy guys here who want to complain and express their frustration. Slant a headline or story, or post something ridiculous or unfair, and you have pages of engagement. I only wish I could have thought of it first.

Secondly, in regards to the cuffs vs no cuffs, point vs no point, it is quite simple, most of the Thais loath us. They tolorate the heck out of us, but anytime they can get away with a kick, punch, cheat, stab, robbing, cuffing, or humiliation, they do it. Such treatment and images time and time again prove this.

For me, reading the news on TV every morning is pure entertainment. I can't wait to see who was killed or arrested, what public transport crashed, and which idiotic politician or "expert" said something incredibly stupid. I love it. It's like living inside of a twisted cartoon.

What people fail to understand is "This is Thailand" and YOU are a foreigner in Thailand. You don't have the same rights as a Thai. If you are found guilty of a crime, proven or not proven they will blow it up and try and make an example out of you. Let this be a lesson to other foreigners to stay clear of crimes in Thailand.

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Anyone notice the 'plant' print on Father's shirt ?

Yes........Real smart wearing this while dealing drugs..........absolute <deleted>!......Just didn't know when to go homewub.png

Don't wear coconut tree shirts if you are dealing meth?

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It's a province in The Netherlands biggrin.png But I assume he meant 'Trabant', a car.. Well, you could call it a car if you have some imagination wink.png

If you had ever driven one you would know what a car they really were, great fun to drive, very economical, and generally very reliable if a little plasticy.

How would you know that I didn't? Or did? coffee1.gif

I wouldn't and I don't but I can assume that if you had you would feel the same as me, get it now?

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You see what's wrong in this picture?

Only the Farang in hand cuffs. Because that what is the BIBs want to present to the press (and the World) bah.gif

Well he is the only over stayer obviously, he can buy off the drugs charge but overstay is serious..

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What is the penalty for refusing to allow the police to take a picture of you pointing to your adult toy and drugs?

Just can not see how this helps his image back home...

Just Say: "NO Picture"

Let us know how that works for you...

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Not getting the adult toy connection in this bust.

It seems irrelevant and there was no list of adult toy in the charges.

Just put in the headline for sleaze appeal?

Yankees like this, it's time to GO HOME before it's too late! thumbsup.gif

yes, it's just click bait. i used to think these asinine story titles were written by imbeciles. now i feel they are written by manipulative imbeciles.

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To stereotype, the lad looks like the typical farrang who has stayed in Thailand for many years trying to become Thai. Every time I visit I run across so many of these poor folks that stick out like sore thumbs. They seem to want to do anything to never leave. They seem to barely get by and obviously living day to day. I don't see a good ending for these folks. I see one old farrang selling women's clothes at the entrance to a subway on my usual visits in BKK. He must be in his late 60's or early 70's. Hope the best for them and not end up like this guy doing some illegal out of desperation.

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He is not a happy camper,his expression alone, ''Look what they've done to me mummy''

Another useless poster sticking the boot in.

Do you feel superior now?

Strange how the low self esteems come out to criticize the down trodden.

Well, the phrase "down trodden" sort of implies that society has somehow treated this person unfairly and that he's been exploited and victimized. But this is a drug-dealing loser. The wounds are entirely self-inflicted; no one's "treading" on him, he's been treading on others.

Strange how the losers come out to commiserate with each other.

And how about that. An overstayer. Wait a minute! I thought overstayers didn't commit crimes!!

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