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KFC no longer delivers french fries!


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Wed 6 Apr 2016, 12:50 pm

I supposed there are more pressing matters in the universe, and I should probably send these people a thank you note rather than complaining. I am too damn FAT and it is too tempting to order from KFC online when I am stressed out and pressed for time.

Anyway, no french fries on the "new and improved" website today. The association with french fries and chicken is kind of an unbreakable one for me, and I don't think I need their nasty heart-death chicken if I can't have french fries.

Two conversations with customer service and two different stories. One that KFC no longer offers french fries online because they can't deliver them crispy. The other that it was a programming error on the new website which will be corrected in due course.

Maybe this is a blessing in disguise that will allow me to break this nasty habit!

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kfc french fries were not worth delivering. I cant remember even in store when they were properly cooked. though thankfully it has been a long time.

kfc in asia has a long history of stupid policies. As one who prefers breast to bone, KFC Manila will not sell you multiple pieces of chicken all white meat. I could understand if i was buying a set meal they might have a specific policy as to how the meat is distributed, but buying 3 pieces a la carte was a no go as well.

i discovered this one hungover day and was amazed to leave a place once named Kentucky FRIED CHICKEN, having failed to purchase chicken.

unfortunately the irony was lost to the manager there.

the op is correct, you owe them a thank you and eternal gratitude if, for this reason you never eat there again.

Edited by HooHaa
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Cole slaw is the main reason I go to KFC. I can take or leave their fries.

Out of curiosity, is their online delivery system English friendly?

I have never seen cole slaw in a KFC in Thailand just their shyt corn salad.

The KFC in Khlong Thom market has cole slaw. So does the one on Sukhumvit between Nana and Asoke. Sadly, they don't have the big family sized tubs.

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One that KFC no longer offers french fries online because they can't deliver them crispy.

I hate both KFC and McDonald's french fries but the above excuse for not delivering french fries doesn't convince me.

When I do occasionally, join Thais in KFC, I notice that they often leave the food for ages before starting to eat. In other words the french fries are always cold and soggy when they eat them.

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Cole slaw is the main reason I go to KFC. I can take or leave their fries.

Out of curiosity, is their online delivery system English friendly?

Yeah, the website is in Engarishe. It is initially a little bit confusing, but pretty well-designed actually. Once you figure out the eccentricities, it's quick and easy. That's the problem. I get done with a shift at 1:00 pm and am already famished. I pop over to the website, place the order, put it on my credit card, and they guy is here on his motorbike usually in 15 min. I don't even have to hassle exchanging cash; just give him a tip, grab my death-food and "enjoy." It makes it too easy to be lazy.

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One that KFC no longer offers french fries online because they can't deliver them crispy.

I hate both KFC and McDonald's french fries but the above excuse for not delivering french fries doesn't convince me.

When I do occasionally, join Thais in KFC, I notice that they often leave the food for ages before starting to eat. In other words the french fries are always cold and soggy when they eat them.

I don't consider this food "tasty" exactly. More like it satisfies a weird craving. Comparing McDondalds fries to KFC is like comparing hogwash to hogpiss.

Try Mikes in Chiang Mai. It is like an old fashioned pre-McDonalds era hamburger joint. Unbelievable.

Very unhealthy, but fantastic as you watch the grease from the burger drip down your arm! Hehehe . . .

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kfc, maccas, crispy creme, hungry jacks...

if prayuth was serious about protecting thai values all these guys would get kicked out of thailand.

their 'food' (offal, junk, rubbish) is at the heart of this world's struggle with obesity.

don't buy it, don't eat it, don't promote it.

you will find better food in any rubbish bin in this country.

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The mashed potato is ok if you are looking to make a crazy change in your life. I would order two mashed potato, two twisters and a couple of the small spicy drum sticks, cant remember what they are called but they are the only chicken pieces that taste good imo.

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OP, this is a blessing in disguise. You might live 10 years longer as a result. Fast food is poison and should be consumed as a special treat if you like it. Not something to be delivered to your door whenever hungry or stressed. So look on the bright side!

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kfc, maccas, crispy creme, hungry jacks...

if prayuth was serious about protecting thai values all these guys would get kicked out of thailand.

their 'food' (offal, junk, rubbish) is at the heart of this world's struggle with obesity.

don't buy it, don't eat it, don't promote it.

you will find better food in any rubbish bin in this country.

Thais have their own health problems due to the crazy amount of salt, sugar and oil they eat.....Thai health problems existed long before western fast food chains.

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kfc, maccas, crispy creme, hungry jacks...

if prayuth was serious about protecting thai values all these guys would get kicked out of thailand.

their 'food' (offal, junk, rubbish) is at the heart of this world's struggle with obesity.

don't buy it, don't eat it, don't promote it.

you will find better food in any rubbish bin in this country.

Thais have their own health problems due to the crazy amount of salt, sugar and oil they eat.....Thai health problems existed long before western fast food chains.

Thais have their own health problems due to the crazy amount of salt, sugar and oil they eat.....Thai health problems existed long before western fast food chains . . . and in addition to that, KFC, McDonalds, et al. Outside of a few expat ghettos, the VAST majority of KFC and Micky D, PIzzaCo customers are Thai.

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kfc, maccas, crispy creme, hungry jacks...

if prayuth was serious about protecting thai values all these guys would get kicked out of thailand.

their 'food' (offal, junk, rubbish) is at the heart of this world's struggle with obesity.

don't buy it, don't eat it, don't promote it.

you will find better food in any rubbish bin in this country.

Thais have their own health problems due to the crazy amount of salt, sugar and oil they eat.....Thai health problems existed long before western fast food chains.

Thais have their own health problems due to the crazy amount of salt, sugar and oil they eat.....Thai health problems existed long before western fast food chains . . . and in addition to that, KFC, McDonalds, et al. Outside of a few expat ghettos, the VAST majority of KFC and Micky D, PIzzaCo customers are Thai.
Most Thais do not eat this stuff on a daily bases. Lots of Thais cannot afford it and lots of the more rural areas don't have many of them either.

I am not defending eating fast food.... I never eat the shit. But the reality is that Thai food is very unhealthy as well and even if fast food disappeared tomorrow Thais would continue to have health problems. They deep fry their omelets and stir fried vegetables come soaked and floating in oil. They always eat the skin on chicken, eat deep fried pork belly regularly, and eat deep fried pork skins in their noodles and as snacks. They deep fry everything (even healthy foods like bananas). Add the MSG, the sugar they put in damn near everything, and the fact that Thais also tend to eat as a national pass time in between meals already puts a good portion of them consuming far above 2,000 calories a day. Don't forget the Thai teas, sugared beverages and cokes they drink on a daily basis.

Fast food is not what is making Thais fat........ Remove the fast food and they will just eat more of their own crummy food.

Edited by inbangkok
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While you are waiting for your delivery - wash a big potato, prick it a few times with a fork, stick it in the microwave for 5-6 minutes (depends on size), when it is just cool enough to handle cut it into half inch chunks (that's about 1.3 cm), place in a bowl (not red plastic, obviously), add a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise and fine slices of spring onion, season with salt and pepper, stir.

Leave the skin on the potato - that is the only healthy part.

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Is there a McDonald's near you

They will deliver your fix of fries and chicken

Ah yes, they'll probably conscript the "Mc.RAT" that was shown running riot around one of their stores... it won't eat much on the way.

The Video is on Youtube.

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This will remind you of what you are missing - you have a nice day, y'hear...

Fries just like that... Buy a TEFAL Fryer at Robinson... only use 1 Tablespoon of Olive Oil, toss in the FROZEN FRIES and in 20 minutes

you'll have Perfect, Crisp Fries.

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Quite apart from the health issues, their fries do not travel at all well. Like cardboard once they have gone cold - even the microwave or an expensive oven blast does not redeem them. Sensible policy - if they can't develop a better travelling fry within their price point (ie dirt cheap).

I make my own fries for the family if I bring back fried chicken. I try not to touch the stuff myself but can't get the message across, without it becoming a major domestic!

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