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Voters stand by Trump as champion of political incorrectness


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Some people have anointed themselves arbitrator of what is and is not acceptable for everyone else. They attempt to lead the narrative and marginalize others. Disagreeing starts the ad hominem and generalizing - under-educated white male racist, misogynistic redneck.

They engage in the very behavior they are criticizing.

Right Wing Victimhood! Shoes and other feet come to mind. Reaping and Sowing. All sorts of cliches.

Don't want to be called a racist, then don't make racist comments. Simple really.

The young guy quoted in this article didn't make any "racist" comment. Yet one poster here tarred him with the big brush.

Like saying all black people are lazy and dumb, because they are black. If they think that's unfair, well, they are just playing the victim card.

It is simple.

Playing cards? More Right Wing Victimhood. "Look Mommy, someone called me a racist because I said black people are lazy" So unfair, playing these cards. I guess some people think that such comments about cards reflects intelligent debate. Just disguised victimhood.

Don't want to be called a racist, then don't make racists comments. Simple reallyYou seem to be missing the point.

You don't seem to be missing the point. You are. Or intentionally obtuse.

Suggesting a Trump supporter is X Y Z, just because he's a Trump supporter, is the same kind of shit as calling all blacks dumb and lazy because they are black. It is just that simple.

This has nothing to do with Trump, blacks or your Mommie. It's about recognizing hypocrisy by the unproductive hate mongers spewing vitriol from the extreme ends of the spectrum.

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The young guy quoted in this article didn't make any "racist" comment. Yet one poster here tarred him with the big brush.

Like saying all black people are lazy and dumb, because they are black. If they think that's unfair, well, they are just playing the victim card.

It is simple.

Playing cards? More Right Wing Victimhood. "Look Mommy, someone called me a racist because I said black people are lazy" So unfair, playing these cards. I guess some people think that such comments about cards reflects intelligent debate. Just disguised victimhood.

Don't want to be called a racist, then don't make racists comments. Simple really.

As well as don't align yourself with people that say "Mexicans are rapists". Which was my point 55Jay regarding the guy in the article.

If you stand with Trump, you stand for what he stands for, and in Trump's own words that's misogyny, racism, bigotry.

Do you need the re-quotes or are you good there?

The MSM intentionally misquotes and mischaracterizes things for political agenda, and ratings.

Your regurgitating them here means you are easily misled, or willing to overlook inaccuracies if it suits you point of view. It doesn't make what you've said right. It just makes you look more obvious.

Edited by 55Jay
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In principle anyone trying to change the failed political system in the US should be applauded and supported. This should be an opportunity for the people to rebel and look for real change. The problem here though is the front man, change should be for the better and not to try to take the the country into chaotic anarchy and ostracise the rest of the world.

America should learn from this and in four years time find the right candidate with the right policies who will change things for the better.

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"Suggesting a Trump supporter is X Y Z, just because he's a Trump supporter"

So you are saying a Trump supporter does not necessarily agree with what Trump is saying.

Why would they be a Trump supporter then?

If you read the article, you would see this young guys says why he's a trump supporter.

I like some of the things Trump talks about. Not all. And his delivery is krap.

You narrow attitude is part of the problem.

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The young guy quoted in this article didn't make any "racist" comment. Yet one poster here tarred him with the big brush.

Like saying all black people are lazy and dumb, because they are black. If they think that's unfair, well, they are just playing the victim card.

It is simple.

Playing cards? More Right Wing Victimhood. "Look Mommy, someone called me a racist because I said black people are lazy" So unfair, playing these cards. I guess some people think that such comments about cards reflects intelligent debate. Just disguised victimhood.

Don't want to be called a racist, then don't make racists comments. Simple really.

As well as don't align yourself with people that say "Mexicans are rapists". Which was my point 55Jay regarding the guy in the article.

If you stand with Trump, you stand for what he stands for, and in Trump's own words that's misogyny, racism, bigotry.

Do you need the re-quotes or are you good there?

The MSM intentionally misquotes and mischaracterizes things for political agenda, and ratings.

Your regurgitating them here means you are easily misled, or willing to overlook inaccuracies if it suits you point of view. It doesn't make what you've said right. It just makes you look more obvious.

Not easily misled when these are Trump's own words.

Direct quotes from Donald Trump.

Regarding POW Senator John McCain:

"He's not a war hero. He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured, OK, I hate to tell you."

."@ariannahuff is unattractive both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man- he made a good decision".

“The only kind of people I want counting my money are little short guys that wear yamakas every day.” - Cutting edge racism there, two stereotypes in one sentence!

55Jay you brought up Blacks and laziness, straight from Trump's mouth “Laziness is a trait in the blacks. ... Black guys counting my money! I hate it.”

One of the key problems today is that politics is such a disgrace. Good people don’t go into government.” BINGO Donald !!!!

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When will people finally understand, that "political incorrectness" does not equal hate- and fear mongering or is downright stupid?

When will people finally understand, that their "champion" has no <deleted>#@^&% clue, what he is talking about and that he has not even the shred of a plan?

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So xenophobic racists and bigots have found a politicly incorrect spokesperson in Trump. Lets see if that will get their views into the White House. I am so hoping Trump becomes the Republican nominee.

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Right Wing Victimhood! Shoes and other feet come to mind. Reaping and Sowing. All sorts of cliches.

Don't want to be called a racist, then don't make racist comments. Simple really.

The young guy quoted in this article didn't make any "racist" comment. Yet one poster here tarred him with the big brush.

Like saying all black people are lazy and dumb, because they are black. If they think that's unfair, well, they are just playing the victim card.

It is simple.

Playing cards? More Right Wing Victimhood. "Look Mommy, someone called me a racist because I said black people are lazy" So unfair, playing these cards. I guess some people think that such comments about cards reflects intelligent debate. Just disguised victimhood.

Don't want to be called a racist, then don't make racists comments. Simple reallyYou seem to be missing the point.

You don't seem to be missing the point. You are. Or intentionally obtuse.

Suggesting a Trump supporter is X Y Z, just because he's a Trump supporter, is the same kind of shit as calling all blacks dumb and lazy because they are black. It is just that simple.

This has nothing to do with Trump, blacks or your Mommie. It's about recognizing hypocrisy by the unproductive hate mongers spewing vitriol from the extreme ends of the spectrum.

I don't believe I am being obtuse at all. If anything I am being acute. Since you seem to have a thing for angles.

While you are trying to point out what you call hypocrisy for someone commenting on some hayseed's infatuation with Trump and Trumpism, I am merely highlighting the insincerity and hypocrisy of playing the victim, you know, moaning about various cards being played. I offer a very simple solution. You don't want the racist card played, then don't say racist things. You don't want the misogynist card played, then don't talk rubbish about women and their issues. You don't want the homophobe card played, then don't stereotype LGBT people and their issues.

Simple really. Once can be quite perpendicular about that particular angle.

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You don't seem to be missing the point. You are. Or intentionally obtuse.

Suggesting a Trump supporter is X Y Z, just because he's a Trump supporter, is the same kind of shit as calling all blacks dumb and lazy because they are black. It is just that simple.

This has nothing to do with Trump, blacks or your Mommie. It's about recognizing hypocrisy by the unproductive hate mongers spewing vitriol from the extreme ends of the spectrum.

I don't believe I am being obtuse at all. If anything I am being acute. Since you seem to have a thing for angles.

While you are trying to point out what you call hypocrisy for someone commenting on some hayseed's infatuation with Trump and Trumpism, I am merely highlighting the insincerity and hypocrisy of playing the victim, you know, moaning about various cards being played. I offer a very simple solution. You don't want the racist card played, then don't say racist things. You don't want the misogynist card played, then don't talk rubbish about women and their issues. You don't want the homophobe card played, then don't stereotype LGBT people and their issues.

Simple really. Once can be quite perpendicular about that particular angle.

Of course I understand all that. Perhaps you should start a new thread about cards.

The fact you can't help labeling the guy "hayseed" in a derogatory tone, and over-the-top characterizations that he's "infatuated", makes my point all the more obvious.

What I'm saying is generalizing and slating people on an assumption, is the same kind of narrow attitude as saying muslims are terrorists. There probably are racists misogynistic homophones at Trump rallies, but not all of them are. You seem to be struggling with this very basic truth.

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"Suggesting a Trump supporter is X Y Z, just because he's a Trump supporter"

So you are saying a Trump supporter does not necessarily agree with what Trump is saying.

Why would they be a Trump supporter then?

It's strange. The L.A. Times interviewed about 15 Trump supporters at a rally. About half didn't have (or weren't able to articulate) a tangible reason to support him. Some didn't agree with his policies but supported him anyway. Something about "because he's good at business, he will probably be good at making deals for America." It appears his support is flaccid. Add to that it's about 34% of Republicans. When you figure Republicans comprise about 45% of the overall voters, then that translates to about 15% of the overall electorate might vote for him Nov. 8. That's assuming his already flaccid support won't further erode.

It would be interesting to poll Republican voters in states which have already voted, like Florida, and see how many Trump voters would have voted differently if they knew then, what they know now. It would be like asking voters who voted for Bush Jr. if they would still vote for him today, knowing what they now know. There's a message: VOTERS SHOULD BECOME INFORMED. .....particularly Republican voters, who usually just vote their wallet and fears. Two of many examples: One of the men who was at the Trump rally, said the reason he's a Trumpster is because his teenage daughter was turned down for 3 jobs at fast-food places. A woman said she was afraid of all the Muslim terrorists roaming around in America. You get the picture? Trump preaches fear of the boogie man, and loathing for America's politicians......the amazing thing is.... IT WORKS LIKE A CHARM !!!

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You don't seem to be missing the point. You are. Or intentionally obtuse.

Suggesting a Trump supporter is X Y Z, just because he's a Trump supporter, is the same kind of shit as calling all blacks dumb and lazy because they are black. It is just that simple.

This has nothing to do with Trump, blacks or your Mommie. It's about recognizing hypocrisy by the unproductive hate mongers spewing vitriol from the extreme ends of the spectrum.

I don't believe I am being obtuse at all. If anything I am being acute. Since you seem to have a thing for angles.

While you are trying to point out what you call hypocrisy for someone commenting on some hayseed's infatuation with Trump and Trumpism, I am merely highlighting the insincerity and hypocrisy of playing the victim, you know, moaning about various cards being played. I offer a very simple solution. You don't want the racist card played, then don't say racist things. You don't want the misogynist card played, then don't talk rubbish about women and their issues. You don't want the homophobe card played, then don't stereotype LGBT people and their issues.

Simple really. Once can be quite perpendicular about that particular angle.

Of course I understand all that. Perhaps you should start a new thread about cards.

The fact you can't help labeling the guy "hayseed" in a derogatory tone, and over-the-top characterizations that he's "infatuated", makes my point all the more obvious.

What I'm saying is generalizing and slating people on an assumption, is the same kind of narrow attitude as saying muslims are terrorists. There probably are racists misogynistic homophones at Trump rallies, but not all of them are. You seem to be struggling with this very basic truth.

I don't think that there will be any thread coming up on World News about playing cards any time soon, so I am perfectly happy to highlight the hypocrisy of White Right Victimhood and their penchant for false moral equivalence.

If you are going to make a soapbox out of stereotyping, then choosing to defend a Trump fan boy is probably not going to get you very far. Trump and his 'movement' is entirely a stereotype. He plays on base fears, insecurities and prejudices. You may feel that he is deserving of recognition as a serious candidate but most Americans (more then two thirds) and I would imagine higher numbers of non Americans don't agree with you. His candidacy brings discredit to the US political system.

But that is neither here nor there. You are offended by my tone and believe that my polemic proves your point. Well, let's just see what the hayseed said:

"No more political correctness," said Kottke, 22, a cattle trucker and construction worker from Athens, Wisconsin"

No more political correctness. This is a policy platform for the leader of the country with the strongest military might in the world in the 21st Century? You really want us to take this seriously. You place this at the same level as income inequality? You place this at the same level as the overweening influence of the national security state? You place this at the same level of diplomacy in a nuclear armed world?

I don't.

Political correctness is a code word. It means a person who has been taught to hate people who don't look like or sound like or act like them wants the freedom to express that hate. And you resent the fact that people recognise this hayseed for what he is and call him out.

​It is very easy to stereotype people when they use words that fit the stereotype. Is everyone in the Trump camp the same as Mr. Kottke? Maybe not but it cannot be denied that the Trump camp provides comfort and a natural home for bigots, racists, misogynists, homophobes. When then be surprised at people identifying this particularly when the code words are used.

​Seems a pretty acute assessment basic truth to me.

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As well as don't align yourself with people that say "Mexicans are rapists". Which was my point 55Jay regarding the guy in the article.

Playing cards? More Right Wing Victimhood. "Look Mommy, someone called me a racist because I said black people are lazy" So unfair, playing these cards. I guess some people think that such comments about cards reflects intelligent debate. Just disguised victimhood.

Don't want to be called a racist, then don't make racists comments. Simple really.

If you stand with Trump, you stand for what he stands for, and in Trump's own words that's misogyny, racism, bigotry.

Do you need the re-quotes or are you good there?

The MSM intentionally misquotes and mischaracterizes things for political agenda, and ratings.

Your regurgitating them here means you are easily misled, or willing to overlook inaccuracies if it suits you point of view. It doesn't make what you've said right. It just makes you look more obvious.

Not easily misled when these are Trump's own words.

Direct quotes from Donald Trump.

Regarding POW Senator John McCain:

"He's not a war hero. He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured, OK, I hate to tell you."

."@ariannahuff is unattractive both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man- he made a good decision".

“The only kind of people I want counting my money are little short guys that wear yamakas every day.” - Cutting edge racism there, two stereotypes in one sentence!

55Jay you brought up Blacks and laziness, straight from Trump's mouth “Laziness is a trait in the blacks. ... Black guys counting my money! I hate it.”

One of the key problems today is that politics is such a disgrace. Good people don’t go into government.” BINGO Donald !!!!

Yup, he's a toad. No argument there. I'm not talking about Trump though.

I'm making a point about YOU. Your assumptions and vitriolic, regurgitated rhetoric.

You can flail your arms and cut and paste all day long. Doesn't change the fact you are wrong.

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I find it very refreshing.

Who (pray tell) wants a wimpy, suck up politician anyways. I hope we can get away from that. It's too "Canadian" for my taste.

Don't you just hate whinging, vegetarian, tree hugging, politically correct people..anyways? I do.

Celebrating ignorance is nothing to be proud of. Trump whinges continuously: He harps about his being treated fairly, but has benefited from all the free media attention. So you hate vegetarians and tree huggers. Ok then,so then enjoy the deforestation of Phuket that leaves the province at risk of drought, landslips and erosion. Have you had an opportunity to visit tree hugger fee zones like Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai this year? I did. The air was wonderful for choking and lung poisoning. Outside of Cha Am passed another truck packed with live hogs. They were splayed one on top of the other, with no room to breathe or to move. All were in in obvious distress and many had broken limbs. Never mind you need your bacon, right? Ethical and responsible farm management is stoopid vegetablarianism gone amuck, right?

Have you heard about the lead poisoning in Flint? There were no specific laws ls in place that stopped the Republican controlled government from poisoning the residents of Flint with known lead contaminated water. No need for tree hugging environmental legislation right? All over the USA their are factories which have poisoned land and waterway because the environmental laws lack no teeth and the amage has yet to be discovered. By the time it is, the company will have shut down and there will be another Love Canal crisis. US patriots love their pork, whether it be in the animal product or the wasteful spending and corporate welfare. All over the pork farming belt of the USA are large pools of pig manure polluting ground water, fouling the air, and just waiting to poison the area. No worries. , because companies will do the right thing.

It would be politically correct if I were to refer you to a parasite because you collect an old age pension from your government and received other benefits when you lived there. All benefits that were not covered by your income tax contributions. You may think they do, but they came nowhere close. That applies to most of the angry white middle aged males who rail against a changing world that they cannot control. I should be more respectful right?

Edited by geriatrickid
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I find it very refreshing.

Who (pray tell) wants a wimpy, suck up politician anyways. I hope we can get away from that. It's too "Canadian" for my taste.

Don't you just hate whinging, vegetarian, tree hugging, politically correct people..anyways? I do.

Celebrating ignorance is nothing to be proud of. Trump whinges continuously: He harps about his being treated fairly, but has benefited from all the free media attention. So you hate vegetarians and tree huggers. Ok then,so then enjoy the deforestation of Phuket that leaves the province at risk of drought, landslips and erosion. Have you had an opportunity to visit tree hugger fee zones like Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai this year? I did. The air was wonderful for choking and lung poisoning. Outside of Cha Am passed another truck packed with live hogs. They were splayed one on top of the other, with no room to breathe or to move. All were in in obvious distress and many had broken limbs. Never mind you need your bacon, right? Ethical and responsible farm management is stoopid vegetablarianism gone amuck, right?

Have you heard about the lead poisoning in Flint? There were no specific laws ls in place that stopped the Republican controlled government from poisoning the residents of Flint with known lead contaminated water. No need for tree hugging environmental legislation right? All over the USA their are factories which have poisoned land and waterway because the environmental laws lack no teeth and the amage has yet to be discovered. By the time it is, the company will have shut down and there will be another Love Canal crisis. US patriots love their pork, whether it be in the animal product or the wasteful spending and corporate welfare. All over the pork farming belt of the USA are large pools of pig manure polluting ground water, fouling the air, and just waiting to poison the area. No worries. , because companies will do the right thing.

It would be politically correct if I were to refer you to a parasite because you collect an old age pension from your government and received other benefits when you lived there. All benefits that were not covered by your income tax contributions. You may think they do, but they came nowhere close. That applies to most of the angry white middle aged males who rail against a changing world that they cannot control. I should be more respectful right?

LOL...military retiree...my friend.

I sponged off of nobody.

get your facts before you insert foot in mouth.

You...kind sir..are making personal attacks here. Perhaps you are having a "bad" day? Nobody is angry here.

Edited by slipperylobster
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I must say, it seems that people who don't agree with Trump need to get angry, and insulting.

Not quite sure why...but I figure it is their frustration of not having a worthy opponent that can rack up delegates ...as Trump does.

Perhaps they are frustrated at Cruz's inability to dominate the the quest for nomination.

I see several angry posts directed towards Trump supporters. (not quite warranted). We have a free society and free election.....let the numbers speak for themselves. You may not like it...but take a chill pill and watch the show. It's called democracy. live and let live.

Obama has not really met expectations..and he has been in Office 8 years. Lets try something else for four. Stop being afraid of changes.

In any case, no single viewpoint is going to get Trump elected. Let people speak their mind and stop over reacting


Edited by slipperylobster
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I find it very refreshing.

Who (pray tell) wants a wimpy, suck up politician anyways. I hope we can get away from that. It's too "Canadian" for my taste.

Don't you just hate whinging, vegetarian, tree hugging, politically correct people..anyways? I do.

Celebrating ignorance is nothing to be proud of. Trump whinges continuously: He harps about his being treated fairly, but has benefited from all the free media attention. So you hate vegetarians and tree huggers. Ok then,so then enjoy the deforestation of Phuket that leaves the province at risk of drought, landslips and erosion. Have you had an opportunity to visit tree hugger fee zones like Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai this year? I did. The air was wonderful for choking and lung poisoning. Outside of Cha Am passed another truck packed with live hogs. They were splayed one on top of the other, with no room to breathe or to move. All were in in obvious distress and many had broken limbs. Never mind you need your bacon, right? Ethical and responsible farm management is stoopid vegetablarianism gone amuck, right?

Have you heard about the lead poisoning in Flint? There were no specific laws ls in place that stopped the Republican controlled government from poisoning the residents of Flint with known lead contaminated water. No need for tree hugging environmental legislation right? All over the USA their are factories which have poisoned land and waterway because the environmental laws lack no teeth and the amage has yet to be discovered. By the time it is, the company will have shut down and there will be another Love Canal crisis. US patriots love their pork, whether it be in the animal product or the wasteful spending and corporate welfare. All over the pork farming belt of the USA are large pools of pig manure polluting ground water, fouling the air, and just waiting to poison the area. No worries. , because companies will do the right thing.

It would be politically correct if I were to refer you to a parasite because you collect an old age pension from your government and received other benefits when you lived there. All benefits that were not covered by your income tax contributions. You may think they do, but they came nowhere close. That applies to most of the angry white middle aged males who rail against a changing world that they cannot control. I should be more respectful right?

LOL...military retiree...my friend.

I sponged off of nobody.

get your facts before you insert foot in mouth.

You...kind sir..are making personal attacks here. Perhaps you are having a "bad" day? Nobody is angry here.

You missed the point about politically correct. You wrote that you find it refreshing, Well, now you are insulted, when I illustrate the economic reality of benefits received vs. taxes paid. It's wonderful that you are a military retiree. As such, you can access a generous benefits package of pension, health care and education that other US nationals can not. You declare that you sponged off of "nobody", but the reality is that you have and will. That doesn't mean you are a bad person or that you haven't earned the right to access benefits. However, the education you received as a child, the county, state and federal infrastructure you benefit from was all paid for through taxes.

Politically Incorrect is to make the point that you are benefiting far more from the system, than what your contribution warrants. However, the unfortunate truth is that unless you are in the top 10% of US taxpayers, the benefits you have received and will receive are far greater than what you have paid in by way of taxes. It's hard to believe for most people, but that's the economic reality. Politically incorrect to point that out, or to point out that a large number of people who are receiving benefits under the military retiree system did not do much other than do a minimum period in the military in non combat roles. You most likely find this offensive. However, I counter that it is refreshing.

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Of course I understand all that. Perhaps you should start a new thread about cards.

The fact you can't help labeling the guy "hayseed" in a derogatory tone, and over-the-top characterizations that he's "infatuated", makes my point all the more obvious.

What I'm saying is generalizing and slating people on an assumption, is the same kind of narrow attitude as saying muslims are terrorists. There probably are racists misogynistic homophones at Trump rallies, but not all of them are. You seem to be struggling with this very basic truth.

I don't think that there will be any thread coming up on World News about playing cards any time soon, so I am perfectly happy to highlight the hypocrisy of White Right Victimhood and their penchant for false moral equivalence.

If you are going to make a soapbox out of stereotyping, then choosing to defend a Trump fan boy is probably not going to get you very far. Trump and his 'movement' is entirely a stereotype. He plays on base fears, insecurities and prejudices. You may feel that he is deserving of recognition as a serious candidate but most Americans (more then two thirds) and I would imagine higher numbers of non Americans don't agree with you. His candidacy brings discredit to the US political system.

But that is neither here nor there. You are offended by my tone and believe that my polemic proves your point. Well, let's just see what the hayseed said:

"No more political correctness," said Kottke, 22, a cattle trucker and construction worker from Athens, Wisconsin"

No more political correctness. This is a policy platform for the leader of the country with the strongest military might in the world in the 21st Century? You really want us to take this seriously. You place this at the same level as income inequality? You place this at the same level as the overweening influence of the national security state? You place this at the same level of diplomacy in a nuclear armed world?

I don't.

Political correctness is a code word. It means a person who has been taught to hate people who don't look like or sound like or act like them wants the freedom to express that hate. And you resent the fact that people recognise this hayseed for what he is and call him out.

​It is very easy to stereotype people when they use words that fit the stereotype. Is everyone in the Trump camp the same as Mr. Kottke? Maybe not but it cannot be denied that the Trump camp provides comfort and a natural home for bigots, racists, misogynists, homophobes. When then be surprised at people identifying this particularly when the code words are used.

​Seems a pretty acute assessment basic truth to me.

"No more political correctness" does not make the guy a white, racist homophobic misogynist as Oldgrumpy ranted about earlier, which is what I was responding to until you jumped in.

Even Bernie Sanders rails against political correctness. It's all the rage. Everyone's saying it, ad nauseam. You just hijacked the term and assigned some dastardly idea about codes and hidden meanings to fit your narrative. LOL.

Stereotyping and labeling individuals often proves inaccurate, which is why learned folks try to avoid doing it. It also runs counter to liberal/progressive thinking, at least in theory. The hypocrisy on display here is that it's OK, especially if you can link it to defending a protected group, in order to feel justified in marginalizing another.

I got a chuckle at your ass-umption I'm a Trump supporter or that I'm offended. I'm not offended at all. I'm not a Trump supporter either. Keep swinging, you might get lucky, but I doubt it.

Edited by 55Jay
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Of course I understand all that. Perhaps you should start a new thread about cards.

The fact you can't help labeling the guy "hayseed" in a derogatory tone, and over-the-top characterizations that he's "infatuated", makes my point all the more obvious.

What I'm saying is generalizing and slating people on an assumption, is the same kind of narrow attitude as saying muslims are terrorists. There probably are racists misogynistic homophones at Trump rallies, but not all of them are. You seem to be struggling with this very basic truth.

I don't think that there will be any thread coming up on World News about playing cards any time soon, so I am perfectly happy to highlight the hypocrisy of White Right Victimhood and their penchant for false moral equivalence.

If you are going to make a soapbox out of stereotyping, then choosing to defend a Trump fan boy is probably not going to get you very far. Trump and his 'movement' is entirely a stereotype. He plays on base fears, insecurities and prejudices. You may feel that he is deserving of recognition as a serious candidate but most Americans (more then two thirds) and I would imagine higher numbers of non Americans don't agree with you. His candidacy brings discredit to the US political system.

But that is neither here nor there. You are offended by my tone and believe that my polemic proves your point. Well, let's just see what the hayseed said:

"No more political correctness," said Kottke, 22, a cattle trucker and construction worker from Athens, Wisconsin"

No more political correctness. This is a policy platform for the leader of the country with the strongest military might in the world in the 21st Century? You really want us to take this seriously. You place this at the same level as income inequality? You place this at the same level as the overweening influence of the national security state? You place this at the same level of diplomacy in a nuclear armed world?

I don't.

Political correctness is a code word. It means a person who has been taught to hate people who don't look like or sound like or act like them wants the freedom to express that hate. And you resent the fact that people recognise this hayseed for what he is and call him out.

​It is very easy to stereotype people when they use words that fit the stereotype. Is everyone in the Trump camp the same as Mr. Kottke? Maybe not but it cannot be denied that the Trump camp provides comfort and a natural home for bigots, racists, misogynists, homophobes. When then be surprised at people identifying this particularly when the code words are used.

​Seems a pretty acute assessment basic truth to me.

"No more political correctness" does not make the guy a white, racist homophobic misogynist as Oldgrumpy ranted about earlier, which is what I was responding to until you jumped in.

Even Bernie Sanders rails against political correctness. It's all the rage. Everyone's saying it, ad nauseam. You just hijacked the term and assigned some dastardly idea about codes and hidden meanings to fit your narrative. LOL.

Stereotyping and labeling individuals often proves inaccurate, which is why learned folks try to avoid doing it. It also runs counter to liberal/progressive thinking, at least in theory. The hypocrisy on display here is that it's OK, especially if you can link it to defending a protected group, in order to feel justified in marginalizing another.

I got a chuckle at your ass-umption I'm a Trump supporter or that I'm offended. I'm not offended at all. I'm not a Trump supporter either. Keep swinging, you might get lucky, but I doubt it.

I was not aware that this thread was a private conversation between you and Oldgrumpy. Please tell me how you get such privileges from TVF?

Very well, you are not a Trump supporter but your attempted defence of a Trump fanboy under the guise of exposing what you call the hypocrisy of the un-learned folks is a stalking horse. The Trump fanboy used the correct code words. He signalled the precise faction to which he was aligned. And that faction is the home of the bigot. Even un-learned folks like me can work out what one plus one equals.

I am interested in what actual evidence you have that the basis of liberal/progressive theory rejects the notion of recognising the obvious? You are promoting the false equivalency of liberalism allowing tolerance of hate speech? Maybe time to hit the books or google or whatever.

There would be far more credible poster boys for your attempt to demonise liberals than Mr. Kottke.

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Of course I understand all that. Perhaps you should start a new thread about cards.

The fact you can't help labeling the guy "hayseed" in a derogatory tone, and over-the-top characterizations that he's "infatuated", makes my point all the more obvious.

What I'm saying is generalizing and slating people on an assumption, is the same kind of narrow attitude as saying muslims are terrorists. There probably are racists misogynistic homophones at Trump rallies, but not all of them are. You seem to be struggling with this very basic truth.

I don't think that there will be any thread coming up on World News about playing cards any time soon, so I am perfectly happy to highlight the hypocrisy of White Right Victimhood and their penchant for false moral equivalence.

If you are going to make a soapbox out of stereotyping, then choosing to defend a Trump fan boy is probably not going to get you very far. Trump and his 'movement' is entirely a stereotype. He plays on base fears, insecurities and prejudices. You may feel that he is deserving of recognition as a serious candidate but most Americans (more then two thirds) and I would imagine higher numbers of non Americans don't agree with you. His candidacy brings discredit to the US political system.

But that is neither here nor there. You are offended by my tone and believe that my polemic proves your point. Well, let's just see what the hayseed said:

"No more political correctness," said Kottke, 22, a cattle trucker and construction worker from Athens, Wisconsin"

No more political correctness. This is a policy platform for the leader of the country with the strongest military might in the world in the 21st Century? You really want us to take this seriously. You place this at the same level as income inequality? You place this at the same level as the overweening influence of the national security state? You place this at the same level of diplomacy in a nuclear armed world?

I don't.

Political correctness is a code word. It means a person who has been taught to hate people who don't look like or sound like or act like them wants the freedom to express that hate. And you resent the fact that people recognise this hayseed for what he is and call him out.

​It is very easy to stereotype people when they use words that fit the stereotype. Is everyone in the Trump camp the same as Mr. Kottke? Maybe not but it cannot be denied that the Trump camp provides comfort and a natural home for bigots, racists, misogynists, homophobes. When then be surprised at people identifying this particularly when the code words are used.

​Seems a pretty acute assessment basic truth to me.

"No more political correctness" does not make the guy a white, racist homophobic misogynist as Oldgrumpy ranted about earlier, which is what I was responding to until you jumped in.

Even Bernie Sanders rails against political correctness. It's all the rage. Everyone's saying it, ad nauseam. You just hijacked the term and assigned some dastardly idea about codes and hidden meanings to fit your narrative. LOL.

Stereotyping and labeling individuals often proves inaccurate, which is why learned folks try to avoid doing it. It also runs counter to liberal/progressive thinking, at least in theory. The hypocrisy on display here is that it's OK, especially if you can link it to defending a protected group, in order to feel justified in marginalizing another.

I got a chuckle at your ass-umption I'm a Trump supporter or that I'm offended. I'm not offended at all. I'm not a Trump supporter either. Keep swinging, you might get lucky, but I doubt it.

I was not aware that this thread was a private conversation between you and Oldgrumpy. Please tell me how you get such privileges from TVF?

Very well, you are not a Trump supporter but your attempted defence of a Trump fanboy under the guise of exposing what you call the hypocrisy of the un-learned folks is a stalking horse. The Trump fanboy used the correct code words. He signalled the precise faction to which he was aligned. And that faction is the home of the bigot. Even un-learned folks like me can work out what one plus one equals.

I am interested in what actual evidence you have that the basis of liberal/progressive theory rejects the notion of recognising the obvious? You are promoting the false equivalency of liberalism allowing tolerance of hate speech? Maybe time to hit the books or google or whatever.

There would be far more credible poster boys for your attempt to demonise liberals than Mr. Kottke.

What a laugh. Anyway, that's strike 3 for you. Take it easy. Cheers.

Edited by 55Jay
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As an early poster noted this may be why Trump is not elected- the forces of Political Correctness (read socialism/fascism). This is why Trump is popular. And there it is: This election fundamentally distills down to those who embrace the radical chains being placed around every aspect of American social, spiritual, political, military, and economic life under the guise of "correctness," (READ: Approved) and those who's tolerance for so long has unintentionally empowered the very "correctness" (READ: Approved) that is destroying America.

Political Correctness (READ: Approved (or not)) is a disease, a pathology. It has an entire pathogenesis and one can trace its origin/aetiology, reservoir, vector, and virulence. Political Correctness is no less than the manifestation of Leftist agenda; it is the necessary by products of State interjecting in the Individual. This is what the byproduct of Progressive Agendas look like- division, disparate people reduced to their own camps of need and want, Balkanization, and hand-outs under the cover of "entitlement." Political Correctness is an appalling regression in human/societal evolution. It ensures equality of outcomes, non industry, redistribution, thought policing/enforcement (READ: Political Correctness), ethical/cultural relativity, and racism under the cover of... not racism. Indeed, not-racism platforms of Political Correctness (READ: Racism) are entirely predicated upon percolating race in every single facet of social life by government decree and design. Always race, 24/7, always packages as not-racism (Read: Progressive/Liberal Agenda).

Trump is popular not because he is Trump but because Trump is a lightening rod for what people are sick of- Progressive Policies (READ: A slow motion coup). Rarely in elections is it so clear not only what people are sick of but the louder the voices of their opposition scream the more confirmed the rejection; the more obvious the stakes. Trump's supporters are only 1/2 of this fascinating story. The other 1/2 is how his candidacy smokes out of hiding all the various cogs and wheels of the Socialist/Fascist machine he opposes. It is as if people are lining up to declare their opposition to Trump but what they are intentionally doing is finally "outing" themselves; after all, they are the problem!

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As an early poster noted this may be why Trump is not elected- the forces of Political Correctness (read socialism/fascism). This is why Trump is popular. And there it is: This election fundamentally distills down to those who embrace the radical chains being placed around every aspect of American social, spiritual, political, military, and economic life under the guise of "correctness," (READ: Approved) and those who's tolerance for so long has unintentionally empowered the very "correctness" (READ: Approved) that is destroying America.

Political Correctness (READ: Approved (or not)) is a disease, a pathology. It has an entire pathogenesis and one can trace its origin/aetiology, reservoir, vector, and virulence. Political Correctness is no less than the manifestation of Leftist agenda; it is the necessary by products of State interjecting in the Individual. This is what the byproduct of Progressive Agendas look like- division, disparate people reduced to their own camps of need and want, Balkanization, and hand-outs under the cover of "entitlement." Political Correctness is an appalling regression in human/societal evolution. It ensures equality of outcomes, non industry, redistribution, thought policing/enforcement (READ: Political Correctness), ethical/cultural relativity, and racism under the cover of... not racism. Indeed, not-racism platforms of Political Correctness (READ: Racism) are entirely predicated upon percolating race in every single facet of social life by government decree and design. Always race, 24/7, always packages as not-racism (Read: Progressive/Liberal Agenda).

Trump is popular not because he is Trump but because Trump is a lightening rod for what people are sick of- Progressive Policies (READ: A slow motion coup). Rarely in elections is it so clear not only what people are sick of but the louder the voices of their opposition scream the more confirmed the rejection; the more obvious the stakes. Trump's supporters are only 1/2 of this fascinating story. The other 1/2 is how his candidacy smokes out of hiding all the various cogs and wheels of the Socialist/Fascist machine he opposes. It is as if people are lining up to declare their opposition to Trump but what they are intentionally doing is finally "outing" themselves; after all, they are the problem!

Here's one tiny flaw with your argument: Trump is not popular. He's got a 69% disapproval rating according to this poll. http://nypost.com/2016/04/11/70-of-america-hates-donald-trump-poll/

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As an early poster noted this may be why Trump is not elected- the forces of Political Correctness (read socialism/fascism). This is why Trump is popular. And there it is: This election fundamentally distills down to those who embrace the radical chains being placed around every aspect of American social, spiritual, political, military, and economic life under the guise of "correctness," (READ: Approved) and those who's tolerance for so long has unintentionally empowered the very "correctness" (READ: Approved) that is destroying America.

Political Correctness (READ: Approved (or not)) is a disease, a pathology. It has an entire pathogenesis and one can trace its origin/aetiology, reservoir, vector, and virulence. Political Correctness is no less than the manifestation of Leftist agenda; it is the necessary by products of State interjecting in the Individual. This is what the byproduct of Progressive Agendas look like- division, disparate people reduced to their own camps of need and want, Balkanization, and hand-outs under the cover of "entitlement." Political Correctness is an appalling regression in human/societal evolution. It ensures equality of outcomes, non industry, redistribution, thought policing/enforcement (READ: Political Correctness), ethical/cultural relativity, and racism under the cover of... not racism. Indeed, not-racism platforms of Political Correctness (READ: Racism) are entirely predicated upon percolating race in every single facet of social life by government decree and design. Always race, 24/7, always packages as not-racism (Read: Progressive/Liberal Agenda).

Trump is popular not because he is Trump but because Trump is a lightening rod for what people are sick of- Progressive Policies (READ: A slow motion coup). Rarely in elections is it so clear not only what people are sick of but the louder the voices of their opposition scream the more confirmed the rejection; the more obvious the stakes. Trump's supporters are only 1/2 of this fascinating story. The other 1/2 is how his candidacy smokes out of hiding all the various cogs and wheels of the Socialist/Fascist machine he opposes. It is as if people are lining up to declare their opposition to Trump but what they are intentionally doing is finally "outing" themselves; after all, they are the problem!

I wonder at your presumption that merely making an assertion is enough to demonstrate truth. Just because you say something, really doesn't mean that it actually exists. Normally, one makes an assertion and then provides some argument, reasoning, evidence to support this. Case in point: you assert that political correctness is a pathology that is destroying America. You claim that its origins can be traced and vector tracked and back this with a bunch of fine sounding medical type words. And then you do what? You change your argument. Now not wanting to judge your Creative Writing teacher who should have taught you about one paragraph, one idea but really, once you introduce this idea, then you should support it. Not go off on unrelated tangents on balkanisation and entitlement demanding lefties. If this virus is so trackable, then track it for us.

We are also expected to accept your conflation of concepts PC = Racism; Progressivism = Coup; Socialism = Fascism; and the most insidious one of all - Anti-Racism = Racism, with no real context. Again just your assertion. You are merely being the purveyor of Orwellian double speak.

It might be time to give up on your melting pot. Not all Americans accept dominance by male WASP culture. Sorry that you were born to late and have to endure the indignities of diversity, tolerance and inclusivity but the laws of physics are such that this cannot be changed.

I have seen the benefits of multiculturalism as it developed over 40 years in Australia. I even worked in public policy positions to facilitate this. I am also personally a member of a minority that will no longer accept the labels and strictures of a section of society that hates such minorities. And I am pleased to say that polls show that a majority of people now support this position.

OK. I will grant you, your WASPish America is doomed by PC. Good. Bring it on. The sooner the better. America will be stronger by accepting the strengths and talents of the minorities that it has previously shunned. The 70% of Americans who reject Trump are rejecting his anti-PC rubbish. Americans are fundamentally a polite and tolerant people on an individual level. So in that vein, I make a humble suggestion. Think of PC as just another word for politeness. Politeness and etiquette is part of the 'oil' that makes the wheels of culture move around quietly and effectively are they not? I inherited my Mother's copy of Amy Vanderbilt's Complete Book of Etiquette http://www.amazon.com/Vanderbilt-Complete-Etiquette-Anniversay-Edition/dp/0385413424. Not a first edition but an early one. It makes for some amusing reading with some of its more obviously out of date suggestions. However, let's just think about PC as being part of the way a society accepts all of its inhabitants. Lets just imagine that there are societies that believe that all people are created equal and endowed with certain inalienable rights including life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Wouldn't being polite to each other reinforce that noble thought. This is what PC means to me. Of course, now it is a red rag to the old reactionaries. You can get the text of Ms. Vanderbilt's book online. I can't lend you mine unfortunately.

Edited by lostboy
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As an early poster noted this may be why Trump is not elected- the forces of Political Correctness (read socialism/fascism). This is why Trump is popular. And there it is: This election fundamentally distills down to those who embrace the radical chains being placed around every aspect of American social, spiritual, political, military, and economic life under the guise of "correctness," (READ: Approved) and those who's tolerance for so long has unintentionally empowered the very "correctness" (READ: Approved) that is destroying America.

Political Correctness (READ: Approved (or not)) is a disease, a pathology. It has an entire pathogenesis and one can trace its origin/aetiology, reservoir, vector, and virulence. Political Correctness is no less than the manifestation of Leftist agenda; it is the necessary by products of State interjecting in the Individual. This is what the byproduct of Progressive Agendas look like- division, disparate people reduced to their own camps of need and want, Balkanization, and hand-outs under the cover of "entitlement." Political Correctness is an appalling regression in human/societal evolution. It ensures equality of outcomes, non industry, redistribution, thought policing/enforcement (READ: Political Correctness), ethical/cultural relativity, and racism under the cover of... not racism. Indeed, not-racism platforms of Political Correctness (READ: Racism) are entirely predicated upon percolating race in every single facet of social life by government decree and design. Always race, 24/7, always packages as not-racism (Read: Progressive/Liberal Agenda).

Trump is popular not because he is Trump but because Trump is a lightening rod for what people are sick of- Progressive Policies (READ: A slow motion coup). Rarely in elections is it so clear not only what people are sick of but the louder the voices of their opposition scream the more confirmed the rejection; the more obvious the stakes. Trump's supporters are only 1/2 of this fascinating story. The other 1/2 is how his candidacy smokes out of hiding all the various cogs and wheels of the Socialist/Fascist machine he opposes. It is as if people are lining up to declare their opposition to Trump but what they are intentionally doing is finally "outing" themselves; after all, they are the problem!

Here's one tiny flaw with your argument: Trump is not popular. He's got a 69% disapproval rating according to this poll. http://nypost.com/2016/04/11/70-of-america-hates-donald-trump-poll/

It would be a flaw in reasoning, but his inherent popularity was not the point of my post. Two seemingly contrary things can coexist at the same time in any event- [un]popularity and acting as a "lightening rod." I used "popular[ity]" rhetorically (clearly) to demonstrate that it is not Trump's popularity/personality rather his positioning central in the national upheaval and rejection of progressivism. Clearly, I should have chosen my words more thoughtfully.

Popularity: The state of being liked, enjoyed, accepted, etc

Lightening Rod: a (metaphorical) lightening conductor (the lightening explained in the post).

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" If the #NeverTrumpers fail to stop Trump at the convention, they could rally around an independent candidate. Who might that be? That's the billion-dollar question. Some want a true outsider like retired Marine General James Mattis."


Popular vote really does not count at all.

Changing rules as they go, the Republican Party is ignoring Trumps popularity (based on number of delegates). The convention will be "adjusted" to bring in a surprise nominee.

Might even be a retired Marine General. Not in all history has the Republican Party gone so far as to snub voters, and twerk the rules. Trump has a legitimate complaint....but, sadly, our system is not pure. Votes are ignored. People ran out to support Trump, but they have been blocked at every corner. Liberal antagonists, Media, Republican Party Heavyweights.

Looks like if you don't fall into favor with the Heavyweights, you don't stand a chance. George Bush Jr knows the deal...

Now, I must ask those folks who despise Trump so much, if they would be more supportive of a Retired Marine General...as the nominee. Then, indeed, the world would be shuddering. I prefer Trump..but as a retired Marine myself, I would swallow the pill, if this popped up. I was not aware that this possibility would be presented. Fair enough....the system sucks. Put the General in there and let God sort the rest out.

Today, I am realizing...no matter how successful one becomes, the backdoor fat-daddies and elbow rubbing special interest/lobbyists...do pretty much as they please.

Edited by slipperylobster
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As an early poster noted this may be why Trump is not elected- the forces of Political Correctness (read socialism/fascism). This is why Trump is popular. And there it is: This election fundamentally distills down to those who embrace the radical chains being placed around every aspect of American social, spiritual, political, military, and economic life under the guise of "correctness," (READ: Approved) and those who's tolerance for so long has unintentionally empowered the very "correctness" (READ: Approved) that is destroying America.

Political Correctness (READ: Approved (or not)) is a disease, a pathology. It has an entire pathogenesis and one can trace its origin/aetiology, reservoir, vector, and virulence. Political Correctness is no less than the manifestation of Leftist agenda; it is the necessary by products of State interjecting in the Individual. This is what the byproduct of Progressive Agendas look like- division, disparate people reduced to their own camps of need and want, Balkanization, and hand-outs under the cover of "entitlement." Political Correctness is an appalling regression in human/societal evolution. It ensures equality of outcomes, non industry, redistribution, thought policing/enforcement (READ: Political Correctness), ethical/cultural relativity, and racism under the cover of... not racism. Indeed, not-racism platforms of Political Correctness (READ: Racism) are entirely predicated upon percolating race in every single facet of social life by government decree and design. Always race, 24/7, always packages as not-racism (Read: Progressive/Liberal Agenda).

Trump is popular not because he is Trump but because Trump is a lightening rod for what people are sick of- Progressive Policies (READ: A slow motion coup). Rarely in elections is it so clear not only what people are sick of but the louder the voices of their opposition scream the more confirmed the rejection; the more obvious the stakes. Trump's supporters are only 1/2 of this fascinating story. The other 1/2 is how his candidacy smokes out of hiding all the various cogs and wheels of the Socialist/Fascist machine he opposes. It is as if people are lining up to declare their opposition to Trump but what they are intentionally doing is finally "outing" themselves; after all, they are the problem!

I do agree. Like him or Not (Trump), it is the system that needs to be vented.

For people who are sick of being manipulated....lets get it out in the open. The magic mirrors and smoke, behind the scenes, is what is wrong with our country. Exactly why I despise Hillary, and mistrust the others. Trump does see it. Like him or Not. He is getting railroaded.....and that is a shame. Not that he is the best man...but he ran the best he could.

Edited by slipperylobster
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The poorly educated & religious are less capable of critical thinking than educated people. It makes good business sense to target the gullible, that can easily be persuaded. The "Southern strategy." The Republican base.

40% of Adult Americans are illiterate & approximately 34 percent of the US population’s IQ falls between 85-100, which coincidentally, is the number of Republicans who support Trump.

They are "angry" that the Mexicans and Chinese took away all their $1 an hour jobs.

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I do agree. Like him or Not (Trump), it is the system that needs to be vented. For people who are sick of being manipulated....lets get it out in the open. The magic mirrors and smoke, behind the scenes, is what is wrong with our country. Exactly why I despise Hillary, and mistrust the others. Trump does see it. Like him or Not. He is getting railroaded.....and that is a shame. Not that he is the best man...but he ran the best he could.

I can see many flaws in 'the system.' perhaps a few of the flaws I see are similar to what Trump sees, but I see many flaws that Trump doesn't see. I also don't agree with some of the flaws Trump sees. Two examples: Trump hates Obama and Kerry and thinks everyone in the current administration is making bad deals. I don't agree by a long shot.

But more important, I align with solutions, particularly some of the solutions put forth by Sanders. Trump is vague and evasive and/or stumped about solutions, except for times he makes sweeping statements, some of which advocate illegal options ("Kill families of ISIS members" "increase torture" "carpet bomb villages"). Other Trump solutions will turn out to be much more harmful than the prior scenario; ("increase import tariffs by 35 to 45%").

There are many other reasons a Trump presidency would be a disaster for America. ....too many to list here.

I also advocate decreasing federal spending far in excess of what any of the candidates, right or left, propose. Talk about; political incorrectness!

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The poorly educated & religious are less capable of critical thinking than educated people. It makes good business sense to target the gullible, that can easily be persuaded. The "Southern strategy." The Republican base.

40% of Adult Americans are illiterate & approximately 34 percent of the US population’s IQ falls between 85-100, which coincidentally, is the number of Republicans who support Trump.

They are "angry" that the Mexicans and Chinese took away all their $1 an hour jobs.

I had to grin at your post.

Minimum wage in California and New York is now 15 usd. Many people are unemployed and that does not make them stupid. Some of the goofiest people you run across have a college degree. My dad, and granddad were not stupid. They worked hard as carpenters for 30 bucks a week (way back when). They were much wiser than many 21 year old college grads that come out of college with a degree in underwater basket weaving..liberal arts, or worse.....psychology.

Very inaccurate in all your points. You could go to a college town, and take a poll in the university area...... Sure. What I see are hard working americans...like my dad and grandpa, that just are fed up with politics in general. Has nothing to do with smart or dumb. I never assume anybody is dumb. They may not have that degree, but they know what life is about.

You make the Mexicans and illegal immigrants seem smarter than the hard working citizens, that lost their jobs.

You are incorrectly attributing your percentage of Trump supporters along with the illiterate rate.

It seems, sir, that your information is sadly misleading.

Edited by slipperylobster
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