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Could sham marriages in Thailand be enabling foreign criminals?


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Damn people on marriage visas you are ruining it for everyone. Sorry but this group is now the next overstayers - those that threaten the stability of the country.

It may surprise you to learn that most foreigners married to Thais that live here do not have marriage visas. But then you were being sarcastic, weren't you?rolleyes.gif

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First,they came for the Overstayers,and rightly so,now marriages are to be strictly investigated,

next it will be the turn of Retirees to be hassled,Thailand ain't freewheeling anymore,as more

and more rules and laws are brought into force,Thailand's changing,but not sure, for the better.

regards Worgeordie

Retirees not yet, after Marriages they'll do Married with Children and then it's the Retirees turn.

Cool your boots man. WPFflags.gif

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By marrying Thai nationals, they are entitled to stay here long term with minimal oversight from immigration authorities – just a visa renewal once a year, according to the Bangkok Post.

...and report your address every 90 days and report to Thai Immigration via a TM28 every time you leave your residence for longer than 24 hours. Hate to inform the BP, but we are all treated exactly like criminals - all of us foreign men married to Thai women. Thai convicts on parole have less stringent reporting requirements. This article simple adds fuel to the fires of xenophobia.

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Dont you have to proof your marriage with photos, interviews, witnesses and even home visits to get a year extension?

No you don't. Three photographs with your wife are fine. No interviews, no witnesses and never had a home visit.

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This has got nothing to do with criminals in Thailand and everything to do with being able to stay in Thailand legally long term. I am 43 years old and have lived here for 3 years using a combination of visa exemptions and double entry tourist visas. I have been with my girlfriend for just as long and we are now going to get married earlier than planned in order for me to continue living here due to them eliminating the 2 entry tourist visas and scrutiny on visa exempts. I am not a criminal. In my 43 years i have only been arrested once when I was 14 for having 1/2 a gram of hashish. I don't work in Thailand as I don't need to, but also don't like wasting money on things like Thai Elite. I worked hard and invested and saved so I could retire and enjoy myself when I turned 40 which is exactly what I plan on continuing to due whether it be in Thailand or elsewhere.

you are mistaken about elite visa being a waste of money. everyone i know said it is a great option and works out at only approx 3000usd per year. thats what i would be on if i did not have half thai kids which get me a non im O as i am 42 years old and retired.

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Dont you have to proof your marriage with photos, interviews, witnesses and even home visits to get a year extension?

No you don't. Three photographs with your wife are fine. No interviews, no witnesses and never had a home visit.

Not totally correct.

Depending on the immigration office serving the area in which you reside, they require photos of the couple in and around the home, showing the house number. They may make a visit to the home on the initial application for extension, they may require a witness or two, such as the kamnan or poo yai of the village or local area.

You merely related what happened to you. I think other married residents may well have had home visits and interviews. Just depends on the Immigration Officer and their policy.

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Dont you have to proof your marriage with photos, interviews, witnesses and even home visits to get a year extension?

Yes, if they went by the book. However, a lot of corruption and laziness on the officials are to blame for their inaction in following all of the rules. So they will just take it out on the foreigners. When I applied for my visa they came to the house and talked with neighbors and spoke to the family and looked around. It's not hard to see if a foreigner lives there. We accumulate much more valuable things than a Thai would and have many conveniences that Thais don't care about.

Really? My neighbour owns 4 Porsches, 2 Ferraris and a Lamborghini. How many do you own? :rolleyes:

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This has got nothing to do with criminals in Thailand and everything to do with being able to stay in Thailand legally long term. I am 43 years old and have lived here for 3 years using a combination of visa exemptions and double entry tourist visas. I have been with my girlfriend for just as long and we are now going to get married earlier than planned in order for me to continue living here due to them eliminating the 2 entry tourist visas and scrutiny on visa exempts. I am not a criminal. In my 43 years i have only been arrested once when I was 14 for having 1/2 a gram of hashish. I don't work in Thailand as I don't need to, but also don't like wasting money on things like Thai Elite. I worked hard and invested and saved so I could retire and enjoy myself when I turned 40 which is exactly what I plan on continuing to due whether it be in Thailand or elsewhere.

you are mistaken about elite visa being a waste of money. everyone i know said it is a great option and works out at only approx 3000usd per year. thats what i would be on if i did not have half thai kids which get me a non im O as i am 42 years old and retired.

Me too. Was 44 when we moved over. If I wasn't married, or we split up, I would be on a TE until I reached 50.

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Dont you have to proof your marriage with photos, interviews, witnesses and even home visits to get a year extension?

Yes, if they went by the book. However, a lot of corruption and laziness on the officials are to blame for their inaction in following all of the rules. So they will just take it out on the foreigners. When I applied for my visa they came to the house and talked with neighbors and spoke to the family and looked around. It's not hard to see if a foreigner lives there. We accumulate much more valuable things than a Thai would and have many conveniences that Thais don't care about.

Really? My neighbour owns 4 Porsches, 2 Ferraris and a Lamborghini. How many do you own? rolleyes.gif

Gosh, my neighbour owns a tractor, an iron buffalo, a 20 year old Mazda pickup and a Honda Wave.sick.gif

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Dont you have to proof your marriage with photos, interviews, witnesses and even home visits to get a year extension?

Yes, if they went by the book. However, a lot of corruption and laziness on the officials are to blame for their inaction in following all of the rules. So they will just take it out on the foreigners. When I applied for my visa they came to the house and talked with neighbors and spoke to the family and looked around. It's not hard to see if a foreigner lives there. We accumulate much more valuable things than a Thai would and have many conveniences that Thais don't care about.
Really? My neighbour owns 4 Porsches, 2 Ferraris and a Lamborghini. How many do you own? rolleyes.gif

Gosh, my neighbour owns a tractor, an iron buffalo, a 20 year old Mazda pickup and a Honda Wave.sick.gif

Exactly...can't paint all Thais with the same brush. Some posters just need to be condescending (as shown by Thesetat2013's original post) and hate the fact that outside their little ''kingdoms'' they aren't all that ;)

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This has got nothing to do with criminals in Thailand and everything to do with being able to stay in Thailand legally long term. I am 43 years old and have lived here for 3 years using a combination of visa exemptions and double entry tourist visas. I have been with my girlfriend for just as long and we are now going to get married earlier than planned in order for me to continue living here due to them eliminating the 2 entry tourist visas and scrutiny on visa exempts. I am not a criminal. In my 43 years i have only been arrested once when I was 14 for having 1/2 a gram of hashish. I don't work in Thailand as I don't need to, but also don't like wasting money on things like Thai Elite. I worked hard and invested and saved so I could retire and enjoy myself when I turned 40 which is exactly what I plan on continuing to due whether it be in Thailand or elsewhere.

With a drug conviction it ,may be elsewhere....hope you can take your girlfriend/wife with you.

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Funny picture. Western men got kicked in the behind by Western women so they traveled across the seas to get wives here?

None of the Thai wives I've had here were married t

Therein lays the problem.....methinks

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An Immigration officer told me at the beginning of March that he had already arrested about 20 people living in sham marriages. Racist bit coming up: he mentioned Uganda, Nigeria and a couple of other countries in that region. Buriram province.

He is right there are hundreds ! if not a few thousand. What a deal for Isaan and other areas- money upfront PLUS the perks house,pickup and more and no need or obligation to offer "services".Good contract can be struck and we ALL know it is the MONEY that comes first and foremost EVERY time.Down and out backpackers on a shoe string are not in demand. MUST have ATM !!

How much did you get taken for pal?

Or have you ever been to Isaan?

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This has got nothing to do with criminals in Thailand and everything to do with being able to stay in Thailand legally long term. I am 43 years old and have lived here for 3 years using a combination of visa exemptions and double entry tourist visas. I have been with my girlfriend for just as long and we are now going to get married earlier than planned in order for me to continue living here due to them eliminating the 2 entry tourist visas and scrutiny on visa exempts. I am not a criminal. In my 43 years i have only been arrested once when I was 14 for having 1/2 a gram of hashish. I don't work in Thailand as I don't need to, but also don't like wasting money on things like Thai Elite. I worked hard and invested and saved so I could retire and enjoy myself when I turned 40 which is exactly what I plan on continuing to due whether it be in Thailand or elsewhere.

If things continue with immigration giving all foreigners a hard time. Living elsewhere may be a better option than marrying a woman you don't love and perhaps she is only with you for the money or, future chance at your money. Try the Philippines. Their visa system is a lot easier and cheaper with less demands for documentation to stay a long time. They also have beautiful, sexy, attentive young ladies at your disposal. Just don't go to far south. Everywhere else is just as good as here.

....Apart from the typhoons and higher gun homicde rate than the USA.

Name one typhoon that has hit Thailand.

In fact point out Thailand on a world map.

Didn't think you could.......Somewhere between Arkansas and Texas right? Them foreigner places?

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This has got nothing to do with criminals in Thailand and everything to do with being able to stay in Thailand legally long term. I am 43 years old and have lived here for 3 years using a combination of visa exemptions and double entry tourist visas. I have been with my girlfriend for just as long and we are now going to get married earlier than planned in order for me to continue living here due to them eliminating the 2 entry tourist visas and scrutiny on visa exempts. I am not a criminal. In my 43 years i have only been arrested once when I was 14 for having 1/2 a gram of hashish. I don't work in Thailand as I don't need to, but also don't like wasting money on things like Thai Elite. I worked hard and invested and saved so I could retire and enjoy myself when I turned 40 which is exactly what I plan on continuing to due whether it be in Thailand or elsewhere.

If things continue with immigration giving all foreigners a hard time. Living elsewhere may be a better option than marrying a woman you don't love and perhaps she is only with you for the money or, future chance at your money. Try the Philippines. Their visa system is a lot easier and cheaper with less demands for documentation to stay a long time. They also have beautiful, sexy, attentive young ladies at your disposal. Just don't go to far south. Everywhere else is just as good as here.

....Apart from the typhoons and higher gun homicde rate than the USA.

Name one typhoon that has hit Thailand.

In fact point out Thailand on a world map.

Didn't think you could.......Somewhere between Arkansas and Texas right? Them foreigner places?

......Got mud in your eye mudcrab? Or whatever your icon has in it's eye......maybe the 'mote' Jesus referred to. If you can actually read you will see the post was about the PHILIPPINES, if you know where that is......Another place the USA fcuked up!!!

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Dont you have to proof your marriage with photos, interviews, witnesses and even home visits to get a year extension?

Well yeh, nice little earner for a bird & co once a year....whistling.gif

How about extra tea money? Sounds lucrative to me.
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Just enforce the visa rules,and stop with the speculation about foreign criminals living in your midst.

Xenophobia and racism are not pretty.

Yes my first thoughts, pointing a finger at those damned bad foreigners who got into Thailand and have stayed because we aren't very thorough at the immigration department.

But behind many a crooked foreigner there is a corrupt official and presumably a woman who knowingly and willingly will go along with it. Bless them.

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I thought all marriage was more or less a sham? is when you been in one 10 years +

narrow minded post, many happy couples go way further than 10 years,

Why narrow minded?

While it is true that many couples last the distance, statistically most don't.

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While I am sure that there are criminals who take advantage of the system, there is not minimal oversight, but perhaps not the right kind of oversight. Interviews with follow up should be conducted with both members of the marriage over the course of lets say a year before granting the foreign partner residency which would no longer require checking in to immigration every 90 days. Checking in without conducting interviews and an investigation allows undesirables to stay long term and also punishes those who are in a committed marriage and who have broken no laws.

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Damn people on marriage visas you are ruining it for everyone. Sorry but this group is now the next overstayers - those that threaten the stability of the country.

It may surprise you to learn that most foreigners married to Thais that live here do not have marriage visas. But then you were being sarcastic, weren't you?rolleyes.gif
Call it that if you want it was just a cut and paste from a comment on an old topic about overstayers to be banned because of the threat to national security. I changed overstayers to be "people on marriage visas". Unfortunately the dimwitted people cheering the good farang/bad farang overstay bans by immigration failed to see that eventually immigration will target them as well. Stupid laws and bans and fines and address reporting is not going to stop criminals. Of course the Thais don't understand that and eventually they'll look for another category of farang to blame
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Here is one definition of Thainess:

When a immigration officers accepts bribes (look it up on wikipedia for source), and as a result some bombings happen is to blame sham marriages. All extension of stay applicants must now get a home interview.

Ask the interviewer: Why home visit?: Answer: Because of the shrine bombings, oh, by the way I need some money because me and my pals used my personal vehicle to come interview you today.

You just can't make this stuff up. End one corruption scheme, and more will spring up to take its place. LOL

I am sure glad I left.

Edited by jerico2017
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It is thought that some may be engaging in ‘marriage for hire’ in order to best take advantage of this.

Certainly one of the more popular routes to long-stay often suggested here at TV, although "for hire" is usually not mentioned per se.

Those who blatantly abuse the system in this way are bound to make life more difficult for those who legitimately get annual extensions based on marriage (not visa renewals as stated in the article), but of course rather than blaming those who game the system, the TV chorus will blame Thai Immigration for arbitrarily cracking down when that happens.

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