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US: Transgender bathroom bill delayed amid financial questions


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Can someone explain me how the US bathrooms look like? Are there no doors on the cubicles? Do they walk around naked or what? At what stage will the women see that the men dressed as a women is shaking his Willy?

The main difference between boy and girl bathrooms is the male bathrooms in addition to sit down enclosed toilets, typically will have urinals along the wall and are not enclosed in a "cubicle". They might have a small partition between each one but that is about it. All sit down toilets have doors, except in the military training boot camps where they practice seems to be to remove the doors!

In Marine Corps bootcamp, there are no stalls at all, just a bunch of exposed toilets side by side. Of course, I am talking about 40 years ago.

Jesus, can't even have a wank in the toilet?

I think that is why the military training and boot camps traditionally and as late as 1982 when I went to Air Force OTS the stalls have the doors removed. That and to hinder "other" activities. And some have the row toilets. Heck, we had those back at boy scout camp back.

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actually the more i think about it the more I can't see the problem as all female loos have cubicles with doors? does it matter if a tranny goes into one of them? does it bother me if a LB pees next to me? not particularly

bit of a storm in a C cup?

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I can understand someone being gay...a few friends are

I can understand Lesbian...no issues there...my ex wife was

Trannys.....no problem

Transgender ..... poor confused people..have my sympathy

But why has being straight become such a hate issue??

Because we are different??

I am straight and have never felt the hate because of it. It's the bigots that are bringing the hate and act surprised when them get some in return. Why do you guys do that?

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Maybe they are still in the closet and easily threatened by those who choose an alternative lifestyle than theirs?

Is it any surprise that Trans people experience such hatred and discrimination when these sorts of statements continue to be made. They continue to be made despite the evidence of genetic determinants to LGBT identification. They continue to be made despite the majority of people now supporting LGBT equality. A recent survey in the EU of a quarter of a million people under the age of 34 found that 81% had no problem with seeing gays kissing http://www.queerty.com/young-people-cant-wait-to-try-gay-sex-20160414

In this day and age, with all the information available, the only reason to say that being LGBT is a choice is to perpetuate the ignorance, hatred and discrimination of non conformists.

Tell me Einstein, are you able to describe the factors that led you to choose your straight lifestyle? If it is a choice, then this implies some rationality behind the decision. A weighing of pros and cons. Research into the various alternatives. Testing each alternative etc etc. If you can explain this, then you will be the first one ever to do so.

Edited by lostboy
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Notice the right wing BIGOT argument doesn't care at all about how their HATE laws endanger the lives of TRANSGENDER people.


And here's a convicted sexual predator claiming to be an LGBT activist working for gender neutral bathrooms.


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Never heard of the idea of separate LGBT bathrooms.

As a gay man I would never agree to be segregated that way.

Or maybe the bigots want gay and lesbian people to have a RED TATTOO saying so branded on our heads.

On the other hand, I'm surprised the OVER THE TOP anti-GLBT BIGOTS aren't trying to legislate banning gay men from the men's and gay women from the women's. Why stop at messing with TRANSGENDER people?

You know those butch lesbians, they might rape your girlfriend with a sex toy. It could happen! w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif

Gay men, they may sneak a cheeky peek at your pathetic ding dong at the urinal ...

Maybe that's next on the list of the hurtful agenda of the anti-GLBT bigots.

"As a gay man" - how is this relevant to the discussion? Do you feel somehow that your opinion on this topic matters more than anyone else's because you are gay?

As for being segregated - how is it segregation? Transgenders are male. They are asking for the rest of the population to make an accommodation for them. If the world decides it is for the greater good that they use disabled and/or separate bathrooms, then they should thank us for that. After all, M2F Transgenders clearly are NOT female but men suffering from a mental disorder (according to DSM-V).

Bottom line is - Transgenders aren't happy with the status quo, the world may accommodate them but just not in the way they wanted. Seems it's their way or the highway. Access to womens' bathrooms and nothing short of that is acceptable, right? Then it'll be changing rooms. How far does this go? Are we supposed to be happy that anyone claiming to be suffering from gender dysphoria can use the female locker rooms at the local swimming pool?

No-one is messing with people suffering from gender dyshphoria, on the contrary, those suffering from the disorder started the dialogue.

A common sense, common ground needs to be sought.

We are just weighing up the pros and cons. One of the cons being risk to women.

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Lots of men on here posting about how this sociology experiment really isn't a problem. I would like to see a poll what actual women think about this issue. I think that would be interesting.

Actual, biological women are the people who will be most impacted by this. It seems a very cavalier attitude to state that it shouldn't be an issue, when it's not even remotely an issue for you.

And to further this point, I think it's quite interesting that so many gay males are strident supporters of this experiment. I would posit that this is quite probably due to the fact that the majority do not have wives, girlfriends or daughters. If they did, I imagine they would view this through a different prism. And yes, I know that they might have mothers and sisters and other women they care about, but more often than not, these are not women they feel "responsible for".

Of course, all of the above is just my opinion. Feel free to disagree.

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Lots of men on here posting about how this sociology experiment really isn't a problem. I would like to see a poll what actual women think about this issue. I think that would be interesting.

Actual, biological women are the people who will be most impacted by this. It seems a very cavalier attitude to state that it shouldn't be an issue, when it's not even remotely an issue for you.

And to further this point, I think it's quite interesting that so many gay males are strident supporters of this experiment. I would posit that this is quite probably due to the fact that the majority do not have wives, girlfriends or daughters. If they did, I imagine they would view this through a different prism. And yes, I know that they might have mothers and sisters and other women they care about, but more often than not, these are not women they feel "responsible for".

Of course, all of the above is just my opinion. Feel free to disagree.

Well, you know you just invalidated your own opinion with that statement. But indeed, if this were an issue that would affect women so much more, and they felt strongly opposed, then I would expect we'd see a number of them opining similar to you here. But you don't even though there are plenty of women who post on thaivisa. Hence one might conclude that it's not a major issue for them. I of course would be happy to hear their opinions on this though. Any women here care to offer whether they feel it would be unsafe, uncomfortable or otherwise an issue for them (or not) to share a bathroom with a transgendered individual born male but who identifies, dresses and undergoes surgery because they identify as a woman?

As a non-gay male with a wife and daughter, I can state that I have no problem with transgender women sharing the same bathroom as they do. My daughter has no issues with it either, nor does my Cambodian wife.

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There is plenty of people pro and anti, anti's argument generally personaly based ie i worry about my daughter/ wife being assaulted or exposed to transgender, what they expect to Happen i'm not sure and the pro's think it ok. The business world has come out anti the proposal and if passed likely to cost the state a fortune and likely to long term repercussions. To me by the look pro' s is far better supported and arguably should give an indicator to those against.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The only surprise in the 'back down' is that the proposure has got the balls to say she still thinks its a good idea and the right thing to do,, mind u these far right wingers ain't exactly renowned for their sensitivity .

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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