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Don't Climb Here! Foreigners fined for scaling wall in Chiang Mai


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Seems to show a commendable amount of tolerance and forebarence from the Thai police. Good to remember that sometimes Thainess has it's good sides. Not in any way condoning the behavior of the immature and self centered offenders.

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Get a grip guys....

They climbed a wall ... Then came down... Yes selfish and rude ...but come on

Slap on the wrist and 500 fine is enough

Some people get less grief for killing 9 people or friving st 300 kph...

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Victim: Sacred wall of bricks.

I must laugh. Seems most TV members are clueless <deleted> that have never done anything fun and naughty.

In China - I have heard - they have this wall made out of bricks...

Why BTW most of the Thai monuments are like this? More or less of piles of nothing? They could be renovated to the level that tourist would like to take selfies. You know, tourism and all...

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They should be kept in the police lockup overnight for ignoring the police warnings.

Can't they read the signs?

Apparently can't hear either.

verbal warnings were given to the tourists not to climb during a Songkran celebration

Edited by Rob13
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The ignorance of tourists continues unabated. I once saw 2 Germans actually climb up on a Buddha in a temple to take pics of themselves. When I intervened and told them what they were doing was considered highly offensive- they cursed me- and then ran when about 5 Thai men approached. People know its wrong.They just don't care. Its no wonder the Thai people have 'foreigner fatigue'.

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I witnessed the men upon the walls yesterday;it left me feeling embarrassed to be a faring in Thailand. It is satisfying that they were apprehended. They should be grateful they were treated so leniently the

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They can read the signs and hear the warnings but being of the "me" generation these are ignored in doing what they want regardless. As a member of a much older generation I must accept some responsibility for this. We gave them freedoms that we never had but not the sense of responsibility to use these freedoms with regard to others.

I don't understand your comment, what freedoms did we give kids today to climb where they should not.

When I was young I had the freedom to climb whatever I could, but we also accepted that when we climbed where we should not (which was most everywhere except trees) if we were daft enough to get caught, we would get clouted round the ear, caned, or dragged of by the men in blue (or the fire brigade) and given a good lecture on safety.

My father most certainly did not find it amusing if we got caught climbing the drainpipes to the 5 story library roof, but he also had a secret pride if we had the guts to do it. This did not stop me having to cut the grass every day for a month or similar "punishment".

The only difference today is, no camera's.

One exception is climbing electricity pylons, we delighted in getting round the barbed wire, but nobody realised just how dangerous it was to do such a stupid thing. Luckily enough I never had much of a head for heights when young, so I never reached the live wires and managed to survive. At least I was able to show my kids pictures to illustrate what happens if you get zapped by 133KV.

We also had lots of bombed-out houses, building sites and similar dangerous environments to play in and had to learn not to play with any stray metal objects (like bulldozers or dump trucks that workers left the keys in).

Actually I am sure that I was much stricter on my kids safety than my parents were on me. I encouraged them to do adventurous things in a more controlled environment.

If they had the sense to climb these walls when nobody was around (and not damage anything) nobody could have been offended. Sacred is all very well, but it's not like Buddha was going to rain down fire and brimstone as soon as they reached the top.

Do things the Thai way!

Edited by MiKT
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Victim: Sacred wall of bricks.

I must laugh. Seems most TV members are clueless <deleted> that have never done anything fun and naughty.

In China - I have heard - they have this wall made out of bricks...

Why BTW most of the Thai monuments are like this? More or less of piles of nothing? They could be renovated to the level that tourist would like to take selfies. You know, tourism and all...

Respect; you either get it or don't.

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Part of the problem with disrespect of Thai culture is the fines are laughable. 500 baht for scaling a wall? 100 baht for being shirtless at a formal function?

Warn once only, then if the warning is ignored fines of 5000 - 10,000 baht would really sting, and provide a deterrent.

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They are just free climbers that take the term literally in that they think they are free to do what they want.

This happens all over the world, offending believers and destroying security concepts for buildings that have been breached by these people.

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Yeah, okay.

100000 Baht fine and immediate deportation for the following acts:

- Shirtless in public

- Wearing wife beater with Chang logo printed on it

- Beer guts

- Being foreigner

- Climbing stupid brick walls

- Climbing anything for that matter

- Being drunk or intoxicated in public

- Going into a karaoke or go-go bar

Must say I didn't suspect there to be so many tight-asses but TV never fails to surprise.

Yeah, and they did something wrong but looking what Thais and some other people engage with in this country I would say it was pretty harmless.

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Victim: Sacred wall of bricks.

I must laugh. Seems most TV members are clueless <deleted> that have never done anything fun and naughty.

In China - I have heard - they have this wall made out of bricks...

Why BTW most of the Thai monuments are like this? More or less of piles of nothing? They could be renovated to the level that tourist would like to take selfies. You know, tourism and all...

Some of these structures were built about the same time your ancestors were painting themselves with woad. They are fragile, so if everyone did as they pleased nothing would be left of them in short order.

I recommend a trip to Halong Bay in Vietnam if you want to see the damage excessive tourism can do.

Fairly obvious from your comments who is clueless.

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A fine of 500 baht is not really a punishment that will put off other young people, who might read about it on social media, and might try to do it as well.

500 baht what a joke, why not 10.000 thb just for the time and effort of RTP

Edited by luckyman
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Yeah, okay.

100000 Baht fine and immediate deportation for the following acts:

- Shirtless in public

- Wearing wife beater with Chang logo printed on it

- Beer guts

- Being foreigner

- Climbing stupid brick walls

- Climbing anything for that matter

- Being drunk or intoxicated in public

- Going into a karaoke or go-go bar

Must say I didn't suspect there to be so many tight-asses but TV never fails to surprise.

Yeah, and they did something wrong but looking what Thais and some other people engage with in this country I would say it was pretty harmless.

Ever been to Chiangmai? Know anything about its history and its 'brick walls'? Ah, didn't think so....stupid comment from an ignorant farang that forgot we are guests here.

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Some of these structures were built about the same time your ancestors were painting themselves with woad. They are fragile, so if everyone did as they pleased nothing would be left of them in short order.

I recommend a trip to Halong Bay in Vietnam if you want to see the damage excessive tourism can do.

Fairly obvious from your comments who is clueless.

I suppose The Great Wall of China is such a fragile and old thing? No? Why, I wonder...

And these kind of places need constant care and renovating to attract tourists and keep toruism economy floating but here in LOS the answer is always the same sounding: Mai pen rai!

There is a big difference keeping tourists happy and letting them destroy things. You might not acknowledge such separation but I can.

Regarding my knowledge on the matters, I do have an MA (Master of Arts) and rather deep knowledge about many things on the field of culture. I see no harm done here. Not even worth the 500 Baht. When there are no well-kept attractions but mere ruins - holy or whatever - these kind of acts happen. Did it somehow become clear to anyone why these brisks are holier than similar bricks elsewhere? i have never heard of city wall that was holy. Maybe the first.

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Ever been to Chiangmai? Know anything about its history and its 'brick walls'? Ah, didn't think so....stupid comment from an ignorant farang that forgot we are guests here.

Been there about ten or so times. And yes, i do know a thing or two about the now-so-polluted-garbage-dump-called-Chiang-Mai. A city that's past is far greater than the present.

And yes, we are guests but for myself am leaving for new pastures. Thailand is becoming more and more xenophobic with other aspects matching it. Lived here over a decade and had enough with people like you who like see themselves as Farang guest without a right to voice an opinion. Somehow, I never have had any flack from Thais. They are much nicer than an average TV Forum commentator with enormous ego and a bias to match it.

Edited by onni4me
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Probably brought up in an environment where Mum never said no.

Dad probably left the family years ago and dodges all responsibilities.

The western diet also could be to blame for their farang moronic mentality.

Along with the farang education system where they are educated in farangness believing they are superior.

And the extreme vanity they display wanting to post their idiocy on social media.

They show no respect to others, all about me, me, me.

Fine them, jail them and then deport them.

A big difference between here and Farangland is a lack of graffiti and mindless vandalism against public property, Thais kids are much more sensible and have a greater respect for the community.

Smart people these Thais.

Honestly in your first paragraph it sounds as if you are describing thais. That said I agree but this is not limited to only westerners and these peeps are from Sweden I believe not America

Your first sentence is racial Thai knocking.

Your second sentence shows your geographical ignorance... Sweds are westerns.

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They should be kept in the police lockup overnight for ignoring the police warnings.

Can't they read the signs?

They should be Kept for 2 nights then sent home

The Behaviour is terrible over this Festival they do not know what it means they get drunk and act like village idiots

what happens with these Young People do they all leave there brains on the Plane No Respect for what is left of Thai culture and there's not much left of that I will be Glad when its over for another year it get worse every year

Uhm no it does not get whorse every year.

Your gettin older every year.

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Foolish behaviour, for sure. Fun to read the entertaining 'young people today' responses, though. As if the young weren't always foolish.

When I was young decades ago I was also a bit foolish. OTOH I was never stupid like some of the cretins I read about nowadays.

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I have actually walked up on that wall and walked all the way along the top, although when I did it the metal barrier at the top wasnt there and there is/was a stairway to climb up and the were no signs saying not to walk up

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Probably brought up in an environment where Mum never said no.

Dad probably left the family years ago and dodges all responsibilities.

The western diet also could be to blame for their farang moronic mentality.

Along with the farang education system where they are educated in farangness believing they are superior.

And the extreme vanity they display wanting to post their idiocy on social media.

They show no respect to others, all about me, me, me.

Fine them, jail them and then deport them.

A big difference between here and Farangland is a lack of graffiti and mindless vandalism against public property, Thais kids are much more sensible and have a greater respect for the community.

Smart people these Thais.

Dad probably left the family years ago and dodges all responsibilities...whilst spending all his money on his new Thai wife, who's 30 years younger than him...

Well said. Many of those dads here.

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Ever been to Chiangmai? Know anything about its history and its 'brick walls'? Ah, didn't think so....stupid comment from an ignorant farang that forgot we are guests here.

Been there about ten or so times. And yes, i do know a thing or two about the now-so-polluted-garbage-dump-called-Chiang-Mai. A city that's past is far greater than the present.

And yes, we are guests but for myself am leaving for new pastures. Thailand is becoming more and more xenophobic with other aspects matching it. Lived here over a decade and had enough with people like you who like see themselves as Farang guest without a right to voice an opinion. Somehow, I never have had any flack from Thais. They are much nicer than an average TV Forum commentator with enormous ego and a bias to match it.

Funny reply..read back and you will see you are contradicting yourself in reply vs original post. And also, if Chiangmai is such a garbage dump, why go there more than 10 times?!? Cheap girls? Leaving for greener pastures? For the Phillipines I bet.

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Many farangs when they come to Thailand lose it.

Climb walls after being told not to.

Go about Chiang mai shirtless.


Lose it? As in saying other foreigners have lost it for climbing a wall and walking around shirtless in 40 degrees heat? Catch yourself on.

I'll tell ya what's next; exaggeration on TVF is going to be fined 500 bahtthumbsup.gif Happy New Year

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