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Chicken rice vendor caught on tape stabbing "Whitey" to death.

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Pretty low form of life just kills a dog,

A man of high moral and ethical standards reacting to an unrestrained, un-muzzled (according to the pictures), dangerous dog that had, without dispute, attacked his child. Good luck to him.

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Story says the dog was leashed and muzzled.. so no threat at that point and a new home was going to be arranged. Now you can make up what you want but now the dog was not a threat.

I would have responded different if the dog was walking free and dangerous. That was not the case here.

"Story says the dog was leashed and muzzled.."

The OP cctv pictures say a lot different.


How many times had they "resolved" the situation in the past? What's the average life expectancy of a muzzle before the owners decide it's not worth the trouble (or that the heat is off)? A new home where it's an unknown and will be unmuzzled and free to bite more kids? What's the likelihood that there will even be a new home for a viscous dog, or was the "new home" story only an afterthought only after the guy rid the neighborhood of a problem dog?

Sadly, Thailand doesn't have a legal and humane system in place to take care of problem pooches. I'm a dog lover. I have 3. They sleep in my bed. But a dog that attacks children needs to go away. In the absence of a humane and legal alternative, the guy did his neighbors a favor.

One paragraph of irrelevant and, by definition, inaccurate speculation followed by a confession that you sleep with dogs. I wonder if there is a legal and humane option for people like you!


Unfortunately this sentimentality towards animals only seems to extend to dogs and the reason why this has been made worse cannot be discussed. These same Thais who feed soi dogs out of 'compassion' at the same time let cocks slice each other to death with spikes attached to their feet. Also, if you are an 'animal lover' have a walk around any market, not much compassion there shown to fish, frogs, and guinea pigs, not to mention the dead animals all over the place, pigs heads and tongues on stalls, guts stinking in the sun, totally disgusting and hypocritical...


This is all pretty stupid,,,,If the dog has bitten his kid the the bloody Law should have made sure that the dog was put to sleep in a fair way,,,,,,The Law has Failed ,,,No good to Relocate a biting Dog ,,,He only is going to get Worse,,,I had many hunting dogs ,,for pigs,,,if they went BAD they got put down That's only fair to other animals and People.


I have encountered a few nasty soi dogs (usually at night as they are protecting their territory) but on the whole they have been good natured and just wanted a bit of attention.

On another note I see how some Thais treat dogs, not just soi dogs but even some pets. I often see little kids kicking them and pulling their ears.

I understand people's opinion but a few attacks bad apples make all soi dogs bad and in need of being rounded up and killed. Its easy to pass judgement but lets remember these soi dogs come about because of human neglect of pets which end up on the street not neutered but kept alive by being fed which doesnt help but just allows to mate and multiply.


I have a special gift for this prick if he ever crossed my path.

It's not clear if the dog had an owner or not as it says neighbors which to me says this was a soi dog. Has everyone on here that's commented had a run in with a soi dog? I'd guess not. I regularly had problems, and also learned or others having the same. If a soi dog is a problem they relocate them btw.

Many people over the years have poisoned them.. To stab it to death it very low. I never took it up on myself to deal with the issue, but I cannot judge anyone who decides to. They can be horrible things. And impulse is right.. A muzzle would be short lived.. However this was vengeance.. Another street might have just moves the problem but I'm glad I've never been in that position.

A medal you mean? that's what he deserves and it's nice to see not all Thais have been brainwashed into thinking letting these fleabags flourish is 'compassionate' it's not. Thailand needs to get a grip on it's soi dog problem, and soon


We need more of this. I will be contacting Thai Rath and will pay his legal fees. Anyone else interested in helping this guy out? How many more kids need to get bitten

I'm in.

Can you get a list of all the kids this dog had bitten before it got stabbed to death. Gives us a bit more ammo.


This is all pretty stupid,,,,If the dog has bitten his kid the the bloody Law should have made sure that the dog was put to sleep in a fair way,,,,,,The Law has Failed ,,,No good to Relocate a biting Dog ,,,He only is going to get Worse,,,I had many hunting dogs ,,for pigs,,,if they went BAD they got put down That's only fair to other animals and People.

You train dogs to kill. Best keep your opinion to yourself.


That the dog had been muzzled suggests that it was possibly known/acknowledged to be a biter. And unless there is another story on this somewhere I see no mention of the 7 year old tormenting it. The killing of it was not humane but.....


Depends of the circumstances......

I love dogs..with some exceptions...I have to say that years ago in Chiang Mai I try to poison a neighbor's dog that was always lose on my street and attacked me many times. The owner never took care of the situation. After making me fell from my motorbike.....I gave him meat with rat poison....just one time. He ate it...but didn't die.

Anyway...months later he just vanished and I do not know if was killed or not.


Thai's tend to be compassionate people thought they may be irresponsible too when it comes to soi dogs. I find it hard to believe the man just decided to kill the dog in spite. I will bet that this dog had a history beyond just biting his son.

As many posters have pointed out these dogs attack people for no reason. I doubt the 7 year old provoked it.


if a dog assaulted a human, especially a kid - it deserves to be killed. one human life and well-being with more than any amount of dogs or other animals.

those, who think it's not true are traitors of the humanity. they deserve to be excluded from human society -without food, made by humans, protection by humans, human medicine etc.


I have a special gift for this prick if he ever crossed my path.

if I were that man I would do the same.

why don't you meet me and give me your special gift? and I will give you mine.



I have a special gift for this prick if he ever crossed my path.

You mean the guy who got rid of the mongrel that bit his 7 year old son, and was probably likely to bite other kids- if it hadn't already?

. Yea deffo this <deleted> of a prick needs to be shot let me at this prick nob and mucho more mr moderator ?????

I have a special gift for this prick if he ever crossed my path.

You mean the guy who got rid of the mongrel that bit his 7 year old son, and was probably likely to bite other kids- if it hadn't already?

As a response to that the dog was now leashed.. and muzzled and the kid his treatment was paid for and they were going to search for a new home. This was just revenge nothing more after the situation was resolved.

How many times had they "resolved" the situation in the past? What's the average life expectancy of a muzzle before the owners decide it's not worth the trouble (or that the heat is off)? A new home where it's an unknown and will be unmuzzled and free to bite more kids? What's the likelihood that there will even be a new home for a viscous dog, or was the "new home" story only an afterthought only after the guy rid the neighborhood of a problem dog?

Sadly, Thailand doesn't have a legal and humane system in place to take care of problem pooches. I'm a dog lover. I have 3. They sleep in my bed. But a dog that attacks children needs to go away. In the absence of a humane and legal alternative, the guy did his neighbors a favor.

Cos this guy was just being a 'good citizen', right? Funny how he wasn't stirred to do the deed at the time of the 'attack' on his lad, as I know I would have been!! Thought he'd see what he could get out of it first, yeah? Then, what the hell, I might as well stab the mutt violently to death!!! Yeah,doing 'the neighbours a favour' alright!! ps: I'd suggest you learn to spell ('viscous' is a whole different word to the 'nasty dog' one I'm sure you were looking for!).. oh, yeah, and you should probably stop sleeping with dogs, and, especially (at least), stop telling people about it!... wai.gif


I have a special gift for this prick if he ever crossed my path.

You mean the guy who got rid of the mongrel that bit his 7 year old son, and was probably likely to bite other kids- if it hadn't already?

You don't know what the kid had been doing to the dog.


I have a special gift for this prick if he ever crossed my path.

You mean the guy who got rid of the mongrel that bit his 7 year old son, and was probably likely to bite other kids- if it hadn't already?

No, he means the Thai coward who killed a chained up dog who bit a 7 year old kid who repeatedly threw stones and poked it with a stick.


There is a restaurant near where I live that has this mangy old dog that's tried to bite me on numerous occasions. The owner thinks it's funny.

People in this country (sorry, many people) don't know how to raise and train dogs.

What this man did was wrong, but if this dog bit his kid it should have been put down and it's owner prosecuted.

"People in this country (sorry, many people) don't know how to raise and train dogs."

Likewise many people in Thailand don't know how to raise kids, some of them are horrible little sods not adverse to ill treating dogs.


Pretty low form of life just kills a dog,

A man of high moral and ethical standards reacting to an unrestrained, un-muzzled (according to the pictures), dangerous dog that had, without dispute, attacked his child. Good luck to him.

You obviously can't read, the dog was chained and muzzled and had previously bitten the brat, not attacked, after he had made to hit it, still don't let the truth ruin your rant.


I have encountered a few nasty soi dogs (usually at night as they are protecting their territory) but on the whole they have been good natured and just wanted a bit of attention.

On another note I see how some Thais treat dogs, not just soi dogs but even some pets. I often see little kids kicking them and pulling their ears.

I understand people's opinion but a few attacks bad apples make all soi dogs bad and in need of being rounded up and killed. Its easy to pass judgement but lets remember these soi dogs come about because of human neglect of pets which end up on the street not neutered but kept alive by being fed which doesnt help but just allows to mate and multiply.

Too true, in my 50yrs coming to Thailand I've only had trouble with one soi dog which was my fault really for kicking out at him, little sod never forgot LOL.


First, the kid was bit, not attacked. Big difference. Since the dog only bit the kid, it was probably out of self defense. Who knows what the kid was doing to the dog that caused it to react. A dog bite is usually out of fear. It's not an attack. You don't just hit, beat with a stick, or stone a living creature and do not expect it to react. Maybe the kid needed to be shown that there are consequences when you choose to be aggressive to an animal, or another human for that matter. Obviously the kid's father doesn't know right from wrong, so the kid was probably not taught right from wrong either. You can't blame an animal for defending itself.

The story reminded me of an incident when I was about 10 years old. I was riding my bicycle about half a mile from home when I saw a man walking his doberman. The dog looked up, saw me, chased me, and bit me on the backside. It wasn't self defence, I didn't do anything to it. My father knew right from wrong. I don't think the dog was raised badly, it just seemed to revert back to it's primal nature. It was never caught, so I don't know if it went on to be a repeat offender.

I like animals, especially dogs, but when they bite they will most likely do so again. I don't like what this guy did, but dogs who bite should be put down.

You made a great number of assumptions in your post; my experience all those years ago suggest many of them are wrong.


First, the kid was bit, not attacked. Big difference. Since the dog only bit the kid, it was probably out of self defense. Who knows what the kid was doing to the dog that caused it to react. A dog bite is usually out of fear. It's not an attack. You don't just hit, beat with a stick, or stone a living creature and do not expect it to react. Maybe the kid needed to be shown that there are consequences when you choose to be aggressive to an animal, or another human for that matter. Obviously the kid's father doesn't know right from wrong, so the kid was probably not taught right from wrong either. You can't blame an animal for defending itself.

The story reminded me of an incident when I was about 10 years old. I was riding my bicycle about half a mile from home when I saw a man walking his doberman. The dog looked up, saw me, chased me, and bit me on the backside. It wasn't self defence, I didn't do anything to it. My father knew right from wrong. I don't think the dog was raised badly, it just seemed to revert back to it's primal nature. It was never caught, so I don't know if it went on to be a repeat offender.

I like animals, especially dogs, but when they bite they will most likely do so again. I don't like what this guy did, but dogs who bite should be put down.

You made a great number of assumptions in your post; my experience all those years ago suggest many of them are wrong.

You do understand that all current domestic dogs were bred from wolves dont you??.

You do understand that many of those dogs were bred by humans for specific purposes dont you ??

You do understand that Dobermans were bred specifically as an attack dog by humans dont you ??

So you are blaming the dog not the humans who bred it that way.


I'm blaming the dog because it was the dog that took a chunk out of my 10 year old backside. The owner should have been fined and the dog should have been put down. My backside recovered, let's just hope the 'man made' lovely didn't go on to take the face off a 3 year old.

It's fine to love dogs, but not blindly ... if they are out of control they need to be put to sleep. No exceptions.


Pretty low form of life just kills a dog,

Whats wrong with "you people" the animal bit his daughter, I would have done the same thing, family pet or not.......in Thailand, it wold have been useless to complain to the police or the amphur or the owners...........you attack my family, you will pay the ultimate price, or be hurt so bad you wished you had not done what you did.............we should take up a collection and pay his fine.wai2.gif wai2.gif


I have encountered a few nasty soi dogs (usually at night as they are protecting their territory) but on the whole they have been good natured and just wanted a bit of attention.

On another note I see how some Thais treat dogs, not just soi dogs but even some pets. I often see little kids kicking them and pulling their ears.

I understand people's opinion but a few attacks bad apples make all soi dogs bad and in need of being rounded up and killed. Its easy to pass judgement but lets remember these soi dogs come about because of human neglect of pets which end up on the street not neutered but kept alive by being fed which doesnt help but just allows to mate and multiply.

Well as you said yourself, we are at a stage where they get fed by humans, or scavenge, and manage to multiply on their own and know no other life than that of being a pack animal. Most seem harmless as they doze in the midday sun, often in the middle of the road. Some sleep in the entrance to a 7-11 and nobody moves them on. This is ridiculous, I nervously step over them, I do not know if the dog will feel threatened and snap at me. The staff seem to think the comfort of the dog is of more importance than the risk or fear to customers. Once the sun sets they behave more aggressively and are a danger to pedestrians, those on bikes and playing children.

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