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The Mai Ben Rai Up to You problem


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Get them a 1200cc superbike. Mai bpen rai.

At the same time take out a term life insurance policy with a triple indemnity accident

clause with you as the beneficiary. tongue.png

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Did your kids have an accident?


Then your wife was right, no problem. Why make one?

If you treat your kids like that they will never grow up.

15 year olds are quite capable of riding a motor scooter.

Just because many states have nanny rules doesn't make them right.

Farangs think too much.

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I have to admit that the helmets we see here don't protect a lot and in some case could be more dangerous than no helmet at all but when parents see their children wearing helmet, they feel or better said they should feel reassured.

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Minors safety is the parents responsibility.

If your kids does not wear helmet YOU, as an adult, are responsible for not having done your job as a parent to educate your child to road safety procedures.

You are letting your kids down by being lazy / mai pen rai is just an excuse not to do your job.

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If you lived in a small village, you would be upset every day... The only thing worse than the 9 and 10 yr olds driving is the drunk teenagers... as well as drunk adults who should know better...

This one is not up to you, [or me either] sorry. All I can do is scrape them up and visit them in the hospital.

Fair enough,but i would never be paying for other peoples stupidity.

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And this is how, every year we are the second most dangerous roads country in the world.

Children DONT need to learn by having an accident. That is why parents are here for, to explain. It's called education.

Education is fine but when it is refused then discipline has to be implemented.

Wearing seat belts, crash helmets, no use of mobile phones by car drivers in my presence is enforced. it is non-negotiable. Being assertive without aggression works. From the beginning my g/f and two young children we sometimes take out wear their seat belts in the car, EVERY time. In fact after only about three or times being reminded, even the 4 and 5 year olds now automatically put their belts on! When they are with their parents, they don't!!

"Mai Bpen rai" in very important matters is a bad attitude that I do not accept!

When i give the Yai's a lift into town,they go to climb in the back.Get in front with me and ac.i say.They wrap the belt around their neck,anyway,but right.After reaching over and fitting it for them,plenty of laughs,especially if i scrap a booby.Now most of them know.

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Most Thais i know have'nt got a lick of sense about them,unable to see consequences from a set of actions.

Absolutely not true. My tgf's older brother just had his house dismantled after being advised by the mooban maaw that his recent, near fatal sickness was due to not having the house blessed before it was built.

Actions, consequences!

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