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SURVEY: Brexit, do you support it?


SURVEY: Brexit, do you support it?  

454 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you support the UK leaving the EU?

    • Yes, I am a UK national and I support leaving the EU.
    • Yes, I support the UK leaving the EU, but I am not a UK national.
    • No, I am a UK national and I do not support leaving the EU.
    • No, I do not support the UK leaving the EU and I am not a UK national.

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At long last, someone who is willing to speak about the white elephant in the room that the white noise tries to drown out. I am even more surprised that it was published in a Pro EU paper.

Brexit may be the best answer to a dying eurozone

The Elephant.

The eurozone crisis is about more than Greece. It is about Italy, where the economy is barely any bigger now than it was when the single currency was introduced. And France, where unemployment is double the level of the UK or the US. And Finland, one of the most tech-savvy countries in Europe, where the economy is 7% smaller than it was before the start of the financial crisis. And even Germany, where an export boom and high corporate profits have been paid for by workers in the form of below-inflation pay increases.

For some reason he missed Spain off his list. I think he can be forgiven for that as he at least has the b@lls to address the real issue.


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Serious Question.

Can anyone tell me with regards to the ‘jungle’ why does France not seem to

1. Establish if the people there have a valid visa to be in France/EU,

2. ask if those without wish to ask for asylum in France,

3. Deport illegal aliens.

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Serious Question.

Can anyone tell me with regards to the ‘jungle’ why does France not seem to

1. Establish if the people there have a valid visa to be in France/EU,

2. ask if those without wish to ask for asylum in France,

3. Deport illegal aliens.

There have been camps along the French coast from the 80's all housing illegals trying to get to the UK. Sangatte springs to mind.

Why France allows this is open to debate, but is truly a mystery.

I can only think of 2 reasons why France does not take action.

1. The Liberal Lefties will not allow it.

2. The French really do hate the UK.

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Looking at resent news, in Greece most can see what EU has done to it.

Italy ain't getting any better so Austria has fenced its border with it.

Mrs Gerry is in trouble with coming elections and has got crazy people getting more and more support, we know why.

America's trade whatsit is at a stand still.

France has major riots on the streets.

Planes blowing up in the sky taking off from France.

Not mention Brussels absolute bungling of security at an airport.

And remainders want to be part of that. blink.png

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Admire your optimism on the geography, should the UK leave the EU there is every chance that Scotland will leave the UK.

You might have noticed Sandy, that support for the SNP is waning and they lost their majority at the last election. This make it almost impossible for there to be another Scottish referendum.

Those that I speak to in Scotland, tell me that the SNP's support is waning because of their EU remain stance. Read into that what you will, I am only the messenger.

I have never supported the SNP, I remember Alex Salmond from his younger days. SNP support and referendums are two separate issues.

The Scots may have been reluctant to go it alone before but as Grouse says, they despise Westminster so they will not want to go it alone with Westminster at the helm.

Do I take it from your forum name that you were a Sgt in the Rockapes?

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Serious Question.

Can anyone tell me with regards to the ‘jungle’ why does France not seem to

1. Establish if the people there have a valid visa to be in France/EU,

2. ask if those without wish to ask for asylum in France,

3. Deport illegal aliens.

There have been camps along the French coast from the 80's all housing illegals trying to get to the UK. Sangatte springs to mind.

Why France allows this is open to debate, but is truly a mystery.

I can only think of 2 reasons why France does not take action.

1. The Liberal Lefties will not allow it.

2. The French really do hate the UK.

I feel sorry for the residence in Calais if they hated the English they would provide the nice immigrate with boats so UK could have them for so many reasons.


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UK: Latest UK Brexit polls

Pollster Published Remain Leave undecided sample


Comres** May-19 52 41 7 phone 1000

Ipsos Mori May-18 55 37 8 phone

YouGov May-18 44 40 16 online

TNS May-16 38 41 21 online

ORB Teleg* May-16 51 45 4 Phone 800

ICM May-16 47 39 14 phone

ICM May-16 43 47 10 online

ICM May-09 44 46 10

YouGov May-08 42 40 18

BMG Research May-04 43 45 13 (sic)

TNS May-04 39 36 25

ICM May-03 44 45 11

ICM May-01 43 46 11

Source: Market News International (MNI) – A Deutsche Börse company

20. May 2016 11:50:00

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Admire your optimism on the geography, should the UK leave the EU there is every chance that Scotland will leave the UK.

You might have noticed Sandy, that support for the SNP is waning and they lost their majority at the last election. This make it almost impossible for there to be another Scottish referendum.

Those that I speak to in Scotland, tell me that the SNP's support is waning because of their EU remain stance. Read into that what you will, I am only the messenger.

I have never supported the SNP, I remember Alex Salmond from his younger days. SNP support and referendums are two separate issues.

The Scots may have been reluctant to go it alone before but as Grouse says, they despise Westminster so they will not want to go it alone with Westminster at the helm.

Do I take it from your forum name that you were a Sgt in the Rockapes?

As I said Sandy, no need to shoot the messenger, this is the feedback that I am getting from people that are currently in Scotland. All Ex Military and a high number of them still working for Government Agencies. It is quite possible that I could have backed the SNP in their quest for Independence if they had not been so pro EU, but Salmond and Sturgeon never really filled me with confidence either. I digress.

The Tories are also despised in Scotland, they seemed to do better than anticipatedl at the Scottish Elections. Food for thought.

Your last sentence made me pause for thought. No, I was not a Rock Ape, and I had to cast my mind back, I do not believe that I came across any whilst I was serving. None that I can remember anyway. I did meet a few after I retired, funny old world.

Edited by SgtRock
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I have never supported the SNP, I remember Alex Salmond from his younger days. SNP support and referendums are two separate issues.

The Scots may have been reluctant to go it alone before but as Grouse says, they despise Westminster so they will not want to go it alone with Westminster at the helm.

Do I take it from your forum name that you were a Sgt in the Rockapes?

A lot of the SNP support comes from disillusioned Labour voters, a kind of protest vote if you like.

That does not mean that the majority of the Scottish people want to leave the UK.

The majority already made their wishes clear at the independence referendum. Why would they want to break from Westminster to re join an undemocratic single state and have even less say and control in their affairs?

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EU is a community that stretches from the Artic circle to Africa, from Asia to the Atlantic.

You can live anywhere ,work anywhere, travel anywhere without any hassle.......

How could anyone would want to throw all that away and believes they’d be better off bounded between Berwick and Bournemouth is just beyond belief.

That doesn't wash either.

We (the UK) traded with the WHOLE of the rest of the world before joining the EEC and would continue to do so after leaving the EU.

Do you really think trade would stop ?

Geographically, Land's End to John O'Groats is fine.

The UK trades with 53 countries on the back of an EU agreement, that is 53 trade deals that would have to be renegotiated. The leave campaign are very reluctant to say how this will be achieved and how long it will take. You must bear in mind that no new deal could be started where product is subject to conformity until some new proof of conformity has been established. I have yet to see anything from the leave campaign over the issue of CE marking.

Of course you are quite right that the UK would be free to trade, any product available to trade, as a WTO member subject to the WTO tariff structure.

You cannot use what happened in the past as a reference as the rules of the game have changed.

Admire your optimism on the geography, should the UK leave the EU there is every chance that Scotland will leave the UK.

Everything you say, I disagree with. In particular I would like to point out to you a 100% fact.

The SNP will push for separation from the rest of the U.K. In the event of either a vote to remain in OR a vote for Exit. Nicola Sturgeon knows only too well

that a Brixit is the right way to go, yet she knows that if there is Scottish separation, the EU will look favourable on her application to transfer the Scottish people's democracy,to the Bureaucrats in Brussels.post-78707-14637270686494_thumb.jpg

Edited by nontabury
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Admire your optimism on the geography, should the UK leave the EU there is every chance that Scotland will leave the UK.

You might have noticed Sandy, that support for the SNP is waning and they lost their majority at the last election. This make it almost impossible for there to be another Scottish referendum.

Those that I speak to in Scotland, tell me that the SNP's support is waning because of their EU remain stance. Read into that what you will, I am only the messenger.

It would seem you are correct.Sgt.

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Admire your optimism on the geography, should the UK leave the EU there is every chance that Scotland will leave the UK.

You might have noticed Sandy, that support for the SNP is waning and they lost their majority at the last election. This make it almost impossible for there to be another Scottish referendum.

Those that I speak to in Scotland, tell me that the SNP's support is waning because of their EU remain stance. Read into that what you will, I am only the messenger.

It would seem you are correct.Sgt.attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1463727490.648144.jpg

It is certainly true within my circle of friends and acquaintances. How widespread this is throughout Scotland I would not care to try and guess at.

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EU is a community that stretches from the Artic circle to Africa, from Asia to the Atlantic.

You can live anywhere ,work anywhere, travel anywhere without any hassle.......

How could anyone would want to throw all that away and believes they’d be better off bounded between Berwick and Bournemouth is just beyond belief.

That doesn't wash either.

We (the UK) traded with the WHOLE of the rest of the world before joining the EEC and would continue to do so after leaving the EU.

Do you really think trade would stop ?

Geographically, Land's End to John O'Groats is fine.

The UK trades with 53 countries on the back of an EU agreement, that is 53 trade deals that would have to be renegotiated. The leave campaign are very reluctant to say how this will be achieved and how long it will take. You must bear in mind that no new deal could be started where product is subject to conformity until some new proof of conformity has been established. I have yet to see anything from the leave campaign over the issue of CE marking.

Of course you are quite right that the UK would be free to trade, any product available to trade, as a WTO member subject to the WTO tariff structure.

You cannot use what happened in the past as a reference as the rules of the game have changed.

Admire your optimism on the geography, should the UK leave the EU there is every chance that Scotland will leave the UK.

Everything you say, I disagree with. In particular I would like to point out to you a 100% fact.

The SNP will push for separation from the rest of the U.K. In the event of either a vote to remain in OR a vote for Exit. Nicola Sturgeon knows only too well

that a Brixit is the right way to go, yet she knows that if there is Scottish separation, the EU will look favourable on her application to transfer the Scottish people's democracy,to the Bureaucrats in Brussels.attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1463727066.174488.jpg

There is only one 100% fact in this life, death, something else you can disagree with.

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UK: Latest UK Brexit polls

Pollster Published Remain Leave undecided sample


Comres** May-19 52 41 7 phone 1000

Ipsos Mori May-18 55 37 8 phone

YouGov May-18 44 40 16 online

TNS May-16 38 41 21 online

ORB Teleg* May-16 51 45 4 Phone 800

ICM May-16 47 39 14 phone

ICM May-16 43 47 10 online

ICM May-09 44 46 10

YouGov May-08 42 40 18

BMG Research May-04 43 45 13 (sic)

TNS May-04 39 36 25

ICM May-03 44 45 11

ICM May-01 43 46 11

Source: Market News International (MNI) – A Deutsche Börse company

20. May 2016 11:50:00

This is something that puzzles me. I read polls in which people are asked multiple question with conflicting answer. For instance people state that they don't trust Cameron,they think his comment that a Britex will cause WW3 is completely crazy. They believe the economy will not improve whilst we remain in the EU and that They are extremely worried about the open border and it's effect on immigration. Yet some of these same people still declare their intention to vote remain. I can only put it down to the British people being conservative,that is of course with a small c.

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EU is a community that stretches from the Artic circle to Africa, from Asia to the Atlantic.

You can live anywhere ,work anywhere, travel anywhere without any hassle.......

How could anyone would want to throw all that away and believes theyd be better off bounded between Berwick and Bournemouth is just beyond belief.

That doesn't wash either.

We (the UK) traded with the WHOLE of the rest of the world before joining the EEC and would continue to do so after leaving the EU.

Do you really think trade would stop ?

Geographically, Land's End to John O'Groats is fine.

totally incorrect. Until the EU the UK relied on an Empire/commonwealth that it dominated and exploited for raw materials trade etc.......it became very obvious to all parties after WW2 that this situation was no longer viable and another "community was needed. We didn't join the EU for fun, it was a necessity.

it also looks like you haven't read my post properly as I'm not talking about trade, i'm talking about freedom to move, live work where I like without jumping through countless bureaucratic hoops. I'm talking about being a EUROPEAN and not a "Little Englander" with a parochial xenophobic outlook that you and other Brexiteers see to purvey

as for trade; well, you can't "trade" unless you have something and someone to trade with.......

do you really thing that trade will continue - leaving the EU takes 2 years of official negotiation...after that the UK has to renegotiate virtually ALL of it's trade deals and many treaties - but NOT from a position of power a position of "Little England"

You schoolboy grasp of history is leading you up the garden path.

Freedom of movement to live and work is a major boon! Look at all the hassles here with visas and Workpermits.

I was able to move my family to live and work in Denmark and subsequently Germany with no hassle whatever. None.

I did learn both languages. Nor absolutely necessary but a courtesy nonetheless.

I can only think of two advantages for remaining in this corrupt so called union.

1/ no passport required for traveling around the EU.

2/ easier to move around the Rest of the EU in order to gain employment,due to the open border policy, however this is countered by the inflow of many undesirables into the UK from the EU. Criminals and those with no special skills,who rely on undercutting the wages of UK workers ,or on financial support from the UK tax payers.

Now I would like Grouse,Chang Mie,or Sandy to help me understand why the Britex campaign has got everything wrong. To this end I would respectfully ask you to look at the Britex movie as in Sgt Rocks post 1038. You presumably disagree and considered it nothing but unsupported propaganda, That's fair enough, so please point out to us uneducated underlings where it is wrong and why. Being open minded I will start off by helping you. One of the reasons Switzerland is so prosperous is due to them not being involved in the Two world wars and spending so little on it's military. The exemption being the Pope's Swiss guard.

Edited by nontabury
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Some more people sticking their noses in where its not wanted.

Film stars, singers, writers and Boris Johnson’s favourite designer are among nearly 300 leading figures from the arts world to have signed a letter urging Britain to remain in the EU.


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Some more people sticking their noses in where its not wanted.

Film stars, singers, writers and Boris Johnson’s favourite designer are among nearly 300 leading figures from the arts world to have signed a letter urging Britain to remain in the EU.


Do these overpaid luvvies not know that all the grants they receive from the EU are paid for by the British Taxpayers. I just wonder if they have any immigrants living in there neighborhoods, and are they worried they might loose their lively hoods to these same people. Sounds to me as "I'm all right Jack"

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Some more people sticking their noses in where its not wanted.

Film stars, singers, writers and Boris Johnson’s favourite designer are among nearly 300 leading figures from the arts world to have signed a letter urging Britain to remain in the EU.


Do these overpaid luvvies not know that all the grants they receive from the EU are paid for by the British Taxpayers. I just wonder if they have any immigrants living in there neighborhoods, and are they worried they might loose their lively hoods to these same people. Sounds to me as "I'm all right Jack"

Some of these luvvies went to Calais and publicly declared that they personally would house some of the migrants.

What happened to that grand plan ?

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That doesn't wash either.

We (the UK) traded with the WHOLE of the rest of the world before joining the EEC and would continue to do so after leaving the EU.

Do you really think trade would stop ?

Geographically, Land's End to John O'Groats is fine.

totally incorrect. Until the EU the UK relied on an Empire/commonwealth that it dominated and exploited for raw materials trade etc.......it became very obvious to all parties after WW2 that this situation was no longer viable and another "community was needed. We didn't join the EU for fun, it was a necessity.

it also looks like you haven't read my post properly as I'm not talking about trade, i'm talking about freedom to move, live work where I like without jumping through countless bureaucratic hoops. I'm talking about being a EUROPEAN and not a "Little Englander" with a parochial xenophobic outlook that you and other Brexiteers see to purvey

as for trade; well, you can't "trade" unless you have something and someone to trade with.......

do you really thing that trade will continue - leaving the EU takes 2 years of official negotiation...after that the UK has to renegotiate virtually ALL of it's trade deals and many treaties - but NOT from a position of power a position of "Little England"

You schoolboy grasp of history is leading you up the garden path.

Freedom of movement to live and work is a major boon! Look at all the hassles here with visas and Workpermits.

I was able to move my family to live and work in Denmark and subsequently Germany with no hassle whatever. None.

I did learn both languages. Nor absolutely necessary but a courtesy nonetheless.

I can only think of two advantages for remaining in this corrupt so called union.

1/ no passport required for traveling around the EU.

2/ easier to move around the Rest of the EU in order to gain employment,due to the open border policy, however this is countered by the inflow of many undesirables into the UK from the EU. Criminals and those with no special skills,who rely on undercutting the wages of UK workers ,or on financial support from the UK tax payers.

Now I would like Grouse,Chang Mie,or Sandy to help me understand why the Britex campaign has got everything wrong. To this end I would respectfully ask you to look at the Britex movie as in Sgt Rocks post 1038. You presumably disagree and considered it nothing but unsupported propaganda, That's fair enough, so please point out to us uneducated underlings where it is wrong and why. Being open minded I will start off by helping you. One of the reasons Switzerland is so prosperous is due to them not being involved in the Two world wars and spending so little on it's military. The exemption being the Pope's Swiss guard.

At no time have I ever said that the Brexit camp has got everything wrong, there are certainly some valid arguments for leaving but some arguments have been grossly distorted and others exaggerated by omission.

The question can very easily be put the other way, why has the remain camp got everything wrong. and you can have exactly the same answer.

What many seem to overlook is that we are in the EU and it is up the Brexit camp to prove beyond a shadow of doubt that life would be better on the other side, something that has failed so far. The situation is a bit like the concept of being innocent until proven guilty. It will be up to each individual, the jury, to decide if the case has been proven. The real concern here is that the jury retires without hearing all the evidence.

The hidden danger in all this is the damage to the UK political structure, a leave vote is going to leave the government in a mess. People like Boris Johnson and Donald Trump may well be popular with the people but they are not international statesmen. It is a big world out there and if want your voice to be heard then you must have the presence to make it heard.

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The hidden danger in all this is the damage to the UK political structure, a leave vote is going to leave the government in a mess. People like Boris Johnson and Donald Trump may well be popular with the people but they are not international statesmen. It is a big world out there and if want your voice to be heard then you must have the presence to make it heard.

This is one of my biggest hopes. That politics in the UK will be rattled beyond recognition. It is rotten from top to bottom and is an embarrassment to any Country that calls itself a democracy.

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International Statesmen Sgt Rock. ?. Like your Henry Kisinger,no thanks let a Brit like Boris speak not an imegrant free loader..America and England have had their generosity shit on.im Portuguese no free handouts so no idle folk come to leach

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My personal belief is that the decision on which way to vote in the referendum does not have to be convincing "beyond a shadow

of doubt". Clearly this will never be the case. Doubts will linger for a long time, especially during the lengthy "exit" proceedings.

I think the decision has to be made on the basis of the legal term "balance of probabilities". Sober analysis of the salient features

in this debate, to my mind at least, come down heavily on the side of Brexit.

I have said in previous posts that the future in the EU is just as unknown, for the British, as the future outside of it.

However, I have had a re-think on this position. There are some elements of the future direction and plans for Europe

which are well known. When assessing some of these "known" facts, for example: the accession of several more poor

countries, ever closer integration (eventually leading to Federalism, without doubt), the huge, and ever-increasing burden of

funding this unwieldy bureaucracy, Britain's declining "influence from within", and when taken together with the future "imponderables",

it would seem to me that the "balance of probabilities" falls down mighty heavily on the "get-the-Hell-out-of-Europe-as-quickly-

as-you-can side.

As to Sandy's comment that Boris Johnson and Donald Trump are not "international statesmen" (whatever that means in this

day and age), the days of British notables in this regard have long been numbered. I do not see one "statesman (or woman) in

the present Government, nor in any of the opposition parties. Probably the last statesman we had, was a woman!

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look, I will make UK great again.. I will build a wall to protect citizen from drug coming directly from Germany and East of Europe .

and I will renegotiate trades with Europe.

UK will be strong again. and you know why? because we are a great country with courageous people.

vote Brexit!

Edited by returnofthailand
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That doesn't wash either.

We (the UK) traded with the WHOLE of the rest of the world before joining the EEC and would continue to do so after leaving the EU.

Do you really think trade would stop ?

Geographically, Land's End to John O'Groats is fine.
totally incorrect. Until the EU the UK relied on an Empire/commonwealth that it dominated and exploited for raw materials trade etc.......it became very obvious to all parties after WW2 that this situation was no longer viable and another "community was needed. We didn't join the EU for fun, it was a necessity.

it also looks like you haven't read my post properly as I'm not talking about trade, i'm talking about freedom to move, live work where I like without jumping through countless bureaucratic hoops. I'm talking about being a EUROPEAN and not a "Little Englander" with a parochial xenophobic outlook that you and other Brexiteers see to purvey

as for trade; well, you can't "trade" unless you have something and someone to trade with.......

do you really thing that trade will continue - leaving the EU takes 2 years of official negotiation...after that the UK has to renegotiate virtually ALL of it's trade deals and many treaties - but NOT from a position of power a position of "Little England"

You schoolboy grasp of history is leading you up the garden path.
Freedom of movement to live and work is a major boon! Look at all the hassles here with visas and Workpermits.

I was able to move my family to live and work in Denmark and subsequently Germany with no hassle whatever. None.

I did learn both languages. Nor absolutely necessary but a courtesy nonetheless.

I can only think of two advantages for remaining in this corrupt so called union.

1/ no passport required for traveling around the EU.

2/ easier to move around the Rest of the EU in order to gain employment,due to the open border policy, however this is countered by the inflow of many undesirables into the UK from the EU. Criminals and those with no special skills,who rely on undercutting the wages of UK workers ,or on financial support from the UK tax payers.

Now I would like Grouse,Chang Mie,or Sandy to help me understand why the Britex campaign has got everything wrong. To this end I would respectfully ask you to look at the Britex movie as in Sgt Rocks post 1038. You presumably disagree and considered it nothing but unsupported propaganda, That's fair enough, so please point out to us uneducated underlings where it is wrong and why. Being open minded I will start off by helping you. One of the reasons Switzerland is so prosperous is due to them not being involved in the Two world wars and spending so little on it's military. The exemption being the Pope's Swiss guard.

At no time have I ever said that the Brexit camp has got everything wrong, there are certainly some valid arguments for leaving but some arguments have been grossly distorted and others exaggerated by omission.
The question can very easily be put the other way, why has the remain camp got everything wrong. and you can have exactly the same answer.

What many seem to overlook is that we are in the EU and it is up the Brexit camp to prove beyond a shadow of doubt that life would be better on the other side, something that has failed so far. The situation is a bit like the concept of being innocent until proven guilty. It will be up to each individual, the jury, to decide if the case has been proven. The real concern here is that the jury retires without hearing all the evidence.

The hidden danger in all this is the damage to the UK political structure, a leave vote is going to leave the government in a mess. People like Boris Johnson and Donald Trump may well be popular with the people but they are not international statesmen. It is a big world out there and if want your voice to be heard then you must have the presence to make it heard.

Instead of supplying a wishy-washy reply,just answer the question I have put to you. Come on I'm prepared to be persuaded that you are correct, just persuade me.
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The pound (GBP) has dropped nearly one-half of a percent against the Euro (EUR) in today's trade.

If, as some have averred, it is so heavily correlated with a vote to remain in the EU, why has it tanked today?

Is there fresh news that the "in" campaign is on the up-and-up?

I think not. It is not correlated at all with the in/out campaign. It is simply a function of market forces, as

it always has been. And as the good Sergeant remarked in one of his previous posts.

Sorry to say this to you remainers, but it's the truth!

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The pound (GBP) has dropped nearly one-half of a percent against the Euro (EUR) in today's trade.

If, as some have averred, it is so heavily correlated with a vote to remain in the EU, why has it tanked today?

Is there fresh news that the "in" campaign is on the up-and-up?

I think not. It is not correlated at all with the in/out campaign. It is simply a function of market forces, as

it always has been. And as the good Sergeant remarked in one of his previous posts.

Sorry to say this to you remainers, but it's the truth!

The £ has slightly increased in value over these last couple of weeks. All to do with the latest trade figures and the lower unemployment numbers.

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