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Chiang Mai Local's Opinions of Chinese Tourists Published in Research Paper


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Local's Opinions of Chinese Tourists Published in Research Paper
by CityNews


CityNews – The Social Research Institute, Chiang Mai University, has published research into the effects of Chinese tourists to the local people in Chiang Mai, according to Korawan Sangkakorn, Researcher at the Social Research Institute.

Questionnaires were distributed to locals, mainly through social media.

The research found that on the whole, Chinese tourists were seen as a good thing economically, but most locals didn’t like the increase of Chinese tourists and cultural issues that come with them, despite trying to be open minded.

The research began in 2014, just before the boom of Chinese tourism which has in the last year seen many negative comments across social media.

In 2014, before the Chinese tourist boom, 70% of locals didn’t like dealing with Chinese tourists due to language barriers.

Full story: http://www.chiangmaicitylife.com/news/locals-opinions-of-chinese-tourists-published-in-research-paper/

-- Chiang City News 2016-04-08

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Know a Thai couple who run a good buffet lunch. They were on the "tour bus circuit". After 2 days of 2 bus loads each of Chinese, they called the tour companies and demanded they NEVER, EVER send Chinese again.

Tell you anything?

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I wish these research people would have interviewed my Thai friend.

He has been in the restaurant business in Chiang Mai, for almost 20 years. He owns the restaurant.

He told me in 20 years, no Chinese man or woman has ever left a tip. Not even 1 baht.

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"Over the next four years, the research predicts around 300 million more Chinese tourists will visit over the next four to five years."...... Lord have mercy blink.png

I saw that , and surely it cant be correct.

This year saw 27 million tourists of ALL nationalities visit Thailand....

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I wish these research people would have interviewed my Thai friend.

He has been in the restaurant business in Chiang Mai, for almost 20 years. He owns the restaurant.

He told me in 20 years, no Chinese man or woman has ever left a tip. Not even 1 baht.

Thats a fact then ? Whats the big deal about tipping anyway ? Just because its the norm in the west, doesn't mean the world has to follow or should be judged on a small minority western tradition. Maybe the restaurant has just crap service. I don't always tip in Thailand because the service often doesn't deserve it. By the same token did you know the chinese, Thai, East Asians are horrified how westerners leave their parents to grow alone in their old age or in old peoples homes ? ...but I guess as long as you tip, you are morally superior. God bless you.

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I read the article here and saw this

Eight million Chinese tourists have visited Thailand in the last year, and at least one million have visited Chiang Mai.

Over the next four years, the research predicts around 300 million more Chinese tourists will visit over the next four to five years.

TAT did this I think. That is a small increase over the next 5 years. I don't think that many Chinese travel; or will travel at all anywhere!

OR Is this a sly way of telling us Thailand has already been sold out and they are taking up possession???

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I wish these research people would have interviewed my Thai friend.

He has been in the restaurant business in Chiang Mai, for almost 20 years. He owns the restaurant.

He told me in 20 years, no Chinese man or woman has ever left a tip. Not even 1 baht.

Thats a fact then ? Whats the big deal about tipping anyway ? Just because its the norm in the west, doesn't mean the world has to follow or should be judged on a small minority western tradition. Maybe the restaurant has just crap service. I don't always tip in Thailand because the service often doesn't deserve it. By the same token did you know the chinese, Thai, East Asians are horrified how westerners leave their parents to grow alone in their old age or in old peoples homes ? ...but I guess as long as you tip, you are morally superior. God bless you.

NOW Now settle please. I think the poster was making a point about them being known for Chinese being known as mean. I also know of many stories and I also know from personal experience of many good stories and politeness.

It is a different culture Like Russia they have had it hard and with less politeness of other countries and cultures. But they can change and as there is 1.5 billion of them there is bound to be many bad stories. The good ones go unknown.

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For those that do not know.....You do not tip in China...so no surprise they don't tip when they are holiday.

The first meal I had in China I walked out of the place and left a very small amount of change as I only had large notes left in my wallet.

One of the waiters ran after me in the street to give it back....and he insisted I took it.

I have not been to Japan - but it is considered rude to tip.... service is supposed to be good and expected.

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For those that do not know.....You do not tip in China...so no surprise they don't tip when they are holiday.

The first meal I had in China I walked out of the place and left a very small amount of change as I only had large notes left in my wallet.

One of the waiters ran after me in the street to give it back....and he insisted I took it.

I have not been to Japan - but it is considered rude to tip.... service is supposed to be good and expected.

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For those that do not know.....You do not tip in China...so no surprise they don't tip when they are holiday.

The first meal I had in China I walked out of the place and left a very small amount of change as I only had large notes left in my wallet.

One of the waiters ran after me in the street to give it back....and he insisted I took it.

I have not been to Japan - but it is considered rude to tip.... service is supposed to be good and expected.

Your story reminded me almost exactly to my experience. However, in my case, over time I became more friendly and open in communication. When I tried again to give her a tip and she refused again I found out that she would be punished. In some restaurants if the server refuses and you insist, the money will end up in the owners hand.

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"Over the next four years, the research predicts around 300 million more Chinese tourists will visit over the next four to five years."...... Lord have mercy blink.png

I saw that , and surely it cant be correct.

This year saw 27 million tourists of ALL nationalities visit Thailand....

Every drop of water will be used up long before we hit that level. They would have to revamp the electric lines and sewers lines to handle the extra demand.

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I wish these research people would have interviewed my Thai friend.

He has been in the restaurant business in Chiang Mai, for almost 20 years. He owns the restaurant.

He told me in 20 years, no Chinese man or woman has ever left a tip. Not even 1 baht.

Okay, I'm not Chinese BUT I'll give him a good tip.

Be kind to your mother!

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Our guesthouse, condos and apartments will not accept them onto the premises, it is an insult to our workers to expect them to clean up the filth they leave everywhere in the rooms, toilets, restaurants and public places.

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Nobody wanted the Russians also in Pattaya , now that they are gone everyone is complaining about losing income.

Pattaya was turned into a cesspool by us soldiers on R&R. Lately, the Russians simply ensured it was made even more putrid. good riddance, and thanks for the pristine beach locations still available in the LoS.

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I have been to Beijing , lots of nice , friendly people there , and rich . Not all Chinese are a bad example when it comes to behavior and moral, just sayin....

Edited by balo
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Nobody wanted the Russians also in Pattaya , now that they are gone everyone is complaining about losing income.

Pattaya was turned into a cesspool by us soldiers on R&R. Lately, the Russians simply ensured it was made even more putrid. good riddance, and thanks for the pristine beach locations still available in the LoS.

Ummm....I believe it was the Thais that did this. Can't blame a soldier on R&R back in 1960 for this cities current problems. Nor can you blame the current crop of tourists. Hawaii has beautiful beaches and hoards of tourists. It's all how you manage things. And Thailand is just going after the money with no regards for the environment.

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For those that do not know.....You do not tip in China...so no surprise they don't tip when they are holiday.

The first meal I had in China I walked out of the place and left a very small amount of change as I only had large notes left in my wallet.

One of the waiters ran after me in the street to give it back....and he insisted I took it.

I have not been to Japan - but it is considered rude to tip.... service is supposed to be good and expected.

I lived and worked in Japan for many years before moving to Thailand. The level of attentive service one gets in a restaurant there, WITHOUT EXPECTED TIP, is far beyond anything seen in Thailand outside 5-star hotels... an no tips expected. In fact, when I first moved there, I often had tips returned to me with the comment; 'It's my job and my responsibility to give you good service. I should not receive extra money for doing so.' In the US, where waitstaff are paid significantly less than minimum wage by the owners, dinners are required make up a large part of their compensation. In Asia that is not the norm... nor is good service by waitstaff. Being handed a plate by someone looking in a different direction while talking on their cell phones does not constitute service worth gratuity.

But when I watch tables full of Chinese visitors brow-beat waitstaff in my usual daily lunch venue, I think these folks waiting tables deserve not just tips for extra work, but medals for not dumping bowls of soup into the laps of the Chinese visitors! When I hear "This no taste good. I no pay!" Or "Food too cold. Pay half only!" Or a dozen other complaints, I'm just glad I'm not in a service industry dealing with these new visitors to Chiang Mai.

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so it'll go even better along when 100,000,000 Bangladeshians arrive at the same time as 6,000,000 Bangkok Thai speakers do. that'll be an even bigger study. given that the early harbingers, canaries in the cage, not previously expected for a decade or so, have already arrived, El Nino cycle notwithstanding... it is still a fact that Bangladesh, Bangkok and the Vietnam Delta already have had salt water intrusion events. more (quite a lot more) to come and as I have pointed out once before...... Pakistan, China and especially India... take their border security very seriously so it's obvious a small mountain ridge won't stop that many folks who don't have a drop of fresh water and at some point... stuff nobody even wants to think about... at all. better to stick to looking thru a keyhole, but salt water is already here and not going away. the opposite. maybe there is a break behind the El Nino, but that's a maybe and only good for a few years at best.

Edited by maewang99
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I wish these research people would have interviewed my Thai friend.

He has been in the restaurant business in Chiang Mai, for almost 20 years. He owns the restaurant.

He told me in 20 years, no Chinese man or woman has ever left a tip. Not even 1 baht.

Thats a fact then ? Whats the big deal about tipping anyway ? Just because its the norm in the west, doesn't mean the world has to follow or should be judged on a small minority western tradition. Maybe the restaurant has just crap service. I don't always tip in Thailand because the service often doesn't deserve it. By the same token did you know the chinese, Thai, East Asians are horrified how westerners leave their parents to grow alone in their old age or in old peoples homes ? ...but I guess as long as you tip, you are morally superior. God bless you.

Except the Chinese aren't horrified by letting old people grow old alone. That's why the Chinese government enacted a law compelling people to care for their parents in their old age. Turns out once they're working hard and have prospects of their own; Chinese people are just like Westerners.

It's also worth noting that while tipping is not the norm in China; there are many Chinese who do tip. Source: Me who spent 3 years living in China.

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My Experience, for what it is worth.

We have hosted over 40 Couch-surfers over the last 18 months in Chiang Mai.

The Chinese we hosted, were truly beautiful thoughtful people, no wonder Thailand wants more of them.

Over the years we have hosted Chinese, we have NEVER had a bad experience. Some from 2010, still email and following their lives is truly rewarding. We have hosted MANY nationalities - some are harder than others. But, all - in their own way - have been a delight to host.

My beautiful wife of 20 years, is Thai and there is not a racist bone in her body. She too loved having Chinese guests.

I am an Aussie - we don't Tip as a general rule.

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I wish these research people would have interviewed my Thai friend.

He has been in the restaurant business in Chiang Mai, for almost 20 years. He owns the restaurant.

He told me in 20 years, no Chinese man or woman has ever left a tip. Not even 1 baht.

Thats a fact then ? Whats the big deal about tipping anyway ? Just because its the norm in the west, doesn't mean the world has to follow or should be judged on a small minority western tradition. Maybe the restaurant has just crap service. I don't always tip in Thailand because the service often doesn't deserve it. By the same token did you know the chinese, Thai, East Asians are horrified how westerners leave their parents to grow alone in their old age or in old peoples homes ? ...but I guess as long as you tip, you are morally superior. God bless you.

For your info, this restaurant is excellent and very good service. I have been a client there for 14 years, every 2 weeks. And Italian.

And I have no idea how your comment relates to the topic of this post.

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I suppose, first --- in recent history relevant to most posters on this Anglophone web site --- it was British calling anyone close to the Suez Canal a "Wise Oriental Gentleman." Swedes have their Norwegian jokes. Polish jokes are popular as are "Paddy" jokes, and so on and so on. It is too bad, isn't it, that so many people can't think past such immature generalisations.

Edited by Mapguy
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I wish these research people would have interviewed my Thai friend.

He has been in the restaurant business in Chiang Mai, for almost 20 years. He owns the restaurant.

He told me in 20 years, no Chinese man or woman has ever left a tip. Not even 1 baht.

Thats a fact then ? Whats the big deal about tipping anyway ? Just because its the norm in the west, doesn't mean the world has to follow or should be judged on a small minority western tradition. Maybe the restaurant has just crap service. I don't always tip in Thailand because the service often doesn't deserve it. By the same token did you know the chinese, Thai, East Asians are horrified how westerners leave their parents to grow alone in their old age or in old peoples homes ? ...but I guess as long as you tip, you are morally superior. God bless you.

Except the Chinese aren't horrified by letting old people grow old alone. That's why the Chinese government enacted a law compelling people to care for their parents in their old age. Turns out once they're working hard and have prospects of their own; Chinese people are just like Westerners.

It's also worth noting that while tipping is not the norm in China; there are many Chinese who do tip. Source: Me who spent 3 years living in China.

Really ? They don't care just like the west ? Another fact by an old China hand. With one family to look after 4 grandparents due to the one child system, a small minority will find it difficult. So this law shows just exactly how horrified society is and how much its ingrained is confucian culture that the government bothered to inact a law. Thais are similar. They always tell me thats the one thing they don't understand , lack of filial piety. They also don't understand why you have to tip so much ! The waiters in Japan find it an insult "Am i so poor I need a few extra coins ?" ( I am told by my Thai friends never leave coins its an insult, if u really must be a ferang abroad, leave 20-40bt ).

Tipping is not the norm in China. A small minority might leave the coin change. This is even in the case in HK where they aren't exactly poor. Source: Me livng 20+ years in HK, China, + SE Asia, 20+ years UK and W.Europe. But its OK, we westerners tip loads, we are generous so we are morally superior :)

Edited by sandmonster
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