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Voters stand by Trump as champion of political incorrectness


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Just caught up with this thread.

Goodness me, what a load of codswallop!

Someone on here indicates that because I am not an American citizen I should not comment. Well, if you stayed within your own borders and stopped messing up half the world you might have a point!

Another poster states that the situation was a combination of animal farm and George Orwell! Laugh? I nearly did.....

Look, the rest of the world don't whether to be embarrassed or worried that you might choose someone as unsuitable, abhorrent even, as Trump or Cruz

I am genuinely appalled that so many Americans here could support such people. I do hope that you are not a representative sample.

It seems to me that The USA is going downhill. The education system is dreadful and inequality is frightening.

Please choose a grown up to be president

Nothing forcing you to go to the US. So you don't need to deal with all the riff raff you so disdain. BTW, the ONLY candidate promising to pull the US back from its involvement abroad, where both the Dems and Reps have "mess[ed] up half the world" is, guess who? Donald Trump. Proof again, you really don't understand the country or its candidates. Stay home.

Multiple non sequiturs I'm afraid. What makes you think I want to go to to the states again? The issue was whether it was reasonable for non American citizens to comment. In fact, and at the risk of boring other contributors I have been fortunate enough to live there on three separate occasions ( Austin, Texas; Cambridge, Mass and Los Gatos, Ca since you ask). Great times - I still stream KLBJ FM 94! But no place to bring up kids sorry to say. No you miss the point. I think it's reasonable for the rest of the world to take a view and yes, feel worried about what's going on. You are the super power and I wish you would take the responsibility seriously. I, for one look forward to seeing Bill back in the White House.

What do your American mates at the pub think about Trump?

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Just caught up with this thread.

Goodness me, what a load of codswallop!

Someone on here indicates that because I am not an American citizen I should not comment. Well, if you stayed within your own borders and stopped messing up half the world you might have a point!

Another poster states that the situation was a combination of animal farm and George Orwell! Laugh? I nearly did.....

Look, the rest of the world don't whether to be embarrassed or worried that you might choose someone as unsuitable, abhorrent even, as Trump or Cruz

I am genuinely appalled that so many Americans here could support such people. I do hope that you are not a representative sample.

It seems to me that The USA is going downhill. The education system is dreadful and inequality is frightening.

Please choose a grown up to be president

Nothing forcing you to go to the US. So you don't need to deal with all the riff raff you so disdain. BTW, the ONLY candidate promising to pull the US back from its involvement abroad, where both the Dems and Reps have "mess[ed] up half the world" is, guess who? Donald Trump. Proof again, you really don't understand the country or its candidates. Stay home.

Multiple non sequiturs I'm afraid. What makes you think I want to go to to the states again? The issue was whether it was reasonable for non American citizens to comment. In fact, and at the risk of boring other contributors I have been fortunate enough to live there on three separate occasions ( Austin, Texas; Cambridge, Mass and Los Gatos, Ca since you ask). Great times - I still stream KLBJ FM 94! But no place to bring up kids sorry to say. No miss the point. I thing it's reasonable for the rest of the world to take a view and yes, feel worried about what's going on. Your are the super power and I wish you would take the responsibility seriously. I, for one look forward to seeing Bill back on the White House.

Non sequitur does not mean what you seem to think it means. BTW, nobody asked where you lived.

So prove him wrong. Tell us what non sequitur means and how it was misused by the poster? Pretty obvious that you are making statements unrelated to the posters earlier comments.

Always amusing when foreign immigrants to Thailand tell other foreigners to stay home! Pretty much proves an absence of substance hence the need for non sequiturs.

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BTW, the ONLY candidate promising to pull the US back from its involvement abroad, where both the Dems and Reps have "mess[ed] up half the world" is, guess who? Donald Trump. Proof again, you really don't understand the country or its candidates. Stay home.

So how was he planning on killing all those ISIS guys AND their families then?

You really shouldn't try and quote Trump policies, even he doesn't know what they are.


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Who cares? It's just more bread and circuses for the masses.. Republican or Democrat, the outcome is always the same: Wall Street wins and everybody else loses.

Remember how the youthful Barack Obama sprang from the wings like some black Messiah in the Autumn of 2008 declaiming "Yes, we can!" (change the way the US and the world is run by the one per cent) to dewy-eyed droves of Democrat dreamers?

It didn't take long for him to realise he was shackled by the same sinister forces which prevented an earlier Democrat President, Bill Clinton, from carrying out his ambitious programme of reform.

Nobody knows better than Hillary Clinton who will be pulling her strings when she ends up in the same Oval Office where her husband didn't have sex with an intern. That's the best reason I can think of for giving Bernie a shot.

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Just caught up with this thread.

Goodness me, what a load of codswallop!

Someone on here indicates that because I am not an American citizen I should not comment. Well, if you stayed within your own borders and stopped messing up half the world you might have a point!

Another poster states that the situation was a combination of animal farm and George Orwell! Laugh? I nearly did.....

Look, the rest of the world don't whether to be embarrassed or worried that you might choose someone as unsuitable, abhorrent even, as Trump or Cruz

I am genuinely appalled that so many Americans here could support such people. I do hope that you are not a representative sample.

It seems to me that The USA is going downhill. The education system is dreadful and inequality is frightening.

Please choose a grown up to be president

Nothing forcing you to go to the US. So you don't need to deal with all the riff raff you so disdain. BTW, the ONLY candidate promising to pull the US back from its involvement abroad, where both the Dems and Reps have "mess[ed] up half the world" is, guess who? Donald Trump. Proof again, you really don't understand the country or its candidates. Stay home.

Multiple non sequiturs I'm afraid. What makes you think I want to go to to the states again? The issue was whether it was reasonable for non American citizens to comment. In fact, and at the risk of boring other contributors I have been fortunate enough to live there on three separate occasions ( Austin, Texas; Cambridge, Mass and Los Gatos, Ca since you ask). Great times - I still stream KLBJ FM 94! But no place to bring up kids sorry to say. No miss the point. I thing it's reasonable for the rest of the world to take a view and yes, feel worried about what's going on. Your are the super power and I wish you would take the responsibility seriously. I, for one look forward to seeing Bill back on the White House.

Non sequitur does not mean what you seem to think it means. BTW, nobody asked where you lived.

Doesn't follow?

It was being implied that I wanted to go to the states

It was being implied that I knew nothing of the issues

Your point being what? Years since I was picked up by my Latin teacher!

Sequor, sequoris to follow

Edited by Grouse
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Leaving aside the hysteria rampant in this statement, ONLY Trump is talking about withdrawing from Nato and reducing Asian commitments. Why should the US commit itself to nuclear war if there is a conflict b/w Estonia or Latvia with Russia? That is what the rest of them want.

In case you haven't noticed, Trump is the loosest of loose cannons. Even he doesn't know what he wants. He's guided by his infantile temper tantrums and vindictiveness.

When you have generals and admirals publicly state they won't follow order of their Commander because they don't trust his judgments, then you know there are grave problems at the top.

BTW, the ONLY candidate promising to pull the US back from its involvement abroad, where both the Dems and Reps have "mess[ed] up half the world" is, guess who? Donald Trump. Proof again, you really don't understand the country or its candidates. Stay home.

Is that a joke statement?! In case you didn't notice, Trump has talked about carpet bombing dune villages. How is that 'pulling back' US involvement. Have you seen how Trump gets angry at the drop of a hat? Add that to a man who is ignorant of world affairs and military matters, and you've got a formula for wars all over the map. With Trump, no one knows (not even Trump himself) whether, when or where he will direct military strikes. He gets vindictive and flip-flops more intensely than a raging woman who just witnessed her meds get flushed down the toilet by her angry ex-husband. Trump, with his finger on 77 nukes, is a scary thought.

He does what he wants without a puppet master. He also has brainpower, much more then little Bush, look at his strategic bankruptcies.

Your right he may be ignorant of some things. I suppose you want Hillary? Maybe another Obama?

I shouldn't be railroaded because the unemployed, or unemployable want to be vocal and open the borders to everyone. Lets all hug a tree. You either have a country or you don't.

Let me put it like this: You either make a potty or get off the pot for someone else.

Hitler did what he wanted without a master. Only listened to his own perversions and lust for absolute power.

Since you asked' yes, I would prefer HRC or Sanders as Commander in Chief, because they're not quick-to-anger, blustering, impulsive, uninformed nutjobs.

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