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Chinese demand for rosewood has turned Thailand's forests into virtual war zones


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By the time the Chinese are done, there won't be much left of the planet. Enjoy your cheap manufactured goods.

Yes they are definitely in a hurry to spend all their "Greenbacks" before they become worthless. America thought they were giving China a helping hand when they agreed to all those trade deals with them and shipped most of the good paying jobs to Great Wall. They opened a Pandora's box and the horse is out of the barn on this one. The Chinese are clever people they are also taking their Yankee greenbacks and buying up American real estate by the billions. A stealth takeover from within. They will definitely beat the Mexicans and the Muslims in claiming the heartland.

That same old song and dance about the fall of the dollar and collapse of the USA has been played for decades. At the end of the day North America is self reliant with most of the worlds fresh water, abundant energy and all the rich farmland you could ever need. To top it off they have a hard working culture with people that are driven and educated who can think for themselves.

There is a reason the world follows American trends and is always trying to catch up to their technology.

Being Canadian I hate to admit it but facts are facts.

I don't think all technology is American.

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