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US: Transgender bathroom bill delayed amid financial questions


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Apropos of nothing in particular, I think Catlin Jenner should be the next leading role in American Horror Story, in the vein of Jessica Lange. She'd be a huge ratings draw, although I'm not certain what her acting ability is.

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Can someone explain me how the US bathrooms look like? Are there no doors on the cubicles? Do they walk around naked or what? At what stage will the women see that the men dressed as a women is shaking his Willy?

The main difference between boy and girl bathrooms is the male bathrooms in addition to sit down enclosed toilets, typically will have urinals along the wall and are not enclosed in a "cubicle". They might have a small partition between each one but that is about it. All sit down toilets have doors, except in the military training boot camps where they practice seems to be to remove the doors!

In Marine Corps bootcamp, there are no stalls at all, just a bunch of exposed toilets side by side. Of course, I am talking about 40 years ago.

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Apropos of nothing in particular, I think Catlin Jenner should be the next leading role in American Horror Story, in the vein of Jessica Lange. She'd be a huge ratings draw, although I'm not certain what her acting ability is.

It's pretty damn good in my opinion - she acted like a man for something like 60 years including winning an Olympic Decathlon medal!

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Considering proponents of the bill claim that it’s necessary to protect women and children, one of its other sponsors, Rep. Jeremy Durham ( R ), has ironically been exiled from various House offices because of accusations of recurring sexual harassment. House Speaker Beth Harwell ® announced last week that she was moving his office and limiting his access to committee rooms and the House chamber because of a “pattern of conduct” toward women that allegedly includes sexual comments and inappropriate physical contact.

The move follows an investigation of Durham’s conduct by Attorney General Slatery. “Representative Durham’s alleged behavior may pose a continuing risk to unsuspecting women who are employed by or interact with the Legislature,” said in his memo to Harwell. Durham denies any wrong-doing.

Though there continue to be zero cases of transgender women abusing their access to women’s restrooms to harm others, 34 women have expressed complaints about Durham’s behavior. Durham does not identify as transgender.


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How did life get so complicated?

Well, if you're talking about transgender people in the U.S., there has been a trend in recent years towards much greater VISIBILITY of that small minority group.

Films, t.v. shows, political activism, and don't forget CAITLYN JENNER, the transgender REPUBLICAN. Yes, that IS weird.


I don't think the fact that Caitlin is a Republican was the most confusing thing for the Straight White Right Men, but the fact that she professed to retain a sexual orientation towards women. That really got them confused and about what sort of pronouns and adjectives to use!

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Can someone explain me how the US bathrooms look like? Are there no doors on the cubicles? Do they walk around naked or what? At what stage will the women see that the men dressed as a women is shaking his Willy?

The main difference between boy and girl bathrooms is the male bathrooms in addition to sit down enclosed toilets, typically will have urinals along the wall and are not enclosed in a "cubicle". They might have a small partition between each one but that is about it. All sit down toilets have doors, except in the military training boot camps where they practice seems to be to remove the doors!

In Marine Corps bootcamp, there are no stalls at all, just a bunch of exposed toilets side by side. Of course, I am talking about 40 years ago.

Jesus, can't even have a wank in the toilet?

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How did life get so complicated?

Well, if you're talking about transgender people in the U.S., there has been a trend in recent years towards much greater VISIBILITY of that small minority group.

Films, t.v. shows, political activism, and don't forget CAITLYN JENNER, the transgender REPUBLICAN. Yes, that IS weird.


I don't think the fact that Caitlin is a Republican was the most confusing thing for the Straight White Right Men, but the fact that she professed to retain a sexual orientation towards women. That really got them confused and about what sort of pronouns and adjectives to use!

Perhaps. I wasn't even aware and don't really care. But it's a good illustration that gender identity and sexual orientation are not the same thing. I think the republican thing is definitely noticed by politically aware GLBT people. Considering these anti-GLBT bigot laws are coming from the republican party, as is their tradition.

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why not have multi-sex bathrooms with own door and lock?

Many places, especially businesses, already have such things for single serve function.

But it's not realistic to just tear down every existing bathroom in the country and start over.

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All the celebs, corporations and other non important former celebs and wannabees will be boycotting South Carolina, Mississippi and now Tennessee. But it won't be too long that it will be 10 states, then 20, then 30 and 35 states - likely within a years time.. Then what will the boycotting folks do ? Keep whining I suppose...

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All the celebs, corporations and other non important former celebs and wannabees will be boycotting South Carolina, Mississippi and now Tennessee. But it won't be too long that it will be 10 states, then 20, then 30 and 35 states - likely within a years time.. Then what will the boycotting folks do ? Keep whining I suppose...

Actually, you're wrong.

The push back is WORKING.

The trend is to stop doing the bigot laws, even in the South.

Look at Georgia and South Carolina.

They rejected the bigot trend.

I also expect there to be reversals of bigot laws that have already passed.

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All the celebs, corporations and other non important former celebs and wannabees will be boycotting South Carolina, Mississippi and now Tennessee. But it won't be too long that it will be 10 states, then 20, then 30 and 35 states - likely within a years time.. Then what will the boycotting folks do ? Keep whining I suppose...

The canary in the coal mine. There to warn us about impending events, mostly doom and gloom. Warnings based on a political radar stuck on the ideology of the Sons of Liberty, a terrorist organisation and fuelled by a web of connections back home to feverish cliques of similarly minded people reading the Trump Tealeaves. You have warned us already that the old white men are revolting. We agree. Their attempts to codify discrimination of minorities into legislation has happened in a small minority of REPUBLICAN led states.

Here's some news that will make the old ticker flutter, so please prepare yourself - North Carolina Attorney General Won't Defend Gov's 'National Embarrassment' http://www.advocate.com/politics/2016/3/29/north-carolina-attorney-general-wont-defend-governors-national-embarrassment

What was that about 10 states next, then 20? It is absolutely astounding that one of the most obnoxiously hawkish 'Originalists' on TVF so completely endorses unconstitutional legislation that deny equal protection to minorities. The whole basis of the Originalists' arguments is entirely false. It is a mere protection of white privilege (straight, white, male). We all recognised that this is what Scalia was all about because his hypocrisy was there for everyone to see it, except the fanboys of course.

There is no opposite to the Cassandra Complex. Your predictions about Trump will be wrong. Your predications about the spread of legislation that promotes discrimination of minorities will be as equally assigned to the dust bin of history and shame of a country founded on liberal rationality.

Make America White Again! Now add Make America Straight Again! Not going to happen.

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Well, in the long run, the right wingers are going to lose on this, but the BACKLASH over the marriage equality victory using the fake red herring issues of "religious liberty" and transgender bathroom HYSTERIA will continue. So there will be a back and forth about this stuff possibly for decades until more definitive full GLBT civil rights protections (in housing, employment, and EVERYTHING) are legislated at the national level perhaps with SCOTUS involvement as well.

These tricky tactics (religious liberty and bathroom hysteria) are all they've got now. They know they can't explicitly try to win saying what they REALLY mean, that they oppose civil rights for GLBT people and wish for the old days when they were criminalized and could be called perverts in polite society. Over time, more and more people are going to see behind their devious bigot tactics.

Imagine even 10 years from now. Marriage equality won't be reversed (EVER) and the nation will not have exploded over a small percentage of marriages nationally being same sex. It will sink in. The bigot's case will have less and less resonance.

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A tempest in a tea cup. Most stalls have doors and if someone is using a urinal, obviously there is no problem there even if whoever is beside you has a dress on. Thailand has no problems. Many times I have been standing in front of a urinal while there was a Thai woman mopping and cleaning. Small places with a single toilet always has a lock on the door. Quite often this PC crap goes way too far.

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A tempest in a tea cup. Most stalls have doors and if someone is using a urinal, obviously there is no problem there even if whoever is beside you has a dress on. Thailand has no problems. Many times I have been standing in front of a urinal while there was a Thai woman mopping and cleaning. Small places with a single toilet always has a lock on the door. Quite often this PC crap goes way too far.

yea I agree... personally i could not care I have pissed in from of all sexes and never given it much though but... I sort of get it that someone may have an early teen daughter who does not want to share a toilet with a bloke with fake tits

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A tempest in a tea cup. Most stalls have doors and if someone is using a urinal, obviously there is no problem there even if whoever is beside you has a dress on. Thailand has no problems. Many times I have been standing in front of a urinal while there was a Thai woman mopping and cleaning. Small places with a single toilet always has a lock on the door. Quite often this PC crap goes way too far.

yea I agree... personally i could not care I have pissed in from of all sexes and never given it much though but... I sort of get it that someone may have an early teen daughter who does not want to share a toilet with a bloke with fake tits

Yeah sharing a toilet maybe, but a room?

Anyway I don't think teenagers are the problem. They are far more liberal than the generation above.

It's the crusty old farts that are behind this.

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Just watch the roll out of laws like in Tennessee, NC and Mississippi ... despite of small set backs - the over all trend is wide spread ... Houston did exactly what was done in Charlotte - only local voters did it - not the state.

State after state will enact Tennessee like legislation until the courts are overwhelmed by challenges ... By then Trump will be President and the Justice Department will not spend any time or money getting involved in this

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Old is new again.

I'm a black man from the US - I don't want to pee next to the honky - I DEMAND a blacks only toilet.

Dear lord, when will this madness end??

Who really cares about this nonsense apart from a few vocal queens on Thaivisa - my gay mates couldn't give a stuff - they pee where they pee.

thankfully I don't live in the US and have no desire to.

Edited by Mudcrab
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How did life get so complicated?

Well, if you're talking about transgender people in the U.S., there has been a trend in recent years towards much greater VISIBILITY of that small minority group.

Films, t.v. shows, political activism, and don't forget CAITLYN JENNER, the transgender REPUBLICAN. Yes, that IS weird.


Funny though..After all the hooplah he still isn't game enough to cross the last threshold.. Must be some self doubt creeping in or maybe he just enjoys a good w@nk.. He's really just a mixed up former athlete with a psychological problem... Needs meds, not hormones and plastic surgery..

Considering that gays are less than 3% of the population and that trans are an even smaller minority isn't the Govt spending an awful lot of the time and public money on something that is only a concern of a tiny fraction of the population..Hence the term "minority" Isn't democracy about the rule of the majority ?

The majority of people are happy to pee and poop with their own sex..

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Old is new again.

I'm a black man from the US - I don't want to pee next to the honky - I DEMAND a blacks only toilet.

Dear lord, when will this madness end??

Who really cares about this nonsense apart from a few vocal queens on Thaivisa - my gay mates couldn't give a stuff - they pee where they pee.

thankfully I don't live in the US and have no desire to.

True, what happened to straight talk and calling a spade a spade and no off color terms like honky and such?

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Old is new again.

I'm a black man from the US - I don't want to pee next to the honky - I DEMAND a blacks only toilet.

Dear lord, when will this madness end??

Who really cares about this nonsense apart from a few vocal queens on Thaivisa - my gay mates couldn't give a stuff - they pee where they pee.

thankfully I don't live in the US and have no desire to.

The issue isn't about gay OR straight CISGENDER people. There is no such bathroom issue for them.

It's about TRANSGENDER people, gay/straight/whatever.

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I can understand someone being gay...a few friends are

I can understand Lesbian...no issues there...my ex wife was

Trannys.....no problem

Transgender ..... poor confused people..have my sympathy

But why has being straight become such a hate issue??

Because we are different??

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I can understand someone being gay...a few friends are

I can understand Lesbian...no issues there...my ex wife was

Trannys.....no problem

Transgender ..... poor confused people..have my sympathy

But why has being straight become such a hate issue??

Because we are different??

Yeah you're different. You win.

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A few points in response to the old white (and black) guys club, many of whom it would appear came over here on military service and decided to remain stuck in time and place while the rest of the world moved forward:

1. No, you're not seeing a trend towards reclaiming the USA of the 1950's. In fact, you're observing the polar opposite, the decline of the old white power due to an unstoppable force that is out of your control - demographics. The baby boomers are coming to an end as is their world. Take comfort in your surroundings in Thailand with the acceptance that the only constant is change as the Buddhists like to say.

2. Yes, anyone who is in favour of equal rights for the LGBT community is obviously gay. Na na na na naaaaaaaaaaaaaaa naaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Seriously? That is the level of your analysis? Must have hit the bottle early today.

3. No, it was not the LGBT community who are advocating that they have their own bathrooms. That's what is known as a "Red Herring". The LGBT community simply wish to go to the toilet that best represents their gender. They are not doing this for kicks, as there have been more arrests of people who write legislation like this for sexual harrassment than there has been for LGBT people, a remarkable thing given the numbers of LGBT people versus the numbers of legislators.

4. Does anyone actually think that someone would go through the surgery, the pain, the humiliation and the enormous amount of hassle required to change their gender in order to have a perv at girls (or boys) in the toilet? Really?

5. I don't know how people who prattle on endlessly about "freedom" reconcile this supposed core tenet of their beliefs with the inevitable desire they seem to have to control other people's private lives through legislation.

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