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I've been a AIS subscriber for years now (serenade level customer) and I'm finally getting tired of their crap so I am considering making a move to True. True has a 32 GB Internet package with 500 minutes of talk time for 1899 baht per month.. this is a great deal as I need exactly 3 lines which are included in the family package. My only concern is how the voice and data roaming work with True? With AIS I have an app that I can start, select the location, package, date and time I want it to activate.. very easy. Does True have anything like this? I do a considerable amount of international voice and data roaming.



I had True and dumped them for AIS. In N America True seems to have no partners, whereas AIS does.

My reason for dumping True was connectivity issues. Dropped calls, messages not going, etc.


I get some dropped calls on AIS in my home area of Phra Khanong but I have found AIS to be generally better than True. When True rolled out 4G, I tried a TRUE 4G account on my business phone, kept AIS on my personal phone. There were timeswhen the True 4G was lightning fast but more often than not, I would find it actually on 3G, and not even "H". I honestly believe the True network is over sold and does not have the output they advertise.

AIS's 3 G was nearly as good as True's and higher speeds available more consistently at more locations. Once AIS rolled out 4G several months ago, they were the clear leader. I ditched the 2nd phone and relagated the True SIM to slot "2", calls and SMS only.

For me, AIS did almost everything better.


I was a satisfied True user for several years. My wife signed up for a post paid account. I used a air card with a True SIM and had no need for their extras. There is no WiFi here. To make a long story short, the 3G kept getting slower and slower even though it still had a full signal.. It finally was not even usable. At least 6 calls to True were useless. Several trips to the local True office were also a waste of time. I told my wife to just cancel the account. The local True office said they couldn't cancel it. I went to the office and made an ass out of myself, yelling at the idiots. My wife was embarrassed and asked me to just go home. She ended up driving 50 kilometers to get the account cancelled. The bastards charged her an extra month to cancel the account. I am finished with that horrible company, never again.

So far AIS has been fairly good. The signal is not as strong but the Internet is fine. When I use up the balance on my True phone SIM, I will try to keep the number and change that SIM to AIS. We are still on prepaid because TIT. I don't trust AIS either. Dtac has no Internet service here so it is AIS or nothing. There are no telephone lines here.


I had True and dumped them for AIS. In N America True seems to have no partners, whereas AIS does.

My reason for dumping True was connectivity issues. Dropped calls, messages not going, etc.

True has no partners in Indonesia yet either..... Lord knows why because they can't sign a roaming deal in 2016..... Ais can usually manage it though


Since the True 3G Internet stopped working at my home, I have changed to AIS for my computer. My wife had all sorts of problems cancelling the postpaid True and had to pay for an extra month that we didn't use. Yesterday I stopped at the local True shop to change my True phone number to AIS. The moron at the True shop said no problem. He likely doesn't understand English very well. He proceeded to sell me an AIS SIM and went through all sorts of fiddling and calling. He finally gave me the phone and said OK. It had the new AIS card and number. I kept my calm and explained AGAIN that I wanted to keep my old number. He said CANNOT. I said CAN. He then told me that I needed to go to a True business center to do that. I have decided to bite the bullet, use up my credit on True SIM and throw it in the trash. I had originally registered the True SIM three times and each time they shut off my number with a message that my card was not registered. Another shop apparently got it right the fourth time. True stinks.


In my own experience AIS is way better than True when it comes to signal quality and stability upcountry.

Never had a problem roaming in Europe with AIS (or with DTAC for that matter, I have both) whereas a True SIM never ever registered on any network here, despite my explicitly calling True's hotline to activate roaming before leaving Thailand.


Yesterday I was in Loei at Big C. I stopped in and saw a Telewhiz shop. My wife signed up for an AIS postpaid account. I asked them if I could change and keep my True number. The answer was no problem. I showed my passport and signed a paper. They gave my a new AIS SIM and told me that it would take three days to work. The amazing thing was that it cost me nothing. I'm just tickled to be rid of True.

  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone been able to keep their number while changing providers? On the 27th of last month I tried to keep my True number and transfer it to AIS. It was supposed to take three days. After two weeks, True apparently continues to find problems, OR, is it AIS that is incompetent? Obviously my number was registered with True the fourth time I tried to register. Yes, it took four times with True cutting off my service three times. I would bet that AIS wants a new customer and True is dragging their feet. I maintain that True is without a doubt the WORST provider in Thailand.


The old providers do tend to drag their feet, regardless of which provider it is, in my experience.

Might I suggest you go to the true shop one last time and ask them to display your account info on their computer screen. Take a photo of this screen and email it to AIS and ask them to retry the port request.

In my experience this helps with the following

A) You know and AIS is informed on the proper spelling *and spacing* of your name on the True side. For example, if you use a middle name it could be written in the first name or last name fields on True's system and that could cause the port to fail because the names, spelling and spacing need to be identical on both AIS and True's systems.

B) You have a record of the port request and it makes following up easier. Also, you can have your wife call and she can reference the email if the time comes that you get frustrated and need her assistance.

I've successfully ported numbers to / from / between AIS, DTAC and True and the shortest time to complete was 2 days while the longest was just shy of 2 months. On that particular occasion the old provider had me incorrectly flagged as being under a contract and not eligible to port out. It took several trips to the old provider and more calls / emails than I care to admit but it eventually got done.

There was a reference to some governing body of some sort that AIS could report True's uncooperative behavior to in order to help things move along but I didn't understand how that worked. It was brought up to me by my new provider in the 2 month port I mentioned above. Just something you might want to ask about. Sorry I don't have more specific info.

It's a pain in the @ss but keep at it and don't give up.

Good luck


After my last visit to a True office, AIS has told me that all is now well. It will still take five more days before it is complete. I have no idea why it takes so long for what seems like a simple thing. True is horrible but AIS may not be a whole lot better.


I had True and dumped them for AIS. In N America True seems to have no partners, whereas AIS does.

My reason for dumping True was connectivity issues. Dropped calls, messages not going, etc.

Probably not Gary A's particular issue, but for others reading along, be sure you have your current passport info in the computer system of the carrier you are leaving. Naturally the carrier you are moving to will take your current passport info, but if it does not match what is in the system for your old carrier -- e.g. you originally signed up with a passport that has now expired and been replaced, but was the new passport info was never provided to the old carrier -- the MNP transaction will fail. Repeatedly. Ask me how I know. whistling.gif


Surprise, surprise. This morning when I got up, I found that my phone didn't work. Neither SIM card had a signal. I turned the phone off, removed the True SIM and restarted the phone. The AIS SIM card came to life. I have my old True number and I was very happy to throw the True SIM in the trash.


Surprise, surprise. This morning when I got up, I found that my phone didn't work. Neither SIM card had a signal. I turned the phone off, removed the True SIM and restarted the phone. The AIS SIM card came to life. I have my old True number and I was very happy to throw the True SIM in the trash.

Did you do a little victory dance?


Surprise, surprise. This morning when I got up, I found that my phone didn't work. Neither SIM card had a signal. I turned the phone off, removed the True SIM and restarted the phone. The AIS SIM card came to life. I have my old True number and I was very happy to throw the True SIM in the trash.

Did you do a little victory dance?

I didn't do a dance but I did give a little victory whoop. Now I can relax at least until AIS goes in the toilet.

Maybe I shouldn't criticize the Thai providers. Years ago while still in the US, I had "High" speed Internet through my land line. It stunk big time. I complained a number of times and was told the problem was in my land line wiring. I knew that wasn't the case because the underground wire was replaced and was all new. The Internet company said they would check it and if there was a problem, I would be charged for the inspection. There was no problem with my line. The serviceman admitted that it was their problem but they couldn't find the problem. I told that company to cancel the service. They said they couldn't do that because I signed a one year contract. I quit paying the bills and they threatened to sue me. I told them that I would counter sue if they were stupid enough to try that. That sad situation then went away and nothing more was said.


They said they couldn't do that because I signed a one year contract. I quit paying the bills and they threatened to sue me. I told them that I would counter sue if they were stupid enough to try that. That sad situation then went away and nothing more was said.

I hope you're not planning to apply for a mortgage in the future. You may have to write a contrite letter explaining the big black mark on your credit report.

Ask me how I know that.

They've got you by the short and curlies because they have attorneys on staff and it costs them nothing extra to make life miserable for you.

On the topic (well, almost), I've got True coming out this morning for one last try to get my ADSL interweb fixed. If they can't get it fixed, and can't keep it fixed, I'm planning on ditching them. This is their last chance...again.


2003 went with AIS on contract, then went to 'Hutch' was a lot better, sadly True bought them out so had to go with True, thankfully was only a 6 months contract... True was very bad, dropped calls, no connection often in the places I go, even at home, the only place to get a signal was in the garden, or if raining upstairs in the bathroom..

Thankfully after 6 months went back to AIS, mostly perfect and 1,000 times better than True mobile also transferred my number to AIS...

on another note have True ADSL internet for over 12 years, problems could count on one hand, and sorted within a hour or so [3 were home visits and totally free]

I would say try to talk with people where you live and places you go often and see if they are on True mobile.. get there view if good or not

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