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its no joke superstitions and mumbo jumbo here


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my wife is akind and helpfull person always helping at temple

and comminity and at womens group never a bad word to anyone

she was told a person for resions unknown put a curse on her

she has been sick and the hospital have puther on sedatives

another time awomen rang her friend up and told here there was a curse put on here

if she paid here 7000b she could lift it after paid was told needed another 7000b

was needed

as was a strong curse she paid

another friend of wife who she works sometimes as a broker in real estate

when a deal in real estate is on

she brings around a pigs head and village chicken

lights candles in back yard and pray for good luck

another one i new had massarge shops if she had problems with anyone

would get a photo of them and burn it with a candle in front of her shop

you cant tell them its bs

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My wife's friend who lives in Chiang Mai, we live in Isaan, rang her up one day and told her that she had dreamed of something evil happening to her. She is very superstitious so off we went to a hermit monk who lives in a small hut in the hills near the boarder, he is very popular and is often visited by the people in our area. He impressed me, very casual, he just asked the wife,"What's up now". She explained and he took her gold necklace and mine and placed them in a bowl of blessed water, he sat for about 10 minuets seemingly in trance then told the wife she has something evil in the house which has been brought in by her two daughters, then aged 10 and 5. We drove back home and she thought and thought and eventually went to a photo in a frame of her two daughters that had been given to them recently by her ex husband. She took the photo from the frame and on the back were written ancient runes as a curse that she should die a painful death. She informed the monk who told her to burn it while praying. Since then i have become a little superstitious myself.

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A curse is just words - and it can only work when people believe it.

I have seen it used in many different ways here - the ghost knocked the drunk guy off the motorcycle... which can be used to make the fellow feel less responsible for poor judgment.

But superstitions exist everywhere and have for a long time... sometimes they are even sensical - like not walking under a ladder and sometimes non-sensical. Every culture has customs and beliefs and holidays etc... it is big business.

sensical: go with the flow, you can't fight city hall.

you are not likely to change your wife's beliefs.

And why would anyone get a haircut on Wednesday in the first place?

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It can be dangerous if what I was told was true.

The reason some m'bikes drive without back lights is so that the ghosts can't chase them.

i really hate the ghosts that chase my motorbike at night time. luckily i have a fast bike and can go faster than them clap2.gif

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That is really sad and I sympathize with you, these ingrained belief systems can be easily abused by nasty bastards. Perhaps if you went to a respected monk such as an abbot or senior monk, even taking her to a particularly holy Wat they may be able to help with a blessing or suggesting buying her an auspicious talisman. There are many fine learned Buddhist monks who should be able to help you.

I don't think that protesting the stupidity of it all is going to help matters, a justifiable as it might be. It will only alienate you wife who sounds like a gentle caring person .

I do empathize though as I was brought up in an Irish Catholic environment where eternal damnation was the price of the most human of failings, guilt trips were the norm.

Good luck

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Your point?

Just sharing stories...or what?

Here's one: I once saw a car slow down, coincidentally at the same time when some green light turned off and an orange light turned on....the spirits must have been sending me a message.

Doni understand correctly?

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Everyone one has certain beliefs, not just Thais.. Does it bother u, is it costing you money.. My wife has hers, I just got with the flow, ain't hurting me..

It may not cause direct immediate affect hurt to an individual, but it does have a waybof piling up the indirect cause and effect hurt on society at large. It's an indicator of intelligence, like it or not, and does have a negative impact...sorry to say. I still enjoy the related interviews, debates and commentary from characters like Prof Richard Dawkins.

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your wife's belief is idiotic the same as everyone who believes in make believe creators..............its probably no help to you though

Idiotic, well done.. Why does it bother u so much.. Hmm

Well, it would bother me if I had to pay out B14,000 being blackmailed by superstition.

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sipi you are lucky my wife also says

it is bad to have sex on week days but ok on weekend

but she goes away to look after father on weekends

but am lucky she leaves me a photo

Never thaught about looking for a new wife or at least a "mia noi"?

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your wife's belief is idiotic the same as everyone who believes in make believe creators..............its probably no help to you though

Idiotic, well done.. Why does it bother u so much.. Hmm

More to the point why does my comment bother you?

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your wife's belief is idiotic the same as everyone who believes in make believe creators..............its probably no help to you though

Idiotic, well done.. Why does it bother u so much.. Hmm

Well, it would bother me if I had to pay out B14,000 being blackmailed by superstition.

Please stop being rational, there's no place for that on TV we must all believe in the unbelievable or we will be labelled????????/

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My wife's friend who lives in Chiang Mai, we live in Isaan, rang her up one day and told her that she had dreamed of something evil happening to her. She is very superstitious so off we went to a hermit monk who lives in a small hut in the hills near the boarder, he is very popular and is often visited by the people in our area. He impressed me, very casual, he just asked the wife,"What's up now". She explained and he took her gold necklace and mine and placed them in a bowl of blessed water, he sat for about 10 minuets seemingly in trance then told the wife she has something evil in the house which has been brought in by her two daughters, then aged 10 and 5. We drove back home and she thought and thought and eventually went to a photo in a frame of her two daughters that had been given to them recently by her ex husband. She took the photo from the frame and on the back were written ancient runes as a curse that she should die a painful death. She informed the monk who told her to burn it while praying. Since then i have become a little superstitious myself.

very Impressive story,..! thx for sharing.

Long time ago, in my backpacking days. I met a big older Hippy like American fortune teller with some amulets and things on he's neck, several times on the road from Jog Jakarta, Penang, koh Samui, Chiang Mai, and other places...(The Hippy trail) he used to impress people by telling about there lives and problems....Until one of my friends saw him in Samui in a dark corner of a bar while some Farangs were talking about there lives and problems on the counter.

the next day he was talking to one of those guys and the guy was very surprised that everything he said about he's life was spot on....that's just the way he made he's money...saw him a few more times over a couple years and then never again...

Best regards.Off Road Pat.

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Other peoples' stupid superstitions are unlikely to harm us - unless we are stupid enough to pay for them biggrin.png !

As off road pat points out, some people are skilled at working out what bothers their punters, and this is their way of making a living.

I'm still 'superstitious' enough not to walk under a ladder though - but mainly because I don't want to be hit by something dropped by the person at the top of the ladder!

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Everyone one has certain beliefs, not just Thais.. Does it bother u, is it costing you money.. My wife has hers, I just got with the flow, ain't hurting me..

It may not cause direct immediate affect hurt to an individual, but it does have a waybof piling up the indirect cause and effect hurt on society at large. It's an indicator of intelligence, like it or not, and does have a negative impact...sorry to say. I still enjoy the related interviews, debates and commentary from characters like Prof Richard Dawkins.

You're totally right, but then you mentioned Dawkins as though you think he's not also having a laugh---i.e. you think he's being serious, and trust me, he's not.T

he point you've missed is that whilst they're not very clever, they believe that their local witch doctor would have the brains to do the spells correctly, when they all know it's not many Thais who can pull anything off whatever it is without making a mess of i

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My wife's friend who lives in Chiang Mai, we live in Isaan, rang her up one day and told her that she had dreamed of something evil happening to her. She is very superstitious so off we went to a hermit monk who lives in a small hut in the hills near the boarder, he is very popular and is often visited by the people in our area. He impressed me, very casual, he just asked the wife,"What's up now". She explained and he took her gold necklace and mine and placed them in a bowl of blessed water, he sat for about 10 minuets seemingly in trance then told the wife she has something evil in the house which has been brought in by her two daughters, then aged 10 and 5. We drove back home and she thought and thought and eventually went to a photo in a frame of her two daughters that had been given to them recently by her ex husband. She took the photo from the frame and on the back were written ancient runes as a curse that she should die a painful death. She informed the monk who told her to burn it while praying. Since then i have become a little superstitious myself.

very Impressive story,..! thx for sharing.

Long time ago, in my backpacking days. I met a big older Hippy like American fortune teller with some amulets and things on he's neck a bit like a voodoo priest, several times on the road from Jog Jakarta, Penang, koh Samui, Chiang Mai, and other places...(The Hippy trail) he used to impress people by telling about there lives and problems....Until one of my friends saw him in Samui in a dark corner of a bar while some Farangs were talking about there lives and problems on the counter.

the next day he was talking to one of those guys and the guy was very surprised that everything he said about he's life was spot on....that's just the way he made he's money...saw him a few more times over a couple years and then never again...

My wife is well educated and absolutely not superstitious, and needer am I, but she tells me some stories from her families that are absolutely amazing....

this one happened to my father in law, in the middle of land ownership intrigues...My father in law was working on he's land when he found a broken alms bows berried into he's land (meant to be found) this is something done by somebody that wishes you bad luck..he tried to retrieve it to bring back to the temple to brake the spell. He broke a small shovel trying to retrieve it. He put the broken shovel peace into he's left Breast pocket in front of he's heart. while going to the temple to bring back the broken alms bowl , somebody well hidden shot at him...the bullet hit the broken shovel in he's breast pocket....witch saved him...lucky for him, only one bullet was shot...but the land dispute intrigues continued...!!!

Best regards.Off Road Pat.

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